1. The application of multiple intelligences theory in Englisch language teaching
- Author
Kulić, Danijela and Stojanović, Smiljka
- Subjects
Multiple intelligences theory ,English language teaching ,cognitive abilities ,jezička kompetentnost ,students ,učenici/studenti ,nastava engleskog jezika ,linguistic competence ,kognitivne sposobnosti ,teorija višestrukih inteligencija - Abstract
Teorija višestrukih inteligencija koju je razvio američki psiholog, Hauard Gardner, već više od trideset godina predstavlja veliki, ali i izazov pun rizika u različitim oblastima obrazovanja. Privlačna priroda same teme uticala je na obrazovnu praksu širom sveta, iako su naučni istraživački dokazi koji se tiču ovog psihološkog konstrukta bili prilično kontroverzni i nejasni, kako tvrde mnogi eksperti u oblasti psihologije. Sticanje uvida u mogućnost istraživanja ove provokativne teme, a uz pomoć kako kvantitativnih, tako i kvalitatitvnih istraživačkih metoda, bila je polazna osnova u ovoj disertaciji u kojoj je trebalo odgovoriti na pitanja da li primena koncepta više-strukih inteligecija može dovesti do napretka u kompetentnosti stranog jezika, i da li se primenom ovog koncepta može unaprediti proces nastave engleskog jezika u formalnom okruženju. S obzirom na to da veliki broj obrazovnih stručnjaka, teoretičara i praktičara (Paul Davis, Barbara Garside and Mario Rinvolucri, 1999; Marion Williams and Robert. L. Burden, 1997; H. Douglas Brown, 2002; Herbert Puchta and Mario Rinvolucri, 2005; Adrianne L. Herrell, 2000; Elliot Eisner, 1998; Jeremy Harmer, 2007, i drugi) podrža-vaju i preporučuju implementaciju teorije višestrukih inteligencija u nastavi stranog jezika, prvi cilj u ovoj disertaciji bio je da se stvori teoretska pozadina, kao i da se raz-motre slični nastavni pristupi (funkcionalni, kognitivni, holistički i interakcionistički) koji su povezani ne samo sa Metodikom nastave engleskog jezika, već i sa širom obra-zovnom zajednicom. Budući da je tema disertacije zahtevala opservaciju i proučavanje kognitivnih osobina učenika/studenata u koralaciji sa učenjem stranog jezika, u istraži-vanju je korišćen pristup kombinovanih metoda koji je danas priznat i preporučuje se kao najprikladniji u oblasti istraživanja primenjene lingvistike... The theory of multiple intelligences, developed by an American psychologist, Howard Gardner, has often been referred to as a daunting challenge in various fields of education for over thirty years. The appealing nature of the topic itself has affected educational practice all over the world, although scientific research evidence, concerning this psychological construct, has been rather controversial and vague according to some experts in the field of psychology. To get an insight into a possibility of exploring such a provoking topic, with assistance of both quantitative and qualitative research methods, was a starting point in this dissertation which consequently led to answering the questions whether the application of multiple intelligences concept might provoke progress in foreign language competence, and generally, whether it might enhance English language learning/teaching process in a formal environment. Since a great number of educators, both theorists and practitioners (Paul Davis, Barbara Garside and Mario Rinvolucri,1999; Marion Williams and Robert. L Burden, 1997; H. Douglas Brown, 2002; Herbert Puchta and Mario Rinvolucri, 2005; Adrianne L. Herrell, 2000; Elliot Eisner, 1998; Jeremy Harmer, 2007) have supported and suggested implementation of multiple intelligences theory in foreign language teaching, the first goal in this research was to set up a theoretical background and consider similar contemporary teaching approaches related (functional, cognitive, holistic and interactionist), not just to Methodology of English language teaching, but to the wider educational community. As the topic of the dissertation demanded observing and studying students’ cognitive abilities in correlation with foreign language learning, the research problem was dealt with from different perspectives. As a consequence, mixed methods approach, which is nowadays acknowledged and recommended in the field of applied linguistics, was found as the most appropriate one to use...
- Published
- 2014