Luedeling and colleagues argue that we have overestimated the restoration capacity in several regions of the world. Our model predicts the expected optimal tree cover from a combination of 10 environmental variables that were selected through a variable selection procedure to avoid overfitting issues. As detailed in table S1 of our supplementary material, these 10 variables include mean annual temperature, temperature of the wettest quarter, annual precipitation, precipitation seasonality, precipitation of the driest quarter, elevation, hillshade, soil organic carbon, sand content, and depth to bedrock. These ecological variables cover average and seasonal variation in climate and variation in topographic and edaphic conditions. As such, we have done everything that is possible to represent all of the conditions raised by Luedeling and colleagues. Of course, cold and dry conditions are among the main limitations for tree growth, and that is why we have represented these environmental constraints in our model to ensure that we do not predict that trees can exist in regions that are too cold or dry. As explained in the main text, our rigorous k-fold cross-validation (fig. S4A) revealed that our model could explain about 71% of the variation in tree cover without bias (fig. S3, B and C). This means that our model is unbiased at a global scale, but we do not explain 100% of the potential tree cover variation. It is consequently possible to find places where we overestimate or underestimate the potential tree cover—particularly in areas where uncertainties are high, as shown in fig S6. Delzeit and colleagues claim that we overestimate the area available for tree restoration because the expansion of croplands in upcoming decades will reduce the land available for restoration, and because pasture lands are considered as potential land for restoration in our assessment. We agree that, if we continue to expand agricultural land area, there will be a reduction in the land available for restoration. As stated in our analysis, our model estimates the area that is currently available for restoration under present conditions. Of course, any changes in the area of land use will necessarily affect this global total. We exemplified this in our attempts to show how future changes in climate might reduce the area available for restoration. We hope that our analysis can also serve as a stepping stone for future research to evaluate how changes in agricultural land use will affect the potential restoration area. It is true that we included rangelands in the area available for restoration. Of course, much of this land is used for the grazing of animals and so may not be available for complete forest restoration. However, as mentioned in the Report, several studies suggest that it is possible to increase the current tree cover in these areas without limiting food production ([ 1 ][1], [ 2 ][2]), especially when forest cover is relatively low, as is the case for most of the pasture land in our model. Because we removed all urban and agricultural land (i.e., we considered a potential increase of tree cover of 0% in cropland and urban areas), our numbers are likely to underestimate the total area that could currently be covered by trees. Indeed, both croplands and cities constitute great opportunities to increase the current tree cover and to play a major role in mitigating climate change ([ 3 ][3]–[ 5 ][4]). We maintain that our global estimate of the land available for restoration is a conservative one, and we encourage local land owners to use our forest restoration potential map in combination with more detailed local-scale estimates of land use when designing effective restoration strategies. Sheil and colleagues point out that restoring ecosystems might have either positive or negative consequences regarding hydrology. We agree that these effects must be considered as a priority in upcoming research in restoration ecology. 1. [↵][5]1. K.-H. Erb et al ., Nature 553, 73 (2017). [OpenUrl][6] 2. [↵][7]1. K.-H. Erb et al ., Nat. Commun. 7, 11382 (2016). [OpenUrl][8][CrossRef][9][PubMed][10] 3. [↵][11]1. A. Albrecht, 2. S. T. Kandji , Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 99, 15 (2003). [OpenUrl][12] 4. 1. P. K. Ramachandran Nair, 2. B. Mohan Kumar, 3. V. D. Nair , J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 172, 10 (2009). [OpenUrl][13] 5. [↵][14]1. G. Manoli et al ., Nature 573, 55 (2019). 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