19 results on '"informiranje"'
Search Results
2. News media repertoires and information practices among youth
- Author
Kužner, Tajda and Oblak Črnič, Tanja
- Subjects
novice ,youth ,media repertoires ,digitalni mediji ,fokusne skupine ,udc:07:316.77-053.6(043.2) ,information ,medijatizacija ,informiranje ,focus groups ,news ,medijski repertoarji ,mladi ,digital media ,mediatization - Abstract
V sklepni nalogi raziskujemo percepcije novic in aktualne prakse informiranja med mladostniki, ki živijo v visoko medijatiziranem svetu, in proučujemo navzkrižna razmerja med njihovimi percepcijami novic, medijskimi izbirami in tehnolosškimi preferencami. Za to smo uporabili koncept medijskih repertoarjev, ki omogoča poglobljeno konceptualiziranje in empirično preverjanje medijskih praks v vsakdanjem življenju ter na presečiščih družinskega in edukacijskega oz. vrstniškega konteksta. S pomočjo poglobljenega pregleda sorodnih študij in samostojne kvalitativne raziskave na manjši skupini gimnazijcev ugotavljamo, da je trenutna novičarska medijska potrošnja mladostnikov strukturirana v tri ločene novičarske repertoarje, ki kažejo na pozitivno povezavo med informacijskimi medijskimi preferencami mladostnikov, percepcijo novic in specifičnimi praksami informiranja. T. i. “informirani tradicionalisti” denimo novice od drugih vsebin ločujejo na podlagi tehnologije in pogosteje od ostalih sogovornikov do novic dostopajo namensko ter prek bolj tradicionalnih medijev. “Priložnostni verodostojneži” se primarno informirajo na družbenih omrežjih, a prek verodostojnih virov, kar je tudi ključ po katerem definirajo, kaj so to novice. “Naključno informirani platformneži” smo poimenovali tiste dijake, ki se z novicami srečujejo izključno naključno, med tem ko uporabljajo različne družbene platforme, in jih posledično opredeljujejo v povezavi z vsebino. Študija potrjuje, da je pri raziskovanju percepcije novic in praks informiranja kot izhodiščno točko raziskovanja treba upoštevati tako vsakdanje življenje medijskega občinstva kot njihove ključne družbene mreže. This thesis investigates the perceptions of news and current information practices among young people living in a highly mediatized world, and examines cross-media relationships among their perceptions of news, media choices, and technological preferences. For this, we used the concept of media repertoires, which enables in-depth conceptualization and empirical verification of media practices in both everyday life and at the intersections of family and educational or peer context. With the help of an in-depth review of related studies, and independent qualitative research on a small group of high school students, we found that the current news media consumption of young people is structured into three separate news repertoires, which indicate a positive correlation between news media preferences, perception of news, and specific information practices. The so-called “informed traditionalists”, for example, separate news from other content on the basis of technology and more often access news on purpose, and using traditional media. “Occasional credibles” are primarily informed on social networks, but also use credible news sources, which are also their definition of news. “The randomly informed platformers” come across news accidentally while using various social platforms, and consequently define news in connection with content. The study confirms that when researching the perception of news and information practices, it is necessary to take into account both the everyday life of the media audience and their key social networks as a starting point of the research.
- Published
- 2023
3. Participacija in informiranje v upravnem postopku - trendi v Sloveniji in Evropskoj uniji.
- Author
Kovač, Polonca
- Abstract
Copyright of Croatian & Comparative Public Administration is the property of Institut za Javnu Upravu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
HUMER, Živa, ŠVAB, Alenka, and ŽAKELJ, Tjaša
- Subjects
FAMILIES ,PARENTHOOD ,DAY care centers ,CHILD care ,PARENTING ,TIME management - Abstract
Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
5. Communication and preparation of the patient to the planned surgery and his rights
- Author
Zapušek, Maja and Kraljić, Suzana
- Subjects
safety ,spoštovanje ,mental and physical preparation of the patient ,pojasnilna dolžnost ,respect ,trust ,zaupanje ,information ,rights ,psihična in fizična priprava pacienta ,varnost ,informiranje ,pravice ,explanatory duty ,udc:616-089:614.253.83(043.2) - Abstract
Izhodišča: Komunikacija in priprava pacienta na planiran operativni poseg ter njegove pravice so ključni del dobre priprave pacienta na operativni poseg in zdravljenje po njem. Namen magistrskega dela je opisati komunikacijo in pripravo pacienta na planiran operativni poseg ter njegove pravice in dolžnosti. Metode: Raziskava magistrskega dela je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji raziskovanja. Izvedli smo deskriptivno študijo. Uporabili smo inferenčno statistično metodo in deskriptivno statistično metodo. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da med spremenljivkama elementi komunikacije in varnostjo pacienta obstaja močna pozitivna povezanost (rs = 0,796 p < 0,001). Med spremenljivkama elementi komunikacije in upoštevanje pravic pacientov prav tako obstaja pozitivna povezanost (rs = 0,739 p < 0,001). Mann-Whitney test je pokazal, da ni statistično pomembnih razlik med predhodnimi operacijami in informiranostjo pacienta. Ugotavljamo tudi, da so pacienti, stari do 40 let, v povprečju višje ocenili upoštevanje pravic kot pacienti, starejši od 40 let (U = −2,077 p = 0,038), in da pacienti z osnovnošolsko, poklicno in srednješolsko izobrazbo v povprečju nižje ocenjujejo upoštevanje dolžnosti kot pa pacienti, ki imajo višješolsko izobrazbo in več (U = −2,693 p = 0,007). Diskusija in zaključek: Pomembna kazalnika dobre priprave pacienta na planiran operativni poseg sta dobra komunikacija in poznavanje pravic in dolžnosti pacienta. Ključni pokazatelji so dobra psihična in fizična priprava pacienta in dobro poznavanje samega postopka zdravljenja. Starting points: Communication and patient preparation for a planned surgery and his or her rights are a key part of a patient's good preparation for surgery and treatment thereafter. The purpose of the master's thesis is to describe the communication and preparation of the patient for the planned surgery, and his rights and duties treatment of the patient. Methods: The research of the master's thesis was based on quantitative research methodology. We conducted a descriptive study. We used the inferential statistical method and the descriptive method. Results: The results showed that there was a strong positive association between the elements of communication elements and patient safety (rs = 0,796 p < 0,001). There is also a positive correlation between the elements of communication and respect for patients' rights (rs = 0,739 p < 0,001). The Mann - Whitney test showed that there were no statistically significant differences between prior surgery and patient awareness. We also find that patients up to 40 years of age have higher adherence rates than patients over 40 (U = -2,077 p = 0,038), and that patients with primary, vocational, and secondary education have lower adherence rates, than patients with post-secondary education and higher (U = -2,693 p = 0,007). Discussion and conclusion: An important indicator of a patient's good preparation for a planned surgery is good communication and knowledge of the patient's rights and duties. A key indicator is good mental and physical preparation of the patient and a good knowledge of the treatment process itself.
- Published
- 2020
6. Preparation of the patient for bronchoscopy
- Author
Dolgan, Tatjana and Peršolja Černe, Melita
- Subjects
preparation of patient ,informiranje ,bronchoscopy ,diplomske naloge ,bronhoskopija ,priprava pacienta ,medicinske sestre ,nurses ,udc:616.2 ,information - Published
- 2019
7. The connection between controllership activities, market value and business performance of big-sized slovenian enterprises
- Author
Resnik, Uroš and Kolar, Iztok
- Subjects
kontroling ,company's performance ,analysis ,controllership activities ,dejavnost kontrolinga ,analiziranje ,controlling ,vrednost podjetja ,information ,informiranje ,value of company ,tržna kapitalizacija ,uspešnost poslovanja ,udc:657.6 ,planning ,market capitalization ,upravljanje ,management ,planiranje - Abstract
Po vedno večjih zahtevah trga o celovitem usmerjanju in upravljanju podjetij se je kontroling razvil v proces, ki ga poznamo danes. Dejavnost kontrolinga je kompleksna panoga, ki se od pristopa (anglo-ameriški in nemški) do organiziranosti poslovnega subjekta razlikuje. Na organiziranost dejavnosti kontrolinga vpliva velikost podjetja, okolje, razvejanost in kompleksnost organizacije. Geografski in zgodovinski faktorji imajo ključni vpliv na razumevanje kontrolinga v podjetjih. Pojmovanje službe, ki izvaja dejavnosti kontrolinga, ni enotno. Neodvisno od imenovanja službe je enotna težnja dejavnosti kontrolinga k informacijski podpori, usmerjanju in uravnavanju poslovanja podjetja. Cilj poslovanja vsakega podjetja je povečati uspešnost v poslovanju in s tem posredno maksimirati tržne vrednosti. Namen magistrske naloge je preučiti razmerja med dejavnostjo kontrolinga, uspešnostjo poslovanja in tržno vrednostjo podjetja na vzorcu slovenskih podjetij, ki kotirajo na ljubljanski borzi. Continually increasing demands of the market on integrated corporate governance guidance, developed controlling into a process as we know it today. Controllership activities are very complex and vary due different approaches (English-American and German) and different organisational structures of companies. The size, environment, diversity and complexity of the organization have strong impact on organization of controllership activities. Geographical and historical factors are the main drivers how controlling is understood. The understanding of controllership role in companies is not united. On the other hand, regardless the naming of the role, controllership activities are everywhere related to information support, guidance and regulation of the company's operations. The aim of every company is to increase performance and thus indirectly to maximize the market value. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine the relationships between controllership activities, company's performance and market value for Slovenian companies listed on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange.
- Published
- 2018
8. Informing in business communication
- Author
Leutar, Doris and Nadrljanski, Mila
- Subjects
social networks ,informiranje ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Traffic and Transport Technology ,poslovna komunikacija ,poslovanje ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Tehnologija prometa i transport ,business communication ,društvene mreže ,management ,information - Abstract
U radu se istražuje uloga informiranja u poslovnoj komunikaciji. Rad je fokusiran na bitne pojmove poslovne komunikacije,u koje spadaju: osnovni pojmovi,organizacija poslovanja, funkcija poslovanja, važnost komunikacije u funkcioniranju poslovne organizacije. Provedeno je israživanje na temu društvenih mreža kao izvora informacija jer u današnje vrijeme većina informacija dolazi upravo putem društvenih mreža, što je istraživanje i potvrdilo. Cilj israživanja bio je istražiti koje društvene mreže se najviše koriste u svrhu pregleda i dijeljenja informacija, ispitati zadovoljstvo korisnika takvim načinom dobivanja informacija. Anketa se provodila putem interneta, koristeći google obrasce. Sudjelovala je 101 osoba. Instrument koji se koristio i istraživanju bila anonimna anketa koja se sastojala od 15 pitanja. The paper explores the role of information in business communication. The paper focuses on essential business communication concepts, which include: basic concepts, business organization, business functions, importance of communication in the functioning of a business organization. Research on the topic of social networks has been conducted as a source of information because today most of the information comes through the social networks, which is the research and confirmed. The purpose of the research was to investigate which social networks are most used to view and share information, to examine user satisfaction with such a way of getting information. The survey was conducted over the Internet using google forms. 101 people participated. The instrument used and the research was an anonymous survey consisting of 15 questions.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Zrinka Gregov, Martina Šomođi, Jakov Bajić, and Tibor Pavić
- Subjects
entrepreneurship ,bankruptcy ,education ,information ,consultation ,poduzetništvo ,stečaj ,obrazovanje ,informiranje ,savjetovanje - Abstract
Problem ovog istraživanja su poteškoće i nepripremljenost poduzetnika za integralno upravljanje poduzećem, samim sobom i svojom obitelji u fazi terminalne poslovne krize i stečaja poduzeća. Cilj je istražiti koliko se poduzetnici za to pripremaju kroz poduzetničko obrazovanje, koliko se mogu informirati kroz usluge poduzetničkih potpornih institucija te postoje li specijalizirani konzultanti za restrukturiranje i stečaj malih i srednjih obiteljskih poduzeća u Hrvatskoj. Sekundarno istraživanje obuhvaćalo je najprije zastupljenost teme stečaja i propasti poduzeća u udžbenicima iz poduzetništva na hrvatskom jeziku. Uslijedio je pregled ponude kratkih programa o stečaju na web stranicama poduzetničkih potpornih institucija u Hrvatskoj te usluge specijaliziranih konzultanata. Na kraju je provedeno empirijsko istraživanje putem anketnog ispitivanja 46 malih i srednjih obiteljskih poduzetnika. Pokazalo se da je u udžbenicima, ponudi programa potpornih institucija i konzultantskim uslugama puno više zastupljena tema o pokretanju i rastu, nego o likvidaciji i stečaju poduzeća. Rezultati anketnog ispitivanja potvrdili su slabu informiranost poduzetnika o svemu onome što ih čeka u fazi propasti i stečaja poduzeća – od pravnih pitanja, menadžerskih izazova mogućnosti korištenja predstečaja i restrukturiranja poduzeća pa sve do faze žalovanja. Iz svih dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su poduzetnici slabo informirani, te da u Hrvatskoj ne postoje specijalizirane institucije za pomoć poduzetnicima i njihovim obiteljima u fazi stečaja – od pravnih pitanja do odgovarajuće zdravstvene i psihološke pomoći. Stoga su se iskristalizirale sljedeće preporuke za praksu: a) u formalno i neformalno obrazovanje za poduzetništvo više uključiti krizni menadžment i temu kako se osobno nositi s propasti poduzeća, b) interdisciplinarno educirati konzultante i krizne menadžere specijalizirane za mala i srednja obiteljska poduzeća te omogućiti subvencije za korištenje njihovih usluga, c) izraditi praktične vodiče za poduzetnike tipa „Kad kola krenu nizbrdo“ sa svim potrebnim informacijama za poduzetnike i članove njihovih obitelji, s korisnom literaturom i kontaktima specijaliziranih institucija., This paper focuses on the problems encountered by entrepreneurs who are not well equipped for integral management of their companies, themselves and their families at the time of crisis and bankruptcy. The aim was to investigate to what extent entrepreneurs get prepared through their entrepreneurship education, get informed through the institutions supporting entrepreneurs and whether or not there are consultants specialising in restructuring and bankruptcy of family-owned SMEs in Croatia. Secondary research comprised primarily the extent of coverage of this topic in entrepreneurship textbooks written in Croatian and short programmes offered on web pages of Croatian organisations supporting entrepreneurs. Empirical research was conducted through a survey of 46 entrepreneurs in family-owned SMEs. The results suggest that in textbooks and short programmes much more attention is paid to the topic of setting up a business than closing it down. Survey results confirm the assumption that entrepreneurs are not well informed on what they are to face at the stage of failure and bankruptcy – from legal issues, challenges for managers posed by the pre-bankruptcy and restructuring options to the stage or grief, appropriate medical and psychological assistance. That leads to the conclusion that entrepreneurs are not well informed, and that there are no institutions in Croatia that specialise in assisting entrepreneurs and their families at the bankruptcy stage. So recommendations are: a) formal and informal education for entrepreneurs should include more material on crisis management and how to cope with business failure on a personal level, b) provide interdisciplinary education for consultants and crisis managers specialising in family-owned SMEs and provide subsidies for using their services, c) develop handbooks for entrepreneurs of the „When things start going downhill“ type containing all the necessary information for entrepreneurs and members of their families as well as useful references and contact information about specialised institutions.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Pevec, Monika and Pajnkihar, Majda
- Subjects
otrok ,child ,k družini usmerjena zdravstvena oskrba ,informiranje ,vključevanje ,udc:616-053.2-083(043.2) ,starši ,parents ,involving ,the co-existence ,family centered care ,sobivanje ,information - Abstract
Hospitalizacija otroka je stresna za vse, ki ga obkrožajo. Najbolj stres prizadene otroka, ki je vzet iz svojega domačega in varnega okolja, včasih tudi od svojih staršev ali skrbnikov. V današnjem času se zdravstveni delavci trudijo zmanjšati ta stres, koliko je le možno. Zato so postali otroški oddelki odprti oddelki. To pa ni dovolj. Starši si želijo čim več informacij, da bodo lahko otroku pomagali v ustanovi in tudi doma. Zdravstveni delavci so dolžni uvesti k družini usmerjeno zdravstveno nego, saj bodo le tako lahko razvili kakovostno in učinkovito zdravstveno oskrbo otroka. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti v kolikšni meri so starši informirani o tem, kaj se z otrokom in koliko so vključeni v oskrbo svojega hospitaliziranega otroka. Raziskovalna metodologija: V raziskavi je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metodologija, pri tem nam je bil v pomoč program IBM SPSS 17.0. Za zajem podatkov je bil uporabljen anketni vprašalnik z 21 vprašanji. Raziskovalni vzorec je zajemal 49 staršev, ki so bili hospitalizirani ob otroku na Kliniki za pediatrijo Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Maribor. Za potrjevanje hipoteze je bil uporabljen neparametrični bivariatni statistični test. Rezultati: Starši so zadovoljni z informacijami, ki jih dobijo in menijo, da so zadovoljivo vključeni v oskrbo svojih otrok, vendar ne vsi. Ugotovili smo, da se zadovoljstvo staršev bistveno ne razlikuje glede na stopnjo njihove izobrazbe. Sklep: Glede na rezultate bomo predlagali izboljšave glede informiranja in vključevanja staršev v zdravstveno oskrbo otrok, ter da bi se staršem omogočilo večje udobje bivanja. Hospitalization of a child is a stress for all who surround him. Nevertheless, stress affects the child who is taken from his home, safe and secure environment, in the past even from his parents or guardians, the most. The health care professionals today are trying to reduce the stress as much as possible. Therefore, the children departments became open departments. However, this is not enough. Parents want as much information as possible to be able to help the child in the hospital and at home. Healthcare workers are obligated to include family centered care, because this is the only way to develop high quality and effective healthcare for a child. With this study, we wanted to determine the level of informing the parent about their child and how much the parents are involved in the care of their hospitalized child. Research methodology: In the study, we used quantitative methodology, with the help of the IBM SPSS 17.0 statistical software that was used to analyze the results from a questionnaire consisting of 21 questions. The research sample consisted of 49 parents, who were hospitalized with their child in Pediatric Clinic at the University Clinical Center Maribor. Bivariate nonparametric statistical test was used to test the hypothesis. Results: Parents were satisfied with the information that they received and they think that they are sufficiently involved in healthcare of their children, but not all of them. The results showed no relation between the satisfaction of parents and their education. Conclusion: According to the results, we will propose improvement about the informing and involving parents in healthcare of hospitalized children and to improve comfort of staying in hospital.
- Published
- 2015
11. Informirati, educirati, povezivati : HKD Novosti kroz rad uredništva 2012.-2014. godine
- Author
Tea Čonč, Nives Franić, and Alka Stropnik
- Subjects
Croatian Library Association ,CLA News ,librarianship ,professional bulletin ,information ,Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo ,HKD Novosti ,knjižničarstvo ,stručni bilten ,informiranje - Abstract
HKD Novosti stručno su glasilo Hrvatskoga knjižničarskog društva koje je 1994. pokrenula Aleksandra Horvat, tadašnja predsjednica Hrvatskoga bibliotekarskog društva, s namjerom informiranja stručne javnosti o radu stručnog društva te o novostima na domaćem i međunarodnom knjižničarskom planu. Glasilo izlazi 3-4 puta godišnje i svaki se broj formira prilozima članova o radu pojedinaca i tijela HKD-a, izvještajima sa skupova i ostalim manifestacijama u organizaciji HKD-a, ali i drugim temama u najširem smislu važnima hrvatskoj knjižničarskoj zajednici. Najvažnije zadaće uredništva glasila jesu planiranje i provođenje uređivačke politike, oblikovanje sadržajnog i vizualnog identiteta lista te motiviranje autora za pisanje priloga. Osnovna je svrha ovoga članka dati izvještaj o radu uredništva HKD Novosti u mandatnom razdoblju 2012.-2014. godine. Nakon kratkog pregleda povijesti glasila, opisana su postignuća posljednjeg uredništva u komunikaciji s autorima, formalnom i sadržajnom osvježenju te pojačanoj promidžbi lista. Također su prikazani rezultati ankete provedene od lipnja do rujna 2014. godine, kao i brojčani podaci o posjetu internetskim stranicama HKD Novosti u mandatnom razdoblju od 2012. do 2014. godine. U zaključku autorice navode preporuke za budući smjer razvoja HKD Novosti te preduvjete za njihovu daljnju transformaciju i napredak., The CLA News, a professional bulletin of the Croatian Library Association, was established in 1994 by Aleksandra Horvat, the president of the CLA at that time, with the goal to inform the library professionals about the work of the CLA and to publish the news from the domestic and international librarianship. The bulletin is published 3 to 4 times a year and every issue contains articles about the work of the individual CLA members, the work of the CLA professional boards, reports or short notices on conferences and other events organized by the CLA, but also reports on other important events and professional issues regarding national librarians' community. The most important duties of the CLA News Editorial Board are forming and implementing editorial policies, making decisions on the form and content of the bulletin, and keeping contacts with the authors to motivate them to write articles and reports. The aim of this paper is to present the report about the work of the CLA News Editorial Board between 2012 and 2014. After a short overview of the history of the bulletin, the paper focuses on the achievements of the former Editorial Board in communication with the authors, formal and content-wise changes, and activities related to the promotion of the bulletin. The results of the survey conducted among the readers from the beginning of July till the end of September 2014 and the number of users who accessed the online edition of the CLA News in the same period are also presented. In the conclusion the authors propose the guidelines for the further development of the bulletin and the essential prerequisites necessary for its further improvement.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Magdalena Zrakić, Lari Hadelan, and Nikolina Korlat
- Subjects
informiranje ,anketa ,mediji ,poljoprivredna gospodarstva ,information ,questionnaire ,media ,farms - Abstract
Cilj rada je deskriptivno vrednovati elektronske i tiskane medije kao i druge izvore koje poljoprivrednici koriste za potrebe poslovnog informiranja. Za potrebe rada korištena je metoda anketnog ispitivanja. Anketirana su 63 nositelja obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava iz različitih dijelova Hrvatske, a rezultati su obrađeni u SPSS programu za statističku obradu. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je Internet najčešće korišteno sredstvo informiranja poljoprivrednika. Veliki proizvođači češće koriste informacije specijaliziranih društava i udruga. Mediji se značajno koriste za potrebe informiranja poljoprivrednika iako se percipirana kvaliteta informacija razlikuje među ispitanicima. Najbolje ocijenjena emisija u kategoriji elektronskih medija s obzirom na kriterije vjerodostojnosti, razumljivosti i primjenjivosti informacija je emisija specijaliziranog sadržaja na nacionalnoj televiziji (Plodovi zemlje). U kategoriji tiskanih medija, ispitanici su najkvalitetnijim medijskim izvorom ocijenili Gospodarski list., The aim of this paper is to descriptively evaluate the electronic and printed media as well as other sources that farmers use for information. For the purpose of the work the survey method was used. Respondents were 63 holders of family farms from different parts of Croatia and the results were processed in SPSS for statistical analysis. Research has shown that online sources (Internet) are most commonly used sources of farmers information. Large producers mostly use information from specialized societies and associations. The media sources are significantly used although the perceived quality of their information varies among the respondents. Highly rated show in electronic media according to credibility, readability and relevance of information is a specialized show on public television (Plodovi zemlje). In the category of printed media, respondents highly rated Gospodarski list.
- Published
- 2014
13. Participation and Access to Information in Administrative Procedure – Trends in Slovenia and the European Union
- Author
Polonca Kovač
- Subjects
participation ,information ,administrative procedure ,good administration ,Slovenia ,EU ,participacija ,informiranje ,upravni postopek ,dobra uprava ,Slovenija ,Evropska unija - Abstract
Participacija ljudi v razmerjih do oblasti pomeni izraz demokratičnosti in priznavanja strank kot subjektov in soodločevalcev v javnih zadevah, ne le objektov monopolističnega upravnega odločanja. Zato zlasti pravici do informacij in izjaviti se oziroma biti slišan, posebej v konkretnih upravnih postopkih glede na posamični pravni interes upravičencev, pomenita temelj obrambe pred prekomerno oblastjo in nujen element sodobnega dobrega upravljanja (good governance). V prispevku se na temelju funkcij upravnega postopka kot orodja obrambe pred in dialoga strank z oblastnimi upravnimi organi analizira razumevanje teh dveh pravic v ključnih evropskih in slovenskih pravnih aktih, teoriji in judikaturi. Sklepno avtorica analizira ključne minimalne standardov obrambe in dialoga glede na smernice razvoja dobre uprave., The concept of good administration in national and other forms of administrative authorities requires efficient, yet democratic conduct in relations with parties (citizens, business, NGOs etc.). The participation of citizens and users of public services is a key building block of modern society. Namely, understanding the legitimacy and accountability of authority – limited by law – is expressed through acknowledgment of parties as subjects and their proactive involvement in public co-decision making. On the parties’ side, participation leads to consistent compliance with administrative decision, hence development and trust into the state governed by law. This contribution aims to emphasize the significance of participation and its legal aspects in contemporary public administration – primarily based on a longitudinal analysis of the functions of administrative procedure. The concept of participation is expressed in different activities of all authority holders. However, it is more evident at issuing obligatory general and individual acts on of the parties’ rights and duties. Consequently, the right to information and the right to be heard represent particular grounds for defence against misuse of power and are a necessary element of good governance. Information and inclusion of parties through dialogue led by so-called cooperative administration and its clients is, therefore, the key function of up-to-date administrative procedure. The author explores the development and implementation of rights to be informed and heard in key European and Slovenian legal acts (such as the Council of Europe, the Charter of the EU on Fundamental Rights and the Slovenian Constitution), theory and case law. In conclusion, one can establish transformation from once rather instrumental role of administrative procedure (purely to implement the individual right and public interest) to connective one. Administrative procedure thus gains function per se, i. e. coordination of societally and legally acknowledged interests and realization of constitutional and international guarantees and principles as fundamental human rights.
- Published
- 2014
14. Večernji i Jutarnji list. Analiza medijskog praćenja inicijative 'U ime obitelji': zašto je David pobijedio Golijata?
- Author
Ivica Šola and Marina Đukić
- Subjects
information ,propaganda ,communication ,transmission ,re-education ,Informiranje ,komunikacija ,prijenos ,preodgoj - Abstract
Na temelju analize sadržaja dvaju najvećih hrvatskih dnevnih listova autori propituju razliku između informiranja i propagande u kontekstu referendumske inicijative “U ime obitelji” kojom je u Ustav Republike Hrvatske unesena definicija braka kao zajednica muškarca i žene. U sukusu istraživanja stoji pitanje: Kako to da je inicijativa uspjela unatoč činjenici što je golema većina medija, kao i vladajuća garnitura, bila protiv, odnosno kako da takva medijska kampanja nije uspjela, unatoč ne samo proponentskoj, već i financijskoj potpori vlasti? U medijskom smislu radilo se o borbi Davida (ZA) i Golijata (PROTIV). Na tragu mediologa Regisa Debraya koji razlikuje komunikaciju, kao prenošenje informacija u prostoru na sinkronijski način, te transmisiju (prijenos), kao prenošenje informacija u vremenu na dijakronijski način, autori ukazuju na granice medijskih kampanja i propagande (komunikacija) kada se suoče s “institucijama pamćenja” kao što su obitelj, Crkve te tradicija nekog kolektiviteta općenito (prijenos). Na tragu Erazma Roterdamskog (“teže je odučiti nego naučiti”) autori dolaze do zaključka da su mediji (sinkronijski princip koji tvori društvo) nemoćni bez zahvata u institucije pamćenja (prijenos, dijakronijski princip koji tvori kulturu, tradiciju), što se u mnogim državama Zapada, pa i u Hrvatskoj, (neo)jakobinskim principom preodgoja kroz sustav građanskog i zdravstvenog odgoja čini ili pokušava učiniti., Analyzing the contents of the two largest Croatian dailies the authors investigate the difference between information and propaganda in the context of the referendum initiative “On Behalf of the Family” by which the definition of marriage as a union of man and woman has been entered into the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia. The essential question of the research is: How is it that the initiative was successful despite the fact that the vast majority of the media, as well as the establishment in power, was against, i.e. how is it that such a media campaign failed in spite of, not only propounding support, but also financial support of the authorities? In terms of the media it was a battle of David (FOR) and Goliath (AGAINST). Along the line of a mediologist Regis Debray who distinguishes communication as a transfer of information in space in synchronic manner and transmission (transport) as a transfer of information in time in diachronic manner, the authors point to the boundaries of media campaigns and propaganda (communication) when faced with the “institutions of memory” such as family, church, or tradition of a collectivity in general (transport). Along the lines of Erasmus of Rotterdam (“it is harder to unlearn than to learn”), the authors conclude that the media (synchronic principle which constitutes society) are powerless without the intervention in the institutions of memory (transmission, diachronic principle which constitutes culture, tradition), which is being done or attempted to be done in many Western countries, and in Croatia as well, by neo-Jacobin principle of re-education through the system of civic and health education.
- Published
- 2014
15. Upgrading the management of packing waste in municipality Sevnica
- Author
Mlakar, Tanja and Lisec, Andrej
- Subjects
odpadki ,odpadna embalaža ,udc:628.4(043.2) ,informiranje ,ekološki otoki ,packaging waste ,recycling banks ,waste ,information - Abstract
Ravnanje z odpadki je v današnjem času zagotovo ena izmed najbolj obravnavanih tem tako v Sloveniji kot tudi drugod po svetu. Če se le malo bolj ozremo okoli sebe, lahko vidimo, da nas obkrožajo različne vrste odpadkov, a prav gotovo najbolj izstopa odpadna embalaža. Ker odpadna embalaža predstavlja vir surovin za nove izdelke, je zato velik poudarek na pravilnem ločevanju, ki omogoča, da se čim večje količine vračajo nazaj v proizvodnjo. Za uspešno vzpostavitev takšnega sistema je pomembno, da se posamezniki zavedajo pomena pravilnega ločevanja in da to sprejmejo kot del njihovega vsakdana. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena problematika ravnanja z odpadno embalažo v občini Sevnica, pri čemer smo sodelovali z Javnim podjetjem Komunala d. o. o. Sevnica. S podrobnim pregledom obstoječega stanja smo ugotavljali, kje se nahaja problem trenutnega sistema ravnanja z odpadno embalažo. Na podlagi pridobljenih ugotovitev smo predlagali ustrezne možne rešitve. Waste management nowadays is certainly one of the most discussed topics in Slovenia and everywhere else in the world. We are surrounded by many different types of waste of which the most notable is packaging waste. As packaging waste represents a source of raw material for new products, large focus is given to proper waste sorting which allows for a return of a maximum amount of waste into new production. In order to successfully establish such system individuals have to be aware of the importance of proper waste sorting and accept it as part of their everyday lives. In the thesis, the issue of packaging waste management in municipality Sevnica in presented with the cooperation of the Public Utility Company Komunala d. o. o. Sevnica. The problem of existing system of packaging waste management was determined with a detailed review of the current situation. Suggestions of possible solutions were offered on the basis of these conclusions.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Krizmanić, Suzana and Završnik, Bruno
- Subjects
komuniciranje ,communication ,public ,javnost ,reputation ,identiteta ,public relations ,publicity ,information ,pibliciteta ,informiranje ,podoba ,odnosi z javnostmi ,image ,udc:659.4 ,identity ,ugled - Abstract
Kriza je situacija, kateri se ne more izogniti nobena organizacija. Kako kriza vpliva nanjo na njeno poslovanje je odvisno od pripravljenosti same organizacije ter komuniciranja z njenimi javnostmi. The crisis is therefor asituation which can not be avoided by any organization. How the crisis affects it and its operation depends on the willingness of the organization itself and communication with its public.
- Published
- 2011
17. Neke karakteristike socijalne zbilje u Hrvatskoj kao potencijalno ograničavajući elementi priključenja EU: skica za razmišljanje
- Author
Ognjen Čaldarović
- Subjects
U radu se ukazuje na raznolike aspekte strahova, tjeskobe i potencijalnih otpora koji se mogu detektirati u hrvatskoj socijalnoj zbilji u vezi s planovima i akcijama priključenja Europi. U tom se smislu najprije ukazuje na nedostatno sustavno propagandno djelovanje osnovano na djelatnim akcijama i aktivnostima uz čiju bi se pomoć najširim slojevima stanovništva objasnilo što sve priključenje obuhvaća. Nadalje, ukazuje se na naslijeđe tranzicijskog društva kao jednog od elemenata potencijalnih smetnji priključenju, o aspektima nepovjerenja, o potrebi promjene obrazaca kolektivne svijesti te boljem analitičkom ukazivanju na to koje su prednosti i manjkavosti priključenja te zašto je ono nužno za Hrvatsku. Karakteristike postojeć e socijalne zbilje u Hrvatskoj s obzirom na priključenje Europskoj Uniji uglavnom su obiljež ene nepovjerenjem, netransparentnošću, što – prema mišljenju autora teksta – proistječe, s jedne strane, iz karakteristika socijalne zbilje o kojima se u radu raspravlja., In this article, major factors – fears, anxieties and unclear ideas as well as potential obstacles concerning the accession of Croatia to the EU, are discussed. In this sense, it is pointed out that systematic, clear and frequent information concerning major aspects of the accession are missing which is leaving the majority of Croatian population without basic information. It is also pointed out to the legacy of the transitional society as complex set of elements that could be also treated as an obstacle in the sense that in these societies, public opinion and usual communication of people is usually heavily burdened with mistrusts, with elements of "conspiracy theory" and other negative patterns of collective copiousness. Instead of systematical information strategy developed by the Croatian government concerning mostly positive aspects of the accession, a real information gap is being developing in the society. So, in the concluding part of the paper, it is pointed out that urgent changes are called upon which means much better preparedness of all sectors of the society and especially the development information strategy which will reduce the space of uncertainty, and strengthens the grounds for real discussion on the positive and potential negative aspects concerning the accession of Croatia to the EU.
- Published
- 2005
18. Osobno, promotivno i elektronički posredovano komuniciranje s korisnicima u knjižnici
- Author
Danijela Petrić
- Subjects
communication ,library ,users ,education ,information ,komunikacija ,knjižnica ,korisnici ,edukacija ,informiranje - Abstract
U ovom radu autorica je uvodno obradila pojavne oblike komunikacijskih aktivnosti knjižničara, i to edukaciju, informiranje i savjetovanje. Jedan od ciljeva rada je kako korisniku što potpunije približiti knjižnicu jer sustav današnjeg obrazovanja teži k osposobljavanju za samostalno učenje, odnosno samostalno služenje različitim izvorima informacija. U sklopu komunikacijskih aspekata ispitivanja, mijenjanja mišljenja te aktiviranja korisnika analizirala je ispitivanje mišljenja, stavova i potreba na osnovi ankete, primjenjujući metodologiju istraživanja komunikoloških pojava. Kao primjer je uzela Knjižnicu i čitaonicu »Fran Galović« u Koprivnici. Dobivenim rezultatima istraživanja predložila je mijenjanje mišljenja i aktiviranja korisnika kako bi se poboljšala usluga knjižnice, primjenjujući, uz anketu, i iskustva iz stranih, poglavito glede knjižničarstva, razvijenih zemalja. Težište rada je analiza komuniciranja s korisnicima u spomenutoj koprivničkoj knjižnici kako bi se uputilo na mogućnosti pozitivnih promjena i poboljšanja., This text describes various communication activities of librarians, like education, information and advising. One of the goals to achieve was to get the library in the most comprehensive way possible to its users. As today’s education is aimed at teaching an individual to be self-taught, there is a need to teach users to use various sources individually and independently. Within the communications aspects of this survey, and based on the plan to activate users and help them change their opinions on the library, the author analyzed thesurvey results in users’ opinions, standpoints and needs. The author applied a methodology of communication research. The model for the survey was town library »Fran Galovic« of Koprivnica. The results received were used to change opinions and activate library users, in order to achieve improvements in library services. Along with a survey questionnaire, experiences from developed countries were used too, particularly those related to libraries. The paper is focused on an analysis of communication with library users within the model library »Fran Galovic«. It gives clues to possibilities for positive changes and further improvements.
- Published
- 2002
- Author
Ognjen Čaldarović
- Subjects
Informierung ,Öffentlichkeit ,personliche Reaktionen zu der gefährlichen Situationen ,Risiko ,informiranje ,javnost ,rizici ,osobne reakcije prema opasnim stanjima ,hazards ,information ,personal reactions to hazards ,public ,risk - Abstract
U radu se raspravlja o dvije dimenzije koje stoje u vezi s rizičnim objektima i instalacijama. Prva dimenzija — povjerenje u izvore informiranja — pokazuje da ispitanici iskazuju najveće povjerenje prema izvorima informiranja koji su nezavisnijeg, lokalnijeg i internacionalnijeg tipa. Nasuprot tome, znatno je slabije povjerenje u izvore koji su centralizirani, podržavljeni i globalni. Tako|er, politička dimenzija intervenira u procjenjivanju povjerenja u izvore informiranja — ispitanici pokazuju smanjeno povjerenje prema izvorima informiranja vladajuće političke stranke. Druga dimenzija koja je ispitivana u ovom istraživanju odnosi se na osobne reakcije prema rizičnim situacijama. Rezultati istraživanja, uz uvažavanje krajnje hipotetičnosti situacija, pokazuju da se osobne reakcije prema rizičnim situacijama »prelamaju« kroz dimenziju procjene osobnih ili socijetalnih koristi. No, osim procjenjivanja kroz dimenziju osobnog ili socijetalnog probitka, ispitanici su pokazali i reakcije napuštanja odnosno »mirenja sa sudbinom«., The paper discusses two dimensions related to the risk objects and installations. The first one — confidence in the sources of information — shows that respondents express their greatest confidence in the sources of information that are of more independent, local and international type. Quite opposite to that, there is much less confidence displayed regarding those information sources that are centralised, nationalised, or global. At the same time, political dimension intervenes in the estimation of confidence in the information sources–the respondents indicate reduced confidence in the information resources of the ruling political party. The second dimension that is being examined by this research considers personal reactions in hazardous situations. Research results indicate, with tolerance regarding the fact that situations are extreme hypotetic, that personal reactions to hazardous situations are "breaking up" throughout the dimension of personal or social benefits. But, except the estimation of personal or societal advantage, the respondents expressed the reactions of desertion i.e. "putting up with fate"., In diesem Beitrag werden zwei Dimensionen verhandelt die mit den Risko-objekten und Instalationen verbundet sind. Die erste Dimension — das Vertrauen zu den Ressourcen der Informierung — zeigt daß die Prüflinge das großte Vertrauen zu den Ressourcen der Informierung geben die zu einem mehr unabhängigen, lokalen und internationalen Typ gehören. Dementgegen wird zu den centralisierten, nationalisierten und globalen Ressourcen der Informierung wesentlich weniger Glauben geschenkt. Auch interveniert die politische Dimension in der Abschätzung des Vertrauens zu den Ressourcen der Informierung — die Prüflinge zeigten das vermindertes Vertrauen zu den Ressourcen der Informierung der regierenden politischen Partei. Die andere Dimension die hier erforscht wird, bezieht sich auf die persönlichen Reaktionen zu der Risko-situationen. Die Ergebnisse der Erforschung zeigen (die äußerst hypotetische Situatition muß man in Betracht nehmen) daß die persönliche Reaktionen zu der Risko-situationen durch eine Dimension der Abschätzung des persönlichen oder des sozietalischen Nutzens umbrechen. Aber, außer der Abschätzung durch die Dimension des persönlichen oder sozietalischen Gewinns zeigten die Prüflinge auch die reaktionen des Auflassens, bzw. "Aussöhnung mit dem Schicksal".
- Published
- 1995
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