14 results on '"Autonomija"'
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2. The intersubjectivist conception of autonomy: Axel Honneth's Neo-Hegelian critique of liberalism.
- Author
Ivković, Marjan
- Subjects
AUTONOMY (Psychology) ,LIBERALISM - Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Maraš, Srđan
- Abstract
Copyright of Sociološka Luča is the property of Socioloska Luca and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Popov-Momčinović, Zlatiborka
- Abstract
Copyright of Pregled is the property of University of Sarajevo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
5. Towards transcendental grounding of public right
- Author
Govedarica, Jelena J., Babić, Jovan, Cekić, Nenad, Dobrijević, Aleksandar, and Draškić-Vićanović, Iva
- Subjects
education ,kosmopolitizam ,sloboda ,vaspitanje ,paternalism ,prosvećivanje ,republikanizam ,cosmopolitanism ,public right ,Kant ,republicanism ,moralizacija ,javno pravo ,paternalizam ,freedom ,moralization ,autonomija ,autonomy ,enlightenment - Abstract
Ova studija nudi obuhvatnu interpretaciju Kantovih stavova o uslovima mogućnosti moralnog napretka i moralizacije čovečanstva, kao ostvarenja krajnje svrhe stvaranja prirode. Iako je vaspitanje pojedinaca i nacija uslov koji najviše doprinosi moralizaciji čovečanstva, njen jedini nužan uslov mogućnosti je transcendentalno zasnovano javno pravo. Takvo pravo zadovoljava uslove opšteg i nužnog važenja, jer se zasniva isključivo na slobodi. U tom smislu moralni napredak čovečanstva zahteva strogo ograničavanje samovolje ljudi putem apriornih juridičkih principa i učestaliju determinaciju njihove volje samom predstavom moralnog zakona. Osnovna teza studije jeste da juridička sloboda čovečanstva može u potpunosti biti garantovana ukoliko se uspostavi svetska federativna republika, dok se etička sloboda čovečanstva osvaja kroz stalnu borbu sa radikalnim zlom, koja ima više izgleda na uspeh ako ljudi osnuju carstvo vrline, pa je ostvarenje krajnje svrhe stvaranja prirode zamislivo tek pod pretpostavkom konstitucije svetske juridičke i etičke države. Povrh toga, studija pruža detaljan prikaz najvažnijih ideja Kantove filozofije javnog prava, kako transcendentalnih, tako i empirijskih principa. Uloga empirijske pravne i političke teorije je da pokaže na koji je način moguće u što većoj meri realizovati metafizičke principe prava, dok Kantove antropološke teorije i refleksije o istorijskom razvoju čovečanstva treba da pokažu na koji način ljudska priroda ide u prilog ostvarivanju najviših principa javnog prava, ponekad čak i protiv namera ljudi. Ove teorije, zajedno sa njegovom filozofijom vaspitanja, pokazuju koje smernice ljudi treba da prate na putu ka transcendentalnom javnom pravu, ne bi li čovečanstvo moglo u moralnom (juridičkom i etičkom) smislu efikasnije i lakše napredovati. This dissertation provides a comprehensive interpretation of Kant’s views on the conditions of possibility of moral progress and moralization, understood as the achievement of the final purpose of nature. Although education of people and nations is the condition that contributes the most to the achievement of moralization, its only necessary condition of possibility is transcendentally grounded public right. This form of law meets the conditions of universality and necessity, because it is based solely on freedom. In this sense, moral progress of humanity requires strict restrictions on every person’s freedom of choice in accordance with a priori juridical principles and a more frequent determination of their will merely by the representation of the moral law. The main thesis of this dissertation is that juridical freedom of humanity could only be fully guaranteed if the world federal republic is established, while the ethical freedom of humanity could be attained only through constant struggle against the radical evil, which is more likely to succeed if people establish the ethical community; thus, the achievement of the final purpose of nature is conceivable only under the presumption of the constitution of the legal world state and the ethical world state. Additionally, this dissertation provides a detailed analysis of the most important ideas of Kant's philosophy of public right, both its transcendental and empirical side. The role of the empirical legal and political theory is to explain how metaphysical principles of right could be realized to the greatest possible extent, while Kant's anthropological theories and his reflections on the historical development of humanity should show the way human nature works in favour of the implementation of the pure principles of public right, sometimes even against people's intentions. These theories, together with his philosophy of education, show what guidelines people should follow on the way towards transcendental public right, so that humanity’s moral (legal and ethical) progress would be more efficient and less difficult.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Pejnović, Vesna Stanković
- Subjects
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AUTONOMY (Philosophy) , *MASTERY learning , *SELF-expression , *FATE & fatalism - Abstract
According to Nietzsche, an autonomous individual has a certain skill or capacity to be free, his own long, unbreakable will to power, the ability to make a promise, he has "mastery over himself", has a standard of value, is permitted to say "yes" to himself and is conscious of "superiority and completion." The capability to achieve autonomy Nietzsche explains through mastery over circumstances, nature and fate. Someone who has the spirit to become free is capable of accepting and affirming oneself as a whole, and rather than seeing the necessity or accepting the fate of one's character as an obstacle to action, one sees it as an opportunity for true selfexpression. An autonomous individual is strong enough for this freedom and stands in the midst of a universe of joyful and trusting fatalism. This person has in his power conscious and unconscious drives and accepts with challenge the obstacles and opportunities given to him by fate. They have the will and power for struggle to overcome them and to achieve new freedom according to their rules and values. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Arlauskas, Saulius and Petrėnaitė, Daiva
- Subjects
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DEMOCRACY , *LIBERTY , *LIBERALISM , *IDENTITY (Psychology) , *HUMAN rights , *RIGHT of privacy - Abstract
Although the need of freedom is definite, the concept of individual freedom, while being interpreted with legal terms, causes not only theoretical, but also practical problems. The observed two extremes of freedom are defined as any human self-expression as well as the license, where the state power is generally attributed to disregard personal freedom. In this article the freedom of expression and state enforcement jurisdiction dichotomy are addressed by discussing positive and negative conceptions of freedom and the relationship between the interpretations of political liberalism and Kant and Hegel's philosophies. This paper aims to prove that the positive liberty is the assumption of the negative liberty. The paper based on Hegel's philosophy shows that freedom is the characteristic of human nature to seek identity. It is also argued that human identity can take many forms and, therefore, a person has a number of inherent rights and liberties. It is human psycho-physical identity that provides the right to life and health care; human creative identity, providing the right to privacy and freedom of occupation; human moral identity, which provides the right of dignity, and the moral autonomy of person's social and political identity, providing the political and social rights and freedoms. This article concludes that while a person uses the given rights with integrity and the state is limiting people's arbitrariness, there is no conflict between the freedom and state violation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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8. Vrednovanje postignuća djece rane i predškolske dobi
- Author
Bobić, Lidija and Nenadić Bilan, Diana
- Subjects
suvremeni kurikulum ,pristupi vrednovanju ,sloboda ,poticajno okruženje ,vrednovanje postignuća djece ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Pedagogy. Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy ,dokumentacija o djetetu ,individualne razlike ,supportive environment ,documentation on the child ,evaluation of children's achievements ,approach to evaluation ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Pedagogija. Pedagogija ranog i predškolskog odgoja ,contemporary curriculum ,freedom ,autonomija ,autonomy ,individual differences - Abstract
U radu se razmatra problem vrednovanja postignuća djece rane i predškolske dobi i mogući pristupi vrednovanju. Usmjerenost na dijete je jedna od karakteristika suvremenog kurikuluma. To podrazumijeva prihvaćanje individualnih razlika, autonomije i slobode svakog djeteta. Poticajno okruženje omogućuje djetetu autonomnost pri stjecanju iskustava. Takvo okruženje ima naglasak na stvaranju uvjeta za učenje, a ne striktno planiranje i izravno poučavanje. Praćenje i procjenjivanje postignuća djece prema strogo propisanim standardima može dati potpuno krivu sliku djetetovih stvarnih mogućnosti i kompetencija. Prema kurikulumu ranog i predškolskog odgoja, kao i prema mišljenju većine autora vrednovanje djetetovog postignuća provodi se prikupljanjem dokumentacije o djetetu koja sadrži fotografije, video zapise, crteže, narativni opise i dr. Naglasak je na razvoju kompetencija djece unutar životnih situacija u kojima se svakodnevno nalaze. The paper deals with the problem of evaluating the achievements of early and pre-school children and possible approaches to evaluation. Child orientation is one of the characteristics of the modern curriculum. This implies the acceptance of each child's individual differences, autonomy and freedom. The supportive environment allows the child the autonomy in gaining experiences. Such an environment has an emphasis on creating the conditions for learning rather than strict planning and direct teaching. Monitoring and evaluating a child's achievement by strictly prescribed standards can give a completely false picture of a child's actual capabilities and competencies. According to the early and preschool curriculum, as well as to the opinion of the most of the authors, the evaluation of the child's achievements is carried out by collecting documentation on the child, which contains photographs, videos, drawings, narrative descriptions, etc. The emphasis is on developing the competencies of children within the everyday situations they find themselves in.
- Published
- 2019
9. Thoughts about Freedom in the Work of Kant
- Author
Perić, Zdravko
- Subjects
freedom ,autonomy ,heteronomy ,law ,will ,sloboda ,autonomija ,heteronomija ,zakon ,volja - Abstract
Ovim se radom želi izložiti poimanje slobode u filozofijskoj povijesti počevši s mišljenjem starih Grka koji su na neki način bili prethodnica svim kasnijim europskim misliteljima. Grci se nisu bavili izdvojenim pojmom slobode na način analiziranja slobode kao vrijednosti po sebi. Slobodu su analizirali u različitim odnosima prema bitku. Radi toga njihova sloboda ima različita značenja. Pojavom kršćanstva sloboda dobiva suprotno obilježje od onoga kakvog poznaju Grci. Glavni predstavnik kršćanstva Aurelije Augustin u svojim će djelima, posebice u djelu O slobodi volje, iznijeti kršćanski pristup poimanja slobode. Njegova je sloboda heteronomna i ima ishodište u svetopisamskom Bogu, koji ima i atribut istine. Njemački filozof Immanuel Kant slobodi će pristupiti sa suprotnih pozicija. Kant će, za razliku od Augustina, temeljiti svoju slobodu na autonomnom djelovanju. Mislitelji nakon Kanta prepoznat će njegovu misao kao vrijednost i slijedit će ga na različite načine, ovisno o misaonom pravcu koji zastupaju., The research aims to present understanding of freedom in the history of philosophy. It starts with the thought of the ancient Greeks, who preceded in a certain way all European philosophers who came later. The ancient Greeks did not deal with the concept of freedom by treating it as a value in itself. They analyzed freedom in different relation with being. For that reason their concept of freedom had a different meaning. With the arrival of Christianity freedom is characterized differently in comparison to the notion accepted by the ancient Greeks. St. Augustine, who has been considered a major representative of the Christian thought, brought a Christian approach to the concept of freedom. His concept was described in his works, the most notable one On Free Choice of the Will. “Freedom can be defined with more than one norm or standard” – claimed St. Augustine. He also believed that freedom has its origin in the God of the Bible who has the quality of the truth. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant approached freedom from an opposite viewpoint. Kant, unlike Augustine, based his concept of freedom on autonomous acting. Philosophers that followed Kant recognized his thought as a value and followed him in different ways depending on the cognitive trend they represented.
- Published
- 2013
10. Aspekti i implikacije Kantova pojma slobode
- Author
Emil Kušan
- Subjects
freedom ,Kant ,ethics ,autonomy ,moral law ,practical reason ,pure reason ,good ,evil ,legality ,morality ,will ,Lewis White Beck ,Nicolai Hartmann ,sloboda ,etika ,autonomija ,moralni zakon ,praktički um ,čisti um ,dobro ,zlo ,legalitet ,moralitet ,volja - Abstract
U radu se kritički osvjetljava pojam slobode u okviru filozofske misli Immanuela Kanta. Ovime se prvenstveno misli na njegov etički nauk, pa posredno i na epistemološki i estetički, koji na njega upućuju i kroz njega se utemeljuju. Cilj rada je pokazati da se sloboda, tumačena u oba svoja aspekta (pozitivnom i negativnom), dade izjednačiti s konceptima autonomije i spontaniteta. Ovim se pak putem, obzirom da je sloboda ratio essendi moralnoga zakona, može argumentirati i u korist teze o praktičkom jedinstvu slobode i moralnog zakona. Dodatno, u radu se analiziraju interpretativne implikacije kao i teškoće koje se javljaju čak i u tumačenjima eminentnih poznavatelja Kantove misli, poput L. W. Becka i N. Hartmanna., This paper aims to critically examine and evaluate the whole of Kant’s philosophy from the perspective of the notion of freedom. Freedom, both in its negative and positive capacity, as well as in it’s purely practical sense, serves as a cornerstone of Kant’s philosophical enquiry and the one true medium of the mind both in the practical and theoretical sense. Along with the aforementioned negative-positive dichotomy, freedom can further be distinguished as being one with the concept of the autonomy of the mind. Through this connection, freedom becomes, as its ratio essendi, practically one with the moral law itself, the latter being a form of the former. From the idea of freedom, various implications emerge, which have been dealt with through the course of the essay. In this respect, particular attention is paid to Kant’s notion of will and some of the misunderstandings it managed to create among notable Kant scholars like L. W. Beck and N. Hartmann.
- Published
- 2012
11. Kritische Bewertung der Wertesubstanz der rechtlichen Regelung zur sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung
- Author
Tonči Matulić
- Subjects
medically assisted procreation ,ethics ,law ,conflict of interest ,status of the human embryo ,right to life ,child’s welfare ,marriage ,autonomy ,freedom ,medizinisch assistierte Befruchtung ,Ethik ,Recht ,Interessenskonflikt ,Status des menschlichen Embryos ,Recht auf Leben ,Kindeswohl ,Ehe ,Autonomie ,Freiheit ,medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja ,etika ,pravo ,sukob interesa ,status ljudskog embrija ,pravo na život ,dobrobit djeteta ,brak ,autonomija ,sloboda - Abstract
Autor iznosi kritičku evaluaciju vrijednosne supstancije pravne regulacije takozvane medicinski potpomognute oplodnje za hrvatsko društvo. Tekst je podijeljen u pet zasebnih, ali misaono međuovisnih, dijelova koji pobliže kritički analiziraju neke argumente pro, pritajeni sukob interesa, vrijednosne kontradikcije, „kapitulaciju“ prava usred revolucioniranja etike, vrijednosnu supstanciju pravne regulacije koja se sastoji od prigodne i stoga nedovršene vrijednosne evaluacije statusa ljudskog embrija, bračne ustanove i primata dobrobiti djeteta, autonomije medicine i slobode znanstvenog istraživanja. Za polazište svojih promišljanja autor uzima neke javne argumente, zatim neke civilizacijske pojave koje su izrasle iz modernih kulturnih metamorfoza, a to sve zajedno pridonosi maskiranju vrijednosne biti takozvane medicinski potpomognute oplodnje ili tu istu bit relativizira na način obezvrjeđivanja bitnih vrijednosti koje su tu u igri. Upravo skretanje pozornosti na te bitne vrijednosti čini sukus vrijednosne supstancije koja bi trebala stajati u temeljima pravnoga propisa za takozvanu medicinski potpomognutu oplodnju, In this contribution the author presents a critical evaluation of the value substance of legal regulation of the so-called medically assisted procreation for Croatian society. The contribution is divided in five separate but meaningfully interdependent parts which critically analyze some arguments “pro”, latent conflict of interest, value contradictions, “capitulation” of law due to revolutionization of ethics, value substance of legal regulation which consists of occasional and thus incomplete evaluation of the status of the human embryo, marital institution and primacy of the child’s interest, autonomy of medicine and freedom of scientific research. The starting point of the author’s analysis are some public arguments, civilizational developments and cultural metamorphoses which try to mask the crucial value of the problem and make it insignificant, that is, to degrade the essential values which are at issue in the field of the so-called medically assisted procreation. In this respect, the author first presents critical analyses of the concept of infertility treatment in the context of the so-called medically assisted procreation and demographic issues, on the one hand, and (bio)technological revolutionizing of ethics by subjecting it to the requirements of (bio)technological developments, on the other hand. Then the author critically analyses what he determines as the rise of the latent conflict of interest in the contemporary position of the so-called medically assisted procreation in Croatia. The author further points out that in the circumstances of radical revolutionizing of ethics neither law has remained intact, so that today there is often the case of “capitulation” of law in the sense of disorientation and confusion due to biomedical and biotechnological challenges which knock at the door of legal regulation. This is best verified by value contradictions which occur in some European countries between, for instance, the law on abortion and the law on the so-called medically assisted procreation. Therefore, in social circumstances of dramatic epistemological changes, radical criticism of the quite recent concept of ethics and law and growing value disorientation due to the strengthening of individualism, it has become very difficult, if not impossible, to reach a general social consensus on fundamental value issues connected with the consequences of bio-technologization and, consequently, economization of medical practice in general and medicalization of human birth by the methods and techniques of the so-called medically assisted procreation specifically. In spite of all this, the author of the contribution, in its fifth part, through four items as four crucial value moments, analyses in detail some essential value aspects and points out the decisive value elements which should form the starting value substance in formulating legal regulation of the so-called medically assisted procreation in Croatian society., Der Autor trägt in diesem Beitrag eine kritische Bewertung der Wertesubstanz der rechtlichen Regelung zur sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung für die kroatische Gesellschaft vor. Der Beitrag ist in fünf gesonderte, aber inhaltlich zusammenhängende Teile gegliedert, die einige Pro-Argumente eingehend kritisch analysieren, den verdeckten Interessenskonflikt, Widersprüche auf der Werteebene, die „Kapitulation“ des Rechts inmitten einer ethischen Revolutionierung, die Wertesubstanz der rechtlichen Regelung, die in einer tagespolitischen und daher nicht abgeschlossenen wertemäßigen Beurteilung des Status des menschlichen Embryos, der Institution der Ehe und des Primats des Kindeswohles, der Autonomie der Medizin und der Freiheit der Forschung besteht. Als Ausgangspunkt seiner Überlegungen benutzt der Autor einige öffentlich vorgetragene Argumente, zivilisatorische Erscheinungen und kulturelle Metamorphosen, die gemeinsam versuchen, das Wesentliche des Problems zu verhüllen oder dieses Wesentliche unwesentlich erscheinen zu lassen, beziehungsweise die wesentlichen Werte, die im Bereich der medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung auf dem Spiel stehen, wertlos zu machen. In diesem Sinne präsentiert der Autor in seinem Beitrag zunächst kritische Analysen des Verständnisses der medizinischen Behandlung der Unfruchtbarkeit im Kontext der sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung und der Frage der Bevölkerungsentwicklung einerseits und der (bio)technologischen Revolutionierung der Ethik durch deren Unterordnung unter die Anforderungen von (bio)technischen Projekten andererseits. Danach analysiert er kritisch die Erscheinung des von ihm als solchen definierten verdeckten Interessenskonfliktes im gegenwärtigen Zustand der kroatischen sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung. Der Autor zeigt weiterhin auf, dass in den Bedingungen einer radikalen Revolutionierung der Ethik auch das Recht nicht unberührt geblieben ist, das heutzutage den nach rechtlicher Regelung verlangenden biomedizinischen und biotechnologischen Herausforderungen hilflos gegenübersteht, von ihnen überrollt wird und oftmals „kapituliert“. Das bezeugen bestens die Widersprüche auf der Werteebene, die in einigen europäischen Ländern etwa zwischen dem Gesetz über den Schwangerschaftsabbruch und dem Gesetz über die sogenannte medizinisch assistierte Befruchtung bestehen. Deshalb ist es in den gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen einer dramatischen epistemologischen Wende, radikaler Kritik an bisherigen ethischen und juristischen Auffassungen und eines immer präsenteren Werteverlustes wegen eines zunehmenden Individualismus außerordentlich schwer, wenn nicht gar unmöglich geworden, einen gesellschaftsumspannenden Konsens über grundlegende Wertefragen im Zusammenhang mit den Folgen der Bio-Technologisierung und der daraus folgenden Ökonomisierung der medizinischen Praxis im Allgemeinen und der Medikalisierung menschlichen Geborenwerdens mit Hilfe der Methoden und Techniken der sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung im Besonderen zu erreichen. Trotz all dem erarbeitet der Autor im fünften Abschnitt durch vier zentrale Wertemomente einige wesentliche Werteaspekte und weist auf die entscheidenden Werteelemente hin, die gemeinsam die Ausgangswertesubstanz für die Gestaltung der rechtlichen Regelung der sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung in der kroatischen Gesellschaft bilden sollten.
- Published
- 2006
12. Solidarna dimenzija bioetičkih izazova u hrvatskom društvu
- Author
Tonči Matulić
- Subjects
bioetički izazovi ,ljudski život ,solidarnost ,solidarna racionalnost ,socijalno pitanje ,sloboda ,autonomija ,»strukture grijeha« ,»kultura smrti« ,»Evanđelje života« ,bio-ethical challenges ,human life ,solidarity ,solidary rationality ,social issues ,freedom ,autonomy ,»structure of sin« ,»culture of death« ,»Gospel of life« - Abstract
Doprinos istražuje solidarne dimenzije bioetičkih izazova s posebnim osvrtom na njihovo stanje i neke zahtjeve u hrvatskom društvu. Istraživanje se odvija u nekoliko etapa. U uvodu se propituje stanje današnje kulturne situacije unutar koje su nastali bioetički izazovi. U nastavku se istražuje odnos između socijalnog pitanja kao svjetskog pitanja i bioetičkih izazova koji nesumnjivo čine bitnu komponentu toga pitanja, a što se posebno evidentira u kontekstu tumačenja i razumijevanja bioetičkih izazova u svjetlu »struktura grijeha« i »kulture smrti« o kojima govore neki socijalni i teološko-moralni dokumenti Crkve. U demokratskom i pluralističkom ozračju suvremenoga društva presudnom se čini spoznaja o izmijenjenoj naravi bioetičkih izazova, posebno u svjetlu novonastale svijesti o slobodi i autonomiji pojedinaca i skupina. Na pozadini prethodnih kritičkih promišljanja i uvida daljnje istraživanje u doprinosu pokušava dati načelni okvir etičkog tematiziranja bioetičkih izazova u svjetlu solidarnosti, točnije solidarne racionalnosti, postavljajući to kao izazov za hrvatsko društvo u kontekstu aktualnog pitanja o socijalno-etičkoj i pravnoj regulaciji nekih bioetičkih izazova, dotično moralne i pravne zaštite ljudskoga života prije rođenja. U tom su kontekstu evidentirani neki konkretni zahtjevi solidarne racionalnosti u hrvatskom društvu koji imaju za svrhu definiranje dužnosti i odgovornosti nekih društvenih čimbenika u pogledu zaštite ljudskoga dostojanstva i prava na život ljudskoga bića od časa začeća do prirodne smrti. Jasno, s tim su zahvaćeni samo neki vidovi bioetičkih izazova koji se odnose na zaštitu ljudskoga života, dok su drugi izazovi ostavljeni za neku drugu prigodu., This contribution investigates the solidary dimensions of bio-ethical challenges with special reflection on their situation and demands in Croatian society. The research unfolds in several stages. The introduction questions the state of today's cultural situation within which bio-ethical challenges emerge. In continuation, the paper investigates relations between social issues as a world notion and bio-ethical challenges that undoubtedly constitute a vital component of that issue. This is particularly evident in the context of interpreting and understanding bio-ethical challenges in light of the »structure of sin« and the »culture of death« that are referred to in some social and theologically-moral documents of the Church. In a democratic and pluralistic atmosphere in today's society, the realisation of the altered nature of bio-ethical challenges seems to be detrimental, particularly in light of the newly emerged awareness of freedom and autonomy of individuals and groups. In the background of previous critical thought and insight, further research in this contribution attempts to offer a basic framework for an ethical discussion of bio-ethical challenges in reference to solidarity, more precisely, solidary rationality, putting this challenge to Croatian society in context of current issues about social-ethical and legislative regulations concerning some bio-ethical challenges, specifically, moral and legal protection of human life before birth. In that context, some concrete demands of solidary rationality are posed to Croatian society with the aim of defining the obligations and responsibilities of some social factors with regard to the protection of human dignity and the right to life of human beings from the moment of conception to their natural death. Clearly, this includes some aspects of bio-ethical challenges that relate to the protection of human life while other challenges are left to some other discussion.
- Published
- 2005
- Author
Rade Kalanj
- Subjects
autonomy ,equality ,freedom ,globalization ,industrialism ,mobilization ,natural rights ,relativism ,social rights ,universalism ,Autonomie ,Freiheit ,Gleichheit ,Globalisierung ,Industrialisierung ,Mobilmachung ,Naturrechte ,soziale Rechte ,Universalismus ,autonomija ,globalizacija ,industrijalizam ,jednakost ,mobilizacija ,prirodna prava ,relativizam ,sloboda ,socijalna prava ,univerzalizam - Abstract
Polazeći od konstatacije da se današnje vrijeme može okarakterizirati kao »doba ljudskih prava«, ovaj tekst propituje genezu diskursa o ljudskim pravima i pokušava odgovoriti na pitanje raste li njihova moć ili opada. Odgovor na to pitanje proizlazi iz strukturalne analize tipičnih »diskurzivnih formacija« kroz koje je prošlo mišljenje o ljudskim pravima. U tom se pogledu može govoriti o četiri tipična diskursa: diskurs utemeljiteljskog univerzalizma (doba francuske i američke deklaracije), socijalno diferencirani diskurs industrijskog razvoja, diskurs velikih mobilizacija i blokovskih struktura moći te diskurs globalizacije i singularnosti. Pored toga, tekst osobito skreće pozornost na status ljudskih prava u sociološkoj znanosti i pokazuje da sociologija na tom području zaostaje za drugim društvenim znanostima. Iz navedenih analiza slijedi zaključak da se ljudska prava stalno razgranavaju, da se širi njihovo polje, ali da ona gube supstancijalnost kakvu su imala u doba utemeljiteljskih ideja. Raste instrumentalna (institucionalna) moć ljudskih prava, a sve je manje ideja o njihovoj ontološki zadanoj biti. To je rezultat rasta instrumentalne moći modernih društava., Starting from the conclusion that modern time can be characterized as “the age of human rights”, this paper makes enquiries about the genesis of the discourse on human rights and tries to answer the question whether their power grows or declines. AN answer to the question results from the structural analysis of the typical “discourse formations” through which human thought on human rights has gone through. In this respect, it we can converse about four typical discourses: the discourse of founding universalism (the age of French and American declaration), the socially differentiated discourse of industrial development, the discourse of large mobilizations and bloc power structures, and the discourse of globalization and singularity. Apart from this, the paper especially draws attention to the status of human rights in the sociological science and shows that sociology in this field falls behind other social sciences. From the mentioned analyses follows a conclusion that human rights are constantly branching out, that their field is widening, but that they loose substantiality they had at the age of the founding ideas. The instrumental (institutional) power of human rights grows, and there is more and more less ideas about their ontologically set essence. This is the result of the modern societies instrumental power growth., Ausgehend von der Feststellung, daß unsere Zeit als “Zeitalter der Menschenrechte” gekennzeichnet werden kann, wird in diesem Text die Herkunft des Diskurses über die Menschenrechte erörtert, wobei zugleich die Frage beantwortet werden soll, ob deren Macht im Steigen oder Sinken begriffen ist. Die Antwort auf diese Frage ergibt sich aus der strukturellen Analyse typischer “diskursiver Formen”, deren sich die Reflexion über Menschen rechte bedient hatte. In dieser Hinsicht lassen sich vier typische Diskurse unterscheiden: Diskurs der universalistischen Gründerzeit (Zeitalter der französischen und amerikanischen Deklaration), sozial differenzierter Diskurs der industriellen Entwicklung, Diskurs großer Mobilmachung und Blockstrukturen der Macht, sowie Global– und Singulardiskuurs. Außerdem will dieser Text auf die Menschenrechte–Diskussion in der Soziologie aufmerksam machen und aufzeigen, daß die Soziologie in diesem Bereich hinter anderen Geisteswissenschaften zurückbleibt. Aus genannten Analysen ergibt sich die Schlußfolgerung, daß sich Menschenrechte ständig ausweiten und immer weitere Gültigkeitsbereiche umfassen, aber zugleich ihre Substantialität aus der Gründerzeit verlieren. Die instrumentale (institutionelle) Macht der Menschrechte steigt, aber die Idee von ihrem ontologisch vorgegebenen Wesen wird immer schwächer. Das ist eine Folge der steigenden instrumentalen Macht moderner Gesellschaften.
- Published
- 1996
14. Ka transcendentalnom zasnivanju javnog prava
- Author
Jelena Govedarica, Babić, Jovan, Cekić, Nenad, Dobrijević, Aleksandar, and Draškić-Vićanović, Iva
- Subjects
education ,kosmopolitizam ,sloboda ,vaspitanje ,paternalism ,prosvećivanje ,republikanizam ,cosmopolitanism ,public right ,Kant ,republicanism ,moralizacija ,paternalizam ,javno pravo ,moralization ,freedom ,autonomija ,enlightenment ,autonomy - Abstract
Ova studija nudi obuhvatnu interpretaciju Kantovih stavova o uslovima mogućnosti moralnog napretka i moralizacije čovečanstva, kao ostvarenja krajnje svrhe stvaranja prirode. Iako je vaspitanje pojedinaca i nacija uslov koji najviše doprinosi moralizaciji čovečanstva, njen jedini nužan uslov mogućnosti je transcendentalno zasnovano javno pravo. Takvo pravo zadovoljava uslove opšteg i nužnog važenja, jer se zasniva isključivo na slobodi. U tom smislu moralni napredak čovečanstva zahteva strogo ograničavanje samovolje ljudi putem apriornih juridičkih principa i učestaliju determinaciju njihove volje samom predstavom moralnog zakona. Osnovna teza studije jeste da juridička sloboda čovečanstva može u potpunosti biti garantovana ukoliko se uspostavi svetska federativna republika, dok se etička sloboda čovečanstva osvaja kroz stalnu borbu sa radikalnim zlom, koja ima više izgleda na uspeh ako ljudi osnuju carstvo vrline, pa je ostvarenje krajnje svrhe stvaranja prirode zamislivo tek pod pretpostavkom konstitucije svetske juridičke i etičke države. Povrh toga, studija pruža detaljan prikaz najvažnijih ideja Kantove filozofije javnog prava, kako transcendentalnih, tako i empirijskih principa. Uloga empirijske pravne i političke teorije je da pokaže na koji je način moguće u što većoj meri realizovati metafizičke principe prava, dok Kantove antropološke teorije i refleksije o istorijskom razvoju čovečanstva treba da pokažu na koji način ljudska priroda ide u prilog ostvarivanju najviših principa javnog prava, ponekad čak i protiv namera ljudi. Ove teorije, zajedno sa njegovom filozofijom vaspitanja, pokazuju koje smernice ljudi treba da prate na putu ka transcendentalnom javnom pravu, ne bi li čovečanstvo moglo u moralnom (juridičkom i etičkom) smislu efikasnije i lakše napredovati. This dissertation provides a comprehensive interpretation of Kant’s views on the conditions of possibility of moral progress and moralization, understood as the achievement of the final purpose of nature. Although education of people and nations is the condition that contributes the most to the achievement of moralization, its only necessary condition of possibility is transcendentally grounded public right. This form of law meets the conditions of universality and necessity, because it is based solely on freedom. In this sense, moral progress of humanity requires strict restrictions on every person’s freedom of choice in accordance with a priori juridical principles and a more frequent determination of their will merely by the representation of the moral law. The main thesis of this dissertation is that juridical freedom of humanity could only be fully guaranteed if the world federal republic is established, while the ethical freedom of humanity could be attained only through constant struggle against the radical evil, which is more likely to succeed if people establish the ethical community; thus, the achievement of the final purpose of nature is conceivable only under the presumption of the constitution of the legal world state and the ethical world state. Additionally, this dissertation provides a detailed analysis of the most important ideas of Kant's philosophy of public right, both its transcendental and empirical side. The role of the empirical legal and political theory is to explain how metaphysical principles of right could be realized to the greatest possible extent, while Kant's anthropological theories and his reflections on the historical development of humanity should show the way human nature works in favour of the implementation of the pure principles of public right, sometimes even against people's intentions. These theories, together with his philosophy of education, show what guidelines people should follow on the way towards transcendental public right, so that humanity’s moral (legal and ethical) progress would be more efficient and less difficult.
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