Svaka umjetnost ima ulogu otkrivanja čovjekova identiteta. Likovna je umjetnost ona s kojom dolazimo u kontakt od najranijih godina naših života. Isto tako možemo reći da je za ovu umjetnost dovoljna samo mašta odnosno misao. Likovni rad možemo stvoriti u svojim mislima bez papira, bez kista, bez boja, bez trajanja, ona jednostavno nastane. To je umjetnost koja ne traži mnogo, ali istovremeno mnogo pruža. Dio te umjetnosti jesu crtačke tehnike i o njima ćemo reći nešto više u ovome radu. Uz detaljniji opis crtačkih tehnika spomenut ćemo pojam razredne nastave i likovne umjetnosti, strip, umjetnička izložba i motivacija. Sve to popratit će istraživanje provedeno s učiteljima i učiteljicama razredne nastave. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati uporabu crtačkih tehnika u razrednoj nastavi. Mjerni instrument korišten za prikupljanje podataka u ovome istraživanju je anketa koja je potpuno anonimna te sudjelovanje u istoj nije obvezujuće. U anketi su se učitelji i učiteljice razredne nastave trebali izjasniti koliko su upoznati s crtačkim tehnikama te koje su crtačke tehnike koristili i koje rado koriste na nastavi likovne kulture, koja je crtačka tehnika najzastupljenija u njihovu radu ovisno o razredu kojemu predaju, koju crtačku tehniku smatraju učenicima najlakšom za rad, koju najzanimljivijom, a koju učenici najpravilnije koriste, za koji crtačku tehniku smatraju da bi njihovi učenici odabrali (prema razredima pohađanja), kojom su se crtačkom tehnikom najčešće koristili za vrijeme online nastave te kojim se motivom pri radu najčešće služe. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako je u 1. razredu (66,7%) i 2. razredu (43,3%) flomaster najzastupljenija crtačka tehnika dok je crtačka tehnika tuš najzastupljenija u 3. razredu (40%) i 4. razredu (46,7%). Istraživanje je također pokazalo kako bi učenici za rad u 1. razredu (70%) i 2. razredu (46,7%) odabrali flomaster. Za 3. razred učenicima bi to bila crtačka tehnika ugljen (21,7%), a za 4. razred tuš (28,3%). Every art has the role of discovering a human identity. Fine art is the one we come in contact with from the earliest years of our lives. We can also say that, for this art it is enough to have only imagination, in other words only a thought. We can create a work of art in our thoughts without paper, brushes, paint or time spent, it simply arises. It is an art that does not ask for much, but at the same time provides a lot. Part of that art are drawing techniques which we will say more about in this paper. In addition to a more detailed description of drawing techniques, we will mention the concept of classroom teaching and fine arts, comics, art exhibition and motivation. All this will be accompanied by research conducted with primary school teachers. The aim of the research was to examine the use of drawing techniques in classroom teaching. The measuring instrument used to collect data in this research is an anonymous survey with participation being non-mandatory. In the survey, primary school teachers were asked to state how familiar they are with drawing techniques, which drawing techniques have they used and which they gladly use in teaching art culture, which drawing technique is most prevalent in their work depending on the class they teach, which drawing technique do they consider the easiest for students to work with, which is the most interesting and which is most correctly used by students, which drawing technique they think their students would choose (according to the classes they attend), which drawing technique was most commonly used during online classes and which motive is most used in work. The results of the research showed that the felt-tip pen is the most common drawing technique in the first (66,7%) and second (43,3%) grade while indian ink is the most common drawing technique in the third (40%) and fourth (46,7%) grade. The research also showed that students would choose a felt-tip pen to work with in first (70%) and second (46.7%) grade. For third grade students it was drawing technique charcoal (21,7%) and for fourth grade students it was indian ink (28,3%).