- Author
Baleta, Matea, Roje, Antonija, Brajević, Slađana, and Jukić, Ivona
- Subjects
business plan ,entrepreneur ,entrepreneurship ,entrepreneurial project ,beach Kindergarten - Abstract
Poduzetništvo je ključna gospodarska djelatnost za gospodarstvo i društvo svake zemlje. Poduzetnik je osoba koja je sposobna da određenu viziju realizira i takvim poduzetničkim pothvatom postane konkurentna na tržištu. Sama poduzetnička ideja ne jamči uspjeh. Da bi ideja postala korisna za društvo i gospodarstvo potrebno je poznavati i iskoristiti tržišne prilike i neprilike. Tržište je neprestano podložno promjenama i afiniteti kupaca se mijenjaju stoga poduzetnik treba voditi brigu i ići u korak s tim kako bi mogao na vrijeme reagirati. Poduzetništvom se naglašava ljudska kreativnosti i inovativnost koja za cilj ima postizanje uspjeha, profita i naravno dugoročno uspješnog poslovanja. Poslovni plan je strateški dokument koji sadrži cjelokupan postupak realizacije ciljeva te vlastita i tuđa novčana sredstva kojima će se poduzetnik pri tom procesu koristiti. Njegova izrada je izrazito zahtjevna za što je potrebno izdvojiti dovoljno vremena i sredstava. U radu će se opisati poduzetnički projekt ulaganja u plažni vrtić. Analizirat će se konkurencija, prihodi, rashodi, račun dobiti i gubitka, ekonomski tok i analiza osjetljivosti. Na temelju analize ekonomskog toka poduzeće bi djelovalo profitabilno odnosno bio bi isplativ već u drugoj godini poslovanja., Entrepreneurship is a key economic activity for the economy and society of every country. An entrepreneur is a person who is capable of realizing a certain vision and becoming competitive on the market with such an entrepreneurial venture. An entrepreneurial idea alone does not guarantee success. In order for the idea to become useful for society and the economy, it is necessary to know and take advantage of market opportunities and difficulties. The market is constantly subject to change and the customer's affinities change, so the entrepreneur needs to take care and keep up with it in order to be able to react in time. Entrepreneurship emphasizes human creativity and innovation, which aims to achieve success, profit and, of course, longterm successful business. A business plan is a strategic document that contains the entire process of realizing goals and the entrepreneur's own and other people's funds that will be used in that process. Its production is extremely demanding, for which it is necessary to allocate enough time and resources. The paper will describe the entrepreneurial project of investing in a beach kindergarten. Competition, income, expenses, profit and loss account, economic flow and sensitivity analysis will be analyzed. Based on the economic flow analysis, the company would operate profitably, that is, it would be profitable already in the third year of operation.
- Published
- 2023