The study was undertaken in Ada’a district of Oromia state, Ethiopia to know the constraints of farmers in adopting improved dairy husbandry practices. The study was conducted in eight purposively selected peasant associations/kebeles of the district from which thirty dairy farmers were selected randomly. A total of two hundred forty respondents were selected and personally interviewed through pre-tested questionnaires. The constraints of farmers in adopting improved dairy husbandry practices were operationalized as the reason/s for non-adoption and discontinuation of the practices after adoption. On the basis of the responses, frequency distributions of the constraints were done for different aspects of husbandry practices. The results revealed that lack of awareness about the importance of heat detection, lack of knowledge about proper weight at first breeding of heifer and pregnancy diagnosis, poor perception of the AI service and poor conception rate of AI, lack of awareness about the importance of proper height of the roof, lack of knowledge about proper ventilation of the house, lack of knowledge about the daily feed requirement of dairy cows, high cost of animal feeds, inadequate knowledge of the farmers about colostrum feeding, lack of knowledge about timely and regular vaccination of animals, lack of awareness about the importance of full hand milking, lack of knowledge about clean milk production, lack of knowledge about the importance of value addition, high price of urea to treat the straws and lack of adequate finance were the major constraints that influenced the decision to adopt improved dairy husbandry practices in the study area. Hence, focusing on these constraints and eliminating/reducing them could lead to increase in the rate of adoption of improved dairy husbandry practices and ultimately increase milk production in the area., Journal of Science and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013)