1. The complications of imobilization with plaster of Paris
- Author
Iršič, Robert and Demšar, Aleš
- Subjects
bones ,zlom ,imobilizacija ,immobilization ,health education ,mavec ,fractures ,udc:616-001.5:617.3 ,kosti ,zapleti pod mavcem ,zdravstvena vzgoja ,complications of plaster immobilization ,plaster of Paris - Abstract
Imobilizacija z mavcem je ena najpogosteje uporabljenih tehnik v pri konzervativnem zdravljenju v travmatologiji in ortopediji, zato je velikega pomena kvalitetna izvedba ter prepoznavanje zapletov in pravilno ukrepanje ob zapletih pod mavčevo oblogo. V diplomskem delu je na kratko opisana anatomija in fiziologija človeškega skeleta, zlomi kosti, faze celjenja kosti ter njihova imobilizacija z mavčevo oblogo. Poudarek je na opisu najpogostejših zapletov pod mavcem in nujnih ukrepih medicinske sestre ob pojavu posameznih zapletov. Predstavili smo tudi naloge ortopedskega tehnologa v mavčarni ter pomen kakovostne komunikacije pri delu z zamavčenimi pacienti in njihovimi bližnjimi. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, s katero smo ugotavljali ali medicinske sestre v zdravstvenih domovih v celjski regiji dovolj zgodaj prepoznajo zaplete v zamavčenem udu in ali ob njih pravilno ukrepajo. Rezultate smo grafično prikazali in interpretirali. Ugotovili smo, da medicinske sestre v velikem odstotku prepoznajo zaplete pod mavčevo imobilizacijo in znajo v takih primerih pravilno ukrepati, želijo pa si tudi dodatnega izobraževanja na tem področju. The plaster of Paris immobilization is one of the most frequent techniques used, in conservative treatment in traumathology and orthopedics, therefore the quality of plaster immobilization, recognition of complications and knowing the correct measures when faced with a complication are of great importance. In the first part of this study there is a brief description of human skeleton anatomy and physiology, description of various bone fractures and their healing stages, and the plaster immobilization of these fractures. The most common complications and urgent steps that need to be taken by the nursing staff when complications occur are pointed out. A presentation of orthopedic technician's duties and an emphasis of qualitative communication with the patient and his or her relatives are included. The second (empirical) part of this study contains a research which includes the health centers within the Celje region. The research amongst the nursing staff was whether the recognition of plaster complications was early enough and whether the correct steps were taken when these complications occurred. The results were graphically displayed and interpreted. We have noticed that the nursing staff in a large percentage can identify the complications under the plaster immobilization and in such cases they act properly, but they would still like to have some additional training in this area.
- Published
- 2010