12 results on '"Bolonjski proces"'
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- Author
Černivec, Dino
- Abstract
Copyright of Socialno Delo is the property of Socialno Delo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Mirza, Oruč, Hasan, Avdušinović, Maša, Alijević, Enes, Prasko, Jovan, Sredojević, Jasmin, Halebić, and Muharem, Adilović
- Subjects
ACADEMIC workload of students ,HIGHER education ,BOLOGNA process (European higher education) ,EDUCATION ,COLLEGE students - Abstract
Copyright of Proceedings on Quality is the property of University of Zenica, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
4. University: A Place of Formation for Achievers or Thinkers?
- Author
Vodičar, Janez
- Subjects
SUCCESSFUL people ,UNIVERSITIES & colleges ,THEORY of knowledge ,COMPETITION (Psychology) - Abstract
Copyright of Synthesis Philosophica is the property of Croatian Philosophical Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
5. Failure of the Croatian Higher Education Reform.
- Author
- Subjects
EDUCATIONAL change ,HIGHER education administration ,EDUCATION ,STUDENT mobility - Abstract
Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
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6. Socijaina pravda i "blokada.".
- Author
- Subjects
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STUDENT activism , *EDUCATION , *HIGHER education , *EDUCATIONAL change , *EQUALITY - Abstract
In this article, the author shows why the student movement for free education ("the blockade") is wrong in asserting that the cause of injustice in higher education is the implementation of an allegedly neo-liberal project -- the Bologna Process. Furthermore, he claims that, in a serious discussion which would include all interested parties, the students' demand of "everything free on all levels in the highest possible numbers" could not be defended as a just demand. A socially just higher education would not be one which would be available free of charge to all interested parties, but one which would ensure access to higher education to the poor. The expose of the article is divided into three sections. First, Kurelic presents some ideological-theoretical for mulations used in advocating free education. Then he attempts to show the short-sightedness of such formulations by referring to the example of criticism aimed at the higher education reform in Croatia, the so-called Bologna. In the third and final section, he explains why he is of the opinion that egalitarian liberals such as Scanlon and Barry, developing their line of argument from the position of social justice, would ask for much more than cancellation of school fees on all levels, and why the demand formulated according to Barry's categories is more solid. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Elvira Supataeva
- Subjects
obrazovanje ,visoko obrazovanje ,bolonjski proces ,obrazovni sustav ,education ,higher education ,the Bologna process, the educational system - Abstract
Being in the spotlight, not only of Central Asia but of the entire Asian continent as well, Kyrgyzstan holds the key to global power's differing interests. Neighboring Kyrgyzstan are great powers with developed markets, democratic processes in public governance, free market rela¬tions, and the openness of the country. The whole world is building a global information com¬munity, and high-tech and service industries are generating the max¬imal added value in the global GDP. That is based on knowledge, infor¬mation, and human resources., Budući da je u središtu pozornosti, ne samo u Srednjoj Aziji, nego i na cijelom azijskom kontinentu, Kirgistan je ključar globalne moći je različitih interesa. Susjedi Kirgistana su velike sile s razvijenim tržištima, demokratskim procesima u javnoj upravi, slobodnim tržišnim odnosima, te otvorenosti zemlje. Cijeli svijet gradi globalnu informacijsku zajednicu, i high-tech i uslužne djelatnosti generiraju maksimalnu dodanu vrijednosti u globalnom BDP-u. To se temelji na znanju, informacijama i ljudskim resursima.
- Published
- 2014
8. L’université: un lieu de formation de ceux qui réussissent ou de ceux qui réfléchissent ?
- Author
Janez Vodičar
- Subjects
université ,processus de Bologne ,enseignement ,connaissance ,imagination ,Konrad Paul Liessmann ,Michael Wesch ,Universität ,Bologna-Prozess ,Bildung ,Wissen ,Fantasie ,university ,Bologna Process ,education ,knowledge ,sveučilište ,bolonjski proces ,obrazovanje ,znanje ,imaginacija - Abstract
Knowledge has become a resource that the modern society increasingly wishes to exploit in the market of competitiveness. One of the first requirements on the evaluation list is usefulness and competitiveness of the profile of graduates in the workforce market. The Bologna study Process, which strived to enable modern university to successfully prepare the modern student to enter the workforce market, in many scholars opinion did not achieve this goal. Despite having more resources invested in higher education, the society of knowledge is increasingly further from our reach. Additionally, modern university is facing new methodological and technological challenges in the process of education. Must one acknowledge the anthropological findings of M. Wesch about the new “internet” human, who not only has a different path to knowledge, but also defines this knowledge differently? The discussion finds that methodological change is not enough; instead we need to re-evaluate knowledge as well as the role of student and teacher. One of the solutions is a new community of teachers and scholars supported by imagination, where cooperation is a way of work and life., Znanje je postalo resurs koji moderno društvo sve više želi iskorištavati na tržištu konkurentnosti. Jedan od prvih zahtjeva na evaluacijskom popisu je korisnost i konkurentnost profila diplomiranih na tržištu rada. Bolonjski proces, koji je težio omogućiti modernom sveučilištu uspješnu pripremu modernih studenata za ulazak na tržište radne snage, prema mišljenju mnogih istraživača, nije postigao ovaj cilj. Unatoč sve većem ulaganju resursa u visoko obrazovanje, društvo znanja je sve više izvan dohvata. Usto, moderno sveučilište se suočava s novim metodološkim i tehnološkim izazovima u obrazovnom procesu. Moramo li prihvatiti antropološka istraživanja M. Wescha o novom »internetskom« čovjeku, koji ne samo da ima drugačije putove prema znanju, nego također znanje drugačije definira? Rasprava pokazuje da sama metodološka promjena nije dovoljna; umjesto toga trebamo ponovno procijeniti znanje kao i ulogu studenta i profesora. Jedno od rješenja je nova zajednica profesora i studenata nošena imaginacijom, gdje je suradnja način rada i života., La connaissance est devenue une ressource que la société moderne souhaite de plus en plus exploiter sur le marché de la compétitivité. L’une des premières exigences figurant sur la liste d’évaluation est l’utilité et la compétitivité du profil des diplômés sur le marché du travail. Le processus de Bologne, qui visait à rendre l’université moderne capable de préparer l’étudiant moderne à entrer sur le marché du travail, n’a pas, d’après l’avis de beaucoup de chercheurs, atteint cet objectif. Malgré davantage de moyens investis dans l’enseignement supérieur, la société de la connaissance est de plus en plus hors de portée. En outre, l’université moderne est confrontée à de nouveaux défis méthodologiques et technologiques dans le processus d’enseignement. Doit-on reconnaître la recherche anthropologique de M. Wesch sur le nouvel homme de l’« internet » lequel non seulement emprunte un chemin différent vers la connaissance, mais définit également cette connaissance d’une manière différente ? La discussion montre que le changement méthodologique n’est pas suffisant ; nous avons plutôt besoin de réévaluer aussi bien la connaissance que les rôles de l’étudiant et de l’enseignant. L’une des solutions réside dans une nouvelle communauté d’enseignants et d’universitaires, portée par l’imagination, dont le mode de travail et de vie est la coopération., Das Wissen hat sich zur Ressource verwandelt, welche seitens der modernen Gesellschaft auf dem Konkurrenzmarkt zunehmend ausgebeutet wird. Eine der ersten Voraussetzungen auf der Bewertungsliste ist die Nützlichkeit und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Graduiertenprofile auf dem Arbeitskräftemarkt. Der Bologna-Prozess mit dessen Ausrichtung, einer zukunftsweisenden Universität die Befähigung des modernen Studenten für ein gelungenes Betreten des Arbeitsmarktes zu ermöglichen, hatte nach Ansicht mancherlei Gelehrter ihr Ziel verfehlt. Trotz aufgestockter Investitionsmittel im Bereich der Hochschulbildung entschwindet die Wissensgesellschaft immer deutlicher außerhalb unserer Reichweite. Fernerhin ist die zeitgenössische Universität genötigt, den jüngsten methodologischen und technologischen Herausforderungen innerhalb des Bildungsprozesses ins Auge zu sehen. Muss man den anthropologischen Erkenntnissen des. M. Wesch über den neuen „Internet-Menschen“ beistimmen, der nicht nur ungleiche Wege zum Wissen einschlägt, sondern es gleichzeitig anders definiert? Die Erörterung ergibt, dass die methodologische Herausforderung allein insuffizient ist; stattdessen müssen wir eine Neubewertung des Wissens wie auch der Rolle des Studenten und des Lehrers vornehmen. Einer der Auswege heißt die neue, durch Einbildungskraft getragene Gemeinschaft der Lehrer und Studenten, wo die Zusammenarbeit eine Arbeits- bzw. Daseinsweise darstellt.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Jovan Bazić and Ana Anđelković
- Subjects
national identity ,education ,integration ,the Bologna Process ,nacionalni identitet ,obrazovanje ,integracija ,bolonjski proces - Abstract
The aim of this paper is to consider national identity as a form of collective self-awareness and an important element of the general and humanistic education, in the educational reform based on the standards of the Bologna Process. This consideration starts from the Bologna Declaration which states that the educational reform will respect different cultures, languages and national educational systems. The question arises whether this is truly possible, knowing that the causes of this reform concept are related to the adjustment of education to the neoliberal development strategies in the world, and to the processes of globalization and European integration. Education is subjugated to the market needs and educational institutions are required to subject themselves to strict rationalization and narrow specialist professionalization. Thus, teaching is separated from the process of education and the field of culture; it diverges from the humanistic values and contents, which are crucial for the development of the individual and collective identity and the progressive role culture has in society. This paper illustrates the level of presence of relevant content in the reformed curricula of the faculties of teacher education in Belgrade and Zagreb., Predmet ovog rada je razmatranje nacionalnog identiteta, kao oblika kolektivne samosvijesti i bitnog činioca općeg i humanističkog odgoja i obrazovanja, u reformi obrazovanja prema standardima Bolonjskog procesa. Pri tome se polazi od Bolonjske deklaracije gdje je ukazano da će se u reformi obrazovanja poštovati različite kulture, jezici i nacionalni obrazovni sistemi. Koliko je to zaista moguće kada je poznato da su uzroci ovog koncepta reforme vezani za prilagođavanje obrazovanja neoliberalnoj strategiji razvoja u svijetu, procesima globalizacije i eurointegracijskih procesa. Obrazovanje se podređuje tržištu, a od obrazovnih ustanova se zahtijeva stroga racionalizacija i usko specijalistička profesionalizacija. Time se obrazovanje razdvaja od procesa odgoja i svijeta kulture, ono se rastaje od humanističkih vrijednosti i sadržaja koji su odlučujući za razvoj individualnih i kolektivnih identiteta i progresivnu ulogu kulture u društvu. U funkciji ovog rada, ilustrativno se ukazuje na zastupljenost relevantnih sadržaja u reformiranim studijskim programima učiteljskih fakulteta u Beogradu i Zagrebu.
- Published
- 2011
10. The education of social workers for the care of elderly
- Author
Čekerevac, Ana
- Subjects
education ,social work ,stručna praksa ,bolonjski proces ,social work with elderly ,socijalni rad sa starima ,obrazovanje ,Bologne process ,socijalni rad - Abstract
The author begun to explore from the point of view of social work as helping, supporting and promoting professional activity. After that she is giving the review of the history of the first schools for social work in the world. After that she presents the beginnings of education of social workers in Serbia : first, at the High School for social work, than, after that in 1973 the foundation of university education for social workers at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Belgrade university. At least she explains the latest reform of university education in this filed in adaptation with Bologne study reform in Europe. U ovoj kratkoj elaboraciji obrazovanja socijalnih radnika u Srbiji za brigu o starim licima ukazano je, pre svega, na neka značajnija gledišta o socijalnom radu kao pomažućoj, podsticajnoj i pokretačkoj delatnosti. Dat je kratak istorijat nastanka prvih škola za socijalni rad u svetu. Ukazano je na značaj Više škole za socijalne radnike u Beogradu za stvaranje i afirmaciju profesije, kao i na potrebu podizanja nivoa obrazovanja socijalnih radnika. Četvorogodišnje univerzitetsko obrazovanje socijalnih radnika u Srbiji počinje školske 1973/74. godine na Fakultetu političkih nauka u Beogradu. Od školske 2006/2007. godine studije na Smeru za socijalnu politiku i socijalni rad radikalno se menjaju.
- Published
- 2009
- Author
Slavo Kukić, Marija Čutura, and Mirela Mabić
- Subjects
students ,Bologna process ,education ,information sources ,studenti ,bolonjski proces ,obrazovanje, izvori informacija - Abstract
Provedba Bolonjskog procesa u Bosni i Hercegovini otežana je iz niza razloga, a najvažniji je svakako nepostojanje državnog Zakona o visokom obrazovanju. U BiH Zakoni o obrazovanju su svedeni na entitetsku (Republika srpska) i županijsku razinu (Federacija BiH) i ne postoji nacionalno tijelo za kontrolu i koordinaciju provedbe Bolonjskog procesa. Studentska populacija, kako u našoj zemlji, tako i u široj regiji, izravno je i dugoročno izložena promjenama koje se događaju u sklopu reforme obrazovnog sustava. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je istražiti opću razinu stavova i mišljenja studenata prema Bolonjskom procesu, potom utvrditi način na koji se informiraju o Bolonjskom procesu i jesu li optimisti kada je u pitanju reforma obrazovanja i povećanje šansi na tržištu rada., Implementation of Bologna process in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been difficult for many different reasons, and the most important one is non-existence of High Education Law on the state level. In B&H Education Laws are deduced to entity (Republic of Srpska) and cantonal (Federation of B&H) levels and national board for the control and coordination of implementation of Bologna process does not exist. Student's population in our country, as well as in whole of the region, is directly and in the long-term affected by changes, which are happening within educational reform. The main goal of this paper is to examine general level of student's opinions and their attitudes towards Bologna process. We also intent to research student’s sources of information about Bologna process and are they optimistic with regard to educational reform and enlargement of their chances on the labor market.
- Published
- 2008
- Author
Aleksandra Žmegač Horvat
- Subjects
Medicinski engleski ,promjene kurikuluma ,Bolonjski proces ,morfologija medicinskih termina ,usvajanje vokabulara na razini prepoznavanja i produkcije ,education ,Medical English ,curricular changes ,Bologna process ,morphology of medical terms ,vocabulary acquisition at the levels of recognition and production - Abstract
Aim. To compare the impact of the introductory part of the Medical English course at the University of Zagreb Medical School in three different student groups, in view of the recent curricular changes concerning the Bologna process. Method. In the academic year 2005/06, three student groups (students of The Medical Studies in English program, regular first- and second-year students) took the same course concerning the basics of the morphology of medical terms. At the beginning and at the end of the course, each group was given the same questionnaire testing vocabulary at the levels of recognition and production. The difference between the results obtained at the outset and upon the completion of the course expressed the extent of vocabulary acquisition, calculated for each term and as mean values for each group separately. Results. In the vertical, recognition vs production, comparison of results, all groups attained higher percentages in the recognition part of the questionnaire. Horizontally, the best results in both parts were achieved by the Medical Studies in English (MSE) group. Concerning the regular first- and second-year groups, the former did markedly better in the recognition part, while the difference in the production part was only slightly in their favor. Conclusion. The considerably better results attained by the MSE group are probably due to the chronologically concentrated teaching and evaluation of the course, as well as to the students’ high motivation. Regarding the first and second-year groups, it was shown that the course impact was definitely greater for the first-year group, a result that supports the current changes in the curriculum concerning the Medical English course and serves as a hopeful pointer to our future efforts in that direction., Cilj: Usporediti učinak uvodnoga dijela kolegija Medicinski engleski u trima različitim skupinama studenata Medicinskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, posebice s obzirom na promjene u kurikulumu uvedene radi usklađivanja sa zahtjevima Bolonjskoga procesa. Metoda: U ak. god. 2005./06. uvodni dio kolegija Medicinski engleski koji se bavi morfologijom medicinskih termina slušale su tri skupine studenata (studenti programa Studija medicine na engleskom, te redoviti studenti 1. i 2. godine). Na početku i kraju kolegija svaka je skupina popunila isti upitnik, test vokabulara na razinama prepoznavanja i produkcije. Razlika postignutih rezultata, izražena u postotcima za svaki pojedinačni termin, te kao ukupna srednja vrijednost za svaku skupinu posebno, pokazatelj je usvojenoga vokabulara. Rezultati: Vertikalnom (prepoznavanje vs-produkcija) usporedbom rezultata razvidno je da su sve skupine postigle bolji rezultat u prvom dijelu upitnika kojim se testiralo prepoznavanje termina. Horizontalna usporedba pokazuje da je najbolji rezultat u oba dijela testa postigla skupina Studija medicine na engleskom; od redovitih je studenata skupina 1. godine postigla znatno bolje rezultate u prvom dijelu testa (prepoznavanje), dok je u drugom dijelu (produkcija) razlika u njihovu korist bila tek neznatna. Zaključak: Značajno bolji ukupan rezultat skupine studenata Studija medicine na engleskom vjerojatno se može objasniti činjenicom da oni kolegij slušaju vremenski koncentrirano, u bloku koji uključuje i samu evaluaciju, te njihovom visokom motiviranošću. Što se tiče skupina 1. i 2. godine, rezultati upućuju na to da je učinak nastave veći na prvoj godini, što je činjenica koja ide u prilog tekućim promjenama kurikuluma te može biti smjernicom za naš budući rad.
- Published
- 2006
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