14 results on '"Krolo - Crvelin, Anita"'
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- Author
Šeparović, Paulina, Jukić, Ivona, Buljan Barbača, Domagoja, and Krolo - Crvelin, Anita
- Subjects
advantages and disadvantages ,examples of franchise business ,franchising ,franchise agreement ,entrepreneurship ,know-how - Abstract
Ovaj završni rad obrađuje temu franšizinga. Franšizing se vodi kao način ulaska u poduzetništvo koji je idealan za osobe koje nemaju iskustva u započinjanju i vođenju vlastitog poslovanja. Osim pojmovnog definiranja franšize navedene su prednosti i nedostaci s kojima se najčešće susreću ugovore strane. Franšizor, odnosno davatelj franšize stavlja na raspolaganje franšizantu know-how, kao i razne tečajeve, seminare i obuke koje su potrebne da bi franšizant mogao što bolje voditi svoje poslovanje. Jedan od nedostataka franšize je činjenica da se potrebno usuglasiti s franšizorom o brojnim stavkama što dovodi do toga da franšizant gubi samostalnost i pravo odlučivanja. I bez obzira što su svi elementi poslovanja unaprijed određeni, i dalje postoji mogućnost da franšizni poslovni model neće biti održiv. Prije svega kako bi poslovni subjekti s namjerom davanja franšize mogli sklopiti ugovor o franšizi mora se prvo procijeniti vlastito poslovanje kao i stavke unutar tog poslovanja koje se mogu ponuditi franšizantima. Nakon provedenih procjena i kreiranog franšiznog paketa, davatelj franšize može krenuti s traženjem potencijalnih kandidata. Putem franšize franšizor stječe mogućnost proširenja svog poslovanja na više lokacija uz relativno niske troškove te pritom ostvariti dobit od naknada koje je franšizant dužan plaćati. Uz sve dosad navedeno, obraditi će se i neki od primjera franšize u Republici Hrvatskoj te će se spomenuti i neki poznatiji primjeri na svjetskom tržištu. S obzirom da franšizno poslovanje nije toliko zastupljeno u Republici Hrvatskoj, obratiti će se pozornost na aktivnosti vezane uz promoviranje i osvješćivanje javnosti o franšizi pod čime se podrazumijevaju razni sajmovi, radionice i predavanja od strane agencija kao što su Hrvatska udruga za franšizno poslovanja i Europsko franšizna federacija., This final paper is based on the topic of franchising. Franchising is a way of entering entrepreneurship that is ideal for people who have no experience in starting and running their own business. In addition to the conceptual definition of the franchise, the advantages and disadvantages most often encountered by contracting parties are listed. The franchisor makes available to the franchisee know-how, as well as various courses, seminars and trainings that are necessary for the franchisee to be able to run his business as well as possible. One of the disadvantages of franchising is the fact that it is necessary to agree with the franchisor on numerous items, and ultimately the franchisor loses independence and the right to make decisions. And regardless of the fact that all elements of the business are predetermined, there is still a possibility that the franchise business model will not be sustainable. First of all, in order for business subject with the intention of franchising to enter into a franchise agreement, they must first evaluate their own business as well as the items within that business that can be offered to franchisees. After the evaluations have been carried out and the franchise package has been created, the franchisor can start looking for potential candidates. Through franchising, the franchisor acquires the possibility of expanding its business to several locations at relatively low costs, and at the same time making a profit from the fees that the franchisor is obliged to pay. In addition to everything mentioned so far, some of the examples of franchising in the Republic of Croatia will be discussed, and some better-known examples on the world market will be mentioned. Considering that franchise business is not so represented in the Republic of Croatia, various fairs, workshops and lectures have been organized by agencies such as the Croatian Association for Franchise Business and the European Franchise Federation to promote and raise public awareness about franchising.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Marinelić, Nikolina, Jukić, Ivona, Krolo - Crvelin, Anita, and Roje, Antonija
- Subjects
intra-entrepreneur ,corporate entrepreneurship ,entrepreneur ,entrepreneurship - Abstract
Predmet ovog Završnog rada je korporativno poduzetništvo. Upoznalo se s pojmom samog poduzetništva, te su se dale sličnosti i razlike između poduzetnika i intrapoduzetnika. Detektirane su prednosti i nedostaci ulaska u poduzetništvo, kao i faze njegovog razvoja. Dan je teorijski prikaz korporativnog poduzetništva, te njegova važnost i utjecaj koji ima na poslovanje poduzeća. Napravljena je analiza korporativnog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj na primjeru Adris grupe d.d. Radi se o jednoj od vodećih hrvatskih i regionalnih kompanija koja je tržišni lider po kriterijima profitabilnosti i inovativnosti. Grupacija je razdvojena po strateškim poslovnim jedinicama, opisan je njen odnos prema zaposlenicima kao i zastupljenost društveno odgovornog poslovanja., The subject of this study is corporate entrepreneurship. The concept of entrepreneurship itself was introduced, and similarities and differences between entrepreneurs and intra-entrepreneurs were given. The advantages and disadvantages of entering entrepreneurship were detected, as well as the stages of its development. A theoretical overview of corporate entrepreneurship is given, as well as its importance and impact on business operations. An analysis of corporate entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia was made on the example of Adris grupa d.d. It is one of the leading Croatian and regional companies which is the market leader in terms of profitability and innovation. The group is divided into strategic business units, its attitude towards employees is described, as well as the representation of socially responsible business.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Koščak, Filip, Jukić, Ivona, Buljan Barbača, Domagoja, and Krolo - Crvelin, Anita
- Subjects
inheritance ,business life cycle ,entrepreneurship ,family entrepreneurship ,family businesses - Abstract
Cilj rada je pobliže objasniti najzastupljeniji oblik vlasništva i načina upravljana u poduzetništvu - obiteljsko poduzetništvo te u čemu se ono razliku od klasičnog poduzetništva. Utvrdit će se veza između dva ključna pojma koja se protežu kroz cijeli rad - obitelj i poduzetništvo. Pobliže će se objasniti specifičnosti odnosa koje se javlja između članova poduzeća, koji su u isto vrijeme i članovi obitelji, te poduzeća kao pravne osobe. Kako bi se što bolje razumjela sama srž obiteljskih poduzeća, detaljno će se obraditi resursi prisutni u obiteljskim poduzećima te životni vijek obiteljskih poduzeća. Na temelju najvećih obiteljskih poduzeća u Hrvatskoj i svijetu, prikazat će se utjecaj i doprinos obiteljskih poduzeća svjetskoj ekonomiji. Uspješno prevladavanje svih prepreka te nastavak rasta i razvoja obiteljskih poduzeća je ključ razvoja poduzetništva svake suvremene ekonomije., The purpose of this paper is to explain in more detail the most common form of ownership and management in entrepreneurship - family entrepreneurship and how it differs from traditional entrepreneurship. The connection between the two key concepts that occur throughout the work - family and entrepreneurship - will be explained. The specifics of the relationships that arise between members of the company, who are at the same time family members, as well as the concept of a company as a legal entity will be explained in more detail throughout this paper. In order to better understand the core of family businesses, the resources that are present in family businesses and the lifespan of family businesses will be covered in detail. On the example of the largest family businesses in Croatia and in the world, the impact and contribution of family businesses to the world economy will be presented. Successfully overcoming all obstacles and continuing the growth and development of family businesses is the key to the development of entrepreneurship in any modern economy.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Čupeljić, Frane, Jukić, Ivona, Krolo - Crvelin, Anita, and Matošević Radić, Mijana
- Subjects
poduzetništvo ,support for entrepreneurs ,potpora poduzetnicima ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics ,corona virus ,entrepreneurship ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija ,korona virus - Abstract
Tema ovog završnog rada je potpora poduzetništvu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Poduzetništvo na najjednostavniji način možemo definirati kao gospodarske aktivnosti pojedinca ili skupine ljudi koji koriste neku ideju, te ulažu kapital u njezinu provedbu i preuzimajući rizik, stvaraju proizvod ili uslugu od čijeg se plasmana na tržište očekuju dobit. Inače možemo reći da je staro gotovo koliko i ljudski rod. Rad je koncipiran u šest poglavlja uključujući uvodni dio i zaključak, no u osnovi je podjeljen na prvi i drugi dio. U prvom djelu pojašnjava se poduzetništvo generalno kroz osvrt na njegovu povijest, ali i kroz važne čimbenike koji na njega djeluju, te poduzetništvo u Republici Hrvatskoj. U drugom djelu rada razrađuje se sama tema potpora poduzetništvu u Republici Hrvatskoj, gdje se analizira institucionalni okvir za podršku poduzetnicima, te se u posljednjem poglavalju približava podrška poduzetnicima pogođenim aktualnom pandemijom korona virusa., The topic of this thesis is support for entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia. Entrepreneurship in the simplest way can be defined as the economic activities of an individual or group of people who use an idea, and invest capital in its implementation and taking the risk, create a product or service whose marketing is expected to profit. Otherwise we can say that it is almost as old as the human race. The paper is conceived in six chapters including the introductory part and the conclusion, but we can basically divide it into the first and second part. The first part explains entrepreneurship in general through a review of its history, but also through important factors that affect it, and entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia. In the second part of the paper, the topic of support to entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia is elaborated, where the institutional framework for support to entrepreneurs is analyzed, and in the last chapter the support to entrepreneurs affected by the current corona pandemic virus is approached.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Bilandžić, Valentina, Jukić, Ivona, Brajević, Slađana, and Krolo - Crvelin, Anita
- Subjects
pandemija ,ekonomska kriza ,poduzetništvo ,pandemic ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics ,entrepreneurship ,economic crisis ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija - Abstract
Početkom 2020. godine u svijetu pojavio se koronavirus koji uzrokuje bolest Covid-19. Tijekom nekoliko mjeseci, pandemija je zahvatila veliki broj zemalja diljem svijeta i došlo je do pomutnje kako u životu svakog pojedinca tako i na razini svjetske ekonomije i gospodarstva. Poduzetnici su bili prisiljeni prilagoditi se novonastalom stanju kako bi opstali na tržištu. Utjecaji na svjetsko gospodarstvo bili su velikih razmjera. Na globalnoj razini, poduzetnici su se susreli sa zatvaranjem poduzeća, padom prihoda i investicija, porastom štednje te problemom nezaposlenosti. U ovome radu analizirat će se utjecaji pandemije na mala, srednja i velika poduzeća na svjetskoj razini. Uz pomoć raznih istraživanja, prikazat će se slika novog stanja u gospodarstvu. Također, prikazat će se alternativni načini poslovanja razvijeni tijekom pandemije te razvoj novih proizvoda čiju je proizvodnju nadahnula upravo novonastala kriza na tržištu., In early 2020, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 disease appeared in the world. In a few months, the pandemic affected a large number of countries around the world and disrupted the lives of each individual, as well as at the level of the world economy. Entrepreneurs were forced to adapt to the new situation in order to survive in the market. The consequences for the world economy were large-scale. Globally, entrepreneurs have faced closures of businesses, a decline in revenues and investments, a rise in savings and the problem of unemployment. This paper will analyze the impacts of the pandemic on small, medium and large enterprises worldwide. Through various researches, an overview of the new state of the economy will be presented. Also, alternative ways of managing business which were developed during the pandemic will be presented, as well as the way in which new products were developed because of the new market crisis.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Teklić, Nina, Jukić, Ivona, Krolo - Crvelin, Anita, and Roje, Antonija
- Subjects
social economy ,entrepreneurship ,Social entrepreneurship ,non-profit sector - Abstract
Cilj završnog rada je istaknuti značaj socijalnog poduzetništva, kako u teorijskom smislu tako i na praktičnom primjeru udruge Sveti Jeronim. U fokusu rada je socijalno poduzetništvo u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Detektirani su glavni sudionici i okvir za pravno institucionalni razvoj. Jedna od ključnih teza odnosi se na to koliko i širok i tijesan može biti djelokrug socijalnog poduzetništva. Socijalno poduzetništvo je nositelj sigurne ekonomije svakog društva, ali je još uvijek nedovoljno prepoznat i prihvaćen atribut. Smisao socijalnog poduzetništva je detektirati problem za koji vlada i društvo nisu našli rješenje te, bez ekonomske koristi, pronaći rješenje za pojedinca ili ugroženu skupinu., The aim of the final essay is to point out the importance of thesocial entrepreneurship not only theoretical but also practical whit the example of Association Saint Jeronim. Focus of the thesis was placed on the social entrepreneurship in Croatia and world. The main participant had been detected, along with the framework for legal and institutional development. One of the key thought concerned how broad or narrow the scope of social entrepreneurship might. Social entrepreneurship is the bearer of a secure economy of any society, but it is still an insufficiently recognized and accepted way of activity. The goal of the social entrepreneurship is a detection problem for the government and community that has not solved and, without economic benefit, found a solution for individual or vulnerable groups.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Begura, Monika, Jukić, Ivona, Buljan Barbača, Domagoja, and Krolo - Crvelin, Anita
- Subjects
financial incentives ,mentoring ,female entrepreneurship ,social entrepreneurship ,entrepreneurship ,gender equality - Abstract
U radu se istražuje problematika i mogućnosti razvoja ženskog poduzetništva. Razlog odabira teme je činjenica da žensko poduzetništvo značajno doprinosi ravnopravnosti na tržištu rada i doprinosi stvaranju raznovrsnije baze poduzetničkih gospodarskih djelatnosti u nacionalnoj ekonomiji. Cilj istraživanja je prikazati značajke i načine poticanja ženskog poduzetništva. Poduzetnice se odlikuju demokratskim i participativnim vođenjem, stvaraju snažnije i lojalnije odnose poslovne suradnje te često uz ekonomske motive, vrlo uspješno zadovoljavaju šire društvene potrebe sredine u kojoj žive. U programima poticanja ženskog poduzetništva se osobito ističe uloga mentorskog vodstva i savjetovanja kao i različiti oblici financijskih potpora kojima se suzbija otežan pristup financiranju kao jedna od ključnih prekretnica ulasku u poduzetničke vode. S obzirom da žene teže uravnotežiti profesionalni i obiteljski život, važno je naglasiti i posrednu ulogu sustavne skrbi o djeci u poticanju ženskog poduzetništva., Female entrepreneurship and opportunities for development is the main research subject. This theme has been chosen because of the fact that female entrepreneurship contributes significantly to equality in the labor market and contributes to the creation of a more diverse base of entrepreneurial economic activities in the national economy. The aim of the research is to present the features and ways of encouraging female entrepreneurship. Female entrepreneurs are characterized by democratic and participatory leadership, and are creating stronger business cooperation relationships. Together with economic motives, they are very successfully meeting the wider social needs of the environment in which they live. The role of mentoring, guidance and counseling is emphasized in the programs of encouraging female entrepreneurship. Various forms of financial support are a big element in ensuring the access to finance, as one of the key barriers in entering into entrepreneurial waters. Women tend to balance work and family life. It is, therefore, also important to emphasize the indirect role of systemic childcare in fostering female entrepreneurship.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Ćapeta, Ivana, Jukić, Ivona, Buljan Barbača, Domagoja, and Krolo - Crvelin, Anita
- Subjects
business case of Kristina Ercegović ,female entrepreneurship ,entrepreneurs ,entrepreneurship - Abstract
Stereotipi o mjestu žene u poslu i društvu, te razne diskriminacije posljednjih se godina pokušavaju umanjiti, kako u krugovima aktivista za ženska prava, u praksi, tako i na razini raznih institucija. No, žene i dalje nailaze na razne probleme i izazove koje moraju riješiti – od nedostatka podrške obitelji i sredine, problema obrazovanja, financijskih problema pa do problema usklađivanja obiteljskog i poslovnog života. No, unatoč svim negativnim stranama, danas postoje mnogi primjeri uspješnih poduzetnica diljem svijeta. Jedna od njih je i Kristina Ercegović. Predmet ovog završnog rada je analiza žene u poduzetništvu kroz primjer iz prakse. Za analizu je odabrana Kristina Ercegović, uspješna hrvatska poduzetnica. Glavni cilj rada je dati uvid u uspješnu žensku poduzetničku priču na primjeru odabrane poduzetnice. Cilj je također teorijski približiti poimanje ženskog poduzetništva i stanja istog u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kristina Ercegović je unatoč svim preprekama uspjela i uspješno se suočava sa svim poslovnim izazovima., Stereotypes about the place of women in work and society, as well as discrimination, in recent years they have been trying to diminish, both in the circles of women's rights activists, in practice, and at the level of various institutions. However, women still face various problems and challenges that they have to solve - from the lack of support from the family and the environment, the problem of education, financial problems to the problem of reconciling family and business life. But despite all the downsides, today there are many examples of successful entrepreneurs around the world. One of them is Kristina Ercegović. The subject of this final paper is the analysis of women in entrepreneurship through an example from practice. Kristina Ercegović, a successful Croatian entrepreneur, was chosen for the analysis. The main goal of the paper is to give an insight into a successful women's entrepreneurial story on the example of a selected entrepreneur. The aim is also to theoretically approximate the notion of women's entrepreneurship and its state in the Republic of Croatia. Despite all obstacles, Kristina Ercegović has succeeded and is successfully facing all business challenges.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Pudar, Nada, Jukić, Ivona, Krolo - Crvelin, Anita, and Matošević Radić, Mijana
- Subjects
forms of entrepreneurship in Croatia ,entrepreneurship - Abstract
U završnom radu se analizira poduzetništvo i koje oblike poduzetništva imamo. Poduzetništvo čini ključan dio svakog gospodarstva u svijetu stoga svaki poduzetnik treba pažljivo odabrati odgovarajući oblik u kojem želi poslovati. Tri temeljna oblika koja se najčešće izučavaju u literaturi su tradicionalno poduzetništvo, korporativno poduzetništvo te socijalno ili društveno poduzetništvo. Prvi dio završnog rada definira poduzetništvo, karakteristike koje postoje te oblike poduzetništva. U drugo m dijelu rada navedeni su primjeri oblika poduzetništva koji se nalaze u Republici Hrvatskoj. Navedena poduzeća su ACT grupa, Ericsson Nikola Tesla i Spin d.o.o., In the final paper we analyze the entrepreneurship and tipes of entrepreneurship that exist in literature . Entrepreneurship is a key part of every world economy, so every entrepreneur needs to carefully choose the appropriate form in which he wants to do business. The forms of entrepreneurship that we can find in literature are traditional, corporate , and social entrepreneurship. The first part of the final work defines entrepreneurship, the characteristics that exist in these forms of entrepreneurship. In the second part, examples of forms of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia. The described companies ar e companies within Croatia. Described companies like ACT stood for social entrepreneurship, as an example for corporate entrepreneurship there is Ericsson Nikola Tesla, and for traditional entrepreneurship is Spin d.o.o.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Brčić Šušak, Ana, Jukić, Ivona, Krolo - Crvelin, Anita, and Matošević Radić, Mijana
- Subjects
social entrepreneurship ,women' s entrepreneurship ,special forms ,entrepreneurship ,youth entrepreneurship - Abstract
Predmet završnog rada su specifični tipovi poduzetništva. Istraživanje poduzetniš tva seže u daleku povijest, može se reći kako je staro koliko i ljudsko društvo. Poduzetništvo, a posebno malo poduzetništvo je vrlo važan pokretač gospodarstva. Postoje razl ičiti oblici poduzetništva. U ovom radu posebno se objašnjava poduzetništvo mladih, žene u poduzetništvu te socijal no ili društveno poduzetništvo.Razvoj suvremene infrastrukture, uvođenje automatike i robotike, fleksibilnih tehnologija, usavršavanje marketinga, promjene u strukturi i ponašanju potrošača, reflektiraju se na konfiguraciji današnjeg svjetskog poduzetništva. Cilj rada je kroz teorijski dio definirati poduzetnike i poduzetništvo, zatim razvoj poduzetništva kroz povijest te istaknuti suvremen eoblike poduzetništva. Definirat će se i objasniti oblici poduzetništva kao što su mladi poduzetnici, žensko poduzetništvo i društveno ili socijalno poduzetništvo. U praktičnom dijelu rada cilj je objasniti i prikazati po jedan primjer od svakog specifičnog oblika poduzetništva., The subject of the final thesis are specific forms of entrepreneurship. The history of entrepreneurship goes back a long way, it can be said to be as old as human society. Entrepreneurship is a creative process that is constantly changing in an effort to work better and more efficiently. Entrepreneurship, especially small ones, is a very important driver of the economy. There are different forms of entrepreneurship. This paper specifically explains youth entrepreneurship, women in entrepreneurship, and social or social entrepreneurship. The development of modern infrastructure, the introduction of automation and robotics, flexib le technologies, refinement of marketing, changes in the structure and behavior of consumers, are reflected in the configuration of today's global enterprise. The aim of the paper is to define entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship through theoretical part, then the development of entrepreneurship through history and to highlight contemporary forms of entrepreneurs hip. Forms of entrepreneurship such as young entrepreneurs, women's entrepreneurship and social or social entrepreneurship will be defined and explained. In the practical part of the paper, the goal is to explain and give an example of women's entrepreneurship.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Maršić, Ivana, Jukić, Ivona, Buljan Barbača, Domagoja, and Krolo - Crvelin, Anita
- Subjects
entrepreneurial venture ,entrepreneur ,entrepreneurship ,innovation - Abstract
Tema završnog rada je inovacijom do poduzetnika. Poduzetništvoje sposobnost pokretanja određene akcije, poduzimanja aktivnosti sa svrhom postizanja željenog cilja. U poduzetništvu je važno biti spreman i na prepreke, neizvjesnost ishoda te rizik. Poduzetništvo je predmet interesa mnogobrojnih znanosti, najčešće društvenih, a posebno ekonomije, psihologije, sociologije, prava, antropologije, svake iz svog specifičnog diskursa. Kao izvor inovacijskih prigoda, promjene u predodžbama temelje se na promjenama shvaćanja, mišljenja i ponašanja ljudi, odnosno pojedinih skupina potencijalnih potrošača. Danas je, posebno u malom poduzetništvu vrlo važno biti inovativan. Nužno je osmisliti nešto što još uvijek ne postoji na tržištu. Ciljevi završnog rada su definirati poduzetništvo i poduzetnika pri čemu će se pojasniti i što znači inovativno poduzetništvo. Cilj rada je pojasniti poduzetnički pothvat i kako prepoznati pravu priliku za pokretanje poduzetništva koje je zasnovano na inovacijama. Cilj je na nekoliko praktičnih primjera prikazati kako su inovacije utjecale na pokretanje poduzetništva., The topic of the final paper is innovation to entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is the ability to initiate a specific action, to take action with a view to achieving the desired goal. In business, it is important to be prepared for the obstacles, the uncertainty of the outcome and the risk. Entrepreneurship is the subject of interest of many sciences, most of them social sciences, especially economics, psychology, sociology, law, anthropology, each from its specific discourse. consumers. Today, especially in small business, it is very impor tant to be innovative. It is imperative to design something that does not yet exist on the market. The aims of the final paper are to define entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, which will explain and mean innovative entrepreneurship. The aim of the paper is to clarify the entrepreneurial venture and how to identify the right opportunity to start an innovation-based entrepreneurship. The aim is to demonstrate, through several practical examples, how innovation has driven entrepreneurship.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
- Subjects
Stella Croatica ,small business ,entrepreneur ,entrepreneurship - Abstract
U završnom radu obrađuje se tema Poduzetništvo i mala poduzeća. Većina poduzetnika svoj prvi poduzetnički pothvat ostvaruje upravo kroz malo poduzeće ili često nasljeđivanjem obiteljskog poduzeća. Poduzetništvo je proces u kojem su naglašeni sposobnost, aktivnost, pojedinačnih aktera i društva u cjelini, da se koristeći promjene, inovativnost i prosudbu, sve u uvjetima novih kombinacija ograničenih proizvodnih faktora, pri čemu je rezultat profit te druge društvene i ekonomske koristi. Cilj završnog rada je definirati pojmove kao što je poduzetnik i poduzetništvo te malo poduzeće. U radu će se istaknuti na koji način se razvija malo poduzetništvo kroz primjer uspješne tvrtke Stella Croatica koja je uz pomoć brojnih poticaja uspjela razviti poslovanje zahvaljujući uspješnom izvozu svojih proizvoda., The final paper deals with the topic Entrepreneurship and small businesses. Most entrepreneurs realize their first entrepreneurial venture through a small business or often by inheriting a family business. Entrepreneurship is a process that emphasizes the ability, activity, individual actors and the society as a whole to use change, innovation and judgment, all under the conditions of a new combination of limited production factors, the result of profit and other social and economic benefits. The aim of the final work is to define concepts such as entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship and a small business. The paper will highlight how little entrepreneurship is being developed through the example of a successful company, Stella Croatica, which has been able to develop successful business thanks to the successful export of its products.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
- Subjects
Entrepreneurship Development ,Entrepreneurship ,Innovation - Abstract
Tema završnog rada je definiranje pojmova inovativnosti i poduzetništva, te ispitivanje njihove meĎusobne povezanosti. Poduzetništvo predstavlja sposobnost da se na osnovi kreativnosti i ograničenih proizvodnih faktora, formira odreĎena efikasna gospodarska djelatnost. U središtu poduzetništva se nalazi poduzetnik, pojedinac koji posluje na vlastiti rizik i raspolaţe sredstvima potrebnim za odreĎenu gospodarsku djelatnost te samostalno donosi odluke vezane uz istu. Jedna od glavnih odlika uspješnog poduzetnika je njegova kreativnost, tj. inovativnost, da proizvode novi proizvod, kreira novi način proizvodnje, otkrije nove resurse itd. Inovativnost predstavlja sposobnost činjenja nečega na novi način. U poslovanju je to spontan ili sustavan postupak ostvarivanja unapreĎenja koja vode korisnim pozitivnim promjenama i povećanju vrijednosti rada. Inovativnost je ključ uspjeha mnogih svjetski poznatih tvrtki koje dominiraju na trţištu, no ujedno ono moţe predstavljati priliku za napredak manjih i srednjih poduzeća i način nametanja konkurenciji. Republika Hrvatska je ocijenjena od strane GII i EU prema inovativnosti svojih poduzetnika, te rezultati nisu najbolji tj. ostavljaju mnogo prostora za daljnji napredak i razvoj. Indeks ocjene potvrĎuje i analiza Drţavnog zavoda za statistiku koji je u razdoblju 2014.-2016. proveo istraţivanje na uzorku od 4500 poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj te je tek samo 43,4% bilo inovativnih poduzeća. Neke od glavnih prepreka uvoĎenja inovacijskih aktivnosti su manjak vlastitih sredstava ili visina troškova. Republika Hrvatska takoĎer zaostaje po broju patenata, te na području Europe se nalazi pri samome dnu, dok od priznatih patenata najviše ih je iz područja kemije. Budućnost Republike Hrvatske po pitanju inovacije moţe biti mnogo pozit ivnija jer postoji dosta inovativnih poduzetnika koji su se svojim idejama nametnuli trţištu i ostvarili svjetska priznanja poput Includea i Cro Teama. Kao sredstvo pomoći napretka inovativnosti na području Republike Hrvatske mogu posluţiti i razni EU fondovi poput Obzor 2020, ESIF i EFSU., The topic of the final work is defining concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as examining the relationship between the mentioned. Entrepreneurship represents the ability to be based on creativity and limited production factors, forming a certain efficient economic activity. At the center of entrepreneurship there is an entrepreneur, an individual who operates at his own risk and has the resources necessary for a particular economic activity, and makes decisions related to it on his own. One of the key qualities of a successful entrepreneur is his creativity, ie innovation, to produce a new product, create a new way of production, discover new resources, etc. Innovation is the ability to do something in a new way. In business it is a spontaneous or systematic process of achieving improvements that lead to beneficial positive changes and the increase in the value of work. Innovation is the key to the success of many world -renowned companies that dominate the market, but it can also be a chance for the advancement of small and medium-sized businesses and the way to compete. The Republic of Croatia has be en evaluated by the GII and the EU on the innovativeness of its entrepreneurs, and the results are not the best, leaving room for further progress and development. The rating index also confirms the analysis of the Central Bureau of Statistics for the period 2014-2016. conducted research on a sample of 4500 companies in the Republic of Croatia and only 43.4% of innovative companies. Some of the main obstacles to the introduction of innovation activities are the lack of own resources or the cost of spending. The Republic of Croatia also lags behind the number of patents, and in Europe is at the very bottom, while the most recognized patents are from the field of chemistry. The future of the Republic of Croatia in terms of innovation can be much more positive because there are plenty of innovative entrepreneurs who have imposed their ideas on the market with their ideas and have gained worldwide recognition such as Include and Cro Teama. Various EU funds such as Obzor 2020, ESIF and EFSU can be used as a tool t o help innovation progress on the territory of the Republic of Croatia.
- Published
- 2019
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