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1. Scottish Legal History Group Report 2015.

2. Whiteness in Scotland: shame, belonging and diversity management in a Glasgow workplace.

3. Womanliness in the Slums: A Free Kindergarten in Early Twentieth-Century Edinburgh.

4. Playing By the Rules?: Early Modern Sport and Control in the Northern Mainland Royal Burghs of Scotland.

5. Queensferry Crossing, UK: project scope and development history.

6. Shinty, Nationalism and National Autonomy in Scotland, 1887–1928.

7. An Overview of the U.K. Marine Energy Sector.

8. Alcohol licensing in Scotland: a historical overview.

9. A Prospect on Antiquity and Britannia on Edge: Landscape Design and the Work of Sir William Bruce and Alexander Edward.

10. A peculiar silence: The Scottish Enlightenment, political economy, and the early American debates over slavery.

11. Going where no accounting historian has gone before.

12. Retaining public and political trust: teacher education in Scotland.

13. The SERA lecture 2103: Scottish Research in a Global Context - Dependence, Independence or Interdependence?

14. The Library Designs of Sir Basil Spence, Glover & Ferguson.

15. Colouring the Nation: A New In-Depth Study of the Turkey Red Pattern Books in the National Museums Scotland.

16. John Mylne IV (1611-1667): 'Great Artisan, Grave Senator'.

17. Architecture, Improvement and the 'New Science' in Early Modern Scotland.

18. Locked Out of Prevention? The Identity of Child and Family-Oriented Social Work in Scottish Post-Devolution Policy.

19. Building for Education: The School Designs of Sir Basil Spence.

20. The Reinvention of Scottish Liberal Education: Secondary Schooling, 1900--39.

21. Adjustment and Integration: The Scottish Representation in the British House of Commons, 1707-14.

22. The War of the Booksellers: Natural Law, Equity, and Literary Property in Eighteenth-Century Scotland.

23. Patenting in England, Scotland and Ireland during the Industrial Revolution, 1700-1852.

24. The winding-up of the Ayr Bank, 1772–1827.

25. Witnessing Power.

26. Du Bartas’ Visit to England and Scotland in 1587.

27. Defending the Revolution: The Church of Scotland and the Scottish Parliament, 1689–95.

28. Scots Law and Scottish Identity: A Legendary Tale.

29. Economic Direction and Generational Change in Twentieth-Century Britain: The Case of the Scottish Coalfields.

30. Artisans and Aristocrats in Nineteenth-Century Scotland.

31. Toward Political Participation and Capacity: Elections, Voting, and Representation in Early Modern Scotland.

32. Walter Scott and the Reform of the Scottish Judicature 1806–10.

33. Notes on a Scandal: Robison, Scott, and the Reception of Kotzebue in Scotland.

34. Preventing ‘robotised women workers’: women, sport and the workplace in Scotland 1919–1939.

35. “Social physical exercise?” Football, industrial paternalism, and professionalism in west Dunbartonshire, Scotland, c. 1870–1900.

36. Birth Control Clinics in Scotland, 1926 - c.1939.

37. 'Tax the attornies!' Stamp Duty and the Scottish Legal Profession in the Eighteenth Century.


39. The Scottish Convention of Estates of 1630.

40. Two kings and two kingdoms: the Church of Scotland, the monarchy, national identity and establishment.

41. Official Histories of Parliament and the Nature of the Union of 1707: A Forgotten Episode in Anglo-Scottish Academic Relations.

42. The Social Geography of Prostitution in Edinburgh, 1900-1939.

43. 'I can't resist sending you the book': Private Libraries, Elite Women, and Shared Reading Practices in Georgian Britain.

44. Was there a British Georgian town? A comparison between selected Scottish burghs and English towns Was there a British Georgian town? A comparison between selected Scottish burghs and English towns.

45. Review of periodical literature published in 2011.

46. Glasgow’s ‘sick society’?: James Halliday, psychosocial medicine and medical holism in Britain c.1920–48.

47. Whig Tartan: Material Culture and its Use in the Scottish Highlands, 1746–1815*.

48. Prosecutors, Juries, Judges and Punishment in Early Nineteenth-Century Scotland.

49. An Elite Revisited: Glasgow West India Merchants, 1783-1877.