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2,836 results

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251. On bases in Banach spaces

252. Wild and Wooley Numbers

253. A counterexample to a compact embedding theorem for functions with values in a Hilbert space

254. Bifurcations of Steiner Tree Topologies in the Plane

255. The convexity of the function y = E(x) defined by xy = yx

256. Constructions of K-g-Frames and Tight K-g-Frames in Hilbert Spaces

257. Lagrange multiplier characterizations of constrained best approximation with nonsmooth nonconvex constraints

258. Arithmetic functions and the Cauchy product

259. Domatically full Cartesian product graphs

260. When is the Fourier transform of an elementary function elementary?

261. The index of a critical point for nonlinear elliptic operators with strong coefficient growth

262. Toroidal varieties and the weak Factorization Theorem

263. Polynomial Analogue of Gandy’s Fixed Point Theorem

264. A Combinatorial Approach to the Generalized Central Factorial Numbers

265. Bounded operators and isomorphisms of Cartesian products of Fréchet spaces

266. Classifying PL 5-manifolds by regular genus: the boundary case

267. On the index and dilations of completely positive semigroups


269. A randomized fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the all terminal network reliability problem

270. Uniqueness of Coxeter structures on Kac–Moody algebras

271. On Bounds for Probabilities of Combinations of Events, the Jordan Formula, and the Bonferroni Inequalities

272. Poisson Approximation for Call Function via Stein–Chen Method

273. On a pair of Ramanujan’s modular equations and P - Q theta functions of level 35

274. Dirac's Condition for Spanning Halin Subgraphs

275. Self-Predicting Boolean Functions

276. Realizations and Factorizations of Positive Definite Kernels

277. The Gauss-Green theorem for fractal boundaries

278. Sample numbers and optimal Lagrange interpolation in Sobolev spaces

279. Number of Hamiltonian cycles in planar triangulations

280. Extremal traceable graphs with non-traceable edges

281. Some large deviations principles for time-changed Gaussian processes

282. Distance Fibonacci Polynomials

283. Polynomial values of sums of hyperbolic binomial coefficients

284. Tight gaps in the cycle spectrum of 3-connected planar graphs

285. Protection of graphs with emphasis on Cartesian product graphs

286. [Untitled]

287. Some Upper Bounds for the Davis–Wielandt Radius of Hilbert Space Operators

288. Hybrid Methods for a Countable Family of G-Nonexpansive Mappings in Hilbert Spaces Endowed with Graphs

289. Distance sets over arbitrary finite fields


291. Opposite Elements in Clutters

292. A new combinatorial representation of the additive coalescent

293. Multiple drawing multi-colour urns by stochastic approximation

294. Approximation with arbitrary order by certain linear positive operators

295. A Note on Rényi's ‘Record’ Problem and Engel's Series

296. On G-graphs of certain finite groups

297. Ramanujan coverings of graphs

298. Hamiltonian properties on a class of circulant interconnection networks

299. Constant Congestion Routing of Symmetric Demands in Planar Directed Graphs

300. Characterization of Cycle Obstruction Sets for Improper Coloring Planar Graphs