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1. Corrections to the paper 'The boundedness of certain sublinear operator in the weighted variable Lebesgue spaces'

2. Notes on Perelman’s papers

3. A weak 2-weight problem for the Poisson-Hermite semigroup

4. A localization method in Hamiltonian graph theory

5. Orbits of bounded bijective operators and Gabor frames

6. An effective Chebotarev density theorem for families of number fields, with an application to $$\ell $$-torsion in class groups

7. SIR epidemics and vaccination on random graphs with clustering

8. Equiangular tight frames from group divisible designs

9. Representations of the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process as a mixture of Markov processes on $\mathbb {Z}^{d}$ and infinite trees

10. Guarantees for the Kronecker Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform Using a Coherence and Sampling Argument

11. The lattices of invariant subspaces of a class of operators on the Hardy space

12. Sparse solution of the Lyapunov equation for large-scale interconnected systems

13. Computing intersections of closed geodesics on the modular curve

14. A Practical Guide to the Recovery of Wavelet Coefficients from Fourier Measurements

15. Facial unique-maximum colorings of plane graphs with restriction on big vertices

16. Dynkin games with Poisson random intervention times

17. Riordan graphs I: Structural properties

18. On Ahlfors–David regular weighted bounds for the extension operator associated to the circle

19. Theb-adic tent transformation for quasi-Monte Carlo integration using digital nets

20. Numerical integration in log-Korobov and log-cosine spaces

21. On the tractability of some natural packing, covering and partitioning problems

22. Commutativity up to a factor for bounded and unbounded operators

23. Mixing Time of Random Walk on Poisson Geometry Small World

24. Fast inverse nonlinear Fourier transformation using exponential one-step methods: Darboux transformation

25. A Gauss–Kuzmin-type problem for a family of continued fraction expansions

26. Weighted local Orlicz-Hardy spaces on domains and their applications in inhomogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann problems

27. The total bondage number of grid graphs

28. On a memory game and preferential attachment graphs

29. The semaphore codes attached to a Turing machine via resets and their various limits

30. The Fourier Transform of Poisson Multinomial Distributions and its Algorithmic Applications

31. Single annulus estimates for the variation-norm Hilbert transforms along Lipschitz vector fields

32. Variational approximation of functionals defined on 1-dimensional connected sets: the planar case

33. Hook formulas for skew shapes II. Combinatorial proofs and enumerative applications

34. Series Representation of Power Function

35. Orlicz-Hardy spaces associated with divergence operators on unbounded strongly Lipschitz domains of $\mathbb{R}^n$

36. On $P$-adic Ising-Vannimenus model on an arbitrary order Cayley tree

37. Algebraic groups over the field with one element

38. Boxicity and Poset Dimension

39. The semiclassical Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: A general approach

40. A Hecke correspondence theorem for automorphic integrals with symmetric rational period functions on the Hecke groups

41. Isomorphism Classes of Certain Artinian Gorenstein Algebras

42. Partial cubes: structures, characterizations, and constructions

43. Configuration types and cubic surfaces

44. Large transitive models in local {\rm ZFC}

45. New Deformations of Group Algebras of Coxeter Groups, II

46. Multivariable backward-shift-invariant subspaces and observability operators

47. The Chaotic Representation Property of Compensated-Covariation Stable Families of Martingales

48. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit under the Restricted Isometry Property

49. A Hybridized Formulation for the Weak Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Method

50. Elementary Bounds On Mixing Times for Decomposable Markov Chains