11 results on '"pravicnost"'
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2. Inkluzivna naravnanost vrednotne zasnove vzgojnih načrtov javne šole
- Author
Čeplak, Albina and Jeznik, Katja
- Subjects
enakopravnost ,educational plan ,vzgojni načrt ,svetovnonazorska nevtralnost ,justice ,šolska dokumentacija ,pravičnost ,school documentation ,inclusion ,common human values ,vrednotna zasnova javne šole ,inkluzija ,equality ,the laity of school - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi nas je zanimalo, kako se koncept inkluzije odraža v vzgojnih načrtih osnovnih šol. Osredotočili smo se na analizo konkretnih vzgojnih načrtov in dokumentacije, povezane z vzgojnim načrtovanjem. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo se ukvarjali z razlogi za vzgojno načrtovanje ter pojasnili koncept inkluzije. Šola kot vzgojno-izobraževalna ustanova teži k ustvarjanju razmišljujočih in kritičnih posameznikov, obenem pa soustvarja pravično družbo. Pri tem je potrebno upoštevati, da je javna šola obvezna, zato mora dopuščati raznolikost in obenem biti neodvisna od specifičnih partikularnih prepričanj: biti mora torej svetovnonazorsko nevtralna. Vzgoja v šoli temelji na tisti vrednotni matrici, ki dopušča pluralnost in omogoča aktivno participacijo vseh posameznikov. Pedagoška stroka ni povsem enotna v prepričanju, da koncept človekovih pravic predstavlja skupno vrednotno osnovo. Predstavili smo polemiko med strokovnjaki in pojasnili pomen transparentnosti vzgoje v javni šoli ter – tudi ob pomoči zgodovinskih dogodkov – predstavili argumente za vpeljavo vzgojnega načrta. Šole so namreč pri svojem delu dokaj avtonomne: s svojim delovanjem lahko pomembno vplivajo na razvoj vključevalne naravnanosti. Vse to pa zajema koncept inkluzije. Inkluzija teži k preseganju težnje po razlikovanju in razvrščanju ljudi na podlagi specifik, ki neposredno ne vplivajo na uspešnost v šoli. Za vpeljavo omenjenega koncepta je potrebna tako sistemska kot strokovna podpora, osrednjo vlogo pa imajo pedagoški delavci. V magistrski nalogi smo tako predstavili ureditev našega šolskega sistema in omenil izobraževanje (bodočega) pedagoškega kadra. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge nas je zanimalo, kako se v vzgojnem načrtu odražajo načini doseganja in uresničevanja ciljev in vrednot, ki so uzakonjeni, ter kako se preko vizije, poslanstva, vzgojnih dejavnosti in načel odraža koncept inkluzije. Osredotočali smo se na razlike med zapisanim v Zakonu o osnovni šoli, Priporočilih o načinih oblikovanja in uresničevanja vzgojnega načrta osnovne šole, Priročniku za načrtovanje: Vzgojno poslanstvo šole in tistim, kar se dejansko pojavlja v konkretnih vzgojnih načrtih izbranih osnovnih šol. Ugotovili smo, da bistvenih razlik med omenjenim ni. Šole si pri vzgojnem načrtovanju najverjetneje pomagajo z omenjenimi dokumenti, obenem pa dodajajo še svoje ideje (skladno s potrebami okolja oziroma na podlagi pretekle prakse). V analiziranih vzgojnih dokumentih se zazna idejo inkluzije, smiselno pa bi bilo preveriti, ali se vse zapisano udejanja tudi v praksi. The master's thesis discusses how the concept of inclusion is reflected in the educational plans of primary schools. It focuses on the analysis of concrete educational plans and documentation related to educational planning. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the reasons for the educational planning are discussed and the concept of inclusion is explained. The school as an educational institution strives to create critical individuals and co-create an equitable society. The public school is obligatory and should, therefore, allow diversity and be independent of specific particular beliefs: thus, it should be neutral in its world views. School education is based on values that allow pluralism and enable active participation of all individuals. The pedagogical profession is not entirely unified in believing that the concept of human rights covers common human values. The thesis presents the controversy between experts, explains the importance of transparent education in public schools and presents the arguments for the educational plan, taking into account certain historical events. In their work, schools are quite autonomous: their functioning can have a significant impact on the development of the inclusionary stance. All this covers the concept of inclusion. Inclusion tends to exceed the tendency to distinguish and the categorisation of people based on specifics that do not directly affect the student performace. The introduction of this concept requires systemic and professional support with pedagogical workers having a significant impact on the development. The master's thesis presents the arrangement of our school system, mentioning the training of future pedagogical workers. The empirical part of the thesis discusses how the educational plan reflects ways of achieving and fulfilling the objectives and values that have been enacted, and how the concept of inclusion is reflected through vision, mission, educational activities and principles. It focuses on the differences between the content of The Basic School Act (slo: Zakon o osnovni šoli), Recommendations on ways of designing and implementing the primary school educational plan (slo: Priporočila o načinih oblikovanja in uresničevanja vzgojnega načrta osnovne šole), The Guide to planning (slo: Priročnik za načrtovanje: Vzgojno poslanstvo šole) and the actual educational plans of certain primary schools. The findings suggest that there is no significant difference between the analysed documentation. In their educational planning, schools help themselves with the above mentioned documents, while also adding their ideas (in accordance with the needs of the environment or based on past practices). In the analysis of the educational documents, the idea of inclusion can be detected, but it would be reasonable to ascertain whether all that has been written is realized in practice as well.
- Published
- 2021
3. Prispevek religij k miru in pravičnosti v svetu
- Author
Kuzminac, Milan and Pevec Rozman, Mateja
- Subjects
peace ,Cerkev ,coexistence ,udc:2(100):177.9(043.2) ,mir ,Church ,vera ,justice ,pravičnost ,enakost ,Bog ,religions ,God ,religije ,history ,equality ,sožitje ,zgodovina - Abstract
Avtor se v prvem poglavju magistrske naloge osredotoča na začetek pojava religij, njihov razvoj v zgodovini pa vse do danes. V drugem poglavju je obravnavan prispevek religij in vere nasploh v družbi, prikazane so posledice delovanja v preteklosti, stanje v sedanjosti, pa tudi možnost etičnega ravnanja religij pri graditvi miru in pravičnosti za prihodnost. V tretjem poglavju so opisana sedanja prizadevanja verskih poglavarjev za mir in pravičnost, njihova medverska srečanja ter poskusi vzpostavljanja trajnega miru in pravičnosti v svetu. Avtor prikazuje primere v svetu, sodobna vprašanja in težave ter iskanje načinov za njihovo mirno rešitev. Vprašanje miru in pravičnosti je vedno sodobno in hkrati težavno, zato se v tej nalogi po odgovore odpravimo v preteklost. Lahko bi se naredila tudi primerjava med preteklostjo, sedanjim stanjem in prihodnjimi načrti. Avtor pokaže dobre, pa tudi slabe strani religij oziroma njihov prispevek k miru in pravičnosti v svetu. Prav zato spregovori tudi o etičnem ravnanju znotraj religij in omenja sedanje dogodke, ki kažejo, kako lahko verski poglavarji skupaj mirno in prijazno sodelujejo. Avtor večkrat poudarja, da sta mir in pravičnost zelo pomembna za svet ter želi najti odgovor na vprašanje, kako uresničiti miren in pravičen svet. In the first chapter of the master thesis, the author deals with the beginnings of the emergence of religions, and their development in history until today. The second chapter deals with the contribution of religions and faith in the society in general, the consequences of the actions in the past, the situation in the present, as well as the possibility of ethical behaviour of religions in building peace and justice for the future. The third chapter describes the current efforts of religious leaders for peace and justice, their interfaith meetings, and attempts to create lasting peace and justice in the world. The author presents examples in the world, current issues and problems, and ways to solve them peacefully. The question of peace and justice is always modern and difficult at the same time, so in this work we go to the past for answers. One could also make a comparison between the past, the current situation and the future plans. The author shows both the good and bad sides of religions or their contribution to peace and justice in the world. Therefore, he also talks about ethical behaviour within religions and mentions current events that show how religious leaders can work together peacefully and amicably. The author always emphasizes that peace and justice are very important for the world and wants to find an answer to the question how to achieve a peaceful and just world.
- Published
- 2021
4. The Age of Studies and Reports: Selected Elements Concerning the Background of Encounters Defining the Power of Education.
- Author
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2016
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5. Povezanost med enakopravnostjo in intimnostjo v partnerskem odnosu
- Author
Cafnik, Vita and Pate, Tanja
- Subjects
enakopravnost ,pravičnost ,equity ,udc:159.922.1:613.883.1(043.2) ,intimnost ,satisfaction ,zadovoljstvo ,intimacy ,equality - Abstract
Intimnost je osrednja komponenta partnerskih odnosov. Združuje občutja zaupanja, povezanosti in bližine s partnerjem, pri čemer sta ključni komponenti odprta komunikacija in občutek varnosti, ki se izraža skozi zmožnost samo-razkritja. Enakopravni partnerski odnosi so tisti, v katerih partnerja enakomerno delita koristi, bremena in odgovornosti, in v katerih so želje, potrebe in skrbi obeh partnerjev enakomerno upoštevane. S tega vidika se občutja, ki jih vzbudi doživljanje enakopravnosti v odnosu, prepletajo z občutji, ki gradijo intimnost v odnosu. Cilj pričujočega magistrskega dela je bil raziskati razlike v doživljanju intimnosti in zadovoljstva v partnerskih odnosih glede na stopnjo enakopravnosti ter preučiti razlike v doživljanju vseh treh konceptov glede na različne sociodemografske lastnosti udeležencev. V prvem delu je avtorica prikazala teoretične osnove in dognanja preteklih raziskav intimnosti in enakopravnosti v partnerskih zvezah, v drugem delu pa rezultate lastne raziskave, kjer je sodelovalo 320 udeležencev, od tega 206 žensk in 114 moških. Uporabljeni so bili sledeči merski pripomočki: Lestvica pravičnosti/nepravičnosti (E/I), Lestvica intimnosti (IS) in Lestvica zadovoljstva s partnerskim odnosom (RAS). Raziskava je prikazala statistično pomembne razlike v doživljanju intimnosti in zadovoljstva v partnerskih zvezah glede na stopnjo enakopravnosti. Posamezniki, ki so svoj partnerski odnos ocenjevali kot enakopraven, so občutili višjo raven intimnosti in zadovoljstva v odnosu v primerjavi z ostalimi. Prav tako so se izrisale razlike v doživljanju enakopravnosti, intimnosti in zadovoljstva v partnerski zvezi glede na nekatere sociodemografske lastnosti udeležencev. Izkazalo se je, da posamezniki, ki imajo s partnerji skupne hobije, doživljajo odnos kot bolj intimen in enakopraven, prav tako so z njim tudi bolj zadovoljni. Razlike so se pokazale tudi v doživljanju intimnosti in zadovoljstva v odnosu glede na trajanje partnerske zveze, čas preživet s partnerjem in zakonski stan. Posamezniki, ki so dlje časa v partnerskem odnosu, tisti, ki s partnerjem preživijo manj časa ter tisti, ki niso več v zvezi in so ocenjevali pretekli partnerski odnos, doživljajo nižjo mero intimnosti in zadovoljstva. Intimnost v odnosu se hkrati razlikuje še glede na starost udeležencev in prisotnost otrok v partnerski zvezi. Mlajši posamezniki in tisti brez otrok doživljajo odnos kot bolj intimen. Razlike v stopnji enakopravnosti pri posameznikih z otroki in brez njih so na meji statistične pomembnosti. Nakazale so se tendence, da več posameznikov, ki imajo v partnerskem odnosu otroke, ocenjuje, da ima partner, glede na enakopravnost v odnosu, prednost. Razlik med spoloma ni bilo mogoče zaznati pri nobenem od treh konceptov. S tem magistrskim delom je nakazana pomembnost enakopravnosti za kvaliteto partnerskega odnosa. Posamezniki, ki zaznavajo večjo mero enakopravnosti v odnosu, le-tega doživljajo kot bolj intimnega in so z njim bolj zadovoljni. Glede na izsledke raziskave lahko sklepamo, da je enakopravnost eden ključnih dejavnikov, ki pripomore k splošni dobrobiti partnerskega odnosa. Intimacy is a central component of romantic relationships. It combines feelings of trust, connectedness, and closeness with a partner, where the key components are open communication and a sense of security, expressed through self-disclosure. Egalitarian relationships are those in which partners equally share all benefits, burdens, and responsibilities, and in which wishes, needs, and concerns of both partners are equally taken into account. From this perspective, the feelings produced by experiencing equality in a relationship are intertwined with the feelings that build intimacy in a relationship. The aim of the present master's thesis was to study the differences in the experience of intimacy and satisfaction in romantic relationships in relation to the degree of equality, and to examine the differences in the experience of all three concepts according to the different sociodemographic characteristics of the participants. In the first part, the author presented the theoretical framework and findings of previous research on intimacy and equality in romantic relationships. In the second part, she presented the findings of the present study involving 320 participants, of whom 206 were women and 114 were men. The measuring tools used by the author were the Equity/Inequity Scale (E/I), the Intimacy Scale (IS), and the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS). The results showed statistically significant differences in the experience of intimacy and satisfaction in the romantic relationships in relation to the degree of equality. Individuals who viewed their relationship as equal sensed a higher level of intimacy and satisfaction than others. Moreover, differences were found in the experience of equality, intimacy, and satisfaction in the romantic relationships on the basis of some sociodemographic characteristics of the participants. It has been shown that individuals who share hobbies with their partners perceive the relationship as more intimate, equal, and experience a greater degree of satisfaction. Differences were also found in experiencing intimacy and satisfaction in relation to the duration of the relationship, time spent with the partner, and marital status. Individuals who have been in a relationship for a longer period of time, those who spend less time with their partner, and those who were no longer in a relationship and therefore evaluated their past relationship, experience a lower degree of intimacy and satisfaction. Intimacy in the relationship also differs depending on the age of the participants and the presence of children in the relationship. Younger individuals and those without children experience the relationship as more intimate. Differences in the level of equality between individuals with and without children are on the verge of statistical significance. Individuals who have children in their relationship exhibited a tendency to estimate that their partner has an advantage over them when it comes to the equality in the relationship. No gender differences were found in any of the three concepts. This master's thesis shows the importance of equality for the quality of romantic relationships. Individuals who recognize a greater degree of equality in their relationship perceive it as more intimate and experience greater satisfaction. According to the research findings, it can be concluded that equality is one of the key factors that contribute to overall well-being of a romantic relationship.
- Published
- 2020
6. Pravednost i pravičnost u filozofiji prava.
- Author
Vuchetich, Laurenz
- Subjects
- *
JUSTICE (Virtue) , *LAW -- Social aspects , *ETHICS , *POLITICAL doctrines , *PHILOSOPHERS , *THEORY of knowledge , *SOCIAL justice , *CONSTITUTIONAL law , *JUSTICE administration - Abstract
The author focuses on the terms justice and equity in the context of legal philosophy, arguing that the epistemological analysis of those two terms is crucial for legal philosophy. To understand the essence of these terms is to understand the relationship between justice and law. By analyzing works of various philosophers and lawyers, the paper identifies key differences and similarities in their perception of both justice and equity. The author insists on numerous similarities in the definitions of justice. The distinction between distributive and commutative justice is made, based on the argument that both variations of justice are synonymous to the idea of equality (criterial and non - criterial equality), as well as to the syntagm ⪡Common good⪢. By differentiating between morality and justice, the author considers justice to be a special, and most important, part of morality. The relationship between morality and justice is equal to the relationship between justice and law, which are inseparable. In conclusion and throughout the entire paper, the author tries to find a definition of justice and equity. Alongside with the pure definition of justice and equity, the author makes a distinction between the two terms by saying that their content is the same, but their function and application explicitly differ. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
- Author
Brezigar, Sara
- Subjects
DISCRIMINATION (Sociology) ,SOCIAL problems ,MINORITIES ,EQUALITY in the workplace ,ETHNIC groups ,EMPLOYMENT discrimination ,RACISM in the workplace ,WORK environment ,EQUALITY - Abstract
Copyright of Treaties & Documents / Razprave in Gradivo is the property of Institut za Narodnostna Vprasanja and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2007
- Author
Leskošek, Vesna
- Subjects
Copyright of Socialno Delo is the property of Socialno Delo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2005
9. The effectiveness of finnish school system in the light of international assessments
- Author
Kutnjak, Doris and Protner, Edvard
- Subjects
tehnologija ,pogled v prihodnost ,Finnish school system ,PISA ,a look into the future ,justice ,finski šolski sistem ,pravičnost ,enakost ,mednarodno preverjanje znanja ,international knowledge testing ,udc:37.091.4:37.091.26(043.2) ,technology ,equality - Abstract
Finska slovi kot najuspešnejša država na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Njihovo uspešnost iz leta v leto dokazujejo mednarodna ocenjevanja znanja, poglavitno raziskava PISA. Namen naše magistrske naloge je bil raziskati uspešnost finskih učencev v preverjanju znanja, opredeliti njihov uspeh in poiskati razloge in vzroke, ki so k temu pripomogli. Magistrska naloga se začne z vpogledom v zgodovino finskega šolstva. Nadaljuje se s strukturo finskega šolskega sistema danes, analizo finskih rezultatov mednarodne primerjave znanja v raziskavi PISA, razlogi in vzroki za uspešnost finskih učencev v raziskavi, analizo zadnjega padca finskih učencev v raziskavi ter z vpogledom v prihodnost finske vzgoje in izobraževanja. Svoj uspeh finski učenci dolgujejo razvitemu in globalno usmerjenemu šolskemu sistemu ter učiteljem, ki na Finskem veljajo kot cenjeni in ugledni strokovnjaki na svojem področju. Izobrazba Fincem predstavlja prioriteto. Njihove šole so pravične, skrbne, timsko naravnane in dostopne vsem ne glede na socialno-ekonomski položaj posameznika. Njihov šolski sistem se nenehno obnavlja, dopolnjuje in sledi globalnim spremembam ter razvoju tehnologije. Prihodnost finskega šolskega sistema prinaša nove načine poučevanja in učenja. Poudarek je na praktičnih veščinah in razvoju kreativnosti vsakega posameznika. Finland is considered as the most successful country in the field of education. From year to year, their performance is proven by international assessments of knowledge, mainly the PISA survey. The aim of the master's thesis was to investigate the performance of Finnish students in the assessment of knowledge, to define their success and to find the reasons and causes that contributed to this. The master's thesis begins with an insight into the history of Finnish education. It continues with the structure of the Finnish school system today, the analysis of the Finnish results of the international comparison of knowledge in the PISA survey, the reasons and causes for the success of the Finnish students in the survey, the analysis of the last drop of Finnish students in the survey, and with an insight into the future of Finnish education. Finnish students owe their success to a developed and globally oriented school system and to teachers who are regarded in Finland as respected experts in their field. Education is a priority for Finns. Their schools are fair, caring, team-oriented and accessible to all regardless of the socio-economic situation of the individual. Their school system is constantly renewing, complementing and following the global changes and the development of technology. The future of the Finnish school system brings new ways of teaching and learning. The emphasis is on practical skills and the development of each individual's creativity.
- Published
- 2019
10. Tiranija manjšine
- Author
Ziherl, Rok and Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
- Subjects
democracy ,zaključna dela ,tyranny of the majority ,pravice ,ethics ,tiranija manjšine ,enakost ,pravičnost ,equity ,udc:342.7 ,tiranija večine ,etika ,rights ,tyranny of the minority ,equality ,demokracija - Published
- 2015
- Author
Kovač, Uroš and Treven, Sonja
- Subjects
poslovna uspešnost ,anketa ,survey ,theories of job satisfaction ,pravičnost ,enakost ,motivation ,business success ,co-workers ,equality ,sodelavci ,intervju ,needs ,organizational climate ,organizacijska klima ,udc:005.3 ,satisfaction ,dissatisfaction ,interview ,motivacija ,justice ,potrebe ,modeli zadovoljstva pri delu ,nezadovoljstvo ,teorije zadovoljstva pri delu ,zadovoljstvo ,models of job satisfaction - Abstract
Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih pri delu je pozitivno čustveno stanje zaposlenega, ki je rezultat doživljanja dela, pojmovanja in ocenjevanja stanja delovnega okolja, izkušenj pri delu ter načina občutenja vseh elementov dela in delovnega mesta. Zadovoljstvo v veliki meri vpliva na kakovost življenja posameznika. Zadovoljni zaposleni so ključ do uspešnosti podjetja, saj bo zadovoljni delavec bolj učinkovito opravljal svoje delo. Zaradi zadovoljstva se bo povečala tudi produktivnost podjetja in s tem povezani delovni učinki. Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih lahko označimo kot skupek pozitivnih in negativnih občutkov, ki jih posameznik doživlja o svojem delu. Na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih pri delu vplivajo številni dejavniki, in sicer: vsebina dela, samostojnost pri delu, plača, vodenje in organizacija dela, delovne razmere ter številni drugi dejavniki. Spoznali smo številne teorije in modele zadovoljstva zaposlenih pri delu, ki se jih podjetja poslužujejo z namenom, da bi povečali stopnjo zadovoljstva zaposlenim ter s tem izboljšali poslovanje podjetja. Employee satisfaction at work is a positive emotional state of employee as a result of experiance, understanding and assessing the state of the working environment, job experience and feelings about all the elements of work and the workplace. Satisfaction has a large influence on quality of human life. Satisfied employees are the key to the success of the company, because they are more effective at work. Due to employee satisfaction will increase the productivity of a company and with this associated working effects. Employee satisfaction can be defined as a set of positive and negative feelings about the work they do. Employee satisfaction at work in influenced by many factors, such as: the contects of work, independence at work, pay, management and organization of work, work conditions and many other factors. We have described a number of theories and models of job satisfaction, which is used by companies in order to increase the level of employee satisfaction and thereby improve company efficiency.
- Published
- 2012
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