66 results on '"Individualisering"'
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2. Individualiseringens janushoved– Unges liv mellem blød og hård individualisering
- Author
Joachim Meier and Klaus Nielsen
- Subjects
individualisering ,unge ,mistrivsel ,senmodernitet ,præstation ,individualization ,Social Sciences ,Communities. Classes. Races ,HT51-1595 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
I artiklen fremsættes den tese, at individualiseringen i disse år er karakteriseret ved et janushoved af henholdsvis ’blød’ og ’hård’ individualisering, som konstituerer en række konflikter i unges liv og selvforhold. Imens den hårde individualisering fordrer optimering, målrettethed og præstation, ytrer den bløde individualisering sig parallelt hermed i tilskyndelser til personlig udvikling, selvrealisering og selvudfoldelse. Vi argumenterer for, at der behov for at begribe det krydspres, som den bløde og hårde individualisering konstituerer, hvis vi skal forstå de udfordringer, der i disse år præger unges liv. Vi begynder artiklen med at identificere janushovedets idehistoriske og samfundsmæssige baggrund og peger på, hvordan dets modstridende menneskesyn i dag lever side om side i uddannelsessystemet. Derpå giver vi empiriske eksempler på, hvordan den bløde og hårde individualisering aflejrer sig som konflikter i danske gymnasieelevers hverdagsliv. Endelig sammenfatter vi tre problematiske implikationer af individualiseringens janushoved i skikkelse af (a) handlingslammende tvivl, (b) kronisk dårlig samvittighed samt det, vi begrebsliggør som en (c) ’ny fremmedgørelse’.
- Published
- 2023
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3. «På lik linje med oss andre» - hvilke vurderinger arbeidsgivere gjør i arbeidet med å inkludere personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne i ordinært arbeid.
- Author
Nydal, Hanne Elisabeth Eriksen and Breimo, Janne Paulsen
- Abstract
Copyright of Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv is the property of Karlstads universitet, Arbetsvetenskap and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
4. Maintaining the will to learn : An empirical study about how high performing pupils can be challenged in the Swedish subject and why it is important
- Author
Lindelöv, Desere and Quach, Karoline
- Subjects
lustfyllt lärande ,pleasurable learning ,Languages and Literature ,Individualisering ,High performing pupils ,Individualization ,Språk och litteratur ,stimulans ,stimulation ,Högpresterande elever - Abstract
Denna empiriska studie syftar till att undersöka hur högpresterande elever kan utmanas i litteraturundervisningen i svenskämnet ur ett lärarperspektiv samt varför det är viktigt att utmana dessa elever i årskurserna 4-6. Det sociokulturella perspektivet används som en teoretisk utgångspunkt för att analysera resultatet. Studien har baserats på semistrukturerade interjuver av lärare och resultatet visar att läraren bör anpassa undervisningen individuellt och på de enskilde elevens kunskapsnivå. Det är även viktigt att utmana de högpresterande eleverna för att motivera dem till ett lustfyllt lärande. Genom resultatet framgår det att undervisning av högpresterande elever är en utmaning för lärare men att olika arbetssätt och strategier används för att möta svårigheterna. Individualisering, berikning och acceleration är några begrepp som lyfts som möjliga metoder för att stimulera dessa elever och få dem att bibehålla viljan att lära. Det blir också tydligt att mer forskning och fler lösningar behövs för att detta ska lyckas.
- Published
- 2022
5. Replika på replika
- Author
Renberg, Miranda
- Subjects
hem ,dining table ,Jean Baudrillard ,textil ,vadderad ,rosa ,caricatures ,objekt ,cartoon ,karikatyr ,padded textile ,identity ,object ,Konst ,textile ,aluminium ,Arts ,home ,body ,middagsbord ,individualisering ,individualization ,textile sculpture ,identitet ,kropp ,textil skulptur - Abstract
I’m interested in the way we stage our identity through objects. How objects relate to identity and body. I have been looking into how the self conception and creation of identity is affected by living in an individualistic, capitalistic and mass medial time. I carry a question, how much of the self is really just a replica of a replica? In this essay I discuss how the consumption of different kinds of media gives us knowledge and experiences of the world that is secondary. I explain how I experience that social media creates a thinking where I’m looking at my self from the outside and that this thinking makes my experiences indirect. I look at the individualization of the society and how I think the individualization affects the way we create collective and individual identities. Furthermore, I discuss how object become signifiers of identity and how we, within the consumer society, consume signs rather than objects. I look at the home, as a keeper of identity and memory, I also resemble the home with an organism where the human body only become a part of a bigger body. I discuss how body and object are intertwined both mentally and physically. Jewellery art and corpus is located between art and utility objects, my field gives me the opportunity to discuss the symbolism of the objects we surround ourselves with. In this essay I give a summary of my thinking around materials, methods and sources of inspiration in my work with Replika på replika. I go through my thinking around padded textile objects, the colour pink, the use of aluminium and how I work with reflection and figurative painting. I connect my work with my thoughts on caricatures, cartoons, pop musicians ways of working with characters and to art within different fields.
- Published
- 2021
6. Digital mathematical applications to support students with learning difficulties in mathematics: A contents analysis based upon four different educational aspects
- Author
Ögren, Nanny and Englund Gustavsson, Jennifer
- Subjects
Matematik ,individualisering ,mathematics ,individualization ,Students with learning difficulties in mathematics ,lärarkompetens ,digitala matematikappar ,mathematical applications ,Elever i matematiksvårigheter ,teacher competence - Abstract
Syftet med studien är att utveckla ett analytiskt ramverk som fungerar för analysering av 11 appar och kategorisera dem utifrån deras användbarhet i undervisningen av elever i matematiksvårigheter. Vilka undervisningsaspekter som valdes ut grundades på en anpassning för elever i svårigheter i matematik. Alla appar används av elever i förskoleklass eller grundskolan år 1-6. Det urval som gjorts för studien var appar som redan granskats av tidigare forskare. Aspekterna som valdes ut för studien var explicit undervisning, visuella representationer, belöningssystem och färdighetsträning. Apparnas möjlighet till explicit undervisning skapar förutsättningar för att eleverna ska bli självständiga och känna sig trygga. Visuella repesentationer presenterar om appen ger eleven ett bildligt verktyg för att kunna utveckla sitt lärande. Området belöningssystem i apparna erbjuder återkoppling och skapar förutsättningar till engagemang hos eleven. Om eleven får utöva färdighetsträning kommer arbetsminnet att stärkas och den matematiska förmågan att utvecklas. Det är viktigt att lösa många uppgifter för att nå djupare kunskaper i matematikämnet. Studien resulterade i att det analytiska ramverket kan användas av lärare för att analysera vilka aspekter som ger ett fungerande stöd för elever i matematiksvårigheter, när de arbetar i den utvalda appen. The purpose of the study is to develop and use an analytical framework that works for the analysis of 11 apps and categorize them based on their applicability in teaching students with mathdifficulties. Which teaching aspects were selected was based on an adaptation for students with difficulties years 1-6. The selection made for the study was apps that are already being reviewed by previous researchers. The aspects selected for the study were explicit teaching, visual representations, reward systems and skilling training. The apps opportunity for explicit teaching creates the condition for students to become independent and confident. Visual representations present whether the app gives the students a pictorial tool to be able to develop their learning. The area of rewards systems in the apps offers feedback and creates conditions for the students commitment. If the student is allowed to practice skills training, the working memory will be strengthened, and the mathematical ability will be developed. It is important to solve many tasks to reach deeper knowledge in the subject of mathematics. The study resulted in an analytical framework that provides a tool for teachers. The tool can be used when scrutinizing apps aiming for a functional support for students with mathematical difficulties.
- Published
- 2021
7. To teach in a differentiated method or to individualize to reach the high-performer students : A study on teachers' attitudes to opposite forms of teaching
- Author
Ringholm Heder, Louise
- Subjects
kognitiva perspektivet ,Piaget ,Brocas ,arbetsminne ,teachers' attitudes ,Wernickes ,högpresterande elever ,differentiering ,cognitive perspective ,Humanities and the Arts ,high-performing student ,Humaniora och konst ,Differentiation ,Individualisering ,Individualization ,lärares attityder - Abstract
Teachers frequently meet high-performing students in classrooms. These students can be challenged in different ways. However, this study focuses on how challenge can take place through the teaching methods individualization and differentiation. Teachers' attitudes toward the teaching methods are also examined. Research shows that differentiated teaching captures the different levels of knowledge of the whole group of children, and generates shared learning but at different levels. The attitude among teachers toward this form of teaching is negative, according to previous research. Research also shows that individualized teaching is less suitable for students, as students tend to search for a togetherness that individualization does not provide. Teachers are generally positive toward the individualized teaching method. The theoretical starting point of the study is the cognitive perspective, where the student's individual abstract thinking is affirmed, while the cognitive conflict is an important part of the students' learning. Another important aspect is what the research says about teachers' use of speech to achieve meaningful learning. The study was conducted using the methods focus group interview and questionnaire. The participating respondents are active teachers in preschool class up to year 3. The results of the study show that both methods of teaching can be used to reach high-performing students. It appears that teachers' attitudes are more positive towards differentiated teaching than towards individual teaching. An important result is that teachers should not get stuck in only one form of teaching, because then students are disadvantaged. Lärare möter frekvent högpresterande elever i klassrummen. Dessa elever kan utmanas på olika sätt, dock riktar denna studie in sig på hur utmaning kan ske genom undervisningsformerna individualisering och differentiering. Även lärares attityder till undervisningsformerna undersöks. Forskning visar att den differentierade undervisningen fångar hela barngruppens olika kunskapsnivåer, och generera ett gemensamt lärande men på olika nivåer. Attityden bland lärare till undervisningsformen är negativ enligt tidigare forskning. Forskningen visar även att den individualiserade undervisningen lämpar sig sämre för elever då eleverna tenderar att söka en gemenskap som individualisering inte ger. Lärare är generellt positiva till den individualiserade undervisningsmetoden. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt det kognitiva perspektivet, där bejakas elevens individuella abstrakta tänkande, samtidigt som den kognitiva konflikten är en viktig del för elevernas lärande. En annan viktig del är vad forskningen säger om lärares användning av talet för att åstadkomma ett meningsfullt lärande. Studien är genomförd med metoderna fokusgruppsintervju och enkät. De medverkande respondenterna är verksamma lärare i förskoleklass – årskurs 3. Studiens resultat visar att båda undervisningsformerna kan användas för att nå högpresterande elever. Det framkommer att lärares attityder är mer positiva till den differentierade undervisningen, än till den individuella undervisningen. Ett viktigt resultat är att lärare inte ska låsa fast sig vid endast en undervisningsform, för då missgynnas elever.
- Published
- 2021
8. Ungdomar och framtidstro– i en pandemi : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomar och deras framtid
- Author
Falk, Therese and Morina, Ermelinda
- Subjects
discourse theory ,Diskursteori ,Sociology ,Sociologi ,Framtidstro ,Individualisering ,Individualization ,COVID-19 ,Adolescents ,Ungdom ,Belief in the future - Abstract
Being an adolescent today is about being in the transition between childhood and adulthood and living in a society that is characterized by individuality. The opportunities to shape one's own life in today's society have increased compared to the past when there are more choices around work and education. As the COVID-19 pandemic spread around the world, our everyday lives changed drastically in different ways, high school students' studies switched to distance and traditional student celebrations were cancelled, an important milestone in young people's lives on their way to the adult world. The purpose of this study is to develop in-depth knowledge of how the young people who graduated in 2020 feel that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected and/or changed their vision and thoughts about their future. In this study, a qualitative method with elements of discourse analysis has been used where the empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews. The study involved eight young people, including four boys and four girls. To analyze the empirical, discourse theory and theories of individualization were used. The results showed that young people's faith in the future as a whole has not been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic but is strongly influenced by individualization and the power to shape their own lives. The results also showed differences between the sexes in how formulated the future plans were and to varying degrees. Att vara ungdom idag handlar om att befinna sig i övergången mellan barndom och vuxenliv och att leva i ett samhälle som präglas av individualitet. Möjligheterna att forma sitt eget liv i dagens samhälle har ökat jämfört med förr i tiden då det finns fler valmöjligheter kring arbete och utbildning. När covid-19 pandemin spreds över världen förändrades vår vardag drastiskt på olika sätt, gymnasieungdomars studier övergick till distans och det traditionella studentfirandet ställdes in, en viktig milstolpe i ungdomarnas liv på väg mot vuxenvärlden. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla fördjupade kunskaper om hur de ungdomar som tog studenten under 2020 upplever att covid-19 pandemin påverkat och/eller förändrat deras syn och tankar kring deras framtid. I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod med inslag av diskursanalys använts där det empiriska materialet inhämtats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. I studien deltog åtta ungdomar varav fyra killar och fyra tjejer. För att analysera empirin användes diskursteori och teorier om individualisering. Resultatet visade att ungdomarnas framtidstro i sin helhet inte påverkats av covid-19 pandemin utan är starkt präglat av individualiseringen och makten att forma sitt eget liv. Resultatet visade även på skillnader mellan könen kring hur formulerade framtidsplanerna var och i olika utsträckning.
- Published
- 2021
9. Et helt normalt perfekt selv Konstruktioner af selvet i unges beretninger om mistrivsel.
- Author
Sørensen, Niels Ulrik and Nielsen, Jens Christian
- Abstract
Copyright of Dansk Sociologi is the property of Djøf Forlag and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
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10. Individualisering og social differentiering i den refleksive modernitet.
- Author
Rasborg, Klaus
- Subjects
INDIVIDUALISM ,SOCIOLOGICAL research ,POWER (Social sciences) ,DIFFERENTIATION (Sociology) ,SOCIAL change ,SOCIAL reproduction ,REFLEXIVITY - Abstract
Copyright of Dansk Sociologi is the property of Djøf Forlag and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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11. Læring, individualisering og social praksis: Svar og nye spørgsmål i diskussionen om læring.
- Author
Tanggaard, Lene and Nielsen, Klaus
- Abstract
During the last 20 years researchers on learning from either the socially situated or the cognitive field have discussed from which perspective to approach the question of learning. This article takes its point of departure in important questions raised from the individual approach and facing the situated perspective on learning. This concerns questions about: (i) The confusion of learning and socialisation in situated learning, (ii) The missing subject in situated learning and (iii) Situated learning as meaning reproduction and submission in practice. Answering these questions, the aim of the article is to highlight the principal theoretical and methodological premises and differences between socially situated and more cognitive and individual theories on learning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
12. High-performing students in the early years of mathematics : A study about how teachers adjust mathematics and its content for high-performing students
- Author
Olsson, Emma and Eriksson, Emma
- Subjects
differentiating ,enrichment ,Matematik ,differentiering ,individualisering ,individualization ,mathematics ,lärarkompetens ,acceleration ,berikning ,High-performing students ,Högpresterande elever ,teacher competence - Abstract
This study is about high-performing students in mathematics. The purpose of the study was to increase the knowledge about teachers view of adaptions for the high-performing students and how teaching mathematic and its content adapts to these children. The method used in the study was semi-structured in- terviews with 10 teachers in the early years of compulsory school. Data was an- alyzed using Shulmans theory of teacher knowledge base. The result shows three variations of lessons that the participating teachers use. The difference between these lessons was the mindset of how adaptions should be made to the high- performing students in mathematics. It also shows that teachers’ mindset and what guides them in general differs in the three different lessons, also how to work in mathematics. Even though, most teachers wants their students in the same subject area but in different levels of difficulty. The teachers in the study adapts mathematics to the high-performing students’ so the teaching is stimulated and challenging, but how the teachers dose it dif- fers. Studien handlar om högpresterande elever i matematik. Studiens syfte var att öka kunskaperna om lärares syn på anpassningar för högpresterande elever samt hur matematikundervisningen och dess innehåll anpassades. Studiens undersökningsmetod var kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer och riktade sig till 10 lärare i grundskolans tidiga år. Den data som samlats in analyserades med hjälp av Shulmans ramverk om lärarkompetens. Resultaten visar tre olika lektionsvarianter som har olika tankesätt om hur anpassningar sker i undervis- ningen till högpresterande elever. Det visar även att det föreligger stora variat- ioner i hur lärare tänker och vad som styr dem i undervisningen, dessutom råder det skillnad i val av arbetssätt. De flesta lärare förespråkar att de vill ha alla ele- ver inom samma ämnesområde men på olika nivåer. Sammantaget gör lärarna anpassningar för att de högpresterande eleverna ska få en stimulerande och utmanade undervisning, men hur anpassningarna sker skiljer sig mellan lärarna.
- Published
- 2020
13. Individualization and the Adult Students : School Principals’ Perspectives on Individualization within Swedish Basic Adult Education
- Author
Broger Höglund, Martin
- Subjects
standardization ,grundad teori ,digitalisering ,standardisering ,Pedagogical Work ,Pedagogiskt arbete ,individualized teaching ,rektor ,Basic Adult Education ,digitalization ,individanpassad undervisning ,principal ,kommunal vuxenutbildning ,Grounded Theory ,Individualisering ,Individualization - Abstract
Den svenska kommunala vuxenutbildningen har de senaste decennierna haft som inriktning att vara flexibel och anpassningsbar utifrån elevernas individuella behov. Den här avgränsade studien syftar till att utforska rektorers föreställningsvärldar och uppfattningar kring individualiseringen inom svensk kommunal vuxenutbildning. Fallstudien baseras på en analys av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med rektorer i två svenska storstäder. Resultatet visar att rektorerna i fallstudien uttrycker förståelse för och bottnar i styrdokumentens övergripande intention och riktning; inte minst när det gäller lärares förhållningssätt till den enskilda eleven i klassrummet, elevers val av tider och undervisningsformer samt den individuella handledningens betydelse. Här finns en bred samsyn kring individualiseringens nödvändighet och betydelse. Men rektorerna bär samtidigt på föreställningar om individualiseringens bortre gränser där de ser risker för motsättningar i prioriteringar mellan grupper i skolan, felaktigt använda resurser, hög arbetsbelastning på lärare samt en frustration över att inte kunna ställa krav på motprestationer från elevernas sida. Standardisering av undervisningen som en del av lösningen på detta är omstridd bland rektorerna medan digitaliseringen uppfattas som en möjlighet i processen. Förhoppningen är att studien kan utgöra en utgångspunkt och referensram för fortsatta studier om hur det lokala organisations- och ledningsperspektivet uppfattar individualiseringen inom svensk kommunal vuxenutbildning. In recent decades, Swedish Basic Adult Education has focused on being flexible and adaptable based on students' individual needs. This study aims to explore principals' performances and perceptions of individualization in Swedish Basic Adult Education. The case study is based on an analysis of four semi structured interviews with principals in Basic Adult Education in two major Swedish cities. The results show that the principals express an understanding of, and are rooted in, the overall intention and direction of the governing documents; not least when it comes to teachers' attitudes towards individualized classroom practices, students' choice of times and forms of education and the importance of individual supervision. There is a broad consensus on the necessity and significance of individualization. But at the same time, the principals carry notions about the distant boundaries of individualization where they see risks of contradictions in priorities between groups in the school, ineffectively used resources, high workload on teachers and a frustration at not being able to demand any consideration in return from the students. Standardization of teaching as part of the solution is controversial among the principals, while digitalization is perceived as an opportunity in the process. Hopefully the study can constitute a starting point and frame of reference for further studies of how the local organizational and management perceives individualization in Basic Adult Education.
- Published
- 2020
14. How do primary teachers individualize mathematics education? : An interview study about what approaches primary teachers have regarding teaching resources in mathematics education
- Author
Eriksson, Hanna
- Subjects
Matematik ,individualisering ,lågstadiet ,individualization ,likvärdig undervisning ,matematikundervisning ,mathematics education ,Mathematics ,equivalent education ,primary school - Abstract
The purpose of the study was to contribute to the knowledge of how primary teachers design their teaching when aiming for inclusive education. The study focuses on how the teachers describe how they use teaching resources and other materials when designing their teaching. It is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with ten primary teachers who teach mathematics in grades 1-3. The Framework Design Capacity for Enactment has been used to analyze and discuss the results of the study. Through the analysis of the interviews two different types of approaches emerged: the one who has great confidence in teaching materials and the one who uses teaching materials as inspiration. The first type of teacher prefers to use the textbook in an individual and quiet setting, while the second type of teacher works in several different ways to support and challenge the students. Several teachers describe that they would like to teach more individualized but for various reasons they do not have the opportunity. Syftet med studien var att få ökad kunskap om hur lågstadielärare utformar matematikundervisningen så att den anpassas till alla elevers behov. Specifikt studerades hur lärare förhåller sig till undervisningsresurser och övrigt material. Det är en kvalitativ studie som grundar sig på semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio verksamma lågstadielärare som undervisar i matematik. Ramverket Design Capacity for Enactmenthar använts för att analysera och diskutera resultatet för studien. Genom analysen av intervjuerna framträdde två typer av lärare, den läromedelstrogna och den läromedelsinspirerade läraren. Den läromedelstrogna läraren använder sig mest av tyst, enskilt, arbete i matteboken medan den läromedelsinspirerade läraren arbetar påett varierat sätt för att stötta och utmana eleverna. Flera lärare beskriver att de skulle vilja undervisa mer individualiserat men att de av olika anledningar inte har möjlighet till det.
- Published
- 2020
15. 'You like become your opinion' : A study of how young people do politics in late modern society
- Author
Nir, Hanna
- Subjects
Late modernity ,Livspolitik ,Sociologi ,Unga ,Social Sciences ,Samhällsvetenskap ,Digitalization ,Political commitments ,Subpolitik ,Sociology ,Life politics ,Senmodernitet ,Sub politics ,Individualisering ,Individualization ,Politiskt engagemang ,Digitalisering ,Young people - Abstract
There are shared opinions about how young people's participation in politics looks like today. Some studies show that young people's participation in party politics has been drastically reduced. Simultaneously, other studies show how young people are more politically interested today than in a long time. Thus, young people have a strong interest in politics, but participate to a lesser extent in party politics. Then where does young people's doing of politics go? The purpose of this study is to show how societal changes such as increased individualization and digitalization have come to influence how young people do politics today. In order to understand the changes that have taken place in what is considered to be politics and how politics is being practiced today, we need to take a step back and look at the major societal changes that have taken place in late modern society. Through a qualitative study based on interviews, this paper has sought answers to how today's young people are doing politics in late modern society and how it can explain the paradox of declining participation in party politics and at the same time increasing interest in politics. The result showed that young people's doing of politics today has come to be individualized, where much of the doing of politics is based on the individual and everyday life. Therefore, what was previously considered personal and non-political has come to be politicized. This politicization of the unpolitical has been done at the expense of the political which at the same time becomes more unpolitical for the young, and thus the low interest in the political system and to channel its political action through political parties. Digitalization has also contributed to the fact that this individual engagement can be exercised via social media which has become an important political arena for young people today. To a greater extent, the young citizen now wants to be a political actor of their own and to influence themselves directly in relation to society, rather than having their views represented by politicians. In this way, past private acts such as consuming less meat and one's own career choices are largely political actions in late modern society.
- Published
- 2020
16. Ojämlika livsvillkor i pensionsåldern : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om pensionärer med begränsade ekonomiska förutsättningar
- Author
Sundgren, Agnes and Bergenholtz, Sofia
- Subjects
Life conditions ,Sociologi ,gender roles ,Livsvillkor ,social exclusion ,everyday life ,genus ,elderly ,humanities ,ekonomi ,economy ,individualisering ,vardagsliv ,Sociology ,individualization ,könsroller ,gender ,social exklusion ,financial vulnerability ,pensionärer ,ekonomisk utsatthet - Abstract
The aim of this study is to highlight inequality among elderly. The study increase the understanding of poverty and financial vulnerability in elderlies life. This study describes what their living conditions look like for themselves and what their financial situation can have in their everyday lives and consequences. The aim is to understand the patterns and paths that lead to financial vulnerability in retirement. Seven retired people in the age between 65-80 years were interviewed. The result shows that there are large differences in income between men and women when retired. Some of the main reasons for this are that the women have worked unpaid by living as housewives and taking a bigger responsibility for children and the home. The unpaid work has had an impact on the income when retired and affected their living conditions. The majority of the respondents answer that planning and limitations are needed to cope up with everyday life as retired person. Some of the respondents have to continue to work extra after retirement to succeed financially. Generally the finances of the elderly are worse after retirement than before and this has negative consequences, it will not get better when they are retired as many of them thought, but they still manage to get their lives to work out even if they have limitations in their everyday life. Gender, individualization and social exclusion are used to analyze the results in the essay.
- Published
- 2020
17. Music teacher's purposes with individualization : A thematic anlysys of individualization methods and their purposes
- Author
Bergendahl, Jonathan
- Subjects
Individanpassning ,Individualiseringssyften ,Differentiation ,Individualisering ,Musik ,Methods ,Metoder ,Individualization ,Individuals adaption ,Differentiering ,Music ,Purposes of individualization - Abstract
Syftet med denna studie är att utforska vilka individualiseringsmetoder musiklärare på gymnasiet och kultur- och musikskolan använder samt i vilket syfte de använder dem. Tidigare forskning berör individualisering, inre motivation och yttre motivation. Studien har individualisering- och differentieringsmodeller som utgångspunkt. Studien är kvalitativ och semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att samla in data. Tematisk analys användes för att avkoda och analysera all data. I resultatet framkommer musiklärares individualiseringsmetoder och syftet med individualiseringen. I diskussionen relateras resultatet med tidigare forskning och följande teman tas upp. Individualisering för att påverka elevernas motivation, individualiseringar för att få eleverna att känna sig trygga på musiklektionen och med läraren, individualiseringar för att få eleverna att känna sig mer delaktiga i undervisningen, individualisering för att möta elevernas kunskaper och färdigheter och att ge dem meningsfulla utmaningar och till sist individualiseringar för att öka elevernas autonomi. Därefter förs en diskussion över studiens valda metod. Slutligen diskuteras arbetets betydelse och värde för yrkesområdet samt behovet av framtida forsknings- och utvecklingsarbeten. The purpose of this study is to explore which individualization methods music teacher working in high school and culture- and music schools and what their purpose is with using the individualizations. Former research refers to individualization and differentiation. The study is based on individualization and differentiation models. The study is qualitative and semi-structured interviews were used to gather the data. Thematic analysis was used to code and analyse the data. In the result following themes occur. Individualization to affect students motivation, individualization to make the students feel safe in the music class and with the teacher, individualizations to make the students feel more involved in the education, individualization to meet the students’ knowledge and skills and to give them meaningful challenges and lastly individualizations to increase students’ autonomy. Afterwards there is a discussion about the chosen method of the study, the study’s meaning and worth for the profession and the need for future research.
- Published
- 2020
18. 'Is everyone included when they are participating?' : A qualitative study on how the definition of inclusion and its affects on work in preschools
- Author
Gustavsson, Anna-Stina and Alvarsson, Mikaela
- Subjects
Inclusion ,Inkludering ,integration ,delaktighet ,exkludering ,equality ,integrering ,individualisering ,individualization ,participation ,Educational Sciences ,exclusion ,likvärdighet ,Utbildningsvetenskap - Abstract
”Är alla inkluderade för att alla får vara med?” – En kvalitativ studie om hur inkludering definieras och hur det påverkar verksamheten. Inkludering förklaras som ett begrepp där det finns en stor variation i hur begreppet definieras. Inkludering kan beskrivas som en vidareutveckling av begreppet integration där fokus har förflyttats från individens anpassning till miljön till att miljön ska anpassas till individers olikheter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka förskollärares tolkning av dessa begrepp och synliggöra hur det kan komma att påverka verksamheten. Resultatet visade att de intervjuade förskollärarna definierar inkludering likvärdigt. De ansåg däremot att deras egen tolkning inte behövde vara likvärdig som sina kollegors, utan att det troligen fanns en stor variation i tolkningen på förskolan. De nackdelar som kunde finnas var att det är tids – och resurskrävande, att kompetensen varierar och att det skulle finnas konkreta direktiv kring inkludering i verksamheten. Det finns en klar skillnad mellan integrering och inkludering i verksamheterna. Det går dock att tolka resultatet till att inkludering är svårdefinierat, vilket i sin tur kan leda till svårigheter med att säkerhetsställa huruvida barn upplever sig inkluderade eller inte. En slutsats är att det finns en antydan till att inkludering föregås av att något måste vara avvikande från normen. ”Is everyone included when they are participating?” – A qualitative study on how the definition of inclusion and its affects on work in preschools. Inclusion is explained as a concept with great variation. Inclusion can be explained as a development of the concept of integration with a shifting focus from the individuals adaptation to the environment to the environments adaption to the individuals differences. The purpose of the study is to investigate preschool teachers interpretation of these concepts and to make visible how this may affect certain activities. The result showed an equal definition of the concept of inclusion amongst the preschool teachers. On the other hand, they felt that their own interpretation did not have to be equivalent to that of their colleagues, but that there was probably a great variation in interpretation at the preschool. There is a big difference between integration and inclusion at the work in preschools. However, it is possible to interpret the result that inclusion is difficult to define, which can lead to difficulties in ascertaining whether children feel included or not. One conclusion is that it can be suggested that inclusion is proceeded by something deviant from the norm.
- Published
- 2020
19. The Differentiated Teaching of Reading : the development of reading abilities for all students?
- Author
Olsson, Jonna and Mathisson, Johanna
- Subjects
individualisering ,läsutveckling ,Litteraturvetenskap ,individualization ,Pedagogical differentiation ,General Literature Studies ,Pedagogisk differentiering ,reading development ,pedagogical inclusion ,pedagogisk inkludering - Abstract
Följande studie har som avsikt att belysa pedagogisk differentiering, pedagogisk inkludering, individualisering och läsundervisning samt desssamband. Avslutningsvis sammanförs begreppen för att visa hur de samspelar med varandra i ett sociokulturellt klassrum, där målet är att optimera elevernas läsutveckling. Studien syftar till att beröra hur vitala faktorer i ett differentierat arbetssätt kan leda till detta. Empirin är utvunnen från en fokusgruppsintervju och analyserad med stöd av en tematisk analys och med ett sociokulturelltperspektiv i åtanke. Informanterna består av tre verksamma lärare i årskurs 4–6 som har samtalat kring differentierad undervisning och läsundervisning. Det differentierade arbetssättet var bekant för informanterna, då de arbetatkollegialt med detta. Resultatet av intervjun signalerar att relationer och gemenskap är viktiga faktorer för att kunna anpassa lektionsinnehåll, aktiviteter och uppgifter, därresultatet kan leda till en lyckad läsundervisning, i längden en god läsutveckling för alla elever. Informanterna framhåller också valet av materialsom en viktig faktor för att tillgodose varje elevs individuella utveckling inom ramen för gemenskapen, vilket kan ha en positiv effekt på elevernas självkänsla. De anser också att val av tempo, nivå, omfång, metod och intresse inom ett differentierat arbetssätt kan inkludera samtliga elever redan under planeringsfasen.
- Published
- 2020
20. Matematikbokens vikt i undervisningen : The importance of the mathematics book in teaching
- Author
Kanwar, Sofia
- Subjects
mathematic ,Artefact ,teachers ,lärare ,matematikbok ,teaching ,individualisering ,Humanities and the Arts ,individualization ,Humaniora och konst ,undervisning ,textbook ,Artefakt ,TIMSS - Abstract
Hur använder lärare matematikboken i dagens undervisning? Dominerar boken undervisningen eller fungerar den som ett redskap, en så kallad artefakt? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka matematikbokens vikt i dagens undervisning i årskurs tre, genom en kvalitativ metod. Studiens två forskningsfrågorundersökgenom observationer och semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre olika respondenter och tre olika skolor. Datainsamlingen analyseras med fenomenografisk forskningsansats skolinspektionens analysschema. Samtliga lärare som medverkade i studien hävdar att matematikboken är grundläggande i undervisningen samt att matematikboken används till åttio procent i undervisningen. Lärarna belyser att tiden är knapp och matematikboken underlättar tidsmässigt. Resultaten som framkom i studien är att matematikboken dominerar undervisningen. Elever arbetar i stora drag enskilt i matematikboken eller med material som är framtaget från matematikboken under lektionerna. Slutsatsen i denna studie är att det inte råder någon större individualisering eller socialt samspel i klassrummen på grund av den stora del enskilda arbete, lärare använder till största del material från matematikboken eller matematikboken. Slutligen visar både observationer och intervjuer att matematikboken dominerar undervisningen tidsmässigt. Stora undersökningar som TIMSS och PISA visar att nordiska länder använder matematikboken mer än övriga länder, samt ett nedåtgående resultat i matematik för Sverige. I denna studie undersöks matematikbokens vikt i dagens undervisning. How do teachers use the mathematic textbook in teaching today? Is the mathematic textbook dominant in teaching or is it used as a tool, a so-called artefact? The purpose is to examine the importance of mathematical textbook in today´s teaching in grade three, through a qualitative method. The study two research questions are examined by observations and semi-structured interviews with three different respondents and schools. The data collection is analyzed with phenomenografic research approach. All teachers that participated in the study claim that the mathematic textbook is fundamental in the teaching and that the textbook is used to eighty percent in teaching. The teachers assert that there is very little time and that the mathematic textbook facilitates time. The results that emerged from the study are that the mathematic book dominates the teaching. Pupils generally work individually in the mathematics book or with material that is proceed from the mathematic book during the lessons. The conclusion in this study is that there is no major individualization or social interaction in the classroom because of the large proportion of individual work, teachers mostly use materials from the mathematics book or the mathematic book. Finally, both observations and interviews show that the mathematical book dominates teaching in time. Large studies such as TIMSS and PISA shows that Nordic countries use the mathematics book more than other countries, and a falling result in mathematics in Sweden. The importance of mathematical textbook in teaching is examined in this study.
- Published
- 2019
21. Framing of diabetes in the Swedish press: a quantitative content analysis of Swedish daily and evening newspapers
- Author
Sandqvist, Cecilia
- Subjects
media representation ,risk theory ,Kvantitativ innehållsanalys ,gestaltningsteorin ,newspapers ,biopolitik ,modalitet ,Quantitative content analysis ,agenda setting ,Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap ,priming ,dagordningsteorin ,framing theory ,riskteori ,framing ,diabetes ,bio politics ,Media and Communications ,warrant ,daily press ,dagspress ,argumentationsanalys ,individualisering ,individualization ,medierepresentation ,kvällspress ,modality ,tidningar ,doxa ,broadsheet ,argumentation analysis ,garant ,tabloids - Abstract
Background: Diabetes is a global health issue on the rise. Besides genetics as a cause of diabetes, diet, weight and lifestyle are amongst the main factors. Due to the modernized society, new technology and risks, there has been a shift in responsibility of safety and health. As a part of a health promoting policy development during the last few decades there has also been a natural de-authorization of health knowledge and expertise. Governmental expertise has been decentralized to the society and so has the responsibilities. Traces of this new health paradigm can be seen in the media discourse. It has been seen in studies of the reporting of diabetes in North American press, that societal factors – such as labor market, health care and infrastructure – often get veiled by individuals’ responsibility and guilt due to lifestyle and life choices. This affects how individuals feel about their life situation and how the public perceive them. Method and material: A quantitative content analysis was performed on 112 articles from six Swedish broadsheet and tabloid newspapers. The articles were coded with variables measuring article theme, dominant framing of diabetes´ causes and whose responsibility, what arguments are used and what agents with dignity can be seen. Excerpts from the articles were also analyzed with qualitative tools as modality and argumentation analysis. Results: Similarities between the Swedish and the North American newspapers were discovered. Societal factors and structures as causes and means of responsibilities were not as prominent as those aiming for the individual. The responsibility of the society was also reported to a much greater extent than society as a factor contributing to cause diabetes. This can be considered a sign of the health promoting strategy and the individualism that is rooted in modernization, industrialization and economic liberalization. Doctors and scientists were given dignity as often as celebrities and private citizens, which indicates the de-authorization of health knowledge and the further use of scientists and doctors as a truth repository in media. Several of the articles concern the critique of the diabetes unawareness and predominant individual responsibility that was the outset of this study. Celebrities and private citizens were frequently given dignity in these cases. In their criticizing, high modality contributed to a strong authority in their knowledge. Grund för forskningsfrågan: Diabetes av olika slag drabbar ett växande antal människor världen över. Sjukdomen tros främst bero på genetik och omgivande faktorer så som livsstil, vilken påverkas av den omgivande miljön. Det har visat sig i studier av rapportering kring sjukdomen i bland annat nordamerikansk press att samhälleliga faktorer ofta hamnar i skymundan och att skulden och ansvaret för sjukdomen framstår ligga hos individen och dess egenvalda livsstil. Detta kan bero på en hälsofrämjande strategi som setts växa fram under de senaste decennierna, som en reaktion på effekterna av teknisk utveckling, modernisering och marknadskrafter. Strategin har inneburit en naturlig av-auktorisering av hälsokunskapen och individualisering av ansvaret. Detta hälsoparadigm återspeglas i medierna. Studien: Denna studie undersöker rapporteringen av diabetes i svensk press, genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 112 artiklar från sex svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. Materialet kodades med variabler för bland annat artikeltema, dominant gestaltning av orsak samt ansvar för diabetes, vilka argument som förekommer och vilka aktörer som tillskrivs dignitet i sammanhanget. Detta kompletterades med en kvalitativ analys av några textutdrag från materialet, med verktyg och begrepp från och argumentationsanalys samt det lingvistiska begreppet modalitet. Resultat: Det framträder stora likheter mellan de svenska tidningarna och de nordamerikanska. Samhällsstrukturer som orsak till och ansvar för diabetes framgår inte i samma utsträckning som individens roll. Samhällets ansvar för sjukdomen framgår dock i större utsträckning än dess skuld, vilket går i linje med individualiseringen av hälsoansvaret. Läkare och professorer tillsammans förekommer med dignitet i ungefär lika många artiklar som privatpersoner och kändisar tillsammans, vilket indikerar avauktoriseringen av hälsokunskapen, och den fortsatta användningen av läkare och professorer som ett slags ”sanningsvittnen”. I flera artiklar framträder just den kritik mot okunskap kring sjukdomen och hur individerna själva måste arbeta för att förändra läget, en utgångspunkt för denna studie. Kändisar och privatpersoner fick i dessa fall dignitet. I deras kritiserande av andra uttalanden de inte höll med i, agerade hög modalitet en faktor som gav dem auktoritet i sina uttalanden.
- Published
- 2018
22. Flexibilitetens paradox En studie om tjänstemäns upplevelser och hantering av det flexibla arbetet
- Author
Dorwarth, Sebastian and Gunnarsson, Henrik
- Subjects
individualisering ,Sociology ,Sociologi ,individualization ,boundaryless work ,Flexibilitet ,gränslöst arbete ,Flexibility ,flexible work ,flexibilization ,flexibilisering ,flexibelt arbete - Abstract
Många arbetsplatser på dagens arbetsmarknad präglas alltmer av ett flexibelt arbete. Detta har inom sociologin beskrivits som ett gränslöst arbete där individens gränsdragning mellan arbete och fritid blir svårare att hantera. Friheten inom det flexibla arbetssättet innebär också att det blir upp till individen att sätta gränser mellan till exempel arbete och fritid. Det faktum att arbetsbeskrivningar inom vissa branscher har blivit allt flexiblare bidrar också till att ett större ansvar åläggs individen att organisera och strukturera det egna arbetet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur det flexibla arbetet upplevs av anställda inom tjänstemannasektorn samt hur de hanterar sin situation. Den tidigare forskningen fokuserar på innebörden av det flexibla arbetet och hur det upplevs och hanteras av individen. Studien undersöker individernas upplevelser med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer i en organisation inom energibranschen. Denna studie visar på att upplevelsen av det flexibla arbete är övervägande positivt men att det också finns baksidor som individen själv förväntas lära sig hantera. Det konstateras även att det är en viktig förutsättning för att kunna bedriva sitt arbete. Följaktligen visar studien att upplevelsen och graden av flexibilitet i arbetet verkar variera beroende på vilket yrke vederbörande har., Many workplaces today on the labor market is characterized by a flexible work. This have been theorized in sociology as a situation of boundaryless work for the individual were the limit between work and leisure becomes difficult to handle. The freedom that flexible work makes possible moves the responsible to the individual to set limits between work and leisure. The fact that the terms of employment has become vaguer has led to that the responsibility to organize and structure work more and more lies on the individual. The aim of this study is to investigate how the flexible work is perceived by white color workers and how they handle their situation. Previous research focus on the meaning of flexible work and how the individual perceive and handle it. This study focus on the meaning of flexible work by using qualitative interviews with white color employee in an organization in the energy-industry. The result of the study shows that the flexible work is percieved as predominant positive but that it also can consist of negative aspects that the individual needs to handle. It is also found that the flexibility is important in order to do this kind of work. The result also shows that the percieved degree of flexibility seems to differ depending on occupational status.
- Published
- 2018
23. The phenomenon of individualization within number sense : A qualitative study about teachers individualizing in mathematics education in first grade
- Author
Bürger, Paula
- Subjects
number sense ,lågstadiet ,taluppfattning ,mathematics ,Individualisering ,matematik ,undervisning ,Didactics ,Individualization ,Didaktik ,teaching ,primary school - Abstract
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur lärare i årskurs 1 arbetar med individualisering inom taluppfattning. Taluppfattningen är en av de mest fundamentala delarna inom matematiken och är viktig inför det kommande arbetslivet. Inom ramen av matematikundervisningen är det dock omöjligt att kräva lika arbete av alla elever, där varje barn förväntas arbeta på samma sätt och i samma takt, vilket gör att individualiserade arbetsformer är nödvändiga. Ett individualiserande arbetssätt kan vara avgörande för barnets akademiska framtid, därmed bör undervisningen gestaltas på ett sätt som tillgodoser varje elevs behov. Med hjälp av nio kvalitativa intervjuer, med utgångspunkt i den fenomenologiska ansatsen, har arbetets två frågeställningar besvarats. Frågeställningarna har dels efterfrågat hurlärare i Västsverige med behörighet i matematik i årskurs 1 arbetar med taluppfattning, och dels varförlärarna arbetar på det sätt de gör. Resultatet visar att de flesta lärarna utövar nivåindividualisering (undervisningsstoffet anpassas till elevernas kunskapsnivåer), miljöindividualisering (anpassade gruppkonstellationer och lokaler) och materialindividualisering (materialet anpassas utifrån elevernas behov) inom ramen av matematikundervisningen och området taluppfattning. Lärarna i studien hade svårt att besvara varförde arbetar på det sätt de gör, men resultatet visar att de främst jobbar utifrån egna erfarenheter inom området. The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers in grade 1 work with individualization when teaching number sense. Number sense is one of the most fundamental parts of mathematics and is important for children’s upcoming working life. It is at the same time impossible in mathematics education to expect the same work, in the same pace from every pupil, which makes an individualized approach necessary. Individualization can be crucial for the academic future of the child, hence the teaching should be shaped in a way that accommodates every pupils need. With nine qualitative interviews, based on the phenomenological approach, have the two issues of this work been answered. The issues have partly asked howteachers in western Sweden with competence in mathematics in year 1 work with speech perception, and partly whythe teachers work the way they do. The result shows that most of the teachers imply level individualization (the teaching material is adapted to the students' knowledge levels), environment individualization (custom group configurations and premises) and material individualization (the material is adapted to the needs of the students) within the framework of mathematics education and the area of number sense. The teachers of the study had difficulties explaining why they work the way they do, but the results show that their work is based on their own experience in the field.
- Published
- 2018
24. Individualization and welfare policy - An investigation into the impact ofsocial development on collective action
- Author
Norrström, Marina and Rosenson, Helén
- Subjects
lifestyle ,family ,livsstil ,Sociologi ,socialdemokrati ,consumerism ,politik ,welfare policy ,familj ,individualisering ,work ,Sociology ,individualization ,välfärdspolitik ,politics ,konsumtion ,social democracy ,arbete - Abstract
The citizen is freer in a society that is perceived as open, but this leaves the individual to manage on the market by itself. When the liberation of the collective opens for the individuals to create their own welfare and the market thereby gaining greater influence in the individual's different lifeworld’s, we wonder if it can be seen in politics and, if so, how does the policy how does the policy respond to this development?We are looking for a comprehensive overall picture of modern sociology's view of individualization in order to use the driving forces and consumerism in a survey of how it is expressed in welfare policy. To see how individualization is expressed in welfare policy, we have used party platforms from Socialdemokraterna (the Social Democratic Party). Through the layout we have divided the work into two explanatory analysis parts, which we use to compile a result of the purpose of the work. The result clearly shows how the development towards individualization follows welfare policy developments, but since the policy has contributed to increased individualization, it will also focus on balancing the unfair social differences that become the consequences of an individualized society. Medborgaren är friare i ett samhälle som framställs och uppfattas som öppet men individen utelämnas i och med detta allt mer till att självständigt klara sig på marknaden. När friställelsen från det kollektiva öppnar för individerna att skapa sin egen välfärd och marknaden därmed får större utrymme i individens olika livsvärldar, undrar vi om det kan ses i politiken och i så fall hur politiken svarar på denna utveckling?Vi söker efter en sammantagen helhetsbild av den moderna sociologins syn på individualisering för att använda drivkrafter och konsekvenser i en undersökning hur det yttrar sig inom välfärdspolitiken. För att se hur individualiseringen yttrar sig i välfärdspolitiken har vi använt oss av partiprogram från det Socialdemokratiska partiet. Vi har genom uppläggningen delat arbetet i två redogörande analysdelar som används för att sammanställa ett resultat av arbetets syfte. Det resultatet visar tydligt hur utvecklingen mot individualisering följer den välfärdspolitiska utvecklingen men att politiken sedan den bidragit till en ökad individualisering också kommer att inrikta sig på att utjämna de orättvisa sociala skillnader som blir konsekvenserna av ett individualiserat samhälle.
- Published
- 2018
25. Individualisering för professionalisering : En idéanalys av den inomfackliga diskussionen kring lärarlegitimation, karriärtjänster och lönesättning
- Author
Eriksson, Fabian
- Subjects
Lärarnas Riksförbund ,fackliga strategier ,union strategies ,Political Science ,Statsvetenskap ,Lärarförbundet ,karriärtjänster för lärare ,teacher certification ,individual wages ,lärarlegitimation ,individualisering ,individualization ,professionalization ,individualiserad lönesättning ,professionalisering ,Lärarföbundet ,career opportunities for teachers - Abstract
This essay aims to research how the discussion within the two big teacher unions in Sweden has looked in three different issues. The researched issues are the question of individual and differentiated wages, the question of teacher certification and the question of career opportunities for teachers. Previous research has shown that the teacher profession has been individualized in some aspects, and through an idea analysis I investigate how this is shown in the discussion within the unions. From my material – protocols from four different congresses – I draw the conclusion that the idea of individualisation is strong from the union boards and more mixed from the members. The question of individual and differentiated wages is the issue with the biggest spread of ideas and opinions in the union discussion, while the question of teacher certification is the closest to consensus.
- Published
- 2018
26. Can a teacher find time for all pupils in the mathematics education of today? : An interview study in how teachers describe teaching students with low achievement in mathematics
- Author
Almqvist, Ylva
- Subjects
Matematik ,teaching mathematics ,låga prestationer ,low achievement ,matematikundervisning ,lärarens perspektiv ,teacher perspective ,inclusion ,individualisering ,individualization ,Educational Sciences ,inkludering ,Utbildningsvetenskap ,Mathematics - Abstract
I den här studien vill jag belysa hur lärare beskriver prevention och intervention, alltså deras förebyggande och ingripande agerande när det gäller undervisningen av elever som presterar lågt i matematik. Det är en kvalitativ studie som bygger på en serie gruppintervjuer av lärare i grundskolan. Det finns fortfarande en traditionellt kompensatoriskt syn på eleverna hos matematiklärarna och de är ofta av uppfattningen att det behövs specialpedagogik för att alla ska få ett godkänt betyg i matematik. I och med fortbildning, främst genom matematiklyftet, har inställningen till att klara av att inkludera elever som presterar lågt i matematik på ett bra sätt dock ökat. Arbetet i skolorna pågår för att förbättra matematikundervisningen men man ser sällan en övergripande gemensam plan från skolans eller lärarnas sida. Det arbete lärarna bedriver preventivt för att kunna inkludera de elever som presterar lågt har en positiv effekt på alla elever. Mycket av förändringen ligger i att lärare och elever talar mer matematik och inte följer läroboken lika slaviskt som tidigare. In this study I want to illustrate how teachers describe their preventions and interventions when teaching students with low achievement in mathematics. This is a qualitative study based on a series of group interviews of teachers in the Swedish compulsory school. Mathematics teachers still hold a traditional compensatory perspective on students with low achievement thus placing the responsibility for learning with the students. The general opinion is that special pedagogics is necessary to enable support enough to help students with low achievement in mathematics to reach a passing grade. Thanks to further training, primarily through “Matematiklyftet”, the view on the possibility to include low achieving students in the classroom in a good way is more positive. There is an ongoing work in schools to improve the mathematics teaching, but one cannot see a complete or common plan for the schools neither from the school administration nor the teachers. The preventive measures made to include the low achieving students does have a positive effect for all students. Much of the implemented changes have its origin in talking mathematics in the classroom and not following the textbook as slavishly as previously done.
- Published
- 2017
27. Elever med särskilda förmågor inom matematik : Hur utvecklar man dessa elever
- Author
Eriksson, Lisa
- Subjects
Särskild förmåga ,individualisering ,motivation ,individualization ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,special abilities - Abstract
This study is about children in grade three with talent in mathematics and how to develop their talent in mathematics lessons. My questions are how to teach with regard on the way teachers work and used material? How do teacher pay attention to children with talents in mathematics and how they work to motivate and keep developing the children? The main method I used was qualitative observations backed up by interviews. The study was done in two Swedish schools. For interpreting the results I used the sociocultural perspective and motivation theory. The result shows that both schools work a lot with communication to develop mathematical abilities and to identify those students with talent in mathematics. The main difference between the two schools is that one uses material from the grade above while the other uses extra material from the same grade to develop those students. Otherwise both schools were quite equal, they worked with problem solving, mathematics games and digital tools such as computers.
- Published
- 2016
28. Får högpresterande elever den utmaning de har rätt till i skolan? : En empirisk studie baserad på lärares åsikter om arbetet med individualisering med fokus på högpresterande elever
- Author
Bäck, Gabriella
- Subjects
Above-average pupils ,individualisering ,motivation ,individualization ,utmana och stimulera ,challenge and stimulate ,Högpresterande elever - Abstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate five teachers’ opinions on the work with individualization with focus on above-average pupils. I have issued four questions based on the purpose of this study: - How do these teachers define the theoretical concepts of individualization and above-average pupils? - How do the teachers reason about the concept of individualization with focus on the above-average pupils? - How do the teachers reason regarding the work with individualization in the Swedish language? - Do these teachers consider that there are difficulties to individualize the work so that it will challenge above-average pupils? The method used to conduct this study was a semi-structured qualitative interview with five teachers in primary school. The theory and the theoretical concepts this study is based on is: what defines the above- average pupils, the zone of proximal development, the concept of individualization and motivation and the importance of cognitive and non-cognitive abilities. The study shows that the theoretical concept of above-average pupils is hard to define and it shows a difference between how the teachers choose to define it. However, the teachers show a good understanding of the concept of individualization which they define as an approach based on each individual's level of knowledge. It also shows that the teachers are having difficulties individualizing the school assignments to challenge and stimulate the above-average pupils. The teachers mean that the main reason for this problem is the lack of resources the teachers have available.
- Published
- 2015
29. Undervisning för elever med särskilda matematiska förmågor : En studie om hur lärares undervisning i grundskolans tidigare år bedrivs och anpassas till elever med särskilda matematiska förmågor
- Author
Karlsson, Linda
- Subjects
Särskilda matematiska förmågor ,mathematics teaching ,individualisering ,differentiering ,individualization ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Special mathematical abilities ,differentiation ,matematikundervisning - Abstract
The purpose of this study is to see how some teachers in primary school creates and adapts their mathematics teaching for students with special mathematical abilities. It also aims to identify opportunities and challenges that teachers see in creating a teaching adapted to these students. In this study, qualitative interviews has been done to collect data. The interviews were conducted with five teachers who all are active in the primary school. The study results show that there is great variation in how the interviewed teachers create their mathematics teaching for students with special mathematical abilities. The use of mathematics book proved to be significant for how this adaptation took place. The result also shows that the teachers’ explanations for the choice of the adaptations that they make in teaching vary. Some of the teachers stressed that the teaching they were carrying made it possible for adaptation in the normal teaching while others stressed that they made adjustments to fit the current student best. The result showed two challenges that many of the teachers saw in the creation of a teaching adapted for students with special mathematical abilities. These challenges were time and group.
- Published
- 2015
30. 'On the verge of being capable?' : A study of participation and self-determination for disabled people who receive support through LSS
- Author
Moradi, Zara and Gustafsson Björnlund, Johanna
- Subjects
Socialt arbete ,Social Work ,Disability ,possibilities ,hinder ,self-determination ,delaktighet ,möjligheter ,obstacles ,självbestämmande ,individualisering ,individualization ,Funktionsnedsättning ,erkännande ,participation ,recognition ,implementation plan ,genomförandeplan - Abstract
In this study we have aimed to explore how participation and self-determination is implemented in the daily life of disabled people who receive support through LSS. The questions addressed concern possibilities/obstacles for the participation and selfdetermination of disabled people who live in group housings, and how the terms participation and self-determination are realized. Nine interviews have taken place with staff members and directors of different group housings. We have found that the interviewees believe that the nature of a person’s disability can be a barrier to the individual’s self-determination and participation in his or her everyday life. For individuals with more severe disabilities, the interviewees find that the use of different communication aids, such as sign language and pictures, can facilitate the communication between all parts involved, and make it easier for the wishes of the individual to reach through to the staff/directors. Sometimes the interviewees’ opinions of what is a healthy life does not correspond with the wishes of the individual. When this occurs we have found examples of the staff putting up boundaries for the individual’s self-determination, and instances in which the staff takes on a more passive role and lets the individual make his or her own decisions even if the staff does not necessarily believe them to be good ones.
- Published
- 2014
31. Active during the vacation : A study in the trend of health and fitness travels
- Author
Hellsten, Rebecca, Nyqvist, Bonnie, and Karlsson, Linn
- Subjects
trends ,trender ,Upplevelser ,Health ,individualization ,Fysiska aktiviteter ,physical activities ,Individualisering ,experiences ,Hälsa ,träningsresa ,Fitness travel - Abstract
Vi har genom friluftslivets individualisering sett en allt större efterfrågan på fysiska aktiviteter kopplade till hälsa och träning. Vi har gått mot ett mer upplevelsebaserat samhälle där vi köper livsstilar i form av de känslor och erfarenheter de ger oss och vi söker hela tiden efter nya utmaningar. Syftet med vår uppsats var att undersöka vad som ligger till grund för hur vi genom träning och hälsa inom resande går mot ett allt större individualiserande där det egna intresset är centralt samt granska trenden träningsresors förutsättningar för att bli en trend som står sig stark i framtiden. För att besvara syfte och frågeställningar har vi använt oss av en litteraturundersökning för att undersöka hur trenden hälsa och träning sett ut genom historien samt en kvantitativ enkätundersökning där vi har ställt frågor kopplade till träningsresor och fysiska aktiviteter utomlands. De resultat vi kommit fram till i vår enkätundersökning visar att trenden träningsresor har potential att växa även i framtiden, även om den kan tvingas förändras något för att möta nya efterfrågningar. Genom vår litteraturundersökning har vi kunnat se att individualisering och det egna intresset blir allt viktigare genom historien, vilket vi även kan se en fortsatt efterfrågan på i vår enkätundersökning, i form av eget bestämmande över både tid, pengar och aktiviteter. Through the individualization of outdoor recreation we have seen an increased demand for physical activities related to health and fitness. We have moved towards a more experience-based society where we buy lifestyles in terms of the feelings and experiences they give us and we are always looking for new challenges. The purpose of our study was to examine how we through fitness and health in travelling are moving towards an increased individualization in which the own interest is central. We have also investigated the conditions that are necessary for the trend to stand strong in the future. To explain the purpose and questions of our study, we used a literature survey to investigate what the trend of health and fitness looked like throughout history. We also made a quantitative survey where we asked questions relevant to fitness travels and physical activities abroad. The results we obtained from our survey showed us that the trend has the potential to grow in the future, even if it has to change slightly in response to new requests. We have seen from our literature survey that individualization and the own interest has become increasingly more important throughout history. We can also see a continued demand for this in our survey, with customers having control of their own time, money and activities.
- Published
- 2014
32. Individualiseringens identiteter : Perspektiv på identitet i en individualiserad och globaliserad värld
- Author
Nordin, Johan
- Subjects
content analysis ,individualisering ,individualization ,diskurs ,innehållsanalys ,bloggskola ,identitet ,discourse ,blogg ,blogging-course ,blog ,identity - Abstract
Denna studie fokuserar på vad individualiserat identitetsskapande genom bloggning består utav. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i att globaliseringens omvärldsförändringar förändrat människors möjligheter till identitet, och att bloggning är del av en ny typ av identitetsskapande. För att undersöka identitetsskapande genom bloggning analyserar studien en bloggskola på nätet framtagen av tre kvinnliga framgångsrika "bloggentreprenörer", Clara Lidström, Anna-Karin Nyberg och Frida Ramstedt. Bloggskolan syftar enligt dem till att lära bloggare hur man bäst ska framställa sig själv för att synas och expandera på nätet, samt göra bloggen till en lyckad affärsverksamhet. Studien syftar till att utveckla förståelsen för hur samtidens framträdande sociala aktiviteter genom diskurs formar social verklighet och därmed identitet. Frågeställningarna handlar om hur man konstruerar sitt individualistiska jag när man bloggar, vilka mönster som präglar detta jag, samt vilka externa diskurser bloggidentiteten påverkas av. De teoretiska ramar som studien utgår från är Zygmunt Baumans, Ulrich Becks och Anthony Elliott & Charles Lemerts respektive perspektiv på det individualiserade samhällets identiteter, i litteratur från 2000-talet. Metoder som använts är textanalys med innehållsanalys som främsta verktyg. Även diskurspsykologiska teorier såsom rollteori och humanistisk teori (Potter & Wetherell, 1987, s 97, 99) har använts för att betrakta självet i bloggvärlden. Studien kom bl. a fram till att identitetsskapande genom bloggning till stor del vilar på kontextuellt och socialt skapade värden, att bloggidentiteten är nära besläktad med företagsvärlden, samt att självet framställs genom retoriska strategier byggda på egenintressen. This study focuses on how individualized forms of identities are constructed within the sphere of blogging. The premiss of the study is that changes in society brought about by globalization has changed peoples ways of forming identities, and that blogging functions as a new kind of tool for identity-construction. The object of analysis is a webbased blogging-course made by three successful female bloggentrepreneurs, Clara Lidström, Anna-Karin Nyberg and Frida Ramstedt. The purpose of the course is according to them to teach bloggers how to portray themselves in the best way, with the aim of becoming visible in the blog-world, expand and turn blogging into business. The purpose of the study is to contribute with observations of how contemporary social activities - through certain discourse - forms social reality and by that, identity. The question formulation is about how the individualized identity is created through blogging, what patterns this identity is made up of, and also what external discourses the blogging-self is affected by. The theoretical framework include the theorization of Zygmunt Bauman, Ulrich Beck and Anthony Elliott & Charles Lemert, with their various perspectives on identity in an individualized society, in literature of the 21st century. Methods used are text analysis, with content analysis as the primary tool. Role-theory and humanistic theory originated from discourse psychology have been used to understand and portray the blog-identity. The study resulted in the conclusion that the constuction of identity through blogging is to be regarded as dependant of contextual and socially constructed values, that the blog-identity is closely related to the businessworld and that the self is displayed via rethorical techniques derived from various self-interests.
- Published
- 2013
33. Individualized education : Teachers' experiences of adapting teaching to pupils' circumstances and needs
- Author
Hansson, Weronica
- Subjects
behov ,brister ,upplevelser ,challenges ,förutsättningar ,deficiencies ,Individanpassad undervisning ,individualisering ,individualization ,hermeneutisk-fenomenologi ,utmaningar ,Individualized teaching ,experiences ,circumstances ,hermeneutic-phenomenology ,individanpassning ,needs - Abstract
Läroplanen (Skolverket, 2011) och Skollagen (SFS 2010:800) anger att undervisningen ska individanpassas. Skolinspektionen (2011) fastställer att det finns brister i hur skolorna bedriver en sådan undervisning och även min erfarenhet var att detta inbegrep en del utmaningar. Med detta som bakgrund blev studiens syfte att beskriva, tolka och förstå innebörden i lärares upplevelser av att individanpassa den egna undervisningen samt eventuella relaterade utmaningar. För att undersöka detta användes en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer som datainsamlingsteknik, där fem verksamma lärare intervjuades. En hermeneutiskt-fenomenologisk ansats användes som utgångspunkt. Resultatet visade att individanpassa undervisningen inte är lätt att göra, då det är mycket upp till läraren att själv tolka och bedriva undervisningen med de svårigheter det innebär. Det är många faktorer som är med och påverkar undervisningen och i analysen av resultatet kunde det påvisas att dessa faktorer fungerar i en kombination med varandra och är vad som möjliggör individanpassad undervisning. The curriculum (Skolverket, 2011) and Education Act (SFS 2010:800) indicates that education must be adapted to the students' abilities and needs. The National Agency for Education (2011) determines that there are deficiencies in how the schools practice such education and also my experience was that this included some challenges. Against this background, this study aim became to describe, interpret and understand the meaning of the teachers’ experiences of individualizes their own teaching and any related challenges. To investigate this, a qualitative method with interviews as a data collection technique was used, where five practicing teachers were interviewed. A hermeneutic - phenomenological approach was used as a base. The results showed that individualized education is not easy to do, as it's much up to the teacher to interpret and carry out the education with the difficulties it means. There are many factors that will affect the education and the analysis of the result show that these factors work in combination with each other and are what enables individualized education.
- Published
- 2013
34. Streamad Tv – komplement eller konkurrent för linjär Tv? : En studie om preferenser bland män och kvinnor i olika åldrar
- Author
Barsoum, Karem
- Subjects
Digitization ,Content Preference ,Streamad Tv ,IPTV ,Könspreferens ,Individualisering ,Gender Related Preference ,Individualization ,Digitalisering ,Television ,Age Related Preference ,Ålderspreferens ,Streaming - Abstract
Few would disagree that the media landscape has undergone significant changes the last decade. From bulky computers and plain mobile phones to portable High-Definition computers and multi-functional smartphones. Other media, such as newspapers and music, have evolved and prospered in a digitalized environment. The constant urge to digitalize aspects and functions of our daily lives seems almost instinctive. Television has taken further steps into this environment as it is now accepted and featured via the Internet. This essay investigates in the ways the new platforms of television will affect the traditional one. More specifically, whether the Internet Streaming Media functions as an extension or as a replacement to the current form of television. Furthermore, this essay explores age- and gender-related content-preferences in Streaming, as well as speculating on the subject of the consequences of Streaming consumption. The method in acquiring the empirical data is through a quantitative one, in a survey. The conclusions made are that the survey respondents, at this current time, are using Streaming as an extension to traditional TV, that there are, in some genres, significant gender-related content preferences when watching TV over the Internet (these include: Drama, reality and sports) and that there are age-related content preference when using Streaming; as the younger age-groups watch “entertainment-shows” more than the older age-groups but neither of the groups do so exclusively. When it then comes to the discussion concerning increased individualization it is, at this point in time, too early to speculate since the respondents mostly use Streaming as an extension to the traditional television.
- Published
- 2013
35. 'Så deilig når slimet er vekke!'. Erfaringer og kommunikasjon i lungefysioterapi for personer med Multippel Sclerose
- Author
Kleppestø, Gro Sverdrup
- Subjects
pasienterfaring ,individualisering ,communication ,individualization ,multippel sclerose ,chest physiotherapy ,lived experience ,kommunikasjon ,fysioterapi ,multiple sclerosis ,lungefysioterapi ,physiotherapy - Abstract
Mastergradsstudium i Klinisk Fysioterapi Hensikten med studien var å få innsikt i erfaringer pasienter med langtkommet MS gjorde seg med lave lungevolum, slim i lungene og med fysioterapibehandling. Svekkelse i respirasjonsmuskulaturen og redusert bevegelighet i brystkassen fører til at pasienter med langtkommet MS står i fare for sekretopphoping i lungene og økt risiko for infeksjoner. Lungefysioterapi kan bedre respirasjonsmuskelstyrke, thoraxbevegelighet, lungevolumer og hostekraft, som igjen kan sørge for slimmobilisering. I tillegg ville jeg se på hvilken mening og forståelse som kunne tillegges signaler og reaksjoner som oppsto i samhandling mellom personer som har nedsatt språklig kommunikasjonsevne og fysioterapeuter. Kroppslig kommunikasjon er en vesentlig del av fysioterapeuters evalueringsverktøy og ligger til grunn for individuell tilpasning av behandling. Observasjon med filming av fire MS pasienter i behandling hos fire fysioterapeuter var bakgrunn for intervjuer med pasientene i etterkant. Dette store råmaterialet ga innsikt i pasienterfaringer og fysioterapipraksis som ble analysert med bakgrunn i fenomenologisk/ hermeneutisk forståelsesmodell. Presentasjon av empirien inneholder utstrakt bruk av beskrivelser fra observasjonene, og noe mindre fra intervjuene. Nedsatt språklig kommunikasjonsevne hos informantene førte til at intervjumaterialet var sparsomt, mens observasjonene var av uvurderlig nytte for utfyllende forståelse. Tekstnære kommentarer er knyttet til beskrivelsene, mens de i analyse og drøftingsdelen er forsøkt løftet til et høyere teoretisk nivå med kroppsfenomenologi, naturvitenskap og teori om kommunikasjon som bakgrunn. Pasientene var generelt lite opptatt av egen pust og lungefunksjon, og skilte ikke mellom vanlig fysioterapi og lungefysioterapi. De var heller ikke engstelige for at mye slim skulle hindre dem i å få puste, selv om de registrerte at det var lettere og bedre å puste etter at slimet var fjernet. Ingen av informantene husket behandling med intensiv lungefysioterapi fra de periodene de var innlagt på sykehus. Forstyrrende elementer i behandlingssituasjonen påvirket hvor fysioterapeutene hadde sin oppmerksomhet og deres sensitivitet overfor kroppslig kommunikasjon som blikk og pust. III Det kunne føre til misforståelser og gi mindre rom for individuell tilpasning og forståelse av hvordan fysioterapi påvirker mennesker som ellers har begrenset språklig kommunikasjonsevne. Studien viser at en erfaringsnær tilnærming kan gi uvurderlig informasjon fra fysioterapipraksis og samtidig belyse pasientenes mulighet til aktiv medvirkning. Det er nødvendig med adekvat faglig kompetanse for å imøtekomme stadig større utfordringer med alvorlig syke pasienter i førstelinjetjenesten. The purpose of this study was to attain in-depth understanding of the lived experiences of patients with advanced MS dealing with low lung volumes, airway secretions and physiotherapy. Respiratory muscle weakness and reduced thoracic mobility make people with advanced MS vulnerable to sputum retention and hence increased risk of infections. Respiratory physiotherapy may improve respiratory muscle strength, range of movement, lung volumes and peak cough flow to ensure sputum clearance. Also, I wanted to investigate if any comprehensive meaning and understanding could be ascribed to the signals and reactions occurring in the interaction between physiotherapists and patients with impaired verbal communication ability. Bodily communication is an essential part of the assessment tool in physiotherapy, and is crucial for individual adjustment of the treatment. Videorecording the treatment of four MS patients and their physiotherapists was the basis for interviewing the patients. This large amount of data was analyzed in a phenomenological/hermeneutic framework of understanding, based on the lived experiences of the patients and how the clinical physiotherapy was carried out. In the presentation of empirical data there is extensive use of descriptions from the observations, and less from the interviews. The interview material was sparse due to the informants´ impaired ability of verbal communication. The observations, however, were of valuable significance for complementary understanding. In presenting the empirical material, I have given low-level comments to the events in question, whereas in an attempt to lift the study to an analytic level of theory, the discussion is conducted with phenomenology of the body, science and communication as a basis. In general, the patients had little interest in their own breathing and lung function, and made no distinction between regular physiotherapy and respiratory physiotherapy. They were not worried that excess secretions could cause respiratory arrest, although they noticed that it was easier and better breathing after sputum clearance. None of the patients remembered intensive respiratory physiotherapy from their periods of hospitalisation. V Disruptive elements in the treatment setting affected the physiotherapists´ focus of attention, and also their awareness towards bodily communication such as gaze direction and breathing pattern. This lead to misunderstandings and provided less room for individual adaptation and understanding of how physiotherapy affects people who otherwise have limited verbal communication skills. The study shows that an experiencenear approach can provide valuable information from physiotherapy practice, and also illustrates the patients' possibilities to participate actively. It is necessary to provide adequate expertise to accomodate the growing challenges of seriously ill patients in the communities.
- Published
- 2013
36. What’s on TV tonight?
- Author
Doohan Pehrman, Fredrik and Davidsson, Emmy
- Subjects
samhällsansvar ,Medievetenskap ,lifestyle ,TV viewing ,fragmentation ,capital ,livsstil ,social responsibility ,TV-tittande ,kapital ,smak ,TV ,taste ,media use ,individualisering ,individualization ,fragmentering ,identitet ,medieanvändning ,identity ,habitus ,Media Studies - Abstract
Authors: Emmy Davidsson and Fredrik Doohan Pehrman Title: What’s on TV tonight? Swedish title: Vad är det på tv ikväll? Level: BA Thesis in Media and Communication Studies Language: Swedish Number of pages: 53 Aim: The purpose of this study is to chart and explain Swedish high school students’ TV viewing and their attitude towards the TV medium. The aim is also to discuss the students’ views on news and citizenship. The purpose is also to, through the term habitus, explore how the background of a person reflects on their choice of TV content, in what way they watch television and on their purpose of TV viewing. What similarities and differences can we discover in different groups’ TV viewing and attitude towards the TV medium and how can these similarities and differences be explained? Method: The used method is a qualitative method of investigation, divided in three parts. The first part is a TV diary, in which the respondents document different aspects of their TV viewing during a week. The second part of the method is focus groups and the last part is a survey concerning the background environment of the respondents. Main result: In our study we have determined that Swedish high school students still, in some aspects, watch television in a traditional manner. They mainly watch entertaining content, but the varieties of entertainment vary depending on habitus, especially gender. We have also discovered that TV viewing is fragmented, but also formalized depending on which level; general, group or individual level, we choose to study. The main aspect of habitus that influence the behavior concerning TV viewing is gender, but also other aspects of habitus, for example education and place to live. We have studied a rather homogenous group of students, which result in differences in attitude towards the TV medium, mostly based on gender. However, we have also discovered subtleties in attitude between the different groups of respondents depending on lifestyle and taste. The results concerning TV use and attitude towards television can not alone determine if Swedish high school students are enlightened members of society or not. However, through habitus and the influence of parenthood and schooling, the students gain opportunities to create habits and a behavior surrounding news consumption that will make them take their social responsibility later in life. Program: The Program for Information and Communication Studies Location: Linnaeus University, Växjö Period: March – May 2012 Assessor: Magnus Eriksson Examinor: Malin Hjorth Keywords: media use · TV · TV viewing · habitus · capital · identity · taste · lifestyle · social responsibility · individualization · fragmentation
- Published
- 2012
37. I live with the person I care for
- Author
Vilbertsson, Anna and Blirup, Annelie
- Subjects
Relatives prop ,Gesellschaft ,Anhörigstödjare ,Individualisering ,Individualization ,Empowerment ,Gemeinschaft - Abstract
Denna sociologiska C-uppsats handlar om stöd till anhörigstödjare. Den har ett hermeneutiskt förhållningsätt och data har samlats in genom kvalitativ metod. Fokus har riktats till Gislaved, Gnosjö, Vaggeryd och Värnamos kommuner (GGVV regionen). Efter kontakt med kommunernas anhörigsamordnare väcktes intresset att undersöka de olika stöden till anhörigstödjare som finns i GGVV regionen. Då stöden gått från att erbjudas i samma form till alla, till att erbjudas individuellt fanns ett intresse av att undersöka vilka stöd kommunerna erbjuder. För att få en djupare förståelse av stöden har det även undersökts vilka stöd som finns, vilka som tar emot stöden, hur gemenskapen upplevs, men även hur anhörigstödjare anser att stöden påverkar dem. Efter intervjuer, deltagande observationer samt en livshistoria fanns tillräckligt med material att analysera data med hjälp av teoretiska begrepp. De teoretiska begrepp som använts är Gemeinschaft och Gesellschaft, livsformen Främlingen samt Empowerment. Analysen visar att GGVV regionen erbjuder stöd av olika former som exempelvis träffar för anhörigstödjare, Må bra dagar och Gapet. En betydelsefull familjär gemenskap verkar innefattas på alla de olika stödformerna. Anhörigstödjarna upplever att stöden ger dem ny energi, kraft samt att de lättare att prata om sin situation med andra personer i liknande situation. Stöd vi studerat når generellt ut till en viss grupp av människor, kvinnor över 65 år och dessa kvinnor har svensk etnisk bakgrund. Dessutom erbjuder de fyra kommunerna inte samma former av stöd till anhörigstödjare. This sociological essay is about support for relatives prop. It has a hermeneutic attitude, and data were collected through qualitative methods. The focus has been directed to the municipalities of Gislaved, Gnosjö, Vaggeryd and Värnamo (the GGVV region). Contact with relative’s supporters caused interest to examine the various relatives prop that are available in the GGVV region. As the support changed from being based on general terms to be individualized, an interest aroused to investigate what support the respective municipalities offer. To gain a deeper understanding of the support, the beneficiaries have been examined as well as the experience of the community and how the families believe that the supports affect them. Through interviews, participant observations, and a life story, sufficient material was gathered for analyzing the data using theoretical concepts. The theoretical concepts used are Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft, The Stanger and Empowerment. The analysis shows that the GGVV region offers support for various forms of family gatherings for example, "feel good days" or "the Gapet". A significant family community seems to be included in all of the forms of assistance. The families feel that the support gives them new energy, and give them strength to talk about their situation. Unfortunately, the support we have studied only reach out to a certain group of people, women over 65, with a Swedish ethnic background. Besides four of the municipalities we reviewed do not offer the same assistance relatives prop.
- Published
- 2012
38. Lyckans betydelse : sekularisering, sensibilisering och individualisering i svenska skillingtryck 1750–1850
- Author
Nilsson Hammar, Anna
- Subjects
kosmologi ,History ,sensibilitet ,Koselleck ,sensibilisering ,sensibilization ,sensibility ,secularization ,skillingtryck ,begreppshistoria ,bliss ,förnöjsamhet ,happiness ,anthropology ,lycksalighet ,lycklig ,blessedness ,världsbild ,antropologi ,moral ,felicity ,conceptual history ,människosyn ,individualisering ,individualization ,chapbooks ,religion ,sekularisering ,dygd ,lycka ,cosmology ,begriffsgeschichte ,virtue - Abstract
This dissertation takes its departure from the methodology of German Begriffsgeschichte and sets out to explore the use of the concept of happiness in Swedish chapbooks (skillingtryck).The period considered, 1750-1850, frames the transition from early modern to modern society, a time that has often been labeled Sattelzeit or Schwellenzeit. The aim of this thesis is to study how the concept of happiness was used in the chapbooks and how it changed during this period. The empirical analysis of the first fifty years shows that the concept of happiness was firmly rooted in Lutheran cosmology and anthropology. In this worldview happiness (lycka) was a central concept alongside providence, world/worldlyness and heavenly bliss. The concept of happiness was first and foremost used to illustrate the ups and downs of worldly life.The dichotomy between worldly happiness (lycka) and eternal bliss (lycksalighet) was often a theme in the songs of the 18th century chapbooks, where the the eternal life in heaven was depicted as the total absence of pain and misery and worldly happiness, although sometimes pleasurable, was seen as mixed with misfortune, grief and calamity. The organizing principle of 18th century cosmology was time. Time was understood through the salvation history where everything proceeded towards eschaton, the ultimate days. The cosmology underwent considerable changes in the chapbook songs and texts of the early 19th century. It was increasingly seen as a more subjective and emotional phenomenon. The sharp distinction between happiness (lycka) and bliss (lycksalighet) faded and happiness gradually became synonymous with well-being (vällust), felicity (sällhet) and blessedness (salighet). Happiness was now associated with emotion and with the human psyche and thereby lost its previous importance within the frame of cosmology. Central concepts can be identified that show a shift towards a more neoplatonic cosmology, often associated with Romanticism. The allure of truth and beauty is for example apparent in the 19th century chapbooks. Happiness and felicity became temporaly secularized and were seen as a goal for the worldly future, while eternity gradually lost its significance. Happiness transformed from being an external circumstance, impervious to man, into something emotional and subjective and became something for the individual to search for within him- or herself. The collective perspective of eternity that characterized the old order disappeared and in its place we can distinguish a new secularized and individualized concept of happiness.
- Published
- 2012
39. The Pursuit for Happiness
- Author
Fjellander, Camilla
- Subjects
välbefinnande ,Sociology ,Sociologi ,social arenas ,well-being ,Individualisering ,Individualization ,moderna samhället ,sociala arenor ,adolescents ,samhällsarenor ,modern society ,ungdomar - Abstract
Bakgrund: Under de senaste åren har debatten om ungdomars psykiska besvär hamnat i rampljuset. Undersökningar som gjorts på området visar bland annat att orsakerna, till att ungdomar upplever känslor som ångest, oro och stress, kan vara ökad individualisering och ökad valfrihet. Dagens samhälle erbjuder en rad olika valmöjligheter och livsstilar och det kan för vissa ungdomar vara en utmaning att orientera sig bland dessa. Syfte: Med redogörelser och resonemang, som beskrivs i uppsatsen, kan man anta att de förändringar som skett, i takt med det moderna samhällets framväxt, har påverkat ungdomarnas situation i samhället. Uppsatsen syfte är att lyfta fram en grupp ungdomar som upplever ett sviktande välbefinnande och presentera deras berättelser för att på så vis synliggöra deras inställning till hur dagens samhälle påverkar deras välbefinnande. Jag vill även skapa en förståelse för hur de rör sig inom och förhåller sig till olika samhällsarenor och sociala arenor. Metod: Studien är baserad på narrativ metod. I de narrativa intervjuerna användes en halvstrukturerad intervjuguide med övergripande teman. Insamling av materialet har skett genom livsberättelser med fem respondenter och under samtalets gång har följdfrågor ställts som varit relevanta i det unika mötet. Teori: Studien lyfter fram begreppen individualisering, främre och bakre region, val av livsstilar, anomi och sociala band. Dessa begrepp har varit till hjälp i analyseringen av materialet, vilket utgörs av ungdomarnas berättelser, samt i besvarandet av syftet och frågeställningarna. Resultat: Resultatet visade att förändringar inom samhällsarenor och sociala arenor har påverkat ungdomarna och deras välbefinnande. De upplever svårigheter i att förhålla sig till omgivningen, arbetslivet och orientera sig bland samhällets olika valmöjligheter. Vidare visar också resultatet att de arenor som är av betydelse för ungdomarnas välbefinnande är sociala relationer och meningsfulla aktiviteter och det är inom dessa som ungdomarna upplever att deras välbefinnande påverkas positivt. Background: The mental state of adolescents has during the last years ended up in the spotlight. Studies have shown that the causes to the health issues have been increased individualization and increased freedom of choice. The society today offers a variety of options and lifestyles and for some adolescents it could be a challenge to choose among them. Purpose: With statements and arguments that the study describes, one can assume that the changes that have occurred have affected the situation of the youths in the society. This essay aims to highlight a group of young people with declining well-being and present their stories to thereby display their approach to the way our society has affect their well-being. I also want to create an understanding of how they relates to different social arenas. Methodology: The study is based on narrative methodology. A semi structural interview guide with themes has been used to gathering information from the young people; the data collected consists of five life stories and follow-up questions. Theory: The terms in the study are individualization, front and back stage, the choice of lifestyles, anomie and social bonds. These terms have been helpful in analyzing the narratives and to answer the purpose. Results: The results showed that the changes within the different social arenas have affected adolescents and their well-being. They experienced difficulties to relate to the environment, work and to orient among various choices of the society. The study also showed that the social arenas that are of importance to the adolescents’ well-being are social bonds and meaningful activities.
- Published
- 2011
40. Nivågruppering i grundskolans tidigare år : Hur och varför används den i matematikundervisningen
- Author
Metni, Lena
- Subjects
det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande ,teaching mathematics ,differentiering ,individualisering ,individualization ,Nivågruppering ,differentiation ,matematikundervisning ,the social cultural perspective on learning ,Ability grouping - Abstract
The aim of this essay is to examine why and how three teachers who work in elementary classes choose to use ability grouping during math lessons and what they think of ability grouping as a method to individualize the activities according to the pupil’s needs. I chose one main question for this study that is the following: What is the teacher’s point of view and experience of ability grouping in teaching mathematics? And three sub-questions: What are the motives behind the choice of ability grouping? What are the advantages of ability grouping? What are the disadvantages of ability grouping? In order to be able to answer my questions, I used the qualitative method. I interviewed three teachers who work in the elementary classes (First to fifth grade) to find out what they think about ability grouping and how it is experienced in mathematic teaching.The result shows that the common thing between these three teachers is that they don’t use ability grouping as the only teaching method. They all agree that the whole class teaching has many benefits for the pupils. Regarding the teachers’ views on advantages of ability grouping, they all regard it as a method that contributes to differentiating the math activities according to the pupil's personal needs. My conclusion is that the teachers’ different experiences of ability grouping have an impact on their point of view of ability grouping.
- Published
- 2011
41. 'That's how it should be!' : - A study of some teachers' views and implementation of individualized instruction in mathematics
- Author
Hjelmesten, Therése and Karlsson, Carola
- Subjects
education ,kartläggning ,mathematics ,individualization way ,Individualisering ,matematik ,undervisning ,Individualization ,identification ,individualiseringssätt - Abstract
Syftet med denna studie är att studera några utvalda lärares syn på individualisering i matematikundervisningen för årskurs 4-6. Denna studie belyser och analyserar hur lärarna i studien ser på individualisering och vilka möjligheter och begränsningar de upplever, vad lärare grundar sin individualisering på och hur de sedan planerar och anpassar den i sin matematikundervisning. Med hjälp av en urvalsenkät, där lärare svarade kortfattat på ett fåtal frågor angående deras individualisering i matematikundervisning, valdes lärare ut till sex olika kvalitativa intervjuer. De kvalitativa intervjuerna genomfördes för att få en djupare förståelse för lärares syn, förhållningssätt, målsättningar och planeringar med individualisering. De intervjuade lärarna har alla en god medvetenhet om individualisering och genomför den framförallt genom olika arbetsmoment och arbetsmaterial i sin undervisning. För att individualisera i sin matematikundervisning använder sig lärarna i studien av en stor variation av arbetsmoment och arbetsmaterial för att innehålls-, omfångs-, nivå-, hastighets- och materialindividualisera. Trots detta ser de individualisering främst som något som förekommer i elevernas enskilda arbete och inte i lika hög grad som anpassning av hela undervisningssituationen.
- Published
- 2011
42. Ledarskapstilar i klassrummet : Utifrån lärarperspektiv
- Author
Messo, Khatoun
- Subjects
Leadership ,individualisering ,motivation ,grouping ,individualization ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Ledarstil/ledarskap ,planering ,planning ,gruppering ,control ,kontroll - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to see how teachers experience their own leadership style and how they did to get their leadership to work in the classroom. The purpose was also to understand the teachers’ actions, what they think is best for the students’ development and how they describe the leadership in the classroom. I interviewed six female teachers and they all have had many experiences since this is their profession. My research was based on Stensmo (2000). There are five dimensions this leadership is based on. These are planning, control, grouping, motivation and individualization. In this study I will perform how the teachers plan and organise their work based on students and work styles. The method I used in this study was the qualitative method in which I as an interviewer posed questions to my informants. The further into the studies I came I perceived that the teachers had different leadership styles. Some educators had authoritarian tendencies, while some had democratic leadership style and the others had a different leadership which had an intermediate form; some of the authoritarian elements, but also moved towards the democratic leadership style. The last method that one of these six teachers used had a situational leadership style as her management style varied depending in what situation she was in. So the results of this study do not only depend on what specific method you use for one kind of class. It is the activity in the classroom that decides how a teacher should be and which method she should use. The teacher should be well prepared and planned before she enters the classroom. Clear rules and instructions give a functioning leadership in the classroom. The teaching should be fun and interesting and all students should have equal opportunity to achieve goals.
- Published
- 2011
43. Teachers’ conceptions of individualized education
- Author
Björserud, Elin
- Subjects
Individanpassad undervisning ,uppfattning ,kvalitativ metod ,individualisering ,individualization ,phenomenographic approach ,Individualized instruction ,conceptions ,personalization ,individanpassning ,qualitative methods ,fenomenografisk ansats - Abstract
Enligt läroplanen (Lgr11) och skollagen (SFS 2010:800) är det lärarens uppdrag att individanpassa sin undervisning. Dessa styrdokument är tydligare kring den individanpassade undervisningen än vad tidigare styrdokument har varit. Min erfarenhet var att detta inte gjordes fullt ut som det förväntades. Med detta som bakgrund ville jag undersöka lärares förståelse av individanpassad undervisning. Därmed blev mitt syfte att undersöka och studera lärares skilda uppfattningar av individanpassad undervisning. Detta valde jag att göra genom en kvalitativ metod med intervju som datainsamlingsteknik. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i fenomenografin. I studien har fyra verksamma lärare intervjuats. Resultatet visade två skilda uppfattningar av individanpassad undervisning: Individanpassad undervisning som generell princip för undervisning och Individanpassad undervisning som utopi. Det som blev tydligt i resultatet är att kategorin Individanpassad undervisning som generell princip för undervisning är den kategori som var mest frekvent förekommande i det empiriska materialet, det vill säga lärarna uppehöll sig i intervjuerna kring resonemang som kan hänföras till innehållet i den beskrivningskategorin. Lärarna ger alltså uttryck för att de använder sig mycket av individanpassad undervisning. Innan studien antog jag att lärarna i större utsträckning skulle se den individanpassade undervisningen som något som de ville jobba med, men inte ansåg sig ha tid, resurser eller möjligheter till. Vid en analys av relationen mellan de skilda uppfattningarna kunde det konstateras att kategorin Individanpassad undervisning som generell princip för undervisning kan betraktas i ett elevperspektiv som mer utvecklande än kategorin Individanpassad undervisning som utopi. According to the curriculum (Lgr11) and Education Act (SFS 2010:800) is the teacher's assignment to individualize their education. These policy documents are clearer about the individualized education than previous policy documents have been. My experience was that this wasn´t done fully as it should. With this as background, I wanted to investigate teachers' understanding of individualized education. This made my purpose to examine and study the teachers' different conceptions of individualized education. This, I chose to do through a qualitative approach to interview data collection techniques. The study was based on phenomenography. The study has four active teachers interviewed. The results showed two different conceptions of individualized education: Individually tailored teaching as a general principles of teaching and individualized education as a utopia. What became clear in the results is that the category Individually tailored teaching as a general principle of teaching is the category most frequently occurring in the empirical material. The teachers expressed that they use a lot of individualized education as a general principle of teaching. Before the study, I assumed that teachers in the greater would see the personalized education as a utopia, as something they wanted to work with, but felt they had time, resources or opportunities. When analyzing the relationship between the different positions, was it clear that the category Individually tailored teaching as a general principle of teaching can be seen in a student perspective as more developed than the category Individually tailored teaching as a utopia.
- Published
- 2011
44. To learn in different ways : A study about how teachers relate to students different learning styles
- Author
Edwall Pettersson, Anna
- Subjects
reflektion ,individualisering ,lärstilar ,individualization ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Learning ,learning styles ,reflection ,Lärande - Abstract
The intention with my study is to examine how teachers in school relate to the concept of learning styles and how they define an individualized education that focus on students’ different learning abilities. My intention is also to raise their thoughts about what they think the benefits and the deficits may be with an individualized education that focuses on students’ individual ways to learn. My study is based on the empiric material I have collected from interviews with five teachers, whom all worked in grade three. To analyze and discuss the interview answers I have had to my help Dunn-, Kolbs- and Gardners theories about peoples different learning abilities and learning styles. The conclusions I have made from the results of the study is that almost all the respondents reason all the same about students different learning styles. They all agree about that every student has the right to get an education that matches their learning abilities. Despite that I can see some differences in how they define an education that suits individual learning styles and how they teach in their classrooms. Every person has individual ways to take in information, individual ways how they learn and respond to different learning situations and it is important that all teachers see, notice and guide every student to make the schoolwork and learning situations meaningful.
- Published
- 2010
45. ADHD- diagnosen i skolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om fem pedagogers förhållningssätt till diagnosen ADHD i Åk 6-9
- Author
Toro Marques, Alejandra
- Subjects
individualisering ,normality ,diagnosis ,stigma ,individualization ,education ,normalitet ,ADHD ,medication ,diagnos ,stigmatisering ,medicinering - Abstract
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a phenomena that is much talked about in both schools and in communities. Today, there is a conflict surrounding the diagnosis ADHD. A part of the conflict takes part between the sociologist Eva Kärfve and Christopher Gillberg, professor in child- and teenage psychology. The roots of this conflict surrounds the much debated line of what is seen as normal and “too” different, basically how many children that actually should have the diagnosis. The purpose with this study is to show five different views of the diagnosis ADHD, using five teachers. To make this study possible, five informants have participated and shared their view on the diagnosis ADHD as well as their experience with the diagnosis. The informants work at a school in the municipality of Huddinge. The school has students from the 6th to the 9th grade, one preparation class, on special school class and one study group for students with concentration difficulties. The study is based on a method of study which focuses on interpretation of the empirical material. The result of this study is that the informants were of the opinion that medication was a big advantage with the diagnosis, so that the students could work in a school environment. Though there were separate opinions on whether or not the medication should be used and to what degree. The result was that certain informants thought that there were many tricks in the physical environment that could be useful, before adding medication to the equation. The informants thought that one big disadvantage with the diagnosis were that the students were very careful with not sharing the information about the diagnosis to other students. The informants believe that students with the diagnosis ADHD could get some form of “label” on them from their classmates and the teachers. Keywords: ADHD, medication, diagnosis, normality, stigma, individualization Nyckelord: ADHD, medicinering, diagnos, normalitet, stigmatisering, individualisering
- Published
- 2010
46. Matematikundervisningens varierade arbetssätt : En kvalitativ undersökning om tre grundskolelärares undervisningsmetoder inom matematik
- Author
Mårtensson, Sofie
- Subjects
laboratory work ,Matematik ,laborativt arbetssätt ,individualisering ,communication ,individualization ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,learing ,lärande ,kommunicera ,textbook ,Mathematics ,lärobok - Abstract
There is a constant change in the world of school, new curricula and syllabi are made and the view of teaching and learning is changing. The desire to improve maths teaching in Swedish schools is strong, especially by laboratory work. How is it then that several teachers in our schools are still using the traditional way of teaching mathematics, which I consider to be relying a lot on the textbook and work for an automated approach? The purpose of my study is to investigate how three different math teachers on an F-5 school in the southern Stockholm area, choose to work with mathematics and why they choose to work according to a special approach. In order to obtain the information I seek, I have chosen to use the qualitative method to get a better understanding of my results. I have both observed the teachers during mathematics lessons on multiple occasions and interviewed the three teachers individually. The theories I have chosen to support my thesis on are the socio-cultural perspective and the cognitive perspective. Based on the results of my investigation I found that teaching in general assumes a lot from the textbook. Teachers in the survey feel a sense of security, to build upon the textbook, which they consider covers much of the knowledge students should have. The teachers use the textbook as a base and complements with laboratory features and communicate mathematics. The approach they choose to use has a lot of time allocated for teaching mathematics. Time isn’t enough for all the teachers to do what they want and they are worried that students will forget the basics of mathematics. Even the large number of students in the class plays the role of the choice of working, because all students should have time to develop.
- Published
- 2010
47. 'Not like everyone else' : A qualitative study about how pupils with ADHD experience their school attendance
- Author
Brandström, Sara
- Subjects
self-esteem ,självkänsla ,diagnosis ,education ,Pedagogik ,diagnos ,behavioral disciplines and activities ,socio-cultural perspective ,Education ,individualisering ,sociokulturellt perspektiv ,individualization ,mental disorders ,ADHD ,medication ,medicinering - Abstract
Background: In the schools today it is common that teachers talk about children with special needs and children with “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” – ADHD. You can often hear people discuss about children with ADHD from the teachers point of view, that pupils are hard to handle and that they do not know how to create a good relationship with them. But you seldom hear anyone talk about school from the children’s perspective, how they feel, think and experience their school attendance. Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how a functional disability like ADHD can effect a childs schooling and also to show how pupils with ADHD themselves experience their school attendance and how they are being treated by teachers and other pupils. Method: In order to investigate this, five interviews was carried out with students in the the ages of 16-25. I was interested in their experiences from their years in compulsory school, first to ninth grade. The theoretical basis in this study has been Vygotskijs socio-cultural perspective and concepts such as self-esteem and individualization. Result: The result of the interviews shows that large classes and disturbing noises in the classroom affected the pupil’s concentration in a bad way. They felt that their teachers did not listen or understood their complex of problems, which resulted in frustration, disappointment and anger, which often led to conflicts. They also felt that the teachers very often criticized and punished them, which resulted in more frustration and decreased self-esteem. All respondents felt a kind of alienation because of the treatment from teachers and other children. Conclusions: One of the conclusions in this study is that the teachers did not have enough knowledge, understanding or competence to give the pupils the support they required, and therefore, this study emphasizes the importance of further education for teachers.
- Published
- 2010
48. Leadership in the classroom : A qualitative study regarding five elementary school teachers´ perceptions on their leadership
- Author
Rhawi, Julyana
- Subjects
pedagogic leadership ,Pedagogik ,Education ,democratic leadership ,demokratiskt ledarskap ,situation adjustable leadership ,pedagogiskt ledarskap ,individualisering ,motivation ,grouping ,individualization ,planering ,planning ,situationsanpassat ledarskap ,gruppering ,control ,kontroll - Abstract
The purpose of this study has been to investigate the views of five teachers on their own leadership, and on the way they make it work in the classroom. The method was a qualitative investigation consisting of separate interviews with five elementary school teachers from three different schools in the southern part of Stockholm. The results showed that a good pedagogic leadership, successful with the pupils, can be characterised as at the same time democratic and "situation adjustable". This includes the ability to formulate the rules of conduct clearly, to take decisions and to create a good working atmosphere in the classroom, so that the pupils can feel secure, and be able to learn and develop. That however, cannot be accomplished if the teacher only maintains a negative communication, reminding the pupils of what is forbidden. A majority of the interviewed teachers emphasised the importance of positive feedback, and maintaining the work motivation of the pupils was seen as an important aspect of leadership in the classroom. A good leadership is furthermore characterised by the flexibility of the teacher in adapting to different situations and to the maturity of the pupil or group. Flexibility in adjusting the level of the lesson, and of the tasks given to the individual pupils or groups, is also an aspect of leadership. The results finally showed that the teacher should try to maintain a good personal relationship not just to the pupil but also with the parents. This makes it easier for the teacher to influence the pupils and engage them in a better performance in the classroom, scholastically as well as in terms of conduct.
- Published
- 2010
49. 'Inkludering betyder att vi räknar med alla' : En rektors och sex pedagogers resonemang runt inkludering av elever i behov av särskilt stöd
- Author
Johansson, Gitt
- Subjects
Inclusion ,Inkludering ,individualisering ,a school for all ,individualization ,en skola för alla ,Pedagogik ,elever i behov av särskilt stöd ,pupils with special needs ,Education - Abstract
The terms”inclusion” and” a school for all” are closely connected. The question schools can ask themselves is how they choose to create inclusion and a school for all and also in what perspective. The purpose with this study was to find out how the headmasters and the teachers at “Blommans skola” reasoned about the definition “inclusion”. In order to fulfill the purpose I used the following questions: How do the teachers reason around the two definitions “inclusion” and “a school for all” and how does this school include children with special needs? I chose to work with a qualitative research method and I performed interviews based on an interview guide. The empirical material I gathered was divided into themes in order to analyze how the participants in the study had concluded the central definition inclusion to individualization, pupils with special needs, a school for all and interest and motivation. The result of my research show that the informants define inclusion as having the same human value regardless and include everyone accordingly even the ones at the moment not present in the classroom. My material shows that it is the segregated integration that dominates the education situations and that the informants think that it is necessary in order to individualize learning. The informants think it is not excluding to have the pupil attend the school best fitted for the individual needs. My conclusion is that “a school for all” needs to be individually laid out, no matter what special needs are required, since all of us have a different way of learning.
- Published
- 2010
50. Anthony Giddens - Individet i det moderne
- Author
Andersen, Johannes and Hansen, Mogens
- Subjects
Anthony Giddens ,lifepolitics ,Refleksivity ,Individualisering ,Emancipatorisk politik ,Individualization ,modernitet ,Refleksivitet ,livspolitik ,modernity ,Emancipatory politics - Published
- 2009
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