
Showing total 61 results
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1. The lattices of invariant subspaces of a class of operators on the Hardy space

2. Isomorphism Classes of Certain Artinian Gorenstein Algebras

3. On the Conley decomposition of Mather sets

4. Computing Zeta Functions of Nondegenerate Curves

5. Alcove path and Nichols-Woronowicz model of the equivariant K-theory of generalized flag varieties

6. Intersection numbers of Heegner divisors on Shimura curves

7. Toroidal varieties and the weak Factorization Theorem

8. On the index and dilations of completely positive semigroups

9. Uniqueness of Coxeter structures on Kac–Moody algebras

10. The structure of the inverse system of Gorenstein k-algebras

11. Nonabelian Poincaré duality after stabilizing

12. On surgery curves for genus-one slice knots

13. Relatively projective groups as absolute Galois groups

14. On the stack of semistable G-bundles over an elliptic curve

15. Formal deformations of Poisson structures in low dimensions

16. Constructible sheaves and the Fukaya category

17. A duality between string topology and the fusion product in equivariant K-theory

18. Minimal faithful modules over Artinian rings

19. Fourier Series and Twisted C*-Crossed Products

20. Generalizations of a cotangent sum associated to the Estermann zeta function

21. Galois theory for Hopf algebroids

22. Galois structure of Zariski cohomology for weakly ramified covers of curves

23. Bounds on the normal Hilbert coefficients

24. On the Spectrum of weighted Laplacian operator and its application to uniqueness of K\'ahler Einstein metrics

25. Fourier transforms, generic vanishing theorems and polarizations of abelian varieties

26. The Levy-Steinitz rearrangement theorem for duals of metrizable spaces

27. The Euler Characteristic of Discrete Groups and Yuzvinskii's Entropy Addition Formula

28. Operators That Attain their Minima

29. An integral representation, some inequalities, and complete monotonicity of Bernoulli numbers of the second kind

30. On the Weak Lefschetz Property for Hilbert functions of almost complete intersections

31. Irreducible values of polynomials

32. Burkholder inequalities for submartingales, Bessel processes and conformal martingales

33. Characterization of Banach valued BMO functions and UMD Banach spaces by using Bessel convolutions

34. The Golod-Shafarevich inequality for Hilbert series of quadratic algebras and the Anick conjecture

35. The radial masa in a free group factor is maximal injective

36. Semigroups of finite-dimensional random projections

37. Affine Weyl Groups in K-Theory and Representation Theory

38. Free biholomorphic classification of noncommutative domains

39. Uniqueness for a Stochastic Inviscid Dyadic Model

40. Homogenization of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in Lipschitz Domains

41. Supports of irreducible spherical representations of rational Cherednik algebras of finite Coxeter groups

42. Differential operators and Cherednik algebras

43. String topology on Gorenstein spaces

44. Weakly exact von Neumann algebras

45. Equivariant orbifold structures on the projective line and integrable hierarchies

46. Realization of minimal C*-dynamical systems in terms of Cuntz-Pimsner algebras

47. Construction of maximal unramified p-extensions with prescribed Galois groups

48. Classification of all Jacobian elliptic fibrations on certain K3 surfaces

49. Type and cotype of operator spaces

50. Endomorphisms of Deligne-Lusztig varieties