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606 results

Search Results

1. The efficacy of appropriate paper-based technology for Kenyan children with cerebral palsy.

2. A community health worker led approach to cardiovascular disease prevention in the UK--SPICES-Sussex (scaling-up packages of interventions for cardiovascular disease prevention in selected sites in Europe and Sub-saharan Africa): an implementation research project

3. Nurse‐led self‐management education and support programme on self‐management behaviour and quality of life among adults with type 2 diabetes: A pilot randomized controlled trial.

4. SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in a Berlin Kindergarten Environment: A Cross-Sectional Study, September 2021.

5. The effect of solution‐focussed education and counselling on problematic internet usage, sleep quality and school achievement: A randomized controlled trial.

6. Participant and workplace champion experiences of an intervention designed to reduce sitting time in desk-based workers: SMART work & life.

7. Former NCAA Division I athletes' perceptions of intervention components to improve post-sport physical activity.

8. A qualitative study on the needs of visually impaired users in Brazil for smart home interactive technologies.

9. Assessment of minority language skills in English–Irish‐speaking bilingual children: A survey of SLT perspectives and current practices.

10. Intercultural competence development through a tele‐collaborative project supported by speech‐enabled corrective feedback technology.

11. Benefits of Hearing Voices Groups & Other Self-Help Groups for Voice Hearers: A Systematic Review.

12. Barriers and facilitators: Clinicians' opinions and experiences of telehealth before and after their use of a telehealth platform for child language assessment.

13. Communicative participation outcomes in individuals with Parkinson's disease receiving standard care speech‐language therapy services in community settings.

14. Do perceived inequalities in safe water access manifest in collective action? Evidence from urban Ghana.

15. The prevalence and intensity of pain in older people living in retirement villages in Auckland, New Zealand.

16. Experience of parents of preschool children in Hawaii during the COVID-19 pandemic.

17. Challenges in Conducting Sexual Health and Violence Research in Older Adults Beyond the General Data Protection Regulation: A Belgian Case Study.

18. Psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire on Long‐Term Catheter Quality of Life.

19. End‐of‐life care needs for noncancer patients who want to die at home in South Korea.

20. National origins, social context, timing of migration and the physical and mental health of Caribbeans living in and outside of Canada.

21. The effects of an augmented reality based magnetic experimental tool on students' knowledge improvement and cognitive load.

22. Participation in a randomised controlled trial for older adults with osteoarthritis in Portugal: Analysis of the acceptance factors.

23. Nurses role, importance and status in Armenia: A mixed method study.

24. Development and validation of a method to screen for co-morbid depression by non-behavioral health practitioners treating musculoskeletal pain.

25. 'Everyday Advocates' for Inclusive Care? Perspectives on Enhancing the Provision of Long-Term Care Services for Older Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults in Wales.

26. Influence of lifestyle on suboptimal health: Insights from a national cross-sectional survey in China.

27. Assessments of Functional Cognition Used with Patients following Traumatic Brain Injury in Acute Care: A Survey of Australian Occupational Therapists.

28. From poverty to poor health: Analysis of socio-economic pathways influencing health status in rural households of Ghana.

29. Correlates of injecting paraphernalia sharing among male drug injectors in Kermanshah, Iran: implications for HCV prevention.

30. Masculine gender norms, male circumcision, and men's engagement with health care in the Dominican Republic.

31. Perceived inequalities in care and support for older women from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds in Wales: findings from a survey exploring dignity from service providers' perspectives.

32. Perceptions of Clinical Academics and People With Parkinson's Disease on Delivery of Regional Interdisciplinary Model of Care: Qualitative Descriptive Study.

33. Work–family enrichment among parent nurses: a cross-sectional scale development and validation study.

34. Use and perception of risk: traditional medicines of Pakistani immigrants in Norway.

35. Descriptive Study on the Relationship between Dyspnea, Physical Performance, and Functionality in Oncology Patients.

36. 'It's Just Not Working', a Qualitative Exploration of the Weight‐Related Healthcare Experiences of Individuals of Arab Heritage With Higher Weight in Australia.

37. Toward a Contextually Sensitive Understanding of Polyvictimization: A Latent Class Analysis of Violence, Risks, and Protections Among South African Adolescents From Highly Deprived Settings.

38. To appreciate the influence of contributed determinants on dental care utilization in the context of socio-economic inequalities.

39. Experiences with implementing advance care planning (ACP-GP) in Belgian general practice in the context of a cluster RCT: a process evaluation using the RE-AIM framework.

40. Factors Associated With Physical Inactivity of Recipients of a Kidney Transplant: Results From the ADHERE BRAZIL Multicenter Study.

41. 'When I die, let me be the last.' Community health worker perspectives on past Ebola and Marburg outbreaks in Uganda.

42. Project GOLD: A pilot randomized controlled trial of a novel psychoeducational HIV/STI prevention intervention for heterosexually‐active black youth.

43. Self-directed community services for older Australians: a stepped capacity-building approach.

44. Does Student Loan Debt Structure Young People's Housing Tenure? Evidence from England.

45. Headache prevalence and demographic associations in the Delhi and National Capital Region of India: estimates from a cross-sectional nationwide population-based study.

46. Signs of front‐line healthcare professionals' information anxiety during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Grounded theory study in a Wuhan hospital.

47. Nurses' views and experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

48. Initial Validation of a Patient-Reported Compassion Measure in a Mandarin-Speaking Long-Term Care Patient Population.

49. Path Model of Reality Gap on the Mental Health of Novice School Nurses in Japan.

50. Impact of cash transfer programs on healthcare utilization and catastrophic health expenditures in rural Zambia: a cluster randomized controlled trial.