16 results on '"Autonomija"'
Search Results
2. Socratic autonomy and sophistic manipulation in moral education
- Author
Guć, Josip
- Subjects
Sokrat ,sofisti ,etika ,filozofija odgoja ,vrlina ,autonomija ,Socrates ,Sophists ,ethics ,philosophy of education ,virtue ,autonomy - Abstract
U ovom radu pokušavam naznačiti određene elemente Sokratove filozofije kojima bi se odgojna praksa trebala voditi, kao i neke štetne implikacije sofističkog pristupa odgoju. Pri analizi Sokratove pozicije osobito se oslanjam na Vlastosove interpretacije, a posebice se osvrćem na Sokratovu tezu da se vrlina ne može poučavati. Pored ostaloga, ona upućuje na nedoktrinarni pristup moralno-odgojnoj praksi, kakav ne može proizaći iz suprotnih Protagorinih uvjerenja. Partikularno i utilitarno usmjeren odgoj kod sofista danas se osobito javlja u odgojnom (ili bolje: manipulatorskom) prijenosu nacionalnih, poslovnih i sličnih tobožnjih etika, nemoćnih po pitanju prepoznavanja i prevladavanja postojećih društveno-ekonomskih okvira, a za što Sokratova moralno-odgojna filozofija sadrži kritičku snagu koja prvenstveno proizlazi iz implicitnog naglaska na autonomiji., In this paper I try to indicate particular elements of Socrates’ philosophy by which educational practice should be guided, as well as certain harmful implications of Sophistic approach to education. In analysis of Socrates’ position, I especially rely on Vlastos’ interpretations, and particularly I refer to Socrates’ thesis that virtue cannot be taught. Among other things, it suggests a non-doctrinal approach to moral-educational practice, which cannot result from Protagoras’ opposite beliefs. Nowadays Sophistic particular- and utilitarian-oriented education occurs especially in the educational (or better: manipulative) transmission of national, business and similar so-called ethics, which are not able for recognizing and overcoming of the existing socio-economic framework, and for which Socrates’ moral-educational philosophy contains critical force, arising primarily out of the emphasis on autonomy.
- Published
- 2022
3. Immanuel Kant, Kritika praktičkoga uma
- Author
Sunajko, Goran and Strpić, Ognjen
- Subjects
Kant ,etika ,moral ,sloboda ,autonomija ,deontologija ,moralni zakon ,kategorički imperativ ,bog - Abstract
Kantova središnja etička studija razmatra mogućnost uspostave deontologijske etike prema kojoj subjekt autonomijom volje sebi propisuje moralni zakon s ciljem da može važiti univerzalno.
- Published
- 2022
4. Liberal autonomy in a troubled context.
- Author
Dimitrijević, Nenad
- Subjects
AUTONOMY (Psychology) ,ETHICS ,GROUP identity - Abstract
Copyright of Filozofija i Drustvo is the property of University of Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy & Social Theory and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Saulius, Tomas
- Subjects
Copyright of Education. Physical Training. Sport / Ugdymas. Kûno kultûra. Sportas is the property of Lithuanian Sports University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
6. Medicīnas ētikas principi un vērtības anestēzijas, intensīvās un neatliekamās aprūpes māsu praksē
- Author
Barsukova, Agnija, Mežinska, Signe, and Latvijas Universitāte. Medicīnas fakultāte
- Subjects
ētika ,nekaitēšana ,taisnīgums ,pamatprincipi ,autonomija ,Medicīna - Abstract
Bakalaura darba tēma “Medicīnas ētikas principi un vērtības anestēzijas, intensīvās un neatliekamās aprūpes māsu praksē”. Šī pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot faktorus, kas ietekmē ētikas principu un vērtību ievērošanu anestēzijas, intensīvās un neatliekamās aprūpes māsu praksē. Tēmas aktualitāti nosaka tas, ka anestēzijas, intensīvās un neatliekamās aprūpes māsām ir svarīgi zināt faktorus un iemeslus, kuri var ietekmēt medicīnas ētikas principu un vērtību ievērošanu darba vietā. Pētījumos tiek apskatīta saistība starp ētiskajām problēmām un emocionālo stāvokli, kā arī medicīnas ētikas problēmas ar kurām māsas saskaras pildot savus profesionālos pienākumus Pētījuma hipotēze: Galvenie faktori, kas ietekmē ētikas principu ievērošanu anestēzijas, intensīvās un neatliekamās aprūpes māsu praksē, ir laika trūkums un lielā darba slodze. Pētījuma metode: Kvantitatīvā ar instrumentu - anketa. Kvantitatīvā pētījumā tika aptaujāti 100 respondenti – anestēzijas, intensīvās un neatliekamās aprūpes māsas. Iegūtie dati tika apkopoti un izveidoti vizuāli grafiski, kas attēlo iegūtos rezultātus. Apkopojot anketas iegūtos datus var secināt, ka 96% no aptaujātajām māsām uzskata, ka ētika ir svarīga māsu profesionālajā darbā, bet 66% uzskata, ka zināšanu trūkums ir nozīmīgs šķērslis ētikas principu īstenošanai praksē. Atslēgas vārdi: ētika, pamatprincipi, autonomija, taisnīgums, nekaitēšana, laba darīšana., The topic of the bachelor's thesis is "Principles and values of medical ethics in the practice of nurses anesthetists, intensive and emergency care nurses". The aim of this study is to find out the factors that influence the observance of ethical principles and values in the practice of nurses anesthetists, intensive care and emergency care nurses. The topicality of the topic is determined by the fact that it is important for nurses anesthetists, intensive care and emergency care nurses to know the factors and reasons that may influence the observance of the principles and values of medical ethics at the workplace. The research examines the relationship between ethical issues and emotional state, as well as the medical ethics issues that nurses face carrying out their professional duties. Research hypothesis: The main factors influencing the observance of ethical principles in the practice of nurses anesthetists, intensive and emergency care nurses are lack of time and high workload. Research method: Quantitative with the tool – questionnaire. In the quantitative study, 100 respondents were interviewed - nurses anesthetists, intensive care and emergency care nurses. The obtained data were summarized, and visual graphs were developed that help to show the obtained results. Summarizing the data obtained from the questionnaire, it can be concluded that 96% of the nurses questioned believe that ethics is important for the professional work of nurses, but 66% believe that lack of knowledge is a significant obstacle to the implementation of ethical principles into the practice. Keywords: ethics, basic principles, autonomy, equity, harmlessness, doing good.
- Published
- 2020
7. Presječno istraživanje stavova hrvatskih i slovenskih studenata o odlukama vezanim za reanimaciju
- Author
Obadić, Petra
- Subjects
etika ,reanimacija ,uskraćivanje reanimacije ,autonomija - Abstract
UVOD. Autonomija pacijenta vezana za odluke o oživljavanju, suzdržavanje od reanimacije na zahtjev pacijentove obitelji i najveća korist za pacijenta različite su sa stajališta pacijenta, obitelji i pružatelja zdravstvenih usluga. CILJ. Istražiti stavove studenata različitih studijskih programa (medicina, sestrinstvo, filozofija, pravo i teologija) o autonomiji pacijenata i najboljem interesu pacijenata vezanim uz reanimaciju. METODE. Provedeno je prospektivno istraživanje na studentima medicine, sestrinstva, filozofije, prava i teologije, prve i zadnje godine studija, na Sveučilištima u Zagrebu i Ljubljani. U istraživanju je korišten anketni upitnik Janniver et sur. u kojem su opisana osam kliničkih scenarija. Studija je završena tijekom akademske godine 2016./2017. REZULTATI. Na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu smo imali 37, 9% odgovora (812 studenata) i na sveučilištu u Ljubljani 45, 4% (512 studenata). Studija je pokazala da studenti vjernici imaju višu vjerojatnost za početak oživljavanja u svim dobnim skupinama. Muški studenti koji su vjernici u obje zemlje imaju manje izglede poštivati želje obitelji za uskraćivanje reanimacije. Hrvatski studenti imaju veće šanse da poštuju želju obitelji za uskraćivanje oživljavanja. Studenti medicine i sestrinstva stava su da reanimacija u 80-godišnjeg pacijenta nije u njegovom najboljem interesu, čak i u slučaju kada je pacijent partner ili bliski ili širi rođak. Muški studenti koji su vjernici željeli bi biti oživljavani ukoliko bi se našli u istim uvjetima kao i pacijenti koji su bili predstavljeni u kliničkim slučajevima iz upitnika. Svi studenti se slažu da bi prvo trebali oživljavati djecu ako bi imali prioritet među pacijentima. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između odgovora studenata iz prve i posljednje godine studija. ZAKLJUČAK: Muški spol, vjerska uvjerenja, vrsta studija i nacionalnost glavni su čimbenici koji utječu na odluku studenata o poštivanju želje obitelji kada je u pitanju reanimacija, autonomija i najbolji interes pacijenta.
- Published
- 2018
8. Liberalna autonomija u problematičnom kontekstu
- Author
Dimitrijević, Nenad
- Subjects
special duties ,morality ,ethics ,moral ,memory ,povreda ,etika ,sećanje ,priznanje ,autonomija ,autonomy ,acknowledgment ,posebne dužnoti ,harm - Abstract
Autonomy, understood as self-rule, is almost routinely accepted as one of the core liberal concepts. Still, a closer view reveals that both the status and meaning of autonomy are controversial. The text departs from a short summary of the main theoretical disputes surrounding the concept. A critique of the standard internalist account is followed by an attempt to offer reasons for accepting a relational reading of autonomy. The central question of the text is context-specific. It asks about the possibility and meaning of liberal autonomy in a society whose past is marked by mass regime-sponsored (and sometimes widely supported) crimes. The background assumption is that mass crime leaves actors in heteronomous condition. At stake is reestablishing individual autonomies of two types of actors, whose group-specific identities have been created by crime: the ethical community of those who share collective identity with victims, and the ethical community of those who share collective identity with perpetrators. Autonomija, shvaćena kao samovladavina, danas se gotovo rutinski prihvata kao jedan od temeljnih koncepata liberalne političke misli. Međutim, pojam i status autonomije su sadržinski i proceduralno kontroverzni. Prvi deo rada sumira osnovne teorijske sporove o autonomiji, nudi kritiku dominantnog „internalističkog“ pristupa, te pokušava da odbrani argumente za prihvatanje „relacionog“ razumevanja autonomije. Drugi deo rada analizira jedan konkretan tip situacije. Centralno pitanje tiče se mogućnosti i značenja individualne autonomije u društvu čija je prošlost obeležena masovnim režimskim zločinima, kao i značajnom podrškom „običnih ljudi“ takvim zločinačkim praksama. Osnovna hipoteza glasi da masovni zločin ostavlja u nasleđe stanje suprotno autonomiji. Zadatak post-zločinačkog društva sastoji se u ponovnom uspostavljanju autonomije za pripadnike dve grupe čiji grupno-specifični identiteti definisani zločinom: reč je o etičkoj zajednici onih koji dele kolektivni identitet sa žrtvama i etičkoj zajednici onih koji dele kolektivni identitet sa počiniocima. Izazovi personalne autonomije za pripadnike ove dve grupe su različiti.
- Published
- 2017
9. Liberalna autonomija u problematičnom kontekstu
- Author
Nenad Dimitrijevic
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Context (language use) ,memory ,priznanje ,Sociology ,autonomy ,acknowledgment ,lcsh:B1-5802 ,media_common ,lcsh:Philosophy (General) ,Environmental ethics ,special duties ,morality ,Morality ,ethics ,moral ,Philosophy ,Harm ,povreda ,etika ,sećanje ,autonomija ,Social psychology ,Autonomy ,posebne dužnoti ,harm - Abstract
Autonomy, understood as self-rule, is almost routinely accepted as one of the core liberal concepts. Still, a closer view reveals that both the status and meaning of autonomy are controversial. The text departs from a short summary of the main theoretical disputes surrounding the concept. A critique of the standard internalist account is followed by an attempt to offer reasons for accepting a relational reading of autonomy. The central question of the text is context-specific. It asks about the possibility and meaning of liberal autonomy in a society whose past is marked by mass regime-sponsored (and sometimes widely supported) crimes. The background assumption is that mass crime leaves actors in heteronomous condition. At stake is reestablishing individual autonomies of two types of actors, whose group-specific identities have been created by crime: the ethical community of those who share collective identity with victims, and the ethical community of those who share collective identity with perpetrators. Autonomija, shvaćena kao samovladavina, danas se gotovo rutinski prihvata kao jedan od temeljnih koncepata liberalne političke misli. Međutim, pojam i status autonomije su sadržinski i proceduralno kontroverzni. Prvi deo rada sumira osnovne teorijske sporove o autonomiji, nudi kritiku dominantnog „internalističkog“ pristupa, te pokušava da odbrani argumente za prihvatanje „relacionog“ razumevanja autonomije. Drugi deo rada analizira jedan konkretan tip situacije. Centralno pitanje tiče se mogućnosti i značenja individualne autonomije u društvu čija je prošlost obeležena masovnim režimskim zločinima, kao i značajnom podrškom „običnih ljudi“ takvim zločinačkim praksama. Osnovna hipoteza glasi da masovni zločin ostavlja u nasleđe stanje suprotno autonomiji. Zadatak post-zločinačkog društva sastoji se u ponovnom uspostavljanju autonomije za pripadnike dve grupe čiji grupno-specifični identiteti definisani zločinom: reč je o etičkoj zajednici onih koji dele kolektivni identitet sa žrtvama i etičkoj zajednici onih koji dele kolektivni identitet sa počiniocima. Izazovi personalne autonomije za pripadnike ove dve grupe su različiti.
- Published
- 2017
10. Medicīnas ētikas principi operāciju nodaļā
- Author
Lure, Jāna, Alondere, Linda, and Latvijas Universitāte. Medicīnas fakultāte
- Subjects
ētika ,nekaitēšana ,laba darīšana ,autonomija ,principi ,Medicīna - Abstract
Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Medicīnas ētikas principi operāciju nodaļā”. Tēmas aktualitāti nosaka tas, ka bieži vien māsām praksē nākas saskarties ar dažādiem ētiskas dabas jautājumiem un sarežģītām situācijām, tāpēc māsām jābūt gatavām tās atrisināt. Jāizprot un jāmāk pielietot ētikas principus savā ikdienas darbā. Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot kādi ētikas principi un cik lielā mērā tiek ievēroti operāciju māsas praksē. Pētnieciskie jautājumi ir kā praktizējošas operāciju māsas izprot un pielieto ētikas principus un kādi operāciju māsas prakses faktori ietekmē ētikas principu ievērošanu? Par pētniecības metodi tika izvēlēta kvalitatīvā pētniecības metode, kuras pētniecības instruments ir strukturēta anketa. Galvenie pētījumā iegūtie rezultāti, saistībā ar izvirzītajiem pētnieciskajiem jautājumiem: Praktizējošas operāciju māsas pilnībā izprot intervijā iekļautos ētikas principus – autonomijas, nekaitēšanas, laba darīšanas, taisnīguma un patiesīguma principu. Galvenie pozitīvie faktori, kas ietekmē ētikas principu pielietošanu ir laba sadarbība un darba organizācija, bet negatīvie faktori - emocionālais un fiziskais nogurums, un darba steiga., The work theme is “Medical Ethical Principles ir operation department”. This topic provides practice that sisters often face a different ethical issues and difficult situations, so nurses must be able to resolve them. To understand and know how to apply ethical principles in your day-to-day work. The objective is to clarify what ethical principles and the extent to which the sisters are complied with in practice. Research questions are as praktizējošas operation sister understands and applies the principles of ethics and the operating nurses practice factors affect compliance with principles of ethics? The method was chosen for the research, qualitative research method, which research tool is a structured questionnaire. The main study of the results obtained in relation to the research questions: Practicing operation sisters is fully aware of the ethical principles in an interview – autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice and veracity. The main positive factors affecting the application of the principles of ethics, good cooperation and work organisation, but negative factors - the emotional and physical fatigue, and the rush.
- Published
- 2016
11. Māsu ētikas principu ievērošana intensīvajā terapijā komā esošiem pacientiem
- Author
Muste, Monta, Alondere, Linda, and Latvijas Universitāte. Medicīnas fakultāte
- Subjects
Principi ,Autonomija ,Laba darīšana ,Taisnīguma ,Ētika ,Medicīna - Abstract
Darba tēma ir „Māsu ētikas principu ievērošana intensīvajā terapijā pie komā esošiem pacientiem”. Tēmas aktualitāti nosaka tas, ka ik pa brīdim mūsdienu veselības aprūpē rodas ļoti daudz sarežģītu un daudzpusīgu ētiska rakstura situāciju un ne vienmēr medicīnas personāls ir pietiekami sagatavoti, lai spētu tās risināt. Darbs sastāv no četrām nodaļām un četriem pielikumiem. Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot kādi un cik ētikas principi tiek ievēroti veicot komā esošu pacientu aprūpi. Izvirzītais pētniecības jautājums: Kādi ētikas principi tiek ievēroti pilnībā vai daļēji, veicot komā esošu pacientu aprūpi? Kā pētījuma metode tika izvēlēta kvalitatīvā pētīšanas metode, tās instrumentārijs- intervija. Pētījumā izvirzīto jautājumu analīze norāda uz to, ka intensīvās terapijas nodaļas medicīnas māsas izprot un realizē ētikas principus pie komā esošiem pacientiem, tādus kā laba darīšanas, taisnīguma, patiesīguma principus, daļēji realizē autonomijas un dubultefekta principus. Atslēgas vārdi: ētika, principi, autonomija, laba darīšana, taisnīgums, patiesīgums, dubultefekts., The title of the paper is „Nurse ethical principle observance with coma existing patients in the intensive care unit”. The topicality of this title is determined by the fact that occasionally in a health care many complicated and varied ethical character situations are occurring and medical staff is not always prepared enough to solve them. The paper consists of four chapters and four annexes. The aim of the paper is to find out what and how many ethical principles are observed while taking care of coma existing patients. The raised research question is: Which ethical principles are observed fully and which partly while taking a coma existing patient care? As the research method the qualitative research method was chosen, its tool- interview. The analysis of the research questions indicates that nurses of intensive care unit working with patients in coma understands and realizes such ethical principles as beneficence, fairness and veracity principles, partly realizes autonomy and nonmaleficence principles. The key words: ethics, principles, autonomy, beneficence, justice, veracity, nonmaleficence.
- Published
- 2015
12. Aspekti i implikacije Kantova pojma slobode
- Author
Emil Kušan
- Subjects
freedom ,Kant ,ethics ,autonomy ,moral law ,practical reason ,pure reason ,good ,evil ,legality ,morality ,will ,Lewis White Beck ,Nicolai Hartmann ,sloboda ,etika ,autonomija ,moralni zakon ,praktički um ,čisti um ,dobro ,zlo ,legalitet ,moralitet ,volja - Abstract
U radu se kritički osvjetljava pojam slobode u okviru filozofske misli Immanuela Kanta. Ovime se prvenstveno misli na njegov etički nauk, pa posredno i na epistemološki i estetički, koji na njega upućuju i kroz njega se utemeljuju. Cilj rada je pokazati da se sloboda, tumačena u oba svoja aspekta (pozitivnom i negativnom), dade izjednačiti s konceptima autonomije i spontaniteta. Ovim se pak putem, obzirom da je sloboda ratio essendi moralnoga zakona, može argumentirati i u korist teze o praktičkom jedinstvu slobode i moralnog zakona. Dodatno, u radu se analiziraju interpretativne implikacije kao i teškoće koje se javljaju čak i u tumačenjima eminentnih poznavatelja Kantove misli, poput L. W. Becka i N. Hartmanna., This paper aims to critically examine and evaluate the whole of Kant’s philosophy from the perspective of the notion of freedom. Freedom, both in its negative and positive capacity, as well as in it’s purely practical sense, serves as a cornerstone of Kant’s philosophical enquiry and the one true medium of the mind both in the practical and theoretical sense. Along with the aforementioned negative-positive dichotomy, freedom can further be distinguished as being one with the concept of the autonomy of the mind. Through this connection, freedom becomes, as its ratio essendi, practically one with the moral law itself, the latter being a form of the former. From the idea of freedom, various implications emerge, which have been dealt with through the course of the essay. In this respect, particular attention is paid to Kant’s notion of will and some of the misunderstandings it managed to create among notable Kant scholars like L. W. Beck and N. Hartmann.
- Published
- 2012
13. Renovuier, Charles Bernard
- Author
Labus, Mladen
- Subjects
kriticizam ,antimetafizika ,etika ,osobno ,samoodgovornost ,sloboda ,moral ,autonomija - Abstract
Renovuier, Charles Bernard(1815-1903), francuski filozof. Nastavlja se na Kantovu filozofiju i utemeljuje kriticizam i neokantovstvo u Francuskoj. U svom antimetafizičkom etičkom personalizmu ističe kategorije osobnosti i slobode. Po R., stvar po sebi ne postoji, jer je sve sadržaj svijesti, pa su stvari samo nizovi pojava ili sustav odnosa. Zbilja proizlazi iz novih uzročnih nizova koje omogućava čin volje i izbora. R. je isticao moralnu autonomiju i samoodgovornost, a zahtijevao je i posvjetovljenje škole i odvajanje Crkve od države. Utjecao na W.Jamesa i američku filozofiju pragmatizma. Gl. djela: Znanost o moralu. Nacrt za sistematsku razdiobu filozofskih učenja ; Nedoumice metafizike ; Personalizam.
- Published
- 2007
14. Kritische Bewertung der Wertesubstanz der rechtlichen Regelung zur sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung
- Author
Tonči Matulić
- Subjects
medically assisted procreation ,ethics ,law ,conflict of interest ,status of the human embryo ,right to life ,child’s welfare ,marriage ,autonomy ,freedom ,medizinisch assistierte Befruchtung ,Ethik ,Recht ,Interessenskonflikt ,Status des menschlichen Embryos ,Recht auf Leben ,Kindeswohl ,Ehe ,Autonomie ,Freiheit ,medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja ,etika ,pravo ,sukob interesa ,status ljudskog embrija ,pravo na život ,dobrobit djeteta ,brak ,autonomija ,sloboda - Abstract
Autor iznosi kritičku evaluaciju vrijednosne supstancije pravne regulacije takozvane medicinski potpomognute oplodnje za hrvatsko društvo. Tekst je podijeljen u pet zasebnih, ali misaono međuovisnih, dijelova koji pobliže kritički analiziraju neke argumente pro, pritajeni sukob interesa, vrijednosne kontradikcije, „kapitulaciju“ prava usred revolucioniranja etike, vrijednosnu supstanciju pravne regulacije koja se sastoji od prigodne i stoga nedovršene vrijednosne evaluacije statusa ljudskog embrija, bračne ustanove i primata dobrobiti djeteta, autonomije medicine i slobode znanstvenog istraživanja. Za polazište svojih promišljanja autor uzima neke javne argumente, zatim neke civilizacijske pojave koje su izrasle iz modernih kulturnih metamorfoza, a to sve zajedno pridonosi maskiranju vrijednosne biti takozvane medicinski potpomognute oplodnje ili tu istu bit relativizira na način obezvrjeđivanja bitnih vrijednosti koje su tu u igri. Upravo skretanje pozornosti na te bitne vrijednosti čini sukus vrijednosne supstancije koja bi trebala stajati u temeljima pravnoga propisa za takozvanu medicinski potpomognutu oplodnju, In this contribution the author presents a critical evaluation of the value substance of legal regulation of the so-called medically assisted procreation for Croatian society. The contribution is divided in five separate but meaningfully interdependent parts which critically analyze some arguments “pro”, latent conflict of interest, value contradictions, “capitulation” of law due to revolutionization of ethics, value substance of legal regulation which consists of occasional and thus incomplete evaluation of the status of the human embryo, marital institution and primacy of the child’s interest, autonomy of medicine and freedom of scientific research. The starting point of the author’s analysis are some public arguments, civilizational developments and cultural metamorphoses which try to mask the crucial value of the problem and make it insignificant, that is, to degrade the essential values which are at issue in the field of the so-called medically assisted procreation. In this respect, the author first presents critical analyses of the concept of infertility treatment in the context of the so-called medically assisted procreation and demographic issues, on the one hand, and (bio)technological revolutionizing of ethics by subjecting it to the requirements of (bio)technological developments, on the other hand. Then the author critically analyses what he determines as the rise of the latent conflict of interest in the contemporary position of the so-called medically assisted procreation in Croatia. The author further points out that in the circumstances of radical revolutionizing of ethics neither law has remained intact, so that today there is often the case of “capitulation” of law in the sense of disorientation and confusion due to biomedical and biotechnological challenges which knock at the door of legal regulation. This is best verified by value contradictions which occur in some European countries between, for instance, the law on abortion and the law on the so-called medically assisted procreation. Therefore, in social circumstances of dramatic epistemological changes, radical criticism of the quite recent concept of ethics and law and growing value disorientation due to the strengthening of individualism, it has become very difficult, if not impossible, to reach a general social consensus on fundamental value issues connected with the consequences of bio-technologization and, consequently, economization of medical practice in general and medicalization of human birth by the methods and techniques of the so-called medically assisted procreation specifically. In spite of all this, the author of the contribution, in its fifth part, through four items as four crucial value moments, analyses in detail some essential value aspects and points out the decisive value elements which should form the starting value substance in formulating legal regulation of the so-called medically assisted procreation in Croatian society., Der Autor trägt in diesem Beitrag eine kritische Bewertung der Wertesubstanz der rechtlichen Regelung zur sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung für die kroatische Gesellschaft vor. Der Beitrag ist in fünf gesonderte, aber inhaltlich zusammenhängende Teile gegliedert, die einige Pro-Argumente eingehend kritisch analysieren, den verdeckten Interessenskonflikt, Widersprüche auf der Werteebene, die „Kapitulation“ des Rechts inmitten einer ethischen Revolutionierung, die Wertesubstanz der rechtlichen Regelung, die in einer tagespolitischen und daher nicht abgeschlossenen wertemäßigen Beurteilung des Status des menschlichen Embryos, der Institution der Ehe und des Primats des Kindeswohles, der Autonomie der Medizin und der Freiheit der Forschung besteht. Als Ausgangspunkt seiner Überlegungen benutzt der Autor einige öffentlich vorgetragene Argumente, zivilisatorische Erscheinungen und kulturelle Metamorphosen, die gemeinsam versuchen, das Wesentliche des Problems zu verhüllen oder dieses Wesentliche unwesentlich erscheinen zu lassen, beziehungsweise die wesentlichen Werte, die im Bereich der medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung auf dem Spiel stehen, wertlos zu machen. In diesem Sinne präsentiert der Autor in seinem Beitrag zunächst kritische Analysen des Verständnisses der medizinischen Behandlung der Unfruchtbarkeit im Kontext der sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung und der Frage der Bevölkerungsentwicklung einerseits und der (bio)technologischen Revolutionierung der Ethik durch deren Unterordnung unter die Anforderungen von (bio)technischen Projekten andererseits. Danach analysiert er kritisch die Erscheinung des von ihm als solchen definierten verdeckten Interessenskonfliktes im gegenwärtigen Zustand der kroatischen sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung. Der Autor zeigt weiterhin auf, dass in den Bedingungen einer radikalen Revolutionierung der Ethik auch das Recht nicht unberührt geblieben ist, das heutzutage den nach rechtlicher Regelung verlangenden biomedizinischen und biotechnologischen Herausforderungen hilflos gegenübersteht, von ihnen überrollt wird und oftmals „kapituliert“. Das bezeugen bestens die Widersprüche auf der Werteebene, die in einigen europäischen Ländern etwa zwischen dem Gesetz über den Schwangerschaftsabbruch und dem Gesetz über die sogenannte medizinisch assistierte Befruchtung bestehen. Deshalb ist es in den gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen einer dramatischen epistemologischen Wende, radikaler Kritik an bisherigen ethischen und juristischen Auffassungen und eines immer präsenteren Werteverlustes wegen eines zunehmenden Individualismus außerordentlich schwer, wenn nicht gar unmöglich geworden, einen gesellschaftsumspannenden Konsens über grundlegende Wertefragen im Zusammenhang mit den Folgen der Bio-Technologisierung und der daraus folgenden Ökonomisierung der medizinischen Praxis im Allgemeinen und der Medikalisierung menschlichen Geborenwerdens mit Hilfe der Methoden und Techniken der sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung im Besonderen zu erreichen. Trotz all dem erarbeitet der Autor im fünften Abschnitt durch vier zentrale Wertemomente einige wesentliche Werteaspekte und weist auf die entscheidenden Werteelemente hin, die gemeinsam die Ausgangswertesubstanz für die Gestaltung der rechtlichen Regelung der sogenannten medizinisch assistierten Befruchtung in der kroatischen Gesellschaft bilden sollten.
- Published
- 2006
15. Mogućnosti i granice suvremene znanosti. Epistemološke i etičke analize iz teologijske perspektive
- Author
Tonči Matulić
- Subjects
moderna znanost ,autonomija ,mogućnosti znanosti ,granice znanosti ,Drugi vatikanski koncil ,teologija ,kršćanstvo ,Crkva ,etika ,modern science ,autonomy ,possibilities of science ,limits of science ,Council ,theology ,Christianity ,the Church, ethics - Abstract
Doprinos poduzima gotovo nemoguću misiju. Ta je spoznaja već razvidna iz ambicioznog naslova doprinosa »Mogućnosti i granice suvremene znanosti«. U tom smislu su potrebna neka jasna razgraničenja, a najvažnije se tiče teologijskog pristupa u obradi ove teme. U tu je svrhu doprinos podijeljen u šest zasebnih, ali međuovisnih paragrafa koji, slijedeći unutarnju logiku izlaganja, pokušavaju ponuditi jedan sintetički prikaz povijesnog i suvremenog problema granica i mogućnosti znanosti s dodatnim tematskim i sadržajnim razgraničenjima i pojašnjenjima. U prvom dijelu autor ističe polazište svojih promišljanja, a to je koncilska sinteza stanja duha i svijesti suvremenoga svijeta i čovjeka. U drugom dijelu autor poduzima korake u smjeru dokazivanja istinitosti jednog povijesnog, ali i doktrinarnog paradoksa, gledajući iz suvremene perspektive, a to je kršćansko ishodište moderne znanosti zajedno s nužnim biblijskim i teološkim pojašnjenjima. Imajući na umu taj paradoks, autor u trećem dijelu doprinosa daje vlastitu analizu Akvinčevog nauka o znanosti i autonomiji, ali to čini u svjetlu novijega crkvenoga nauka. Razlog tome leži u htijenju da se pokaže kako novovjekovni nesporazumi između Crkve i njezine teologije, s jedne, te netom rođene moderne znanosti, s druge strane, nisu u početku bili motivirani ni autentično vjerskim ni znanstvenim, nego većinom društvenim, institucionalnim i političkim razlozima. Posljedično, autor u četvrtom dijelu doprinosa pokušava pokazati da noviji crkveni i teološki nauk o autonomiji stvorenoga svijeta i o dužnoj autonomiji pojedinačnih znanosti i umjetnosti nije nekakva nova objava, nego je samo ispravno i kontekstualno tumačenje i razumijevanje poruke već sadržane u Objavi, a koju je već bio shvatio sv. Toma u govoru o znanstvenosti teologije i autonomiji drugih znanosti. Peti dio doprinosa bavi se realnim mogućnostima suvremene znanosti u svjetlu čitavog niza ozbiljnih i zabrinjavajućih problemskih izazova. Utoliko se otvara prostor za lakše i suvislije razlikovanje između čiste i primijenjene znanosti, a što posebno dolazi do izražaja u šestom dijelu doprinosa u kojemu autor daje neka načelna, epistemološka pojašnjenja u etičkom vrednovanju znanosti i znanstvene djelatnosti., This contribution under takes an almost impossible mission. That realisation is already obvious from the ambitious title of the article »possibilities and limitations of modem science«. In that regard, some clear boundaries are required and the most important of these deals with the theological approach to analysing this topic. The article is therefore divided into six separate but mutually dependent paragraphs that follow a logical presentation and attempt to offer a synthetic presentation of the historical and contemporary problem of the limitations and possibilities of science with additional thematic and contextual boundaries and explanations. In the first part of the article, the author emphasises the starting point of thought and that is the Council synthesis of the state of the spirit in the awareness of the modem world and modem man. In the second part, the author undertakes steps towards proving the validity of a historical, but also, doctrinal paradox, from a modem perspective and that is the Christian source of modem science together with vital Biblical and theological explanations. Keeping in mind that paradox, in the third section, the author offers his own analysis of Aquinas' teaching of science and autonomy. However, he does so in the light of more recent Church teaching. The reason for this lies in the desire to show how new age miscomprehension between the Church and its theology on the one hand, and recently born modem science on the other, was not originally motivated by authentic religious or scientific motives but rather social, institutional and political. Consequently, in the fourth section, the author attempts to show that recent church and theological teaching about autonomy of the created world and about the obliged autonomy of individual sciences and the arts are not a new proclamation, but rather, a correct and contextual interpretation and understanding of the message already contained in the Proclamation, which St. Thomas' had already comprehended while speaking about the science of theology and the autonomy of other sciences. The fifth section of the article deals with real possibilities of modem sciences in light of an entire series of serious and concerning problematic challenges, where by space is opened for easier and redundant differentiating between pure and applied sciences, which is particularly expressed in part six of the article, where the author offers some principle, epistemological explanations of ethic evaluation of science and scientific activities.
- Published
- 2006
16. Mogućnosti i granice suvremene znanosti. Epistemološke i etičke analize iz teologijske perspektive
- Author
Matulić, Tonči
- Subjects
moderna znanost ,autonomija ,mogućnosti znanosti ,granice znanosti ,drugi vatikanski koncil ,teologija ,kršćanstvo ,crkva ,etika - Abstract
Doprinos poduzima gotovo nemoguću misiju. Ta je spoznaja već razvidna iz ambicioznog naslova doprinosa "Mogućnosti i granice suvremene znanosti". U tom smislu su potrebna neka jasna razgraničenja, a najvažnije se tiče teologijskog pristupa u obradi ove teme. U tu je svrhu doprinos podijeljen u šest zasebnih, ali međuovisnih paragrafa koji, slijedeći unutarnju logiku izlaganja, pokušavaju ponuditi jedan sintetički prikaz povijesnog i suvremenog problema granica i mogućnosti znanosti s dodatnim tematskim i sadržajnim razgraničenjima i pojašnjenjima. U prvom dijelu autor ističe polazište svojih promišljanja, a to je koncilska sinteza stanja duha i svijesti suvremenoga svijeta i čovjeka. U drugom dijelu autor poduzima korake u smjeru dokazivanja istinitosti jednog povijesnog, ali i doktrinarnog paradoksa, gledajući iz suvremene perspektive, a to je kršćansko ishodište moderne znanosti zajedno s nužnim biblijskim i teološkim pojašnjenjima. Imajući na umu taj paradoks, autor u trećem dijelu doprinosa daje vlastitu analizu Akvinčevog nauka o znanosti i autonomiji, ali to čini u svjetlu novijega crkvenoga nauka. Razlog tome leži u htijenju da se pokaže kako novovjekovni nesporazumi između Crkve i njezine teologije, s jedne, te netom rođene moderne znanosti, s druge strane, nisu u početku bili motivirani ni autentično vjerskim ni znanstvenim, nego većinom društvenim, institucionalnim i političkim razlozima. Posljedično, autor u četvrtom dijelu doprinosa pokušava pokazati da noviji crkveni i teološki nauk o autonomiji stvorenoga svijeta i o dužnoj autonomiji pojedinačnih znanosti i umjetnosti nije nekakva nova objava, nego je samo ispravno i kontekstualno tumačenje i razumijevanje poruke već sadržane u Objavi, a koju je već bio shvatio sv. Toma u govoru o znanstvenosti teologije i autonomije drugih znanosti. Peti dio doprinosa bavi se realnim mogućnostima suvremene znanosti u svjetlu čitavog niza ozbiljnih i zabrinjavajućih problemskih izazova. Utoliko se otvara prostor za lakše i suvislije razlikovanje između čiste i primijenjene znanosti, a što posebno dolazi do izražaja u šestom dijelu doprinosa u kojemu autor daje neka načelna, epistemološka pojašnjenja u etičkom vrednovanju znanosti i znanstvene djelatnosti.
- Published
- 2006
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