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1. An effective Chebotarev density theorem for families of number fields, with an application to $$\ell $$-torsion in class groups

2. A Probabilistic Approach to Generalized Zeckendorf Decompositions

3. Convolution Sums of Some Functions on Divisors

4. Computing Zeta Functions of Nondegenerate Curves

5. Intersection numbers of Heegner divisors on Shimura curves

6. Wild and Wooley Numbers

7. Approximation properties of -expansions II

8. From Ramanujan Graphs to Ramanujan Complexes

9. Fermat test with Gaussian base and Gaussian pseudoprimes

10. The n-point correlation of quadratic forms

11. Relatively projective groups as absolute Galois groups

12. Diffraction intensities of a class of binary Pisot substitutions via exponential sums

13. Diophantine Approximation and Automorphic Spectrum

14. New families of weighted sum formulas for multiple zeta values

15. Transcendence measures and algebraic growth of entire functions

16. Point Counting in Families of Hyperelliptic Curves in Characteristic 2

17. Pell Numbers whose Euler Function is a Pell Number

18. On multiplicatively independent bases in cyclotomic number fields


20. Sup-norm bounds for Eisenstein series

21. Generalizations of a cotangent sum associated to the Estermann zeta function

22. Linear equations with unknowns from a multiplicative group whose solutions lie in a small number of subspaces


24. Galois structure of Zariski cohomology for weakly ramified covers of curves

25. Derandomizing restricted isometries via the Legendre symbol

26. An integral representation, some inequalities, and complete monotonicity of Bernoulli numbers of the second kind

27. Ramanujan Complexes and High Dimensional Expanders

28. Product set phenomena for countable groups

29. Error term improvements for van der Corput transforms

30. On a question of A. Schinzel: Omega estimates for a special type of arithmetic functions

31. Irreducible values of polynomials

32. p-Groups have unbounded realization multiplicity

33. Odd Multiperfect Numbers

34. Vinogradov's mean value theorem via efficient congruencing, II

35. On Primes Represented by Cubic Polynomials

36. Integer Matrix Exact Covering Systems and Product Identities for Theta Functions

37. Special L-values of geometric motives

38. Quadratic Reciprocity and the Sign of the Gauss Sum via the Finite Weil Representation

39. Small gaps between almost primes, the parity problem, and some conjectures of Erdos on consecutive integers

40. Capitulation, ambiguous classes and the cohomology of the units

41. Construction of maximal unramified p-extensions with prescribed Galois groups

42. Integers without divisors from a fixed arithmetic progression

43. On the complexity of algebraic numbers II. Continued fractions

44. The Gaussian primes contain arbitrarily shaped constellations

45. Belyi-extending maps and the Galois action on dessins d'enfants

46. Galois representations with conjectural connections to arithmetic cohomology

47. The Ramanujan property for regular cubical complexes

48. New Weighted Rogers-Ramanujan Partition Theorems and their Implications

49. Toric modular forms and nonvanishing of L-functions