We describe the results of our recent work on the determination of the value of the parameter $\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}^{(4)}$ and of the $Q^2$-dependence of the Gross--Llewellyn Smith (GLS) sum rule from the experimental data of the CCFR collaboration on neutrino--nucleon deep-inelastic scattering, using the Jacobi polynomials QCD analysis. The obtained results are compared with the information, available in the literature, information on the previous experimental measurements of the GLS sum rule., Comment: Presented by A.L.K. at the XXIXth Recontre de Moriond on QCD and HE Hadronic Interactions, Meribel, France, March 1994 and to be presented by A.V.S. at the Quarks-94 International Seminar,Vladimir,Russia,May 1994; LATEX, 10 pages+ 3 figures available by additional request, CERN-TH.7235/94