This enlightening handbook offers current, international perspectives on the conditions in communities, contemporary practices in schooling, relevant research on teaching and learning, and implications for the future of education. It contains diverse conceptual frameworks for analyzing existing issues in education, including but not limited to characteristics of today's students, assessment of student learning, evaluation of teachers, trends in teacher education programs, technological advances in content delivery, the important role for school leaders, and innovative instructional practices to increase student learning. "The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning" promotes new, global approaches to studying the process of education, demonstrates the diversity among the constituents of schooling, recognizes the need for and presents a variety of approaches to teaching and learning, and details exemplary practices in education. Divided into four sections focused on general topics--context and schooling; learners and learning; teachers and teaching; and educators as learners and leaders--and with all-new essays that look at what has been, what is, and what could be, this book is destined to inspire thoughtful contemplation from readers about what it means to teach and learn. This book: (1) Examines teaching, learners, and learning from a contemporary, international perspective, presenting alternative views and approaches; (2) Provides a single reference source for teachers, education leaders, and agency administrators; (3) Summarizes recent research and theory; (4) Offers evidence-based recommendations for practice; (5) Includes essays from established and emerging U.S. and international scholars; and (6) Each chapter includes a section encouraging readers to think ahead and imagine what education might be in the future. Scholars from around the world provide a range of evidence-based ideas for improving and modifying current educational practices, making "The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning" an important book for the global education community and those planning on entering into it. Following the Introduction: Issues Affecting Teaching and Learning in Today's Schools, by Gene E. Hall, Linda F. Quinn, and Donna M. Gollnick, this book has five parts and 27 chapters. Part 1, The Context of Schooling, contains: (1) The Complexity of American Teacher Education (David Imig, Scott Imig, Michael Neel, and Loretta Holmberg-Masden); (2) School Reform--A Never-Ending Story: Avoiding Attractive Pitfalls and Exploring Promising Perspectives (Roland Vandenberghe); (3) The Culture and Teaching Gap: What Is It, and How Can Teacher Educators Help to Close It? (Roderick L. Carey, Abiola Farinde-Wu, H. Richard Milner IV, and Lori Delale-O'Connor); (4) The Role of the Community in Learning and Development (Elizabeth Spier, Raquel L. González, and David Osher); (5) Building Capacity in Order to Strengthen Teaching and Learning (Sharon Harsh); and (6) Implementing and Sustaining Language Curriculum Reform in Singapore Primary Schools (Jason Loh and Foong Poh-Yi). Part 2, Learners and Learning, contains: (7) Educational Neuroscience: Are We There Yet? (John T. Almarode and David B. Daniel); (8) Turning Toward Students: Adopting a Student-Centered Stance in Mandate-Centered Times (Alison G. Dover and Brian D. Schultz); (9) Learning Anytime, Anywhere through Technology: Reconsidering Teaching and Learning for the iMaker Generation (Timothy D. Green and Loretta C. Donovan); (10) The Place of Learning in the Systematization and Standardization of Early Childhood Education (Susan Grieshaber and Sharon Ryan); (11) Exceptional Education is Special (Dena D. Slanda and Mary E. Little); and (12) CASE STUDY: Nevada's English Language Learner Strategy: A Case Study on Policymaking and Implementation (Magdalena Martinez). Part 3, Teachers and Teaching, contains: (13) Next Generation Research in Dialogic Learning (Lauren B. Resnick, Christa S. C. Asterhan, and Sherice N. Clarke, with Faith Schantz); (14) Guiding and Promoting Student Learning: Applying Theory to Practice (LeAnn G. Putney, Connie L. Malin, Teresa Miller, Sarah Crosby, and Bobbie Stanley); (15) A Smile is Universal: Building Sensitivity to and Understanding of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners through International Field Experiences (Amanda J. Laichak); (16) Envisioning Alternative Futures: Elliot Eisner's Challenge to Industrial Educational Practice (Richard Siegesmund); (17) CASE STUDY: Trajectories in Developing Novice Teacher Leadership Potential: A Tale of Two Countries (Ping Gao); and (18) CRITIQUE: What Effect Size Doesn't Tell Us (Barrie Bennett). Part 4, Educators as Learners and Leaders, contains: (19) The Importance of Teacher Induction for Improving Teaching and Learning (Matthew C. Nishimoto); (20) Teacher Leadership: Past, Present, and Future (Barnett Berry); (21) Principal Instructional Leadership: From Prescription to Theory to Practice (Philip Hallinger); and (22) CASE STUDY: Restorative Justice: An Alternative Approach to School Discipline (Tom Cavanagh). Part 5, Evaluation and Assessment, contains: (23) Back to the Future: Assessment from 1990 to 2016 551 (Elliott Asp); (24) Views of Classroom Assessment: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (Julie Oxenford-O'Brian and Kay P. Uchiyama); (25) Rethinking Teacher Quality in the Age of Smart Machines (Yong Zhao); (26) Rethinking the Intersection of Instruction, Change, and Systemic Change (Barrie Bennett and Stephen Anderson); and (27) CRITIQUE: On the Limits to Evidence-Based Learning of Educational Science (James G. Ladwig). The book ends with: Epilogue: Reflections of the Co-Editors (Gene E. Hall, Linda F. Quinn, and Donna M. Gollnick).