23 results on '"first records"'
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2. Tegenaria hasperi Chyzer, 1897 and Zoropsis spinimana (Dufour, 1820), newly recorded synanthropic spiders from Slovakia (Araneae, Agelenidae, Zoropsidae).
- Author
Purgat, Pavol, Ondrejková, Natália, Krumpálová, Zuzana, Gajdoš, Peter, and Hurajtová, Natália
- Subjects
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Tegenaria hasperi Chyzer, 1897 (Agelenidae) and Zoropsis spinimana (Dufour, 1820) (Zoropsidae) are recorded in Slovakia for the first time. Both species were collected in synanthropic habitats in Western Slovakia. Two males of T. hasperi were collected in the garden of a family house, and both sexes of Z. spinimana were recorded from the interiors and exteriors of buildings in four separate cities, representing the first record of the family Zoropsidae in Slovakia. This contribution provides additional information on the morphological characteristics of these species. Digital images of their habitus and copulatory organs, as well as their distribution and habitat preferences are included. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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3. On the new record of the sheet-web spider Erigonoplus foveatus comb. nov. from Slovakia, with comments on Erigonoplus simplex (Araneae: Linyphiidae)
- Author
Hollá, Katarína, Šestáková, Anna, Holecová, Milada, and Šebestová, Miroslava
- Subjects
Erigoninae ,first records ,faunistics ,Scots pine ,Southern Bulgaria ,Western Slovakia ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
Mecynargus foveatus (Dahl, 1912) was recorded in the territory of Slovakia for the first time. Within two years of spider research, a single adult male was collected by beating branches of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in the Borská nížina lowland. We also discovered that specimens of Erigonoplus simplex Millidge, 1979 from Bulgaria were misidentified as M. foveatus. Therefore, we suggest to consider E. simplex as a new record for Bulgaria and to exclude M. foveatus from the spider fauna of Bulgaria. A revised distribution of both species is presented and discussed. Based on the high similarity to Erigonoplus, M. foveatus is transferred to this genus as Erigonoplus foveatus (Dahl, 1912) comb. nov.
- Published
- 2016
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4. Fauna and distribution of jumping plant-lice (Insecta: Hemiptera: Psylloidea) in Croatia
- Author
Pintar, Maja and Barić, Božena
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BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES. Agronomy. Phytomedicine ,lisne buhe (Psylloidea) ,jumping plant-lice (Psylloidea) ,Croatia ,BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Poljoprivreda (agronomija). Fitomedicina ,udc:631/632(043.3) ,Hrvatska ,faunistika ,alien species ,quarantine species ,invazivne vrste ,karantenske vrste ,Agriculture. Plant diseases. Plant protection ,Poljoprivreda. Biljne bolesti. Zaštita biljaka ,faunistics ,prvi nalazi ,first records ,check-list - Abstract
Lisne buhe (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea) sitni su, često nezamjetni kukci, koji predstavljaju neizostavnu komponentu mnogih ekosustava. Do danas je opisano oko 4000 vrsta, rasprostranjenih na cijelom svijetu, pri čemu im je raznolikost najveća u tropskim i suptropskim područjima. Lisne buhe isključivo su fitofagni, uglavnom monofagni ili oligofagni, kukci. Za ishranu preferiraju mladi biljni porast, rjeđe odrvenjele ili podzemne biljne dijelove. Zbog činjenice da se samo manji broj vrsta ubraja u važne poljoprivredne štetnike, lisne buhe najslabije su poznata natporodica unutar podreda Sternorrhyncha. Većina za poljoprivredu gospodarski važnih vrsta javlja se na višegodišnjim drvenastim voćnim kulturama i ukrasnom drveću i grmlju, rjeđe na zeljastim povrtnim vrstama. Vrste poznate kao gospodarski štetnici na biljkama uzrokuju izravne i neizravne štete. Izravne štete uzrokuju ličinke i odrasli stadiji sisanjem biljnih sokova dok su neizravne štete posljedica prenošenja biljkama vrlo štetnih unutarstaničnih fitopatogenih bakterija ili lučenja medne rose, na koju se posljedično naseljavaju gljivice čađavice i smanjuju fotosintetsku aktivnost zelenih biljnih dijelova. Cilj ovog rada bio je sastaviti cjeloviti popis vrsta („check“ listu) lisnih buha u Hrvatskoj, temeljen na detaljnom pregledu dostupne literature i rezultatima vlastitog faunističkog istraživanja, utvrditi potencijalno prisustvo karantenskih vrsta Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, 1908, Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio, 1918) i Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc, 1909) te utvrditi prisutnost, brojnost i rasprostranjenost invazivnih vrsta lisnih buha, uključujući vrste ranije zabilježene na području Hrvatske. Tijekom istraživanja pregledani su svi dostupni literaturni izvori, a terenska i laboratorijska istraživanja obuhvaćala su prikupljanje uzoraka, obradu uzoraka pod binokularnom lupom, izradu makroskopskih suhih preparata imaga, izradu trajnih mikroskopskih preparata, identifikaciju vrsta pod svjetlosnim mikroskopom uz korištenje literature te označavanje, sušenje i pohranjivanje trajnih preparata. Pretraživanje literaturnih podataka obuhvatilo je razdoblje od 1894. do 2021. godine te su utvrđeni navodi za 77 vrsta lisnih buha. Pročišćeno je 29 sinonima vrsta prema važećoj nomenklaturi. Terensko i laboratorijsko istraživanje provedeno je u razdoblju od 2015. do 2021. godine, u 20 županija na području Hrvatske, prilikom čega su prikupljena 503 uzorka entomofaune, biljnog materijala i žutih ljepljivih ploča. Izrađeno je 455 trajnih mikroskopskih preparata ličinki i genitalija odraslih stadija lisnih buha te 172 suha makroskopska preparata imaga. U uzorcima je identificirana 51 vrsta. 18 vrsta novo je za faunu Hrvatske, od čega su četiri vrste stranog podrijetla. Novoutvrđene vrste pripadaju u 4 porodice (Aphalaridae, Liviidae, Psyllidae i Triozidae), odnosno 12 rodova. Rodovi Colposcenia Enderlein, 1929, Rhodochlanis Loginova, 1964, Glycaspis Taylor, 1960 i Arytaina Foerster, 1848 novi su za faunu Hrvatske. Popis („check“ lista) lisnih buha Hrvatske, sastavljena objedinjavanjem pouzdanih literaturnih podataka i rezultata vlastitih faunističkih istraživanja, trenutno obuhvaća 81 vrstu iz 6 porodica i 29 rodova. Niti u jednom analiziranom uzorku nisu zabilježene karantenske vrste lisnih buha. Invazivne vrste Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell, 1890), Acizzia jamatonica (Kuwayama, 1908) i Cacopsylla fulguralis (Kuwayama, 1908), čije je prisustvo ranije utvrđeno na području Hrvatske, zabilježene su ponovno tijekom ovog istraživanja i utvrđena je njihova rasprostranjenost. Ovaj rad značajan je prilog znanosti u oblasti faune lisnih buha Republike Hrvatske. Izučavanje morfološke identifikacije kukaca i poznavanje vrsta prisutnih na određenom području neophodno je za sprječavanje nastanka većih gospodarskih šteta u poljoprivredi. Samo na temelju točne identifikacije vrsta te poznavanja njihove biologije i ekologije, moguće je provesti učinkovito i pravovremeno suzbijanje štetnih kukaca. Budući da tri karantenske vrste predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost za agrumarstvo odnosno proizvodnju krumpira u Hrvatskoj, neophodno je nastaviti pratiti njihovu potencijalnu pojavu. Psyllids or jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea) are a relatively small group of phytophagous, predominantly monophagous and oligophagous, phloem-feeding insects. Due to their smally body size, ranging 1,5-4,5 mm, they often go unnoticed on their host plants. Together with aphids, scale insects and whiteflies they constitute the suborder Sternorrhyncha within the order Hemiptera. Since not many psyllid species are known as plant pests, they are the least known superfamily within the suborder, but have recently gained attention as vectors of some very harmful plant pathogens. The identification of species is often challenging, due to their great similarity, small size and a limited number of diagnostic morphological characters. Some 4000 species have been described so far, classified in seven families, with a distribution throughout all major zoogeographical regions of the world, but showing greatest diversity in tropical and south temperate regions. Psyllid life cycle typically comprises of an egg stage, five larval instars (nymphs) and a sexually reproducing adult stage. Adult psyllids are characterised by the ability to jump, a trait from which their common name “jumping plant-lice” stems. Tropical and south temperate species are usually polyvoltine, with several overlapping generations per year, while north temperate species are generally univoltine, spawning one generation per year. Although relatively few species are known as serious pests, those that are, usually cause economically significant damages. Direct damages are caused by feeding of nymphs and adults on their host plants, which may result in chlorosis and necrosis of infested plant tissue, premature defoliation, stunted plant growth or wilting. Indirect damages are seen through transmission of harmful phytoplasma diseases and abundant excretion of excessive carbohydrates, an intake from sugar rich phloem content, in the form of honeydew. Honeydew is often subsequently infested with sooty moulds that decrease photosynthetic activity of leaves and, in ornamental plants, their decorative value. Nymphs are usually more destructive as they feed on young shoots and leaves rich in nitrogen compounds and in some species cause severe galling of plant tissue. Most psyllids feed on dicotyledonous angiosperms. Some, such as representatives of the genus Livia Latreille, 1802 or species Bactericera tremblayi Wagner, 1961 and Bactericera kratochvili Vondráček, 1957 are associated with monocotyledonous angiosperms (Juncus spp., Carex spp., Allium spp.), while only four species develop on conifers. However, conifers serve as shelter plants on which many species overwinter and are therefore often accidentally mistaken for host plants. Alien terrestrial invertebrates represent one of the most numerous groups of organisms introduced into Europe. They are recognised as a great threat to biodiversity, as their introduction into Europe has increased in the last two decades. Arthropods, mostly insects, are the most dominant and represent for nearly 94% of all species within the group. At the order level, Hemipterans are the second most represented, accounting for 26% of all alien insects. Most alien insect species spread unintentionally through human activities, mainly by abundant international trade of their host plants, particularly woody ornamentals. Due to their small size, which makes them difficult to detect, Hemipteran species, including psyllids, seem particularly prone to such spread. In combination with global warming, many insect species from subtropical and tropical areas domesticate easily in Europe, particularly in southern regions. The same trend has been noticed in Croatia. Prior to this research, three alien species from superfamily Psylloidea were already reported from Croatia. Of special interest for Europe are alien species regulated under Regulation (EU) 2016/2031, called quarantine pests. These species are absent from Europe, or are present very locally, and present a significant threat to European crop production. Three psyllid species, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, 1908, Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio, 1918) and Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc, 1909) currently have such status under Commission implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072, as vectors of very destructive plant diseases. D. citri and T. erytreae are vectors of destructive citrus pathogens, while B. cockerelli transmits pathogen of solanaceous crops. T. erytreae is the only species currently present in Europe, with distribution recorded in Spain and Portugal. Fauna has been researched and check-lists have been published for all other superfamilies within Sternorrhyncha in Croatia, which makes psyllids the only remaining group that hasn't been explored. Therefore, three main aims for this study were set. First, to compile a check-list of psyllid species present in Croatia, based on distributional data available in the literature and the results from author's field research. Second, to establish the presence and distribution of new, as well as previously recorded alien species, and last, to establish potential presence of quarantine psyllid species. In order to compile a check-list, available literature covering period 1894-2021 was browsed and only records that unambiguously referred to the territory of modern-day Croatia were included on the list. Field survey of psyllid fauna was carried out in the period 2015-2021 on agricultural crops, in private gardens, commercial garden centres, on public greenery, in forests and nurseries, on wild and cultivated flora all across Croatia. Survey included visual inspections of host plants and collection of infested leaves with nymphs into a transparent plastic bags. Adults were collected with entomological fine mesh sweeping net or by beating of branches on a white tray. Entomofauna was subsequently collected with a mouth aspirator. In certain occasions, yellow stick traps were used. Samples of adult psyllids were deposited into 70% ethanol and brought into laboratory for identification. Late-instar nymphs and adults' genitalia were slide-mounted and identified to the species level under stereo and optical microscopes. Identification of the collected species was based on morphological characteristics of adult males i. e. their highly specific genitalia, slide-mounted in a combination of Canada balsam and 1/3 benzyl-alcohol. Only one species, Psylla foersteri Flor, 1861, was identified based on morphological characteristics of adult females and two species, Trioza ilicina (De Stefani Perez, 1901) and Trioza soniae Rapisarda, 1994 based on morphological characteristics of late-instar nymphs. Slide-mounted genitalia and late-instar nymphs were compared to descriptions, illustrations and keys available in the literature to identify the species. All slide-mounts were labelled with data relevant for a faunistic entry and deposited in the entomological collection of Centre for plant protection, Zagreb. According to the available literature data, 77 psyllid species were previously recorded from the territory of modern-day Croatia, for which 29 synonyms were clarified in accordance with the latest systematic classification. During faunistic research on psyllids in Croatia 503 samples of entomofauna, plant material and yellow sticky traps were collected, out of which 455 permanent slides of larvae and adult's genitalia and 172 adult voucher specimens were prepared. 51 psyllid species were subsequently identified, 18 of them new for psyllid fauna of Croatia. Species new for Croatian fauna are: Colposcenia traciana (Klimaszewski, 1970), Rhodochlanis bicolor (Scott, 1880), Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, 1964, Psyllopsis discrepans (Flor, 1861), Acizzia acaciaebaileyanae (Froggatt, 1901), Acizzia uncatoides (Ferris & Klyver, 1932), Diaphorina chobauti Puton, 1898, Arytaina genistae (Latreille, 1805), Cacopsylla brunneipennis (Edwards, 1896), Cacopsylla myrthi (Puton, 1876), Cacopsylla pulchella (Löw, 1877), Cacopsylla saliceti (Foerster, 1848), Livilla variegata (Löw, 1881), P. foersteri, Psylla hartigii Flor, 1861, Bactericera crithmi (Löw, 1880), T. ilicina and T. soniae. Newly recorded species belong to 12 genera within families Aphalaridae, Liviidae, Psyllidae and Triozidae. Four genera, Colposcenia Enderlein, 1929, Rhodochlanis Loginova, 1964, Glycaspis Taylor, 1960 and Arytaina Foerster, 1848, are new for Croatian entomofauna. Currently, the check-list of psyllids in Croatia comprises 81 species belonging to 6 families and 29 genera. Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell, 1890), Acizzia jamatonica (Kuwayama, 1908) and Cacopsylla fulguralis (Kuwayama, 1908), alien species previously recorded in Croatia, were recorded again during this research and their distribution was established. Additionally, four new alien species were discovered and their presence published in relevant journals. Quarantine psyllid species were not identified in any of collected samples and can be declared as absent from the Croatian territory. This research gives a first thorough insight into psyllid fauna of Croatia. The three quaratine species would present a threat to citrus and potato production, should they be introduced into Croatia. Therefore, the monitoring of their potential presence is of high importance. Only accurate identification of species allows for a timely and efficient control against plant pests. Therefore, morphological identification and cataloguing of present species serve as a foundation for successful control of species that represent threat to agricultural production.
- Published
- 2023
5. Pannonic salt marshes revealed six new spiders to Slovakia (Araneae: Gnaphosidae, Linyphiidae, Lycosidae, Theridiidae).
- Author
Gajdoš, Peter, Černecká, Ľudmila, and Šestáková, Anna
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Inland salt marshes and salt steppes are among the most endangered types of habitats listed in the Habitats Directive. The understanding of this fauna is poor although many rare species live here. From 2016 to 2018 we studied the spider communities of five salt marsh localities in the Slovak part of the Pannonian region belonging to Natura 2000 sites. The research revealed six very rare species: Gnaphosa rufula, Zelotes tenuis, Metopobactrus deserticola, Tallusia vindobonensis, Pardosa maisa and Theridion uhligi, all recorded for the first time in Slovakia. Their characteristic features, photos of habitus and genitalia, notes on their phenology, habitat, an overview of the presently known distribution, and the dominant species of spider assemblages are presented. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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6. Checklist of known moth flies and sand flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) from Armenia and Azerbaijan.
- Author
Ježek, Jan, Manko, Peter, and Oboňa, Jozef
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MOTH flies , *PSYCHODIDAE , *SPECIES diversity , *ENTOMOLOGY - Abstract
All credible and available published records for 17 species of moth flies known so far from Armenia (Phlebotominae 11 species, Psychodinae 6 species) and Azerbaijan (Phlebotominae 18 species) are summarized. The first records of 18 species of Psychodinae (tribes Mormiini, Paramormiini, Psychodini, Pericomaini) from Armenia and 6 new faunistic records (tribes Psychodini, Pericomaini) for the fauna of Azerbaijan are listed. The checklist of recent moth flies from Armenia includes now 35 species, and from Azerbaijan, 24 species. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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7. Spiders (Araneae) from arboreal cavities of the Cabañeros National Park (Ciudad Real, Spain)
- Author
Barrientos, Jose Antonio, Martínez-Devesa, Gerard, Hernández-Corral, Jesús, Micó, Estefanía, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales y Recursos Naturales, Universidad de Alicante. Centro Iberoamericano de la Biodiversidad, and Biodiversidad y Biotecnología aplicadas a la Biología de la Conservación
- Subjects
Faunistics ,Taxonomía ,Parque Nacional ,Primeras citas ,Ciudad Real ,Península Ibérica ,Holm oak forest ,Ash forest ,Oak forest ,National Park ,Araneae ,Faunística ,First records ,Robledal ,Fresneda ,Encinar ,Taxonomy ,Iberian Peninsula - Abstract
El análisis taxonómico de un muestreo realizado con trampas de emergencia en oquedades arbóreas del Parque Nacional de Cabañeros ha aportado 65 especies, 55 géneros y 26 familias de arañas. Se describe la hembra de Scotophaeus dolanskyi Lissner, 2017. Se discuten las afinidades de Eratigena serrana (Barrientos & Sánchez-Corral, 2013) n. status. Se destaca la mención de 22 especies como primera cita para el P. N. de Cabañeros; de ellas, 17 lo son también para la provincia de Ciudad Real. Se vincula con el hábitat estudiado la importancia relativa de algunas especies como Drassodes luteomicans (Simon, 1878), Scotophaeus validus (Lucas, 1846) e Icius subinermis Simon, 1937. The taxonomic analysis of an emergence trap sampling carried out in tree hollows of the Cabañeros National Park has produced 65 species, 55 genera and 26 families of spiders. The female of Scotophaeus dolanskyi Lissner, 2017 is described. The affinities of Eratigena serrana (Barrientos & Sánchez-Corral, 2013) n. status are discussed. The mention of 22 species stands out as the first record from Cabañeros N. P.; of these, 17 are also new to Ciudad Real province. The relative importance of some species such as Drassodes luteomicans (Simon, 1878), Scotophaeus validus (Lucas, 1846) and Icius subinermis Simon, 1937 is seen as linked to the studied habitat. Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyecto CGL2008-04472).
- Published
- 2022
8. Faunistic and bibliographical inventory of moth flies from Ukraine (Diptera, Psychodidae).
- Author
Ježek, Jan, Chvojka, Pavel, Manko, Peter, and Oboňa, Jozef
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MOTH flies , *PSYCHODIDAE , *PHLEBOTOMUS , *CLASSIFICATION of insects , *GEOGRAPHICAL distribution of insects - Abstract
All important published records for 11 moth fly species known so far from Ukraine are reviewed (Phlebotominae 10 species, Psychodinae 1 species). Occurrences of two problematic taxa, Phlebotomus (Adlerius) brevis Theodor & Mesghali, 1964 and P. (Larroussius) major major Annandale, 1910, and some synonymies are discussed. Threticus negrobovi Vaillant, 1972 must be deleted for Ukraine (misstatement). First records of 34 species of Psychodinae (tribes Mormiini, Paramormiini, Psychodini, Pericomaini) and one of Sycoracinae from Ukraine are also listed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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9. Nachträge zum „Katalog der schweizerischen Spinnen' 4. Neunachweise von 2002 bis 2011
- Author
Hänggi, Ambros and Stäubli, Anna
- Subjects
Araneae ,faunistics ,first records ,Switzerland ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
In the ”Checklist of the spiders of Central Europe” 945 species are listed for Switzerland. During the last few years numerous species have been found which represent new records for Switzerland and that, at least partly, have already been published. This 4th appendix to the catalogue of Swiss spiders presents fourteen species recorded for the first time in Switzerland: Carniella brignolii Thaler & Steinberger, 1988, Theridion cinereum Thorell, 1875, Diplocephalus foraminifer (O. P.-Cambridge, 1875), Panamomops affinis Miller & Kratochvíl, 1939, Troxochrota scabra Kulczyński, 1894, Pardosa fulvipes (Collett, 1876), P. sphagnicola (Dahl, 1908), Hahnia microphthalma Snazell & Duffey, 1980, Archaeodictyna consecuta (O. P.-Cambridge, 1872), Brommella falcigera (Balogh, 1935), Cheiracanthium campestre Lohmander, 1944, Drassodex drescoi Hervé, Roberts & Murphy, 2009, Thanatus firmetorum Muster & Thaler, 2003 and Xysticus viduus Kulczyński, 1898. Thirteen further species are presented that were already published elsewhere. The current number of species in Switzerland is thus 972. As special curiosities, five species are presented that will not yet be entered into the checklist but nevertheless may happen to be found in human surroundings.
- Published
- 2012
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10. New data about the spiders (Araneae) of the Aitana mountain range (Alicante, Spain)
- Author
Barrientos, Jose Antonio, Hernández-Corral, Jesús, Universidad de Alicante. Centro Iberoamericano de la Biodiversidad, and Biodiversidad y Biotecnología aplicadas a la Biología de la Conservación
- Subjects
Faunistics ,Taxonomía ,Primeras citas ,Península Ibérica ,New species ,Especie nueva ,Fenología ,Phenology ,Sistema Prebético ,Pine forest ,Araneae ,Zoología ,Faunística ,First records ,Pinar ,Comunidad Valenciana ,Taxonomy ,Sistema Prebético mountains ,Iberian Peninsula - Abstract
Una serie de muestreos realizados en el municipio de Confrides, en las sierras de Aitana y La Serrella (Alicante) han aportado 115 especies, 109 géneros y 27 familias de arañas. Se describe una especie nueva: Dysdera ferrandezi Barrientos & Hernández-Corral sp. n.; también se describen por primera vez la hembra de Dysdera valentina Ribera, 2004 y el macho de Cybaeodes dosaguas Ribera & De Mas, 2015. Son primera cita para la provincia de Alicante la familia Phrurolithidae, 21 géneros y 49 especies. Además, 37 especies son primera cita para la Comunidad Valenciana y dos lo son para la Península Ibérica. El 13% de las especies encontradas son endemismos ibero-baleáricos. Se representan y comentan los datos fenológicos de las especies más abundantes. A sampling effort carried out in the municipality of Confrides, in the Aitana and La Serrella mountain ranges (Alicante), have produced 115 species, 109 genera and 27 families of spiders. A new species, Dysdera ferrandezi Barrientos & Hernández-Corral sp. n., is described; the female of Dysdera valentina Ribera, 2004 and the male of Cybaeodes dosaguas Ribera & De Mas, 2015 are described for the first time. The family Phrurolithidae, 21 genera and 49 species are new to Alicante province. Furthermore, 37 species are first records for the Comunidad Valenciana adminstrative region and two for the Iberian Peninsula. 13% of the species found are Iberian-Balearic endemics. The phenological data of the most abundant species are given and commented upon.
- Published
- 2022
11. Nachträge zum 'Katalog der schweizerischen Spinnen'. 3. Neunachweise von 1999 bis 2002 und Nachweise synanthroper Spinnen
- Author
Hänggi, Ambros
- Subjects
Spiders ,faunistics ,first records ,Switzerland ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
In this third supplement to the Catalogue of Swiss spiders of Maurer & Hänggi (1990) 9 species are recorded for the first time for Switzerland. 4 additional species already published elsewhere are added to the list of Swiss spiders. 5 other earlier published species are listed, which are only known from greenhouses or under similar eusynanthropic conditions. The list of spiders known to Switzerland today comprises 944 species.
- Published
- 2003
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12. Check list of the Hungarian Salticidae with biogeographical notes
- Author
Szüts, Tamás, Szinetár, Csaba, Samu, Ferenc, and Szita, Éva
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Araneae ,faunistics ,biogeography ,first records ,Hungary ,spiders ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
An updated check list of the Hungarian jumping spider fauna is presented. 70 species are recorded from Hungary so far. Four species are new to the Hungarian fauna: Hasarius adansoni, Neon valentulus, Sitticus caricis, Synageles subcingulatus. With 12 original drawings.
- Published
- 2003
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13. Drei für Deutschland neue Zwergspinnen aus dem bayerischen Alpenraum (Araneae: Linyphiidae, Erigoninae)
- Author
Muster, Christoph and Leipold, Dorothee
- Subjects
Araneae ,Erigoninae ,first records ,faunistics ,zoogeography ,species ecology ,Bavaria ,Germany ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
During the survey of epigeous spider communities in the Bavarian Alps (Germany, Upper Bavaria), three species of Erigoninae were recorded from Germany for the first time. Micrargus alpinus and Silometopus rosemariae are endemic species of the Alps, Panamomops palmgreni is endemic to the Alpine mountain system. For each species present knowledge on distribution, habitat and phenology is summarized. As Micrargus alpinus was described in 1997, faunistic and ecological data are still very poor. Niche differentiation between the closely related species of the Micrargus herbigradus-group is discussed.
- Published
- 2001
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14. Nachträge zum 'Katalog der schweizerischen Spinnen'. 2. Neunachweise von 1993 bis 1999
- Author
Hänggi, Ambros
- Subjects
Spiders ,faunistics ,first records ,Switzerland ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
Since the first supplement in 1993 38 species are recorded as new to Switzerland. 14 species are recorded here for the first time for Switzerland: Enoplognatha oelandica (Thorell, 1875); Theridion hemerobium Simon, 1914; Diplocephalus crassilobus (Simon, 1884); Diplocephalus pavesii Pesarini, 1996; Linyphia tenuipalpis Simon, 1884; Porrhomma cambridgei merrett, 1994; Porrhomma rosenhaueri (L.Koch, 1872); Pachygnatha terilis Thaler,1991; Hahnia candida Simon, 1975; Cryptodrassus hungaricus (Balogh, 1935); Zelotes devotus Grimm, 1982; Zelotes hermani (Chyzer, 1897); Zelotes tenuis (L.Koch, 1866); Tmarus stellio Simon, 1875. 24 species were published in other papers and are listed here only to complete the catalogue: Episinus maculipes Cavanna, 1876; Robertus kuehnae Bauchhenss & Uhlenhaut, 1993; Centromerus capucinus (Simon, 1884); Diplocephalus dentatus Tullgren, 1955; Lepthyphantes arenicola Denis, 1964; Lepthyphantes insignis (O.P.-Cambridge, 1913); Lessertia dentichelis (Simon, 1884); Maro lepidus Casemir, 1961; Prinerigone vagans (Audouin, 1826); Pseudomaro aenigmaticus Denis, 1966; Silometopus bonessi Casemir, 1970; Acantholycosa norvegica (Thorell, 1872); Acantholycosa rupicola (Dufour, 1820); Pardosa alacris (C.L.Koch, 1933); Pardosa baehrorum Kronestedt, 1999; Pardosa saltans Töpfer-Hofmann im Druck; Altella biuncata (Miller, 1949); Agroeca inopina O.P.-Cambridge, 1886; Clubiona pseudoneglecta Wunderlich, 1994; Zodarion italicum (Canestrini, 1868); Synaphosus sauvage Ovtsharenko, Levy & Platnick, 1994; Zora parallela Simon, 1878; Thanatus atratus Simon, 1875; Ozyptila pullata (Thorell, 1875). 4 species have to be deleted from the catalogue: Diplocephalus foraminifer (O.P.-Cambridge, 1875); Diplocephalus aff. procer (Simon, 1884) sensu Thaler (1972); Acantholycosa pyrenaea (Simon, 1876); Zodarion gallicum (Simon, 1873). The actual number of known species in Switzerland is 926.
- Published
- 1999
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15. Spinnenaufsammlungen aus Ostösterreich mit vier Erstnachweisen für Österreich
- Author
Jäger, Peter
- Subjects
Araneae ,faunistics ,taxonomy ,Austria ,first records ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
95 species of spiders are reported, which were collected by hand and sweep-net during an excursion to Lower Austria and Burgenland in June 1993. New for Austria are: Larinia bonneti SPASSKY, 1939, Philodromus buddenbrocki BRAUN, 1965, Philodromus pulchellus LUCAS, 1946 and Tmarus stellio SIMON, 1875. Taxonomic characters of the last three species are documented.
- Published
- 1995
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- Author
- Abstract
Four species of millipedes are announced for the first time from the territory of Slovakia. The manuscript was prepared by Ján Gulička and after his death found in his heritage. Although some pages were lost, the editors reconstructed available data with only few corrections and present it as it is. The manuscript was apparently written gradually, probably the first version in 1970, other parts were added later in the first ten years of this century. Three of the announced species belong to the Eastern Carpathian province and in Slovakia they reach the westernmost border of their distribution: Entomobielzia kimakowizii, Ochogona jankowskii (both found in the mountain beech forests of the Bukovské vrchy Mts.) and Enantiulus transsilvanicus (recorded in the fragments of lowland forests near the town Kráľovský Chlmec). The last species, Ochogona caroli was documented in the north-western parts of the Slovak Carpathians, near the border with the Czech Republic. The author added some original faunistic data to this species from the Czech Republic, together with information about some co-existing species. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
17. Nachträge zum 'Katalog der schweizerischen Spinnen'. 1. Neunachweise von 1990 bis 1993
- Author
Hänggi, Ambros
- Subjects
Araneae ,faunistics ,Switzerland ,first records ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
As a supplement to the "Katalog der schweizerischen Spinnen bis 1990" (Maurer & Hänggi 1991) 7 species are recorded for the first time for Switzerland: Diplocephalus aff. procer (Simon, 1884) sensu Thaler (1972), Diplocephalus protuberans (O.P.-Cambridge, 1875), Tapinocyba praecox (O.P.-Cambridge, 1873), Trichoncus saxicola (O.P.-Cambridge, 1861), Zelotes pseudoclivicola Grimm, 1982, Ozyptila (=Oxyptila) sanctuaria (O.P.-Cambridge, 1871), Talavera (=Euophrys) aperta (Miller, 1971). Further 8 species, already published elsewhere, are recorded here to complete the "Catalogue": Mecynargus (=Rhaebothorax) foveatus (F.Dahl, 1912), Tapinocyba maureri Thaler, 1991, Bathyphantes setiger F.O.P.-Cambridge, 1894, Tallusia (=Centromerus) vindobonensis (Kulczynski, 1889), Cybaeus intermedius Maurer, 1992, Cybaeus montanus Maurer,1992, Zelotes atrocaeruleus (Simon, 1878), Talavera inopinata Wunderlich, 1993.
- Published
- 1993
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18. Faunistic and bibliographical inventory of moth flies from Ukraine (Diptera, Psychodidae)
- Author
Jozef Oboňa, Peter Manko, Pavel Chvojka, and Jan Ježek
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Insecta ,Arthropoda ,biology ,Ecology ,DipteraAnimalia ,Diptera ,Phlebotominae ,010607 zoology ,biology.organism_classification ,Psychodinae ,010603 evolutionary biology ,01 natural sciences ,Geography ,lcsh:Zoology ,faunistics ,Animalia ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Psychodidae ,lcsh:QL1-991 ,Ukraine ,first records ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Sycoracinae - Abstract
All important published records for 11 moth fly species known so far from Ukraine are reviewed (Phlebotominae 10 species, Psychodinae 1 species). Occurrences of two problematic taxa, Phlebotomus (Adlerius) brevis Theodor & Mesghali, 1964 and P. (Larroussius) major major Annandale, 1910, and some synonymies are discussed. Threticus negrobovi Vaillant, 1972 must be deleted for Ukraine (misstatement). First records of 34 species of Psychodinae (tribes Mormiini, Paramormiini, Psychodini, Pericomaini) and one of Sycoracinae from Ukraine are also listed.
- Published
- 2017
19. Nuevos registros de Selysiothemis nigra (Vander Linden, 1825) y Erythromma viridulum (Charpentier, 1840) de la isla de Cefalonia (Grecia) con una lista actualizada de la odonatofauna de la isla
- Author
Francesca Graziani, Filippo Ceccolini, and Fabio Cianferoni
- Subjects
Faunistics ,Odonata ,Cefalonia ,Balkans ,faunística ,Cephalonia ,primeras citas ,cefalonia ,lcsh:Zoology ,balcanes ,faunistics ,lcsh:QL1-991 ,First records ,first records ,Balcanes - Abstract
Selysiothemis nigra (Vander Linden, 1825) and Erythromma viridulum (Charpentier, 1840) are recorded from the Greek island of Cephalonia for the first time, on the basis of photographic data. With the present note we also give an updated checklist of the odonatofauna for the island. Selysiothemis nigra (Vander Linden, 1825) y Erythromma viridulum (Charpentier, 1840) se citan en la isla griega de Cefalonia por primera vez, sobre la base de datos fotográficos. Con la presente nota también se proporciona una lista actualizada de la odonatofauna de la isla.
- Published
- 2019
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20. First records of Psammodius asperoides Pittino, 2007 and Rhyssemus annaedicatus Pierotti, 1980 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) in Bulgaria
- Author
- Subjects
lcsh:Zoology ,faunistics ,First records ,lcsh:QL1-991 ,Psammodius ,Rhyssemus ,Bulgaria - Abstract
Psammodius asperoides Pittino, 2007 and Rhyssemus annaedicatus Pierotti, 1980 are reported from Bulgaria for the first time. New locality for Rhyssemus annaedicatus Pierotti, 1980 is given.
- Published
- 2014
21. Check list of the Hungarian Salticidae with biogeographical notes
- Author
Ferenc Samu, Csaba Szinetár, Éva Szita, and Tamas Szuts
- Subjects
Hungary ,Theoretical computer science ,Library science ,spiders ,Geography ,Insect Science ,lcsh:Zoology ,faunistics ,Araneae ,lcsh:QL1-991 ,Check List ,first records ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,biogeography - Abstract
An updated check list of the Hungarian jumping spider fauna is presented. 70 species are recorded from Hungary so far. Four species are new to the Hungarian fauna: Hasarius adansoni, Neon valentulus, Sitticus caricis, Synageles subcingulatus. With 12 original drawings.
- Published
- 2003
22. Nachträge zum 'Katalog der schweizerischen Spinnen'. 2. Neunachweise von 1993 bis 1999
- Author
Ambros Hänggi
- Subjects
Insect Science ,lcsh:Zoology ,faunistics ,Spiders ,lcsh:QL1-991 ,first records ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Switzerland - Abstract
Since the first supplement in 1993 38 species are recorded as new to Switzerland. 14 species are recorded here for the first time for Switzerland: Enoplognatha oelandica (Thorell, 1875); Theridion hemerobium Simon, 1914; Diplocephalus crassilobus (Simon, 1884); Diplocephalus pavesii Pesarini, 1996; Linyphia tenuipalpis Simon, 1884; Porrhomma cambridgei merrett, 1994; Porrhomma rosenhaueri (L.Koch, 1872); Pachygnatha terilis Thaler,1991; Hahnia candida Simon, 1975; Cryptodrassus hungaricus (Balogh, 1935); Zelotes devotus Grimm, 1982; Zelotes hermani (Chyzer, 1897); Zelotes tenuis (L.Koch, 1866); Tmarus stellio Simon, 1875. 24 species were published in other papers and are listed here only to complete the catalogue: Episinus maculipes Cavanna, 1876; Robertus kuehnae Bauchhenss & Uhlenhaut, 1993; Centromerus capucinus (Simon, 1884); Diplocephalus dentatus Tullgren, 1955; Lepthyphantes arenicola Denis, 1964; Lepthyphantes insignis (O.P.-Cambridge, 1913); Lessertia dentichelis (Simon, 1884); Maro lepidus Casemir, 1961; Prinerigone vagans (Audouin, 1826); Pseudomaro aenigmaticus Denis, 1966; Silometopus bonessi Casemir, 1970; Acantholycosa norvegica (Thorell, 1872); Acantholycosa rupicola (Dufour, 1820); Pardosa alacris (C.L.Koch, 1933); Pardosa baehrorum Kronestedt, 1999; Pardosa saltans Töpfer-Hofmann im Druck; Altella biuncata (Miller, 1949); Agroeca inopina O.P.-Cambridge, 1886; Clubiona pseudoneglecta Wunderlich, 1994; Zodarion italicum (Canestrini, 1868); Synaphosus sauvage Ovtsharenko, Levy & Platnick, 1994; Zora parallela Simon, 1878; Thanatus atratus Simon, 1875; Ozyptila pullata (Thorell, 1875). 4 species have to be deleted from the catalogue: Diplocephalus foraminifer (O.P.-Cambridge, 1875); Diplocephalus aff. procer (Simon, 1884) sensu Thaler (1972); Acantholycosa pyrenaea (Simon, 1876); Zodarion gallicum (Simon, 1873). The actual number of known species in Switzerland is 926.
- Published
- 1999
- Author
Nagel, Peter
- Published
- 2006
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