24 results on '"Nijemci"'
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2. The Expulsion of Germans from the Chapter of Zagreb in 1458.
- Author
Matić, Tomislav
- Abstract
Copyright of Povijesni Prilozi is the property of Croatian Institute of History and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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3. Demografski i stvarni ljudski gubici hrvatskih Nijemaca i Mađara prouzročeni Drugim svjetskim ratom
- Author
Vladimir Geiger
- Subjects
History ,Drugi svjetski rat ,Hrvatska ,ljudski gubici ,Nijemci ,Mađari,World War II ,Croatia ,human losses ,Germans ,Hungarians ,World War II - Abstract
U članku se daje pregled najsustavnijih izračuna i procjena o demografskim i stvarnim ljudskim gubicima hrvatskih Nijemaca i Mađara prouzročenim Drugim svjetskim ratom. Uz usporedbu tih izračuna i procjena ukazuje se i na drugačije pokazatelje u historiografskim, publicističkim i viktimološkim radovima, i ponajprije na znatno pouzdanije poimenične popise ljudskih gubitaka – žrtvoslove. Naglašava se potreba propitivanja utemeljenosti broja i demografskih i stvarnih ljudskih gubitaka hrvatskih Nijemaca i Mađara i ponajprije strukture tih gubitaka u izračunima odnosno procjenama na koje se u hrvatskoj historiografiji i javnosti uglavnom poziva., An overview of the most systematic calculations and estimates of the demographic and actual human losses of Croatian Germans and Hungarians caused by World War II and their comparison, and the comparison of these calculations with indicators in historiographical, popular, and victimological works—and, above all, the much more reliable lists of human losses by name—clearly points towards the need of questioning the reliability of the number of both demographic and actual humans losses of Croatian Germans and Hungarians—and especially the structures of these losses—in the calculations and estimates that are most commonly referred to in Croatian historiography and in the Croatian public scene. The lists of human losses by name that cover Croatia—and Yugoslavia—in World War II, which can never be complete and without error, nonetheless contribute greatly to correcting calculations and estimates of actual human losses. Lists of victims by name cannot be considered final. The fundamental issue with lists of names that were created primarily based on testimonies rather than original documents is that many data providers did not know the circumstances, time, and place that a certain person lost their life. Along with the necessary and unavoidable supplements and corrections in lists of names, there are also noticeable changes in the structure of human losses, including transfers from one national/ethnic group to another, which can also be seen in the case of Croatian Germans and Hungarians. There are clearly serious dilemmas regarding the demographic and actual human losses of Croatian Germans and Hungarians. The number of persons who emigrated, fled, or were expelled from the country, as well as the number of those who were ‘assimilated’, is questionable, and therefore the numbers of actual and demographic human losses of Croatian Germans and Hungarians are also questionable. Namely, the number of those who emigrated, and above all the number of ‘assimilated’ persons, are assumptions or even guesses in even the most systematic calculations. The indicators of the lists by name are indispensable not only in analyses of human losses, most of all actual losses, but also in the corrections of calculations and estimates of demographic human losses of Croatian Germans and Hungarians. There is no doubt that there remains a series of open questions and counter-questions in historiography and victimology regarding the number of demographic and actual human losses of Croatian Germans and Hungarians and the structure of these losses.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Naseljavanje njemačkih protestantskih obitelji u Slavonsku vojnu krajinu krajem 18. i početkom 19. stoljeća.
- Author
Lazanin, Sanja
- Abstract
Copyright of Migration & Ethnic Themes: MET / Migracijske i Etničke Teme is the property of Institut za istrazivanje migracija / Institute for Migration Research (IMIN) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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5. Četnici u službi NDH
- Author
Maradin, Matija Stjepan and Begonja, Zlatko
- Subjects
partizani ,Ravnogorski movement ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History ,partisans ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest ,„Chetniks-comrade“ ,NDH ,„četnici-drugovi“ ,sporazumi ,agreements ,Talijani ,Ravnogorski pokret ,prevlast ,Central and West Bosnia ,Chetniks ,srednja i zapadna Bosna ,četnici ,Germans ,supremacy ,Nijemci ,Italians - Abstract
U ovom završnom radu analiziraju se i proučavaju odnosi i situacije nastale oko potpisivanja sporazuma između četnika i vlasti NDH. Prvi dio rada bavi se samim uzrocima potpisivanja i povijesnim okolnostima u kojima se uopće dogodio čin četničkog priznanja vrhovništva NDH. Nadalje, u ovom dijelu se sagledavaju svi zakonodavni okviri i načini na koje su vlasti NDH gledale na priznanje svoje vrhovništva od strane četnika. Drugi dio ovog rada bavi se suptilnostima i detaljima potpisanih sporazuma, gdje se detaljnije analiziraju obveze i privilegije potpisnika te njihova provedba u praksi, kao i njihov utjecaj na daljnji tijek događaja. U trećem dijelu rad se bavi načinima na koje su drugi povijesni akteri gledali na potpisivanje tih sporazuma. Tako se prema navedenim aktima uzimaju i razmatraju gledišta četničkog pokreta Draže Mihailovića, Nijemaca i Talijana. Četvrti dio bavi se zločinima koje su počinili četnički potpisnici, ali i vremenskim i povijesnim okvirima i događajima koji su sporazume između vlasti NDH i četnika stavljali van zakona. Na samom kraju, djelo zaključuje vezu između četništva i vlasti NDH i sa svim argumentima potvrđuje četničko priznanje vrhovne vlasti NDH. This final work analyzes and studies the relations and situations that arose regarding the signing of the agreement between the Chetniks and the NDH authorities. The first part of the work deals with the very causes of the signing and the historical circumstances in which the act of Chetnik recognition of the supremacy of the NDH took place in the first place. Furthermore, in this part, all the legislative frameworks and ways in wich the NDH authorities viewed the recognition of their supremacy by the Chetniks are reviewed. The second part of this work deals with the subtleties and details of the signed agreements, where the obligations and privileges of the signatories and their implementation in practice, as well as their influence on the further course of events, are analyzed in more details. In the third part, the work deals with the ways in wich other historical actors viewed the signing of those agreements. Thus, the points of view of the Chetnik movement of Draža Mihailović, Germans and Italians are taken and considered according to the mentioned acts. The fourth part deals with the crimes committed by the Chetnik signatories, but also with the time and historical frameworks and events that put the agreements between the NDH authorities and the Chetniks of the law. At the very end, the work concludes the connection between the Chetniks and the NDH authorities and confirms with with all arguments the Chetniks recognition of the supreme authority of the NDH.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Omerović, Enes S.
- Subjects
EDUCATION of minorities ,GERMAN language - Abstract
Copyright of Contributions / Prilozi is the property of Institute for History, University of Sarajevo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Karakaš Obradov, Marica
- Abstract
Copyright of Scrinia Slavonica is the property of Scrinia Slavonica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Geiger, Vladimir
- Abstract
Copyright of Scrinia Slavonica is the property of Scrinia Slavonica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
9. Izgon Nijemaca iz Zagrebačkog kaptola 1458. godine
- Author
Tomislav Matić
- Subjects
Service (business) ,History ,biology ,Middle Ages, Church history, Germans, Diocese of Zagreb, ethnic intolerance ,Ancient history ,biology.organism_classification ,Church history ,Kingdom ,Politics ,Middle Ages ,Germans ,Diocese of Zagreb ,ethnic intolerance ,srednji vijek ,crkvena povijest ,Nijemci ,Zagrebačka biskupija ,etnička netolerancija ,Emperor - Abstract
In 1458, seven canons of the Chapter of Zagreb were expelled by Bishop Demetrius Čupor and his supporters. In their protest before the pope, they claimed that the only reason for that was because they were Germans. Upon examining their careers and the current political situation within the Kingdom of Hungary, it becomes clear that, although an anti-German and generally anti-foreigner sentiment was present in the country (which is apparent in the laws passed by King Matthias), the real reasons for their expulsion were political. Bishop Demetrius had spent more than a decade fighting for the bishopric against his rivals, who were protected by the Counts of Celje, the then patrons of the Diocese of Zagreb. Most of the expelled canons had been given their offices by the said family, and some of them maintained close relations with Emperor Frederick III. The fact that most of the expelled canons returned to the chapter soon after their expulsion further indicates its political background. Those who returned once again became esteemed and trusted members of the chapter. Those who did not return – three out of seven – were all in the emperor’s service, and the chapter took special steps to prevent them from reclaiming their offices., Ovaj rad bavi se slučajem izgona sedmorice kanonika iz Zagrebačkog kaptola 1458 godine. U žalbi koju su iznijeli pred papom, rečeni kanonici ustvrdili su da je jedini razlog za njihovo protjerivanje bilo to što su Nijemci. Istraživanjem slučaja ustanovljeno je da je glavni pokretač tih događaja bio biskup Demetrije Čupor, koji se tek nedugo prije toga, nakon petnaestak godina pravne i oružane borbe, domogao kontrole nad Zagrebačkom biskupijom. U radu se nastoji utvrditi razloge za Demetrijevo neprijateljsko postupanje prema njemačkim kanonicima, pri čemu je ustanovljeno da nije postojala čvrsta zakonska podloga za njihov izgon iako su on i njegovi pobornici tvrdili da jest. Čini se da je u to vrijeme zaista vladala određena antinjemačka klima u Ugarskom Kraljevstvu, ali se vjerojatnijim čini da je Demetrije ciljao točno određenu skupinu kanonika te da izlučni kriterij nije bio to što su bili Nijemci. Iako je neosporno da je nagrađivanje vlastitih pobornika nadarbinama izgnanih kanonika bilo jedan od njegovih motiva, čini se da su se na meti progona našli kanonici koji su podržavali grofove Celjske ili pak cara Fridrika III. Habsburga, dakle protivnike Demetrija i njegove strane u ugarskim dinastičkim sukobima. U prilog tome govori i to što se većina izgnanih kanonika relativno brzo vratila u Kaptol, ali oni koji su bili čvršće vezani uz cara nisu, nego su svoje karijere nastavili u Svetom Rimskom Carstvu.
- Published
- 2020
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10. Historiographical Text and Historical Context: Historiography on the Ethnic Germans in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia 1919–2019
- Author
Zoran Janjetović
- Subjects
History ,World War II ,Historiography ,Ancient history ,language.human_language ,Nijemci ,folksdojčeri ,historiografija ,Jugoslavija ,Slovenija ,Hrvatska ,Vojvodina ,Bosna i Hercegovina ,Drugi svjetski rat ,logori ,German ,Politics ,Spanish Civil War ,Germans ,Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) ,historiography ,Yugoslavia ,Slovenia ,Croatia ,Bosnia and Herzegovina ,camps ,language ,Persecution of Jews ,War crime ,Communism - Abstract
Rad zavisno od vremena i mjesta nastanka analizira historiografsku literaturu koja je nastala o Nijemcima (folksdojčerima) na teritoriju koji je obuhvaćala Jugoslavija posljednjih sto godina., The paper deals with the representation of the Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in the historiography of the territory once comprising Yugoslavia. The author divides his subject matter according to regions (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina) and periods (inter-war, communist, and post-communist). During the first period, the Volksdeutsche were not a prominent topic in historiography of the three leading Yugoslav peoples, not even in Slovenia, which had the longest history of ethnic strife between the Slovenes and the Germans. It was the Ethnic German authors who published the most works on the Volksdeutsche in this period. Most of them appeared in the 1930s, as many Danube Swabian settlements celebrated the 150th or 200th anniversaries of the arrival of the Germans. After WWII, in which the Ethnic Germans had sided with the invaders and were afterwards collectively punished by the new communist authorities, they acquired the image of the “bad guys” of post-war historiography. During the first 15-odd years, works on them were scarce, although several official papers and memoranda enumerating their war crimes and treasonable activities before and during WWII were written soon after the end of the war. In the course of the 1960s, several important works appeared and set the trend for the 1970s and part of the 1980s. Most of them were published in Slovenia. These works also covered the longest time span. In other parts of Yugoslavia, works on the Volksdeutsche usually dealt with their colonization or with WWII. Works on WWII always insisted on German war crimes, persecution of Jews, and combat against the Partisans. Since the mid-1980s, the image of the Volksdeutsche has become more realistic and less biased. Slovene and Austrian historians organized a conference in 1984 (that engendered a collection of papers in 1986) on the Germans in Slovenia 1848–1941, which made the new trends plain to see. In other parts of the country, several works on the Volksdeutsche Partisan company appeared. During the second half of the 1980s, as the communist political and economic system started to dilapidate, historiography posed new questions, discovered new topics, and opened new approaches. The revision and questioning of decades-long myths and established truths began. This trend boomed after the break-up of Yugoslavia and collapse of the communist system. Communist crimes at the end of WWII – and the atrocities against the Volksdeutsche – became one of the best-researched topics. Gradually, other German-related topics were taken up and – although old views still persisted here and there – the German minority became part of national histories once again. This production has been very lively in Slovenia and especially in Croatia, whereas the number of works in Serbia, and especially in Bosnia-Herzegovina, has lagged behind.
- Published
- 2019
11. Images of Germans in Croatian History Textbooks from 1945 to 1975 (Summary)
- Author
Ozren Loparić
- Subjects
images ,Yugoslavia ,Germans ,history textbooks ,Jugoslavija ,Nijemci ,predodžbe ,udžbenici povijesti - Abstract
Pri konstituiranju imaginarija naroda Jugoslavije, predodžbe o Nijemcima odigrale su ključnu ulogu. Njihovim pomnim oblikovanjem u sadržaju udžbenika povijesti za više razrede osnovne škole od 1945. do 1975. godine, oblikovale su se mentalne slike, vrijednosni sudovi, a dijelom i identitet Jugoslavena. Ukazivanjem na auto- i heteropredodžbe zastupljene u udžbenicima i povijesnim čitankama, te njihovom analizom, prikazuje se način percipiranja Drugih naroda, ali i slike o Sebi u Jugoslaviji. Analizom pojavnosti njemačkog naroda kao povijesnog aktera u narativu udžbenika određenog vremenskog perioda, zaključuje se o raznovrsnosti predodžbi, stereotipa i mentalnih slika. Kako su učenici ciljana čitateljska skupina udžbenika, prepoznaju se elementi tekstova koji su imali ulogu u oblikovanju stavova učenika. Pritomse autori često koriste predodžbama o Nijemcima kao ishodišnom točkom u postavljanju vrijednosnih stavova. Utjecaj kojeg su navedene predodžbe imale na učenike potencijalno je dugotrajan, te se temeljem njih gradilo stavove cijelih generacija. Ti stavovi oblikovani su predodžbama o Nijemcima iz nastavnog sadržaja udžbenika, ali i vlastitm iskustvom, pri čemu se zamjećuje postupna promjena u načinu prikazivanja njemačkog naroda. Kako se u Jugoslaviji razvoj osobnog identiteta često odvijao na temelju kontrastivnog odnosa u pogledu na njemački narod, ističe se potreba za izdvajanjem određenih atribucija koje su poslužile kao temelj izgradnje jugoslavenskog imaginarija. Analizom sadržaja udžbenika povijesti ustanovljen je dominantno negativan stav prema Nijemcima, koji se popraćen pripadajućim atribucijama prenosio u periodu od 1945. do 1965. godine. Sredinom šezdesetih godina u Jugoslaviji dolazi do promjene načina atribuiranja u oblikovanju predodžbi o Nijemcima, te se time polagano odmiče od rigidnih vrijednosnih sudova iz ranijih godina. Tako se postupno mijenjaju predodžbe o Nijemcima u nastavnom sadržaju udžbenika povijesti i temeljem toga se zastupljeni vrijednosni sudovi zadanog vremenskog perioda redefiniraju i reevaluiraju. Taj proces dovodi do trajne promjene stava Jugoslavena u odnosu prema Nijemcima., The notions about Germans played a key role in the constitution of the Yugoslav peoples´ imagery. The careful formulation of these images in elementary students’ history textbooks from 1945 to 1975 formed mental images, value judgments, and partly molded Yugoslav identity. The analysis of auto-representation and hetero-representation in history textbooks uncovers how the Other Nations and the Self-image in Yugoslavia were perceived. By examining the appearance of the German people as historical agents in the textbook narrative in a certain historical period, the diversity of the concepts, stereotypes and mental images becomes apparent. The students are the target audience of textbooks and elements of texts that have played a role in shaping their attitudes can easily be identified. In particular, authors often use the notions about Germans as a starting point in setting up standards for value judgment. The impact of the above-mentioned ideas on the students was long-lasting and profoundly shaped attitudes of entire generations. Both the textbook content and their personal experience helped to shape the attitude towards Germans; a gradual change of perspective in the portrayal of Germans can also be detected. The development of personal identity in Yugoslavia was often based on contrasting with German people, so necessary attributes that served as the foundation of Yugoslav imagination were emphasized. The history textbook analysis has shown a predominantly negative attitude towards Germans accompanied by attributions taught in schools from 1945 to 1965. In the mid-sixties in Yugoslavia there was a change in the attribution and the notions about Germans slowly moved away from the rigid value judgments from the earlier years. Thus, the notions about Germans in history textbooks changed and the value judgments are redefined and reevaluated. This process leads to a permanent change of Yugoslavian attitude towards the Germans. (Summary)
- Published
- 2019
12. Nijemci - najveći svjetski putnici
- Author
Blažević, Marina and Krpan, Tomislav
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Trade and Tourism ,travel habits ,traveler ,turizam ,putovanja ,navike putovanja ,Tourismus ,Reisen ,Reisegewohnheiten ,tourism ,Germans ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Trgovina i turizam ,Nijemci ,Deutschen - Abstract
U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje na temu Nijemci-najveći svjetski putnici. Kroz prvo poglavlje definiran je turizam, sociološki aspekti turizma, kultura putovanja Nijemaca te što ih čini najvećim putnicima, njihove omiljene destinacije u vlastitoj zemlji i inozemstvu, općenito o Njemačkoj, ekonomiji i gospodarstvu zemlje, što je čini najrazvijenijom zemljom Europe te u posljednjem poglavlju je razrađen upitnik i donesen je zaključak. Upitnik je proveden online putem u mjesecu srpnju 2017. godine, te se sastojao od pitanja koja su istraživala navike putovanja Nijemaca. Svako pitanje i odgovor posebno su obrađeni, te uspoređeni sa prijašnjim poznatim rezultatima istraživanja koja su pronađena na internetu. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi preduvjete koje imaju Nijemci za putovati, njihov način življenja, kroz istraživanje smo ispitali razloge putovanja, navike, aktivnosti, omiljene destinacije i slično. This paper deals with the topic of the Germans - the world's largest traveler. Throughout the first chapter, tourism, sociological aspects of tourism, the culture of traveling of the Germans have been defined, making them the largest travelers, their favorite destinations in their own country and abroad, something in general about Germany, the economy and the country's economy, which is the most developed country in Europe, and in the last chapter the questionnaire was elaborated and the conclusion was made. The questionnaire was conducted online by July 2017, and consisted of questions that explored the travel habits of the Germans. Every question and answer has been specifically addressed and compared to previous wellknown research results found on the Internet. The aim of the paper was to understand the preconditions that the Germans have to travel, their lifestyle, through the research we have examined the reasons for traveling, habits, activities, favorite destinations, etc. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema die Deutschen - dem weltweit größten Reisenden. Im Laufe des ersten Kapitels wurden Tourismus, soziologische Aspekte des Tourismus, die Kultur des Reisens der Deutschen definiert und sind damit die größten Reisenden, ihre liebsten Ziele im eigenen Land und im Ausland, etwas über Deutschland, die Wirtschaft und die Wirtschaft des Landes, welches das am meisten entwickelte Land in Europa und im letzten Kapitel wurde ein Fragebogen ausgearbeitet und eine Schlussfolgerung gemacht. Der Fragebogen wurde im Juli 2017 online durchgeführt und bestand aus Fragen, die die Reisegewohnheiten der Deutschen erforschten. Jede Frage und Antwort wurden speziell angesprochen und mit früheren bekannten Forschungsergebnissen im Internet verglichen. Das Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Voraussetzungen zu verstehen, die die Deutschen zu reisen haben, ihre Lebensart, durch die Forschung haben wir die Gründe für Reisen, Gewohnheiten, Aktivitäten, Lieblingsplätze und dergleichen untersucht.
- Published
- 2017
13. 'German je Nijemac: proračunat je - i to je sve!': Nijemci u ruskoj književnosti 19. stoljeća
- Author
Badžim, Ivona and Vidić, Adrijana
- Subjects
немцы ,русско-немецкие отношения ,stereotypes ,Russians ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Theory and History of Literature ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Teorija i povijest književnosti ,Russo-German relations ,русская литературa 19 века ,stereotipi ,Nijemci, Rusi, ruska književnost 19. stoljeća, rusko-njemački odnosi, stereotipi ,стереотипы ,rusko-njemački odnosi ,19th Century Russian Literature ,Rusi ,Germans ,ruska književnost 19. stoljeća ,русские ,Nijemci - Abstract
U ovom radu analiziraju se likovi Nijemaca u prozi A. S. Puškina, I. A. Gončarova, N. V. Gogolja te L. N. Tolstoja kako bi se ustanovilo u kojoj mjeri se njihova karakterizacija podudara ili ne podudara s vladajućim stereotipima 19. stoljeća, odnosno da bi se odredilo u kojoj mjeri je odraz piščeva individualnog pogleda. U tu svrhu, pored analitičkoga dijela, rad nudi pregled rusko-njemačkih odnosa i povijesti Nijemaca na ruskom tlu kao i pregled glavnih ruskih stereotipa o Nijemcima te neke razloge njihova postanka. The present analysis of German literary characters in the prose works of A. S. Pushkin, I. A. Goncharov, N. V. Gogol, and L. N. Tolstoy is carried out in order to determine the extent to which the characterisations coincide or disagree with the ruling stereotypes of the 19th century, i. e. to determine the degree to which they should rather be considered a reflection of the writerʼs individual view. For this purpose, in addition to the analytical part of the thesis an overview of Russo-German relations and history of Germans on Russian soil are included as well as the main Russian stereotypes about Germans and certain causes of their occurrence. В данной работе анализируются литературные персонажи прозы А. С. Пушкина, И. А. Гончарова, Н. В. Гоголя и Л. Н. Толстого с целью определения, в какой мере их характеристика совпадает или не совпадает с господствующими стереотипами XIX века, то есть с целью определения, в какой мере она является отражением индивидуального взгляда писателя. С этой целью, в дополнение к аналитической части, в работе приводится краткое изложение российско-германских отношений и история жиыни немцев на российской земле, а также рассматриваются основные российске стереотипы о немцах и некоторые из причин их возникновения.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Alena Jaklová
- Subjects
Czech lands ,Germans ,Czech language ,German surnames ,češke zemlje ,Nijemci ,češki jezik ,njemačka prezimena - Abstract
Owing to intense contacts with German-speaking territories, Czech lands, and in particular their border areas, were bilingual from as early as the Middle Ages. Germans started to settle in Bohemia in the late 10th century and remained a substantial minority there until the end of WWII. In 1945-1946, on the basis of a decision adopted at the Potsdam Conference in the summer of 1945, they were moved out of the country. Nevertheless, the historical national structure of the population still has a bearing on the present language situation in the Czech Republic, especially in its border areas. Despite efforts of the Czechoslovak government in the second half of the 1940s to prioritise Czech national aspects, the Czech language retained a complete system of German surnames, whose frequency is strikingly higher in the border areas compared to the interior of the country. These surnames also show area-specific semantic motivation and phonological features, pointing to territories from which the ancestors of South-Bohemian Germans once arrived in Bohemia., Zahvaljujući intenzivnim kontaktima s teritorijem njemačkog govornog područja, češke zemlje, a naročito njihova granična područja, bile su dvojezične već od srednjeg vijeka. Nijemci su se počeli naseljavati u Češkoj u kasnom 10. stoljeću i ostali su značajna manjina do kraja Drugog svjetskog rata. Godine 1945.-1946., na temelju odluke donesene na Potsdamskoj konferenciji u ljeto 1945., premješteni su iz zemlje. Ipak, povijesna nacionalna struktura stanovništva i dalje utječe na sadašnju jezičnu situaciju u Češkoj, posebice u njezinim graničnim područjima. Usprkos naporima čehoslovačke vlade u drugoj polovici četrdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, češki jezik zadržao je kompletan sustav njemačkih prezimena, čija je učestalost izrazito veća u graničnim područjima u odnosu na unutrašnjost zemlje. Ta prezimena također pokazuju specifičnu semantičku motivaciju i fonološke značajke, ukazujući na teritorije iz kojih su nekad stigli preci Nijemaca južnjaka u Češkoj.
- Published
- 2017
15. Prikaz Nijemaca i Turaka kod Şinasija Dikmena
- Author
Režan, Marta and Kabić, Slavija
- Subjects
Deutsche ,Integration ,Wir werden das Knoblauchkind schon schaukeln ,Deutschland-Bilder ,zajednički život ,images of Germany ,images of Turkey ,Satire ,satira ,Germans ,slike Njemačke ,coexistence ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Theory and History of Literature ,Şinasi Dikmen ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Teorija i povijest književnosti ,Zusammenleben ,Turci ,slike Turske ,integracija ,Hurra ,asimilacija ,Turks ,Assimilation ,Türkei-Bilder ,Türke ,ich lebe in Deutschland ,asimillation ,Nijemci - Abstract
Die Satiren Wir werden das Knoblauchkind schon schaukeln (1983) und Hurra, ich lebe in Deutschland (1995) des türkisch-deutschen Autors Şinasi Dikmen (geb. 1945 in Çakırgümüş bei Ladik, Türkei) beschäftigen sich mit dem Leben der türkischen Migranten, aber auch mit ihrem Zusammenleben mit den Deutschen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zwischen den 1970-er und 1990-er Jahren. Aus der Sicht des türkischen Ich-Erzählers werden die Geschichten über die Integration der Türken in Deutschland erzählt. Dabei verwendet Dikmen die Satire als diejenige Form, mittels derer er Kritik an individuellen, gesellschaftlichen und allgemeinmenschlichen Schwächen, sowohl bei Deutschen als auch bei Türken übt. Deutschland wird von den Türken als ein fremdes Land angesehen, weil bei ihnen hier – in Deutschland – noch immer die alten Sitten, Gewohnheiten und die patriarchalischen Verhältnisse aus der türkischen Heimat die wichtige Rolle spielen. Deutsche und Türken werden vor allem durch ihr Verhalten gezeigt und zwar in der Weise, dass viele Situationen umgekehrt dargestellt werden, so wie das Leben in Wirklichkeit hätte funkionieren sollen. Die meist interessanten satirischen Geschichten sind: „Warum feiert Ahmet?“, „Brautbeschauer“, „Wir tun so, als ob wir Deutsche wären“, „Ein Türkenbub schreibt einen Brief an Onkel Goethe“ und „Eine Reise durch Griechenland“. Mit diesen Geschichten wird das naive Verhalten der Türken ausgelacht und das Verhalten der Deutschen kritisiert. Der Einfluss der Tradition und die Wichtigkeit des Heimatlandes für die Türken werden hervorgehoben. Dominierende Bilder in diesen Satiren sind die große Rolle der Tradition, die Stellung der Frau in der Familie, Integrationsfragen und die Akzeptanz in der Gesellschaft. Der Erzähler zeigt, dass die Türken sich bemühen, sich in Deutschland zu integrieren, obwohl sie dabei auf viele Schwierigkeiten stoßen. The books Wir werden das Knoblauchkind schon schaukeln (1983) and Hurra, ich lebe in Deutschland (1995) written by the Turkish-German writer Şinasi Dikmen (born 1945 in Çakırgümüş near Ladik, Turkey) are dealing with the life of Turkish migrants and their coexistence with the Germans, in Germany from the 1970s to the 1990s. The Turkish narrator writes about the integration of Turks in the German society. A satirical form has been used to criticize individual, social and human weakness. Turks consider Germany a foreign country, because their life style in Germany is still based on traditional customs, habits and patriarchal behaviour coming from their homeland Turkey. Images of Germans and Turks are primarily presented through their behavior in a way that lots of situations show the reverse way of what actually should happen in their real life. The most interesting satirical stories are "Warum feiert Ahmet? ", "Brautbeschauer", "Wir tun so, als ob wir Deutsche wären", "Ein Türkenbub schreibt einen Brief an Onkel Goethe" and "Eine Reise durch Griechenland". These stories make fun of the naive behavior of the Turks and criticize the behavior of the Germans. They show the strong influence of tradition and the importance of the homeland Turkey for the Turks. The dominating images in these books are strong presence of the tradition, the position of a woman in the family, the problems of integration and acceptance of migrants in the German society. The narrator shows that the Turks are trying to integrate into the German society, although they are faced with many difficulties. Knjige satira Wir werden das Knoblauchkind schon schaukeln (1983; doslovno: „Još ćemo ljuljati dijete koje miriše na luk“; preneseno značenje: „Izaći ćemo već na kraj s turskim problemom“) i Hurra, ich lebe in Deutschland (1995; Hura, živim u Njemačkoj) tursko-njemačkog autora Şinasija Dikmena (rođen 1945. godine u Çakırgümüşu kod Ladika, u Turskoj) bave se životom turskih migranata, ali i njihovim suživotom s Nijemcima, u Njemačkoj između 1970-ih i 1990-ih godina. Turski pripovijedač pripovijeda priče o integraciji Turaka u Njemačkoj. Dikmen rabi satiru kao oblik pripovijedanja i kritizira individualne, društvene i općeljudske slabosti, i kod Nijemaca i kod Turaka. Turci drže Njemačku stranom zemljom, jer kod njih tu – u Njemačkoj – još uvijek veliku ulogu igraju stari običaji, navike i patrijarhalno ponašanje koji potječu iz njihove domovine Turske. Nijemci i Turci prikazani su prije svega preko svojeg ponašanja i to na način da su mnoge prikazane situacije obrnute od onoga kako bi život u stvarnosti zapravo trebao funkcionirati. Najzanimljivije satirične priče jesu: „Zašto Ahmet slavi?“ („Warum feiert Ahmet?“), „Posrednik za traženje mladenke“ („Brautbeschauer“), „Pretvaramo se da smo Nijemci“ („Wir tun so, als ob wir Deutsche wären“), „Turski dječak piše pismo stričeku Goetheu“ („Ein Türkenbub schreibt einen Brief an Onkel Goethe“) i „Putovanje kroz Grčku“ („Eine Reise durch Griechenland“). U tim se pričama ismijava naivno ponašanje Turaka, a kritizira ponašanje Nijemaca. U pričama su prikazani utjecaj tradicije i važnost domovine kod Turaka. Slike koje dominiraju u satirama jesu jaka uloga tradicije, položaj žene u obitelji, pitanja integracije i prihvaćenosti u društvu. Pripovijedač pokazuje da se Turci trude integrirati u njemačko društvo, premda se pritom susreću s mnogim poteškoćama.
- Published
- 2016
16. Velika župa Dubrava od kapitulacije Italije do kraja 1943. godine
- Author
Franko Mirošević
- Subjects
NDH ,Velika župa Dubrava ,oružnici ,domobrani ,četnici ,partizani ,Talijani ,Nijemci ,10. hercegovačka brigada ,Independent State of Croatia (NDH) ,Chetniks ,partisans ,Italians ,Germans ,10th Herzegovinian Brigade - Abstract
Središnja tema ovog članka predstavlja prikaz prilika u Velikoj župi Dubrava nakon kapitulacije Italije, kao i razvoj tih prilika u okviru njemačke vojne okupatorske vlasti koja zamjenjuje prijašnju talijansku okupatorsku vlast. Na temelju izvorne građe analiziraju se odnosi između njemačke vojne komande, četnika, domobrana i administrativno-upravne vlasti Velike župe s jedne strane, i partizana s druge. Dužna pozornost poklonjena je razoružanju talijanskih oružanih snaga, kao i otporu koji su dijelovi talijanske vojske pružili razoružanju. Ne zanemaruju se ni prilike u četničkom pokretu, kao ni uvjeti njegove kolaboracije s Nijemcima., When Italy capitulated in September 1943, much of the territory of Velika Župa Dubrava was already under the control of the German troops which disarmed and captured the Italian soldiers, and whose military leadership agreed to collaborate with the Chetnik commanders against the partisans. In eastern Herzegovina and on the Pelješac Peninsula the partisan movement consolidated by organising strong military forces, their nucleus being the 10th Herzegovinian Brigade. Although heavily decimated in the battle of the Sutjeska, with the joining of new volunteers it expanded into a larger military unit, 29th Herzegovinian Division. Between September and November 1943 these partisan forces liberated almost the whole territory of eastern Herzegovina from the Germans, Chetniks and Ustashas. However, in November the partisans were forced to withdraw from the Pelješac Peninsula to the island of Korčula before the advancing German troops, which in retaliation committed many atrocities on the civilians of Pelješac.
- Published
- 2016
17. The Changes of Population Ethnic Structure of Urban Settlements in Eastern Croatia between 1910 and 1991
- Author
Dražen Živić
- Subjects
lcsh:Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration ,lcsh:JV1-9480 ,Istočna Hrvatska ,gradovi ,Hrvati ,Srbi ,Nijemci ,Mađari ,Serbs ,Hungarians ,Germans ,Eastern Croatia ,towns ,Croats - Abstract
U članku se raspravlja o promjeni narodnosne slike naseljenosti Istočne Hrvatske i istočnohrvatskih gradova u razdoblju od 1910. do 1991. godine. Posebno je raščlanjeno kretanje broja i udjela Hrvata, Srba, Nijemaca i Mađara u promatranom razdoblju. Analiziran je utjecaj povijesno-političkih zbivanja te procesa deruralizacije i urbanizacije na oblikovanje suvremene narodnosne slike naseljenosti gradskih naselja Istočne Hrvatske. U provedenoj je raščlambi ustanovljen trend narodnosne homogenizacije (kroatizacije) ukupnog i gradskog stanovništva istočnohrvatskog prostora, ali i trend pojačane infiltracije Srba u gradove Istočne Hrvatske. Unatoč izraženoj "srbizaciji", gradovi su istraživanog prostora od 1910. do 1991. godine ne samo zadržali, već i povećali svoju hrvatsku narodnosnu većinu (1991., Hrvati 70, 7%, Srbi 16,4%, ostali i nepoznato 12,9%)., The paper deals with the changes of ethnic population of Eastern Croatia and Eastern Croatian towns in the 1910-1991 period. The number and share of Croats, Serbs, Germans and Hungarians in the observed period has been specially analysed. The influence of historical-political events as well as of the processes of deruralisation and urbanisation on shaping contemporary ethnic population picture of urban settlements of Eastern Croatia has been critically examined. The analysis shows a trend of ethnic homogenisation (Croatisation) of the total and urban population of Eastern Croatian territory but a trend of intensified infiltration of Serbs in the towns in Eastem Croatia as well. In spite of expressed "Serbisation", the towns of the examined tenitory between 1910 and 1991 have not only kept, but also increased their Croatian ethnic majority (in 1991 Croats 70.7%, Serbs 16.4%, the others and unknown 12.9%).
- Published
- 1998
18. Migracije njemačkog stanovništva na hrvatskom području tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata i poraća
- Author
Marica Karakaš Obradov
- Subjects
Second World War ,“people’s democracy” ,Independent State of Croatia ,Croatia ,Germans ,migrations ,emigration ,resettlement/evacuation ,exile ,banishment ,Drugi svjetski rat ,"narodna demokracija" ,Nezavisna Država Hrvatska ,Hrvatska ,Nijemci ,migracije ,iseljavanja ,preseljavanja/evakuacije ,izbjeglištvo ,protjerivanja - Abstract
Rad na temelju literature i arhivskog gradiva obrađuje migracije njemačkog stanovništva tijekom rata i u poraću. Pozornost je posebice usmjerena na preseljavanje tijekom rata zbog zaštite njemačkog stanovništva od partizanskih napada i to osobito na evakuaciju u jesen 1944., zatim na onemogućavanje povratka preseljenih/evakuiranih Nijemaca u Jugoslaviju/Hrvatsku poslije rata te na protjerivanje preostalih hrvatskih Nijemaca u neposrednom poraću., A population of around 170 000 Germans lived in the territory of the Independent State of Croatia, 150 000 on Croatian territory and around 20 000 in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since, in times of war, war-related events jeopardised the security of German settlements and population, resettlements/evacuations of settlers to safer areas were conducted in the territory of the Independent State of Croatia by the leadership of the German ethnic group. In the beginning these events took place within the area of the Independent State of Croatia, but later, in 1944 a great evacuation to the territory of the Third Reich took place. A small percentage of Germans from the territory of the Independent State of Croatia, i.e. almost all Germans from Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as about 2 500 Germans from Croatian towns and villages emigrated permanently to the territory of the Third Reich in 1942. After the war the Yugoslav government did not want to take back resettled/evacuated and fugitive Germans and planned to banish the rest of Yugoslav Germans. In the post-war period about 20 000 Germans, mainly children, women and older people, stayed in the Croatian territory; in the immediate post-war period most of them were detained in camps in Croatia and Vojvodina. Most of those who survived, emigrated; hence, we can say that the Yugoslav/Croatian territory was almost “purged” of the German national group by the middle of 1960s. The disappearance of the Croatian Germans signifi cantly changed the cultural, national and religious picture of Slavonia, Srijem and Baranja.
- Published
- 2012
19. Osvrt na važnije radove o Nijemcima u Požegi i Požeškoj kotlini
- Author
Vladimir Geiger
- Subjects
Historiografija i publicistika ,Požega i Požeška kotlina ,Nijemci ,Historiography and publicist writing ,Požega and the Požega Valley ,Germans - Abstract
Rad donosi pregled najvažnijih i najzanimljivijih priloga o Nijemcima u Požegi i Požeškoj kotlini na njemačkom jeziku, autori kojih su hrvatski Nijemci pretežito podrijetlom iz Požege ili okolice, ali i njemački i austrijski povjesničari i istraživači srodnih struka. Prikazani su radovi objavljivani u razdoblju od sredine tridesetih godina 20. stoljeća do naših dana, objavljivani u Hrvatskoj i u Njemačkoj i Austriji, knjige i prilozi u raznim zbornicima, časopisima i listovima. Prikazani su i prilozi o Nijemcima u Požegi i Požeškoj kotlini na hrvatskom jeziku, objavljeni u Hrvatskoj u novije vrijeme. Navedeni radovi donose niz podataka o povijesti Nijemaca u Požegi i Požeškoj kotlini, kao i niz zanimljivih slikovnih priloga. Ujedno, ti su radovi nezaobilazni želimo li stvoriti što točniju sliku o povijesti Požege i Požeške kotline., More than 2,500 thousand Germans, predominantly of Catholic, but also of Evangelistic faith, who had moved there in the 18th and 19th century, lived in Požega and the Požega Valley before the end of World War II. Their concentration was the greatest in Kula, Poreč, Darkovac, Požega, Ciglenik, Mihaljevci, Tominovci, Kutjevo, Čaglin, Jakšić, Kaptol, Vetovo, Pleternica, Jurkovac, Poljanska, Zarilac, Grabarje, Alilovci, Vilić Selo, Eminovci, Sapna, Bektež, Bertelovci, but they lived in other villages in the Požega Valley as well. The paper reviews the most important and most interesting works about Germans in Požega and the Požega Valley written in the German language by Croatian Germans, predominantly tracing their origin to Požega or its surroundings, but also by German and Austrian historians and researchers belonging to affiliate sciences. It reviews papers published between mid-1930s and today in Croatia, Germany and Austria, books, and articles from various anthologies, magazines and papers. It also includes papers about Germans in Požega and the Požega Valley written in the Croatian language and published in Croatia in more recent times. The mentioned works provide a multitude of data about the history of the Germans in Požega and the Požega Valley, as well as a number of interesting pictures and photographs. They are also indispensible in attempts to form a clear picture about the history of Požega and the Požega Valley.
- Published
- 2009
20. Heimkehr. Povratak slavonskih Nijemaca nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata iz izbjeglištva / prognaništva u zavičaj i njihova sudbina
- Author
Vladimir Geiger
- Subjects
Nijemci ,Jugoslavija ,Slavonija ,Drugi svjetski rat ,progonstvo ,povratak ,Germans ,Yugoslavia ,Slavonia ,Second World War ,exile ,return to native land - Abstract
Rad na temelju arhivskoga gradiva i literature prikazuje povratak potkraj Drugoga svjetskog rata izbjeglih ili protjeranih slavonskih Nijemaca neposredno nakon rata u zavičaj. Pozornost je napose dana stavovima i djelatnostima jugoslavenskih vlasti u onemogućavanju povratka Nijemaca u Jugoslaviju. Posebno je na temelju iskaza / svjedočanstava folksdojčera, prikazana sudbina slavonskih Nijemaca koji su se nakon rata nastojali, ili i uspjeli, unatoč protivljenjima novih vlasti u Jugoslaviji, vratiti u zavičaj., By the end of the World War II, the majority of the Yugoslav Germans (Volksdeutscher) had been displaced and forced to leave their homes. Most of them found refuge in Austria and Germany, but also on the territory of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary and Italy, where they stayed until the war was over. Many had decided to return to their native land after the war. Since the Allies considered the banished and displaced Yugoslav Germans in Austria, Germany and elsewhere to be Yugoslav citizens, they sent them back and facilitated their return to Yugoslavia. At the end of May 1945, the Yugoslav authorities made a decision according to which the Germans were prohibited from returning to Yugoslavia. Many Slavonian Germans, exiled around the end of the war, shared their destiny. They were stopped at border crossings between Austria and Yugoslavia and between Hungary and Yugoslavia, where they were prohibited from entering their native land and were sent back to refugee camps in Austria and Germany. Chiefly in 1945 and despite everything many Slavonian Germans succeeded in crossing the borders between Austria and Yugoslavia and Hungary and Yugoslavia. Still, many never reached their homes but instead they were stopped on their way through Slovenia (Prekomurje and Styria regions) and Croatia (Međimurje, the Podravina and Baranya regions). As a rule, their property was taken away from them and they were consequently sent back, or exiled again from Yugoslavia across the Austrian or Hungarian border. In spite of all efforts by the Yugoslav authorities to prevent them from returning to Yugoslavia, many Slavonian Germans managed to return to their native land right after the war. Soon afterwards, they were arrested and put away in the camps. They were dispatched from the local assembly centres to camps in Josipovac near Osijek and to Valpovo, from where they were, together with other Germans, expected to be sent back to Germany or Austria. The transport of Slavonian Germans (and other Germans from all over the territory of Yugoslavia) to Austria was organized by trains. At the beginning of July 1945, a large group of detained Germans from the camp in Josipovac was exiled, among them many who had only just returned to their native land. Since the Allies closed the borders towards Austria and Hungary in July 1945 and thus made the crossing impossible, many Germans were detained in labour camps in which many lost their lives. Many stayed there until 1946 or 1948 and were finally released. Given that most of their property was confiscated and they were denied fundamental ethnic and civil rights, the majority of Germans emigrated in the 1950s and 1960s, predominantly to Austria and Germany.
- Published
- 2003
- Author
Vlasta Šabić
- Subjects
manjinske zajednice ,Mađari ,Nijemci ,Osijek ,minority communities ,Hungarians ,Germans - Abstract
Prilog donosi neke detalje tradicijskog života Mađarske i Njemačke Retfale koji ukazuju na donedavna ruralne značajke ovog dijela današnjeg Osijeka, a mnogi od njih su usprkos blizini Osijeka i prožimanju s gradskim životom, življeni sve do iza Drugog svjetskog rata i pripojenja Osijeku. Način života uvjetovan je gospodarstvom koje se temelji na zemljoradnji, obrtima i zaposlenju u osječkim tvornicama, što daje specifičnu notu Retfali., A revision of some historical facts points to a firmer connection of the city of Osijek and its neigbouring villages in the past. Namely, there have been some rural elements that have been incorporated in the city and have survived for quite a while, and at the same time the urban environment has influenced the surrounding villages. The way of life in Retfala was determined by the economy, which was based on the agriculture, the crafts, and, after the World Wars, on the employment in the city of Osijek and its factories. One of the determining elements was certainly the immanent connection with the city of Osijek, which gave Retfala a specific tone. The everyday life in Retfala, its material and spiritual culture was defined by two groups of its inhabitants - the Hungarians and the Germans. The petrification of the traditional elements was up to recently caused by the fact that these two communities are somewhat closed national minority units. Retfala used to be a village until it was united with Osijek in 1947. The elements of the traditional way of life from the beginning and the first half of the twentieth century witness to this fact: economy; rural architecture, largely characterized by the Pannonian, that is, the Slavonian architecture, such as the typical houses called trščare built of what used to be called naboj of ćerpić; some elements of traditional costume, that is, the specific features of clothing; calendar customs, which are commonly recognizable by their Central European roots; customs that accompanied work, as well as the social life seen from the prism of leisure time.
- Published
- 2002
22. Iz povijesti folksdojčera i njihova egzodusa na tlu Jugoslavije
- Author
Ante Laušić
- Subjects
egzodus ,folksdojčeri ,Nijemci ,Jugoslavija ,exodus ,Volksdeutscher ,Germans ,Yugoslavia - Abstract
Povijest podunavske njemačke narodne skupine u historiografiji nedovoljno je obrađena. To se posebice odnosi na razdoblje od 1941. do prvih poratnih godina, kada je samo s jugoslavenskih prostora ova najbrojnija i najbogatija polumilijunska nacionalna manjina gotovo u potpunosti nestala. Uzroke njezina nestanka svakako valja tražiti u općim konstelacijama rata, ali još više u odlukama što su ih dosljedno provodile naše ratne i poratne vlasti, koje su folksdojčerski status izjednačavale s nacističkim. Golema folksdojčerska bogatstva konfiscirana su i podijeljena kolonistima, od kojih su većina bili Srbi. Da bi sve to u ovome članku i dokumentirao, autor pored sažetog teksta podastire najrelevantniju izvornu i literarnu građu koja čitatelja izravno ili posredno uvlači u ondašnja zbivanja i upućuje na daljnja istraživanja., The history of the German ethnic population in the Danube region has not been adequately treated in historiography. This pertains especially to the period from 1941 to the first post-war years. In this period, only from the area of Yugoslavia, this most numerous and wealthy national minority, with about half a million members, practically disappeared. The causes for its disappearance must be sought certainly in the general constellation of the war, but above all in the rulings of the wartime and post-war Yugoslav regime, which consistently equated the German minority with the Nazis. An immense amount of the minority's wealth was confiscated and given to colonists, mostly of Serbian ethnicity. In order to document the material, alongside a brief summary of the events, the author presents the most relevant original data and literature, so that the reader may be directly and indirectly drawn into further research on the topic.
- Published
- 1991
23. Nijemci u Hrvatskoj
- Author
Vladimir Geiger
- Subjects
Germans ,Croatia ,settlement ,Volksdeutscher ,Nijemci ,Hrvatska ,doseljavanje ,folksdojčeri - Abstract
Rad donosi najosnovnije podatke o prisutnosti Nijemaca na europskom jugoistoku, od razdoblja antike, preko srednjeg vijeka, do najnovijeg vremena. Autor se temeljitije bavi poviješću i sudbinom Nijemaca na južnoslavenskim prostorima, od vremena naseljavanja (u 18. i 19. stoljeću) do njihova egzodusa u prvim poratnim godinama. S obzirom na ograničenje temom i prostorom, uglavnom su obrađeni problemi sudbine Nijemaca u hrvatskim krajevima (u današnjim granicama Hrvatske). Autor se nije bavio poviješću Nijemaca u ostalim dijelovima bivše Jugoslavije kao ni europskog jugoistoka, gdje su Nijemci živjeli (ukoliko to nije bilo neophodno). Uvažavajući povijesne, političke, kulturološke, jezične i druge pretpostavke, cilj ovog rada bio je prvenstveno prikazati način, vrijeme i uzroke naseljavanja Nijemaca na naše prostore. Naročito je bilo zanimljivo pratiti oblikovanje ove etničke zajednice, njihov život i prožimanje međusobnih utjecaja s ostalim narodima na jugoistoku, te konačno, kako onih nekoliko tisuća Nijemaca koji danas žive na našim prostorima, nakon svega što se u poraću dogodilo traže svoj identitet i načine na koji ga ostvariti., The paper presents some very basic information on the presence of Germans in South-East Europe from antiquity, through the Middle Ages, to most recent times. The author concentrates more fully on the history and the fate of Germans in the South Slav area, from the time of their settlement (in the 18th and 19th century) to the time of their exodus in the first years after the Second World War. Due to limited time and space, he concerns himself mostly with the history of Germans in the Croatian lands (within the present borders of Croatia). The author does not treat the history of Germans in other lands of former Yugoslavia and of South-East Europe where they once lived. Taking into consideration the historic, political, culturological, linguistic and other perspectives, the aim of the paper is to describe the manner, the time and the cause of German settlement in Croatia. It was especially interesting to review the formation of this ethnic community, its life-style, and the merging of mutual contacts with other peoples in this area, and finally to examine the ways in which the few thousand Germans left in Croatia – after all that had happened in the last world war – are attempting to find their identity and recreate it.
- Published
- 1991
24. Naznake o nekim etničkim manjinama u Kanadi
- Author
Ružica Čičak-Chand
- Subjects
etnička manjina ,etnički odnosi ,Kanada ,Nijemci ,Ukrajinci ,Hrvati ,Južni Azijci ,ethnic minority ,ethnic relations ,Canada ,Germans ,Ukrainians ,Croats ,South Asians - Abstract
U radu su date neke osnovne naznake povijesnih okolnosti migriranja kao i socioekonomski položaj četiriju etnija: Nijemaca, Ukrajinaca, Hrvata i Južnih Azijaca u strukturi suvremenih etničkih odnosa u Kanadi. Izabrani su Nijemci jer su najstarija i najbrojnija etnička manjina pored Anglo- i Frankokanađana, zatim Ukrajinci kao izrazito etnički svjesna etnija koja je odigrala značajnu ulogu u procesu stvaranja kanadskog pluralističkog društva. Kanadski Hrvati, pak, predstavljaju četvrtu najveću hrvatsku skupinu izvan domovine i primjer su doseljavanja jednog manjeg evropskog naroda. Južni Azijci, koji danas čine jedan od najbrže rastućih segmenata kanadskog stanovništva, izabrani su kao primjer etničke konglomeracije očitog ekonomskog potencijala, ali koja zbog svoje »vidljivosti« može doći na udar rasne netrpeljivosti (pogotovu u kriznim trenucima)., The paper gives some basic comments on the historic circumstances pertaining to the migration and social position of four ethnic groups: the Germans, Ukrainians, Croats and South Asians, in the structure of contemporary ethnic relations in Canada. The Germans have been chosen since they are the oldest and most numerous ethnic minority in Canada apart from the Anglo- and Franco-Canadians. The Ukrainians were chosen since they are an especially conscious ethnic group which has played an important role in creating the Canadian pluralistic society. The Canadian Croats, on the other hand, are the fourth largest Croatian group outside of the homeland, and they also exemplify immigration of a smaller European nation. The South Asians, who today constitute one of the fastest growing segments of the Canadian population, have been chosen as an example of an ethnic group with evident economic potential, but which due to its “visibility” may be threatened by racial discrimination (especially in moments of crisis).
- Published
- 1991
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