Walter, Jean-Charles, Lepage, Thibaut, Dorignac, Jérôme, Geniet, Frédéric, Parmeggiani, Andrea, Palmeri, John, Bouet, Jean-Yves, and Junier, Ivan
ParABS, the most widespread bacterial DNA segregation system, is composed of a centromeric sequence, parS, and two proteins, the ParA ATPase and the ParB DNA binding proteins. Hundreds of ParB proteins assemble dynamically to form nucleoprotein parS-anchored complexes that serve as substrates for ParA molecules to catalyze positioning and segregation events. The exact nature of this ParBS complex has remained elusive, what we address here by revisiting the Stochastic Binding model (SBM) introduced to explain the non-specific binding profile of ParB in the vicinity of parS. In the SBM, DNA loops stochastically bring loci inside a sharp cluster of ParB. However, previous SBM versions did not include the negative supercoiling of bacterial DNA, leading to use unphysically small DNA persistences to explain the ParB binding profiles. In addition, recent super-resolution microscopy experiments have revealed a ParB cluster that is significantly smaller than previous estimations and suggest that it results from a liquid-liquid like phase separation. Here, by simulating the folding of long (≥ 30 kb) supercoiled DNA molecules calibrated with realistic DNA parameters and by considering different possibilities for the physics of the ParB cluster assembly, we show that the SBM can quantitatively explain the ChIP-seq ParB binding profiles without any fitting parameter, aside from the supercoiling density of DNA, which, remarkably, is in accord with independent measurements. We also predict that ParB assembly results from a non-equilibrium, stationary balance between an influx of produced proteins and an outflux of excess proteins, i.e., ParB clusters behave like liquid-like protein condensates with unconventional "leaky" boundaries. Author summary: In bacteria, faithful genome inheritance requires the two replicated DNA molecules to be segregated at the opposite halves of the cell. ParABS, the most widespread bacterial DNA segregation system, is composed of a centromere sequence, parS, and two proteins, the ParA ATPase and the ParB DNA binding protein. Hundreds of ParB assemble dynamically to form clusters around parS, which then serve as substrates for ParA molecules to catalyze the positioning and segregation events. The nature of these clusters and their interaction with DNA have remained elusive. Here, we propose a realistic minimal model that captures quantitatively the peculiar DNA binding profile of ParB in the vicinity of parS in Escherichia coli. From the viewpoint of DNA, the only fitting parameter is the in vivo supercoiling density resulting from the removal of DNA helices by toposiomerases, which is in accord with previous independent estimations. From the viewpoint of ParB clusters, we predict that they behave like liquid-like protein condensates with unconventional boundaries. Namely, we predict boundaries to be leaky (i.e. not sharp) as a result of the non-equilibrium protein production and dilution. Altogether, our work provides novel insights into bacterial DNA organization and intracellular liquid-liquid phase separation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]