Cilj ovog rada je usporediti oporezivanje dohotka od rada u Češkoj Republici, Francuskoj, Hrvatskoj, Portugalu i Sloveniji. Analizirana je i prosječna hrvatska obitelj u 2013., s obzirom na današnje oporezivanje prosječne bruto plaće od 12%, 25% i 40%, i kako bi oporezivanje dohotka izgledalo uz hipotetski flat tax sa stopom od 20%. Usporedili smo porezni klin s obzirom na prosječnu bruto plaću za četiri tipa poreznih obveznika, iz čega smo zaključili da Hrvatska ima najmanji porezni klin u slučaju samaca bez djece s prosječnom i iznadprosječnom bruto plaćom. U slučaju parova bez djece kod kojih jedan supružnik zarađuje prosječnu bruto plaću, a drugi 33% iznosa prosječne bruto plaće, najmanji porezni klin ima Portugal, a porezni klin kod parova s dvoje djece, s jednakom bruto plaćom kao u prošlom slučaju, je najmanji u Sloveniji. U sva četiri slučaja Francuska je imala najveći porezni klin. Iz rezultata analize poreznog sustava u Hrvatskoj smo zaključili da flat tax više ide u korist parovima (i samcima) s većom bruto plaćom, dok je za osobe s bruto plaćom do 10.000 kuna (za parove s bruto plaćom od 20.000 kuna) bolje postojeće oporezivanje po stopama od 12%, 25% i 40%. The purpose of this study is to compare taxation of wages in Czech Republic, France, Croatia, Portugal and Slovenia. We analyzed average Croatian family in 2013 considering current taxation of wages with tax rates of 12%, 25% and 40% and how taxation of wages would look like in the hypothetical case of flat tax with rate of 20%. By comparing tax wedge considering average gross wage for four types of taxpayers, we conclude that Croatia has the lowest tax wedge for single person without children, who earns average and above average gross wage. In case of married couples without children, where one spouse earns average gross wage and other 33% of average gross wage, the lowest tax wedge was in Portugal. The lowest tax wedge in case of married couples with two children, who earn equal as married couple in previous case, was in Slovenia. In all four cases the greatest tax wedge was in France. By analyzing tax system in Croatia, we conclude that flat tax is better for married couples (and single person) with higher gross wages. While taxation of wages with tax rates of 12%, 25% and 40% is better for person with gross wage to 10,000 kuna (for couples with gross wage to 20,000 kuna).