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1. Pushing Boundaries: The European Universities Initiative as a Case of Transnational Institution Building

2. 2020 Policy Paper on Public Responsibility, Financing and Governance of Higher Education

3. Neo-Nationalism and Universities in Europe. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.7.2020

4. Internationalisation and Mobility Policy Paper. BM76 - Sofia

5. A Third Wave of International Student Mobility: Global Competitiveness and American Higher Education. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.8.18

6. Advancing Internationalization through an International Network: A Case Study of a European Institution

7. Participatory Curriculum Development: The Case of EUTOPIA, a European University Alliance

8. Internationalisation in Learning and Teaching: Thematic Peer Group Report. Learning & Teaching Paper #9

9. Exploring the Conceptualisation of Linguistic Diversity and Multilingualism in the Construction of (Transnational) European Universities: the Case of UNA Europa

10. Enhancing Internationalization by Labels and Certificates: The Power of Voluntary Policy Instruments

11. Virtual Exchange: Towards Digital Equity in Internationalisation

12. Strategic European Partnerships for UK Universities Post-Brexit: Navigating a Globally Contested Field of World-Class Universities

13. Relations and Locations: New Topological Spatio-Temporalities in Education

14. Comparative Higher Education Research in Times of Globalisation of Higher Education: Theoretical and Methodological Insights

15. Leadership 2030: Renewed Visions and Empowered Choices for European University Leaders

16. Change Happens through People: Evidencing the Value of Professional Development for Educators Involved in Internationalised Programmes

17. Are You Happy with Your Experience? Determinants of Satisfaction with Virtual Teamwork in International Settings

18. The European University Initiative -- Investigating Alliance Formation and Initial Profile Developments

19. Leading University Internationalisation: The Future of Euro-Chinese Academic Cooperation

20. Is the Global Reporting Initiative Suitable to Account for University Social Responsibility? Evidence from European Institutions

21. Analytical Overview of the European and Russian Qualifications Frameworks with a Focus on Doctoral Degree Level

22. Designing and Implementing Virtual Exchange -- A Collection of Case Studies

23. Higher Education and Globalization in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis

24. Emergence of Current European Thinking and Policies on Doctoral Education

25. Knowing, Being, Relating and Expressing through Third Space Global South-North COIL: Digital Inclusion and Equity in International Higher Education

26. The CEFR as a National Language Policy in Vietnam: Insights from a Sociogenetic Analysis

27. Considering the State and Status of Internationalization in Western Higher Education Kinesiology

28. Development and Implementation of Internationalization in Bosnia and Herzegovina Higher Education

29. Erasmus Mobilities and European Identity -- An Exploratory Incursion

30. Scientific Careers and the Mobility of European Researchers: An Analysis of International Mobility by Career Stage

31. From Environmental Education to Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education: A Systematic Review

32. Globalization of Higher Education in Senegal

33. Global Leadership Competencies in Selected Adult Education Graduate Programs in the United States and Western Europe

34. Education's Role in Preparing Globally Competent Citizens. BCES Conference Books, Volume 12

35. The Gift of Indian Higher Learning Traditions to the Global Research University

36. ICT Security Curriculum or How to Respond to Current Global Challenges

37. Ethics Education in Public Affairs Programs: What Do Faculty around the Globe Have to Say?

38. The Kuznets Curve of Education: A Global Perspective on Education Inequalities. CEE DP 116

39. Supply-Side Antecedents of Dropout Rates in MBA Programs

41. Exploring the Potential of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) as a Reflective Tool in Initial Primary Teacher Education

42. Recognition of Academic Qualifications in Transnational Higher Education and Challenges for Recognizing a Joint Degree in Europe and Asia

43. Who Is Engaging with Whom? Internationalizing Opportunities for Business Schools in Emerging Economies

44. Crafting Competition: Media Rankings and the Forming of a Global Market for Business Schools

45. Rules of Engagement: Measuring Connectivity in National Systems of Higher Education

46. Quality Enhancement: Governing Student Learning

47. The Study of Geography in an Interdependent World.

48. Priorities for Higher Education in Central and Eastern European Countries.

49. Professionalisation as a Modern Global Tendency in the Development of Higher Pedagogical Education in Foreign Countries and Ukraine

50. International Challenges to American Colleges and Universities: Looking Ahead. American Council on Education Series on Higher Education.