This article presents the findings of the reliability and validity analysis of the "Kinship, Comradeship and Friendship Ties (KFF) Scale". The scale was developed to determine whether a person has social ties and, if so, the strength of these ties through people's perceptions of these ties. It is known that a person's social relationships with his/her close and distant environment, starting with his/her family, interact with his/her psychological state. On the other hand, Islam requires social duties such as maintaining kinship ties, responding to friends' invitations, helping them in times of need, not sulking with them, and getting along well with neighbors as religious duties. It is believed that the ADAB scale will make a valuable contribution to the scale literature by having items that cover the social environment that is likely to affect the person psycho-socially outside the nuclear family. It is foreseen that the scale will be used in sub-fields of Psychology, particularly Social and Clinical Psychology in the social sciences, Sociology and Sociology of Religion and Religious Education, which are religious sciences under the umbrella of theology, as well as The Psychology of Religion, which is also a sub-branch of Psychology. The scale was developed as a result of two consecutive field studies conducted in December 2023. As a result of the statistical analyses performed on the data obtained from the first sample of 632 people over 18 years of age, a scale structure of 30 items and 8 factors was obtained. In the second study carried out on a sample of 341 participants for confirmatory factor analysis, it was found that the scale had good compatibility values (CMIN/DF= 1.923; RMSEA = .053; RMR= .048; CFI= .914; GFI= .92; AGFI= .89; IFI= 92; TLI= .90). In the analysis of the reliability of the scale, the Cronbach's Alpha value was determined as .90. In addition, each of the 8 factors had good or acceptable reliability coefficients. Although each of the sub-dimensions has reliability and validity coefficients that can measure its own subject, it is recommended that the scale be used as a whole in studies. In future studies, the ADADS scale can be safely used in studies to be conducted with samples from all socio-economic segments of the society, from all educational levels, regardless of gender, provided that they are over 18 years of age. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]