In this paper we analyze the dynamics shown by the neoclassical one-sector growth model with differential savings as in Bohm and Kaas [J. Econom. Dynam. Control, 24 (2000), pp. 965--980] while assuming a sigmoidal production function as in [V. Capasso, R. Engbers, and D. La Torre, Nonlinear Anal., 11 (2010), pp. 3858--3876] and the labor force dynamics described by the Beverton--Holt equation (see [R. J. H. Beverton and S. J. Holt, Fishery Invest., 19 (1957), pp. 1--533]). We prove that complex features are exhibited, related both to the structure of the coexisting attractors (which can be periodic or chaotic) and to their basins (which can be simple or nonconnected). In particular we show that complexity emerges if the elasticity of substitution between production factors is low enough and shareholders save more than workers, confirming the results obtained with concave production functions. Anyway, in contrast to previous studies, the use of the S-shaped production function implies the existence of a poverty trap: by performing a global analysis we study the properties of the regions generating trajectories converging to it. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]