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1. Qualifications at Level 5: Progressing in a Career or to Higher Education. Working Paper No 23

2. Navigating Difficult Waters: Learning for Career and Labour Market Transitions. Research Paper No 42

3. E-xperience Erasmus: Online Journaling as a Tool to Enhance Students' Learning Experience of Their Study Visit Abroad

4. Integrating Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Acquisition at Secondary Education: Lessons Learned

5. International Academic Franchises: Identifying the Benefits of International Academic Franchise Provision

6. Identifying and Responding to Learner Needs at the Medical Faculty: The Use of Audio-Visual Specialised Fiction (FASP)

7. Blended and Co-Existing Worlds in Intersectoral Mobilities of European PhD Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities

8. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (30th, Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-21, 2006). Volume 2

9. Synchronous Video Communication for Distance Education: The Educators' Perspective

10. 'You're Facing That Machine but There's a Human Being behind It': Students' Affective Experiences on an Online Doctoral Programme

11. Cultural Influences on the Design and Management of Transnational Higher Education Programs in China: A Case Study of Three Programs

12. Using GIS in an Earth Sciences Field Course for Quantitative Exploration, Data Management and Digital Mapping

13. Labour Market Outcomes of National Qualifications Frameworks in Six Countries

14. Characterizing the Experimental Procedure in Science Laboratories: A Preliminary Step towards Students Experimental Design

15. Studying and Being a Student: How Are These Valued by Today's Youth? The Perspective of French Language Sociology on the Issue

16. Echoes of Postfeminism in American Students' Narratives of Study Abroad in France

17. Politics and Pragmatics in the Crosscultural Management of 'Rapport'

18. Social Media's Use in Postgraduate Students' Decision-Making Journey: An Exploratory Study

19. Did They Sell Their Soul to the Devil? Some Comparative Case-Studies on Academic Entrepreneurs in the Life Sciences in Europe

20. Some Implications of a Diversifying Workforce for Governance and Management

21. The Use of the Webcam for Teaching a Foreign Language in a Desktop Videoconferencing Environment

22. When Worlds Collide: Evaluating the Impact of Short-Term Study Abroad Programs

23. Reports on the Interviews about Reception and Use of International Indicators

24. Cultural Information Gathering by Australian Students in France.

25. Cooperation linguistique et educative: Les atouts du troisieme reseau. Entretien avec Roger Pilhion (Linguistic and Educational Cooperation: The Trump Cards of the Third Network. Interview with Roger Pilhion).