1. Infections, antibiotic treatment and mortality in patients admitted to ICUs in countries considered to have high levels of antibiotic resistance compared to those with low levels
- Author
Michalopoulos, A., Groeneveld, J., Lev, A., Sprung, C., Vakalos, A., Kotanidou, A., Zakynthinos, E., Filos, K., Pneumatikos, I., Moraiti, A., Clouva-molyvdas, P., Mandragos, K., Kyriazopoulos, G., Karampela, I., Koulenti, D., Myrianthefs, P., Ioannidou, E., Mouloudi, E., Chalkiadaki, A., Bitzani, M., Routsi, C., Armaganidis, A., Sofianos, E., Harjola, V., Berezowicz, P., Jacobsen, K., Espersen, K., Fogh, B., Betsch, H., Vincent, Jean-Louis, Vanhems, Philippe, Walther, Sten M., Sakr, Yasser, Rello, Jordi, Leone, Marc, Pickkers, P., Lipman, Jeffrey, Holmbom, Martin, Antonelli, Massimo, Hanberger, Håkan, Kocak, S., Ulger, F., Guven, H., Turkmen, A., Dogruer, K., Adanir, T., Demirkiran, O., Tugrul, S., Cakar, N., Akinci, I., Uzel, N., Togal, T., Topeli, A., Turkoglu, M., Guven, M., Akan, M., Bodur, H., Bosnak, M., Kizilkaya, M., Ozgencil, E., Kaya, A., Fistikci, H., Ates, C., Atalan, K., Jacobson, S., Owall, A., Kokinsky, E., Rudenstam, J., Häggqvist, J., Hulting, J., Sellgren, J., Arvidsson, S., Schindele, M., Hammarskjöld, F., Friberg, H., Petersson, J., Paulsson, A., Lindström, I., Stiernstrom, H., Peterzén, B., Blomqvist, H., Petersen, P., Soto Ibáñez, J., González, J., Izura, J., Corcobado Márquez, C., Rico-Feijoo, J., Sierra, R., Rello, J., Posada, P., Briones Lopez, M., Jara, R., Luis, V., Maria Jesus, H., de la Torre-Prados, M., Felices, F., Sanchez Garcia, M., Macias Pingarrón, J., Garcia-Fuentes, C., Cerdá, E., Serrano, N., Barcenilla-Gaite, F., Sirvent, J., Montejo González, J., Guerrero Gomez, F., Amador Amerigo, J., Borges, M., Sánchez-Olmedo, J., López Ciudad, V., Moreno, M., Esteban, E., Vallés, J., De Rojas Román, J., Yuste, I., Ugarte Peña, P., Sole-violán, J., Bustinza, A., Albaya, A., Latour-Perez, J., Navarro, J., Garcia, F., Martin Delgado, M., Rovira, A., Ramos-gómez, L., Garro, P., Silva, J., Iglesias, L., María Jesús, L., Pueyo, L., Lorente, C., Martinon-Torres, F., Aguilar, G., Martinez-Sagasti, F., Blesa Malpica, A., Valencia, M., Zavala, E., Bustamante Munguira, E., Arribas, M., Insausti, J., Vegas Pinto, R., Bocero, L., Estella, A., Esteban-Reboll, F., Lopez Camps, V., Antón Caraballo, E., Muñoz, E., Olaechea, P., Escriba, A., Santos, I., Campiñez, Burgueño., Moreira, P., Pizzamiglio, M., Conti, V., Kahveci, A., Nydahl, A., Lind, D., Caballero Zirena, A., Guerrero, F., Palomar, M., Einar, V., Agvald-Ohman, C., Wyon, N., Johansson, L., Gil, B., Mariscal, F., Galvan, B., Espinosa, E., Lesmes Serrano, A., Mesalles Sanjuan, E., Manzano Ramirez, A., Quintana Tort-Martorell, E., Monton Dito, J., Ibañez, A., Garcia del Valle, S., Alemparte-Pardavila, E., Monedero, P., Naveira-Abeigón, E., Jorda, R., Alvarez, M., Rubio, O., Bouw, M., Afonso, Susana, Matos, Ricardo, Carneiro, A., Amaro, P., Ribeiro, R., Paiva, J., Galdos-Anuncibay, P., Nieto, M., Ruiz, J., Perez Calvo, C., Mañez, R., França, C., Moreno, R., Dias, C., Sousa, A., Rezende, A., Mourão, L., Ponce, P., Oliveira, T., Esteves, F., Den Boer, S., Bakker, J., Van Berkel, G., Borg, M., Gullo, A., Gianesello, L., Martinelli, L., Antonelli, M., Bassetti, M., Telo, L., Alves, M., Almeida, E., Leite, A., Pádua, F., Costa, H., Póvoa, P., Lopes, V., Carmo, E., Febra, C., Martins, A., Castelo-Branco Sousa, M., Bártolo, A., Junker, A., Erno, P., Klepstad, P., Loevstad, R., Bergmans, D., Rodgers, M., Pham, C., Speelberg, B., Wesselink, R., Ammann, J., Vet, J., Gille, A., Kuiper, M., Kieft, H., Blom, H., Vogelaar, J., Corsten, S., Ten Cate, J., Rosseel, P., De Pont, A., Della Rocca, G., Biancofiore, G., Morelli, A., Ranieri, MV., Cotogni, P., Alessandro, D., Clementi, S., Ferraro, F., Giuseppe, N., Sforza, D., Castiglione, G., Marino, G., Fumagalli, R., Santagostino, G., De Negri, P., De Gasperi, A., Oggioni, R., Conte, V., Sicignano, A., Marri, I., Locicero, M., Guadagnucci, A., Chieregato, A., Fiore, G., Sorbara, C., Munch, C., Ruatti, H., Lorella, P., Borrelli, F., Panella, L., De Blasi, R., Ceriani, R., Colonna, S., Abbruzzese, C., Rosano, A., Caspani, M., Emmi, V., Stelian, E., Scolz, S., Guberti, A., Margarit, O., Giarratano, A., Rosi, R., Marzorati, S., De blasio, E., Minerva, M., Petrucci, N., Mangani, V., Lazzero, A., Sapuppo, M., Cecilia, P., Borelli, M., Greco, S., Vesconi, S., Sofer, S., Cohen, J., Kishinevsky, E., Selçuk Üniversitesi, Hanberger, H, Antonelli, M, Holmbom, M, Lipman, J, Pickkers, P, Leone, M, Rello, J, Sakr, Y, Walther, S, Vanhems, P, Vincent, J, Betsch, H, Fogh, B, Espersen, K, Jacobsen, K, Berezowicz, P, Harjola, V, Sofianos, E, Armaganidis, A, Routsi, C, Bitzani, M, Chalkiadaki, A, Michalopoulos, A, Mouloudi, E, Ioannidou, E, Myrianthefs, P, Koulenti, D, Karampela, I, Kyriazopoulos, G, Mandragos, K, Clouva molyvdas, P, Moraiti, A, Pneumatikos, I, Filos, K, Zakynthinos, E, Kotanidou, A, Vakalos, A, Sprung, C, Lev, A, Kishinevsky, E, Cohen, J, Sofer, S, Vesconi, S, Greco, S, Borelli, M, Cecilia, P, Sapuppo, M, Lazzero, A, Mangani, V, Petrucci, N, Minerva, M, De blasio, E, Marzorati, S, Rosi, R, Giarratano, A, Margarit, O, Guberti, A, Scolz, S, Stelian, E, Emmi, V, Caspani, M, Rosano, A, Abbruzzese, C, Colonna, S, Ceriani, R, De Blasi, R, Panella, L, Borrelli, F, Lorella, P, Ruatti, H, Munch, C, Sorbara, C, Fiore, G, Chieregato, A, Conti, V, Guadagnucci, A, Pizzamiglio, M, Locicero, M, Marri, I, Sicignano, A, Conte, V, Oggioni, R, De Gasperi, A, De Negri, P, Santagostino, G, Fumagalli, R, Marino, G, Castiglione, G, Sforza, D, Giuseppe, N, Bassetti, M, Ferraro, F, Clementi, S, Alessandro, D, Cotogni, P, Ranieri, M, Martinelli, L, Gianesello, L, Gullo, A, Morelli, A, Biancofiore, G, Della Rocca, G, Borg, M, De Pont, A, Rosseel, P, Ten Cate, J, Van Berkel, G, Corsten, S, Bakker, J, Vogelaar, J, Blom, H, Kieft, H, Kuiper, M, Gille, A, Vet, J, Ammann, J, Den Boer, S, Wesselink, R, Speelberg, B, Pham, C, Rodgers, M, Bergmans, D, Groeneveld, J, Loevstad, R, Klepstad, P, Erno, P, Junker, A, Bártolo, A, Castelo Branco Sousa, M, Esteves, F, Martins, A, Oliveira, T, Ponce, P, Mourão, L, Febra, C, Carmo, E, Lopes, V, Póvoa, P, Rezende, A, Costa, H, Moreira, P, Pádua, F, Leite, A, Almeida, E, Alves, M, Sousa, A, Telo, L, Dias, C, Paiva, J, Ribeiro, R, Amaro, P, Carneiro, A, Moreno, R, Matos, R, Afonso, S, Bouw, M, França, C, Rubio, O, Mañez, R, Campiñez, B, Alvarez, M, Jorda, R, Naveira Abeigón, E, Monedero, P, Alemparte Pardavila, E, Garcia del Valle, S, Perez Calvo, C, Palomar, M, Guerrero, F, Caballero Zirena, A, Arribas, M, Bustamante Munguira, E, Ruiz, J, Iglesias, L, Zavala, E, Valencia, M, Blesa Malpica, A, Martinez Sagasti, F, Nieto, M, Aguilar, G, Martinon Torres, F, Lorente, C, Insausti, J, Vegas Pinto, R, Santos, I, Escriba, A, Olaechea, P, Muñoz, E, Antón Caraballo, E, Galdos Anuncibay, P, Lopez Camps, V, Esteban Reboll, F, Estella, A, Bocero, L, Ibañez, A, Pueyo, L, María Jesús, L, Silva, J, Garro, P, Ramos gómez, L, Rovira, A, Martin Delgado, M, Monton Dito, J, Garcia, F, Navarro, J, Latour Perez, J, Albaya, A, Bustinza, A, Sole violán, J, Ugarte Peña, P, Yuste, I, De Rojas Román, J, Vallés, J, Esteban, E, Quintana Tort Martorell, E, Moreno, M, López Ciudad, V, Manzano Ramirez, A, Sánchez Olmedo, J, Borges, M, Amador Amerigo, J, Guerrero Gomez, F, Montejo González, J, Sirvent, J, Mesalles Sanjuan, E, Barcenilla Gaite, F, Serrano, N, Cerdá, E, Lesmes Serrano, A, Garcia Fuentes, C, Macias Pingarrón, J, Espinosa, E, Sanchez Garcia, M, Felices, F, de la Torre Prados, M, Maria Jesus, H, Luis, V, Jara, R, Briones Lopez, M, Posada, P, Galvan, B, Mariscal, F, Gil, B, Sierra, R, Rico Feijoo, J, Corcobado Márquez, C, Izura, J, González, J, Soto Ibáñez, J, Petersen, P, Johansson, L, Blomqvist, H, Peterzén, B, Wyon, N, Stiernstrom, H, Lindström, I, Paulsson, A, Agvald Ohman, C, Petersson, J, Friberg, H, Einar, V, Hammarskjöld, F, Schindele, M, Arvidsson, S, Sellgren, J, Hulting, J, Häggqvist, J, Rudenstam, J, Lind, D, Kokinsky, E, Owall, A, Jacobson, S, Nydahl, A, Atalan, K, Ates, C, Kahveci, A, Fistikci, H, Kaya, A, Ozgencil, E, Kizilkaya, M, Bosnak, M, Bodur, H, Akan, M, Guven, M, Turkoglu, M, Topeli, A, Togal, T, Uzel, N, Akinci, I, Cakar, N, Tugrul, S, Demirkiran, O, Adanir, T, Dogruer, K, Turkmen, A, Guven, H, Ulger, F, Kocak, S, İç Hastalıkları, and OMÜ
- Subjects
Male ,Pediatrics ,Cross-sectional study ,health care facilities, manpower, and services ,Antibiotics ,Resistance ,lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences [Radboudumc 4] ,Prevalence ,Drug Resistance ,law.invention ,Medical microbiology ,law ,Pathologie maladies infectieuses ,Antibiotic ,Critically ill ,Infection ,Aged ,Anti-Bacterial Agents ,Bacteria ,Bacterial Infections ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Europe ,Female ,Hospitalization ,Humans ,Middle Aged ,Treatment Outcome ,Drug Resistance, Bacterial ,Intensive Care Units ,Infectious Diseases ,Critically ill -- Care ,Mortality rate ,Bacterial ,Intensive care unit ,SAPS II ,Beta lactam antibiotics ,Research Article ,Human ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.drug_class ,Intensive Care Unit ,Bacterial Infection ,Antibiotic resistance ,Internal medicine ,Settore MED/41 - ANESTESIOLOGIA ,Anti-Bacterial Agent ,medicine ,Cross-Sectional Studie ,business.industry ,Aminopeptidases -- Analysis ,Klinisk medicin ,Polypeptides ,Bacterial diseases -- Diagnosis ,Antibiotics -- Therapeutic use ,Clinical Medicine ,business - Abstract
Background: Antimicrobial resistance is an increasing concern in ICUs worldwide. Infection with an antibiotic resistant (ABR) strain of an organism is associated with greater mortality than infection with the non-resistant strain, but there are few data assessing whether being admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) with high levels of antimicrobial resistance is associated with a worse outcome than being admitted to an ICU with low rates of resistance. The aim of this study was, therefore, to compare the characteristics of infections and antibiotic treatments and patient outcomes in patients admitted to ICUs in countries considered as having high levels of antibiotic resistance and those admitted to ICUs in countries considered as having low levels of antibiotic resistance.Methods: Data from the large, international EPIC II one-day point prevalence study on infections in patients hospitalized in ICUs were used. For the current study, we compared the data obtained from patients from two groups of countries: countries with reported MRSA rates of ≥ 25% (highABR: Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey) and countries with MRSA rates of < 5% (lowABR: Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden).Results: On the study day, 1187/2204 (53.9%) patients in the HighABR ICUs were infected and 255/558 (45.7%) in the LowABR ICUs (P < 0.01). Patients in the HighABR ICUs were more severely ill than those in the LowABR ICUs, as reflected by a higher SAPS II score (35.6 vs 32.7, P < 0.05) and had longer median ICU (12 days vs 5 days) and hospital (24 days vs 16 days) lengths of stay. They also had higher crude ICU (20.0% vs 15.4%) and hospital (27.0% vs 21.5%) mortality rates (both P < 0.05). However, after multivariable adjustment and matched pair analysis there were no differences in ICU or hospital mortality rates between High or LowABR ICU patients overall or among those with infections.Conclusions: Being hospitalized in an ICU in a region with high levels of antimicrobial resistance is not associated per se with a worse outcome., 0, SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2014