1. Osmanlı Devri Dâru'l-hadisleri ve hadis eğitimi
- Author
Yücel, Ekrem, Çakın, Kamil, and Temel İslam Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Religion ,Ottomans ,Hadith ,Din ,Eğitim ve Öğretim ,Dar al-Hadiths ,Education and Training ,Islam ,Religious education ,Ottoman Period ,Education - Abstract
Dâru'l-Hadislerin tesis edilmesinde sosyal, siyasî, dînî ve ilmî pek çok sebep etkili olmuştur.Sistemli, fonksiyonel ve resmî ilk dâru'l-hadis h. VI. yüzyılda Nureddin Zengi tarafından Şamda kurulmuştur. Bundan sonra ise farklı isimlerle İslam dünyasının muhtelif bölgelerinde görülmektedir. Şamda başlayan dâru'l-hadis geleneği, Anadolu Selçukluları ile Anadolu coğrafyasına taşınmış ve farklı şehirlerde vücut bulmuştur.Osmanlı Devleti de hadislerin eğitim ve öğretimine ayrı bir önem atfederek, dâru'l-hadis geleneğini devam ettirmiştir. Bu dönemindeki ilk dâru'l-hadisi, I. Murat zamanında, Çandarlı Halil Hayrettin Paşa İznik'te yaptırmıştır. Süleymaniye Külliyesinin inşası ile birlikte Osmanlı eğitim sisteminin en üst basamağında yer almış ve Dâru'l-Hilafeti'l-Âliye Medreselerinin kuruluşuna kadar bu özelliğini korumuştur.Osmanlı dönemi siyasî başarıya paralel olarak, kurumsallaşmanın da arttığı bir devredir. Bunun neticesinde dâru'l-hadis sayısında ciddi bir artış yaşanmıştır. Sadece Osmanlı Devleti'nin payitahtı olan İstanbul'da tesis edilmiş 63 dâru'l-hadis tespit edilmiştir. Buna Osmanlı hakimiyetinde bulunan diğer şehirlerdekiler eklenince, bu dönemde hayat bulmuş 100'den fazla dâru'l-hadisin olduğu görülmektedir. Osmanlı dönemi dâru'l-hadislerinde ağırlıklı olarak hadis ve hadis ilimleri okutulmakla birlikte tefsir ilminin de öğretimi yapılmıştır. Bu kurumlarda İslam dünyasında sahihlikleriyle ün yapmış Buhârî ve Müslim başta olmak üzere, kütüb-i sitte denilen hadis kitaplarıyla birlikte Mesâbîhu's-Sünne ve Meşârıku'l-Envâr gibi muhtelif hadis kitapları okutulmuştur. Bununla birlikte dâru'l-hadislerin statüsü, ilmî gücü ve müfredatı, zaman, mekân ve imkâna göre farklılık göstermektedir. Many reasons like social, politic, religious, scientific had been effective in founding Dar al-Hadiths. First Dar al-Hadith which was systematic, functional and offical had been founded in Damascus by Noureddin Zengi after that had been arisen in various part of Islamic world with different names. Dar al-Hadith tradition which had begun in Damascus had been transferred to the Anatolia by Anatolian Seljuks and had been come into being in different cities. Also Ottoman Empire had continued hadith tradition by giving particular importance to hadith education. First Dar al-Hadith was established by Çandarlı Halil Hayrettin Pahsa in İznik (780/1378) in the time of Mourad I. with the building of Souleymania Islamic Complex (Külliye) Dar al-Hadiths had taken most important part in Ottoman education system and until founding of Dar al-Khilafah al-Aliyah Madrasah it had maintained its characteristics. Serious increasing of number of dar al-hadiths had been realized in Ottoman period. Only in Istanbul which was capital of Ottoman Empire, 63 dar al-hadiths had been determined and adding other dar al-hadiths in the cities under control of the Ottoman Empire to this number more than 100 dar al-hadiths had been observed. Beside hadith and hadith sciences also interpretation (tafsir) had been tauhgt. Particularly Bukhari and Muslim who had been famous in Islamic world with their correctness and in addition to hadith books calling al-Kutub al-Sittah, various hadith books like Masabih al-Sunnah and Masharik al-Anwar had been instructed in these institutions. Status, scientific power, syllabus of dar al-hadiths had been differed from time, enviroment and capabilitiy.Dar al-Hadith tradition which had begun in Damascus had been transferred to the Anatolia by Anatolian Seljuks and had been come into being in different cities. Also Ottoman Empire had continued hadith tradition by giving particular importance to hadith education. First Dar al-Hadith was established by Çandarlı Halil Hayrettin Pahsa in İznik (780/1378) in the time of Mourad I. with the building of Souleymania Islamic Complex (Külliye) Dar al-Hadiths had taken most important part in Ottoman education system and until founding of Dar al-Khilafah al-Aliyah Madrasah it had maintained its characteristics.Serious increasing of number of dar al-hadiths had been realized in Ottoman period. Only in Istanbul which was capital of Ottoman Empire, 63 dar al-hadiths had been determined and adding other dar al-hadiths in the cities under control of the Ottoman Empire to this number more than 100 dar al-hadiths had been observed. Beside hadith and hadith sciences also interpretation (tafsir) had been tauhgt. Particularly Bukhari and Muslim who had been famous in Islamic world with their correctness and in addition to hadith books calling al-Kutub al-Sittah, various hadith books like Masabih al-Sunnah and Masharik al-Anwar had been instructed in these institutions. Status, scientific power, syllabus of dar al-hadiths had been differed from time, enviroment and capabilitiy. 328
- Published
- 2012