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50 results

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1. Low‐value wound care: Are nurses and physicians choosing wisely? A mixed methods study.

2. Measurement properties of the Arm Function in Multiple Sclerosis Questionnaire (AMSQ): a study based on Classical Test Theory.

3. Using 360‐degree videos in teacher education to improve preservice teachers' professional interpersonal vision.

4. Priorities and preferences for care of people with multiple chronic conditions.

5. The effects of At Home in the Street (TOS): results of a Dutch community intervention in a four-year study.

6. Design and Cohort Characteristics of the Social Spectrum Study: A Multicenter Study of the Autism Spectrum Among Clinically Referred Children.

7. Loneliness and the exchange of social support among older adults in Spain and the Netherlands.

8. The association between frailty and the risk of medication‐related problems among community‐dwelling older adults in Europe.

9. Implementation of a patient‐reported experience measure in a Dutch disability care organization: A process evaluation of cocreated tailored strategies.

10. On the receptivity of employees to just-in-time self-tracking and eCoaching for stress management: a mixed-methods approach.

11. Managing oneself or managing together? Parents' perspectives on chronic condition self-management in Dutch pediatric rehabilitation services.

12. Tinkering and overruling the computer decision support system: Working strategies of telephone triage nurses who assess the urgency of callers suspected of having an acute cardiac event.

13. Differences between homeless women and men before and after the transition from shelter to community living: A longitudinal analysis.

14. Subgroups of Dutch homeless young adults based on risk‐ and protective factors for quality of life: Results of a latent class analysis.

15. Current Practice “Constraints” in the Uptake and Use of Intensive Upper Extremity Training: A Canadian Perspective.

16. Feasibility of a multidisciplinary intervention to help cancer patients return to work.

17. Views of general practice staff about the use of a patient-oriented treatment decision aid in shared decision making for patients with type 2 diabetes: A mixed-methods study.

18. Psychometric evaluation of the Signs of Depression Scale with a revised scoring mechanism in stroke patients with communicative impairment.

19. The Research Priorities of People with Visual Impairments in the Netherlands.

20. Decision-making in social contexts in youth with ADHD.

21. Eliciting Preferences of Multimorbid Elderly Adults in Family Practice Using an Outcome Prioritization Tool.

22. Factors associated with psychiatric symptoms and psychiatric disorders in ethnic minority youth.

23. The perceived functional benefit of dynamic arm supports in daily life.

24. Substance use among Dutch homeless people, a follow-up study: prevalence, pattern and housing status.

25. White matter microstructure and developmental improvement of hyperactive/impulsive symptoms in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

26. The ideal neighbourhood for ageing in place as perceived by frail and non-frail community-dwelling older people.

27. The role of life events and psychological factors in the onset of first and recurrent mood episodes in bipolar offspring: results from the Dutch Bipolar Offspring Study.

28. Lower white matter microstructure in the superior longitudinal fasciculus is associated with increased response time variability in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

29. The role of nurses/social workers in using a multidimensional guideline for diagnosis of anxiety and challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disabilities.

30. New Interview and Observation Measures of the Broader Autism Phenotype: Group Differentiation.

31. Internet-based guided self-help intervention for chronic pain based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A randomized controlled trial.

32. Cardiac Reactivity and Stimulant Use in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders with Comorbid ADHD Versus ADHD.

33. Comorbid Disorders and Sociodemographic Variables in Temporomandibular Pain in the General Dutch Population.

34. Classes of oppositional-defiant behavior: concurrent and predictive validity.

35. Targeting cancer patients’ quality of life through social comparison: A randomised trial.

36. General practitioners’ perspectives on the avoidability of hospitalizations at the end of life: A mixed-method study.

37. Longitudinal changes and seasonal variations in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in different age groups: results of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam.

38. The Berkeley Puppet Interview: A Screening Instrument for Measuring Psychopathology in Young Children.

39. Three-year low-dose menaquinone-7 supplementation helps decrease bone loss in healthy postmenopausal women.

40. Do patients trust their physician? The role of attachment style in the patient-physician relationship within one year after a cancer diagnosis.

41. Coping and chronic psychosocial consequences of female genital mutilation in the Netherlands.

42. A validation study of the Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ) in insurance medicine.

43. Use of assistive technology in cognitive rehabilitation: Exploratory studies of the opinions and expectations of healthcare professionals and potential users.

44. Perceived discrimination outside health care settings and health care utilization of Turkish and Moroccan GP patients in the Netherlands.

45. Gaming supports youth with acquired brain injury? A pilot study.

46. Securing the Downside Up: Client and Care Factors Associated with Outcomes of Secure Residential Youth Care.

47. A Participatory Return-to-Work Program for Temporary Agency Workers and Unemployed Workers Sick-Listed Due to Musculoskeletal Disorders: a Process Evaluation Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial.

48. Auditory hallucinations in childhood: associations with adversity and delusional ideation.

49. The effectiveness of Nurse Practitioners working at a GP cooperative: a study protocol.

50. Value conflicts in mothers' snack choice for their 2‐ to 7‐year‐old children.