29 results on '"krizno komuniciranje"'
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- Author
Markotić, I., Mihaljević, B., and Rendulić, V.
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
3. Krizni menadžment u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj
- Author
Kedačić-Buzina, Katarina and Klarin, Tomislav
- Subjects
krizni menadžment ,crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,crisis situations in educational institutions ,krizne situacije u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama ,kriza ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics ,crisis management ,crisis communication ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija - Abstract
U ovom radu prikazana je analiza postojećih teorija i modela postupanja u uvjetima krize u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u svijetu i Republici Hrvatskoj. Također su prikazani rezultati provedenog empirijskog istraživanja. Kvalitativnim istraživanjem putem polustrukturiranog intervjua ispitani su stavovi dionika odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova o postojanju kriznog menadžmenta i kriznog komuniciranja u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj kako bi se dobili odgovori na postavljena istraživačka pitanja. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi glavne uzroke i posljedice kriznih situacija, zatim utvrditi obilježja kao i mogućnosti i ograničenja primjene kriznog menadžmenta i kriznog komuniciranja u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja ukazuju da je sustav odgoja i obrazovanja na nacionalnoj, a samim time i na lokalnoj razini, neučinkovit u području upravljanja krizama, iako postoje određeni protokoli i pravilnici po kojima se u određenim kriznim situacijama postupa. Rezultati su pokazali da odgojno-obrazovne ustanove krizne situacije dočekaju nespremne te da uspješnost i učinkovitost ovladavanja krizom u najvećoj mjeri ovisi o vodstvu ustanove, odnosno ravnateljima. Nadalje, istraživanjem se utvrdilo da je za uspješno rješavanje krize potrebno imati osposobljenu osobu za krizne situacije, zatim, formirane timove unutar ustanova koji bi redovito uvježbavali unaprijed izrađene planove za rješavanje krize i krizno komuniciranje. Na temelju svega utvrđene su mogućnosti primjene kriznog menadžmenta i kriznog komuniciranja, ali istovremeno su utvrđena i određena ograničenja. Znanstveni doprinos istraživanja nalazi se u poticanju ravnatelja, i svih ostalih dionika, za bolje razumijevanje teme, ali i poticanju znanstvenika i stručnjaka da povećaju broj istraživanja u području kriznog menadžmenta u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj. This paper presents an analysis of existing theories and models of crisis management in educational institutions in the world and the Republic of Croatia. The results of the empirical research are also presented. Qualitative research through a semi-structured interview examined the attitudes of stakeholders of educational institutions about the existence of crisis management and crisis communication in educational institutions in the Republic of Croatia in order to get answers to the questions posed by research. The aim of the research was to determine the main causes and consequences of crisis situations, then to determine the characteristics as well as the possibilities and limitations of the application of crisis management and crisis communication in educational institutions in the Republic of Croatia. The results of the conducted research indicate that the system of education at the national, and therefore at the local level, is inefficient in the field of crisis management, although there are certain protocols and regulations by which such situations are treated. The results have shown that educational institutions are greeted with crisis situations unprepared and that the success and effectiveness of crisis management largely depends on the leadership of the institution, i.e., principals. Furthermore, the research has established that in order to successfully resolve the crisis, it is necessary to have a qualified person and formed teams for crisis situations within institutions that would regularly conduct trainings of other stakeholders for crisis resolution and crisis communication. Based on everything, the possibilities of applying crisis management and crisis communication have been determined, but at the same time certain limitations have been established. The scientific contribution of the research is to encourage principals, and all other stakeholders, to better understand the topic, but also to encourage scientists and experts to increase the number of research in the field of crisis management in educational institutions in the Republic of Croatia.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Vidačić, Tomislav, Jeličić, Anita, and Stanojević, Marija
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Boić, Vitomir, Mojsović, Nenad, and Markotić, Ivan
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Botica, Vladimir, Drglin, Tihana, and Tojčić, Ivan
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
7. Impact of Crises on Tourism Development
- Author
Švigir, Valeria and Vitasović, Aljoša
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Trade and Tourism ,crisis in tourism ,krize ,turizam ,terrorism ,terorizam ,catastrophes ,crises ,krizni menadžment ,mračni turizam ,krizno komuniciranje ,tourism ,crisis management ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Trgovina i turizam ,kriza u turizmu ,crisis communication ,dark tourism ,katastrofe - Abstract
U suvremenom svijetu krize predstavljaju jednu od najčešćih pojava koje donose brojne izazove i gubitke na gospodarskoj, društvenoj i ekološkoj razini. Pojavljuju se kroz razne oblike poput ekoloških, društvenih/politčkih, tehnoloških, ekonomskih, ekološki-ljudski induciranih događaja te događaja povezanih sa zdravljem. Turizam je jedna od prosperitetnih djelatnosti današnjice čiji je progres vidljiv u posljednja dva desetljeća. Poslovanje u turizmu osjetljive je prirode i izloženo je čimbenicima poput prirodnih katastrofa, ekonomskih promjena, političkih sukoba, terorističkih napada, zdravstvenih kriza i slično. Krizni menadžment odnosno krizno upravljanje smatra se izuzetno važnom aktivnosti glede turističke industrije. Obzirom da danas postoji sve veći broj kriza i katastrofa potrebno je definirati adekvatne strategije prevencije s ciljem očuvanja turističkih djelatnosti. Isto tako velika važnost pridaje se kriznom komuniciranju glede spašavanja turizma jer omogućava adekvatno definiranje preventivnih strategija, donošenje poslovnih odluka, uspostavljanju kvalitetnih kadrova te interakciju s interesnoutjecajnih dionicima u smislu vraćanja povjerenja u turistički aranžman. Kao jedna od najpoznatijih turističkih destinacija pogođena terorističkom krizom ističe se SAD u vidu napada 11. rujna što je enormno utjecalo na cjelokupno američko društvo i gospodarstvo. S druge strane, ovakava krizna situacija postala je prilika za promicanje turizma obzirom da su se naknadno poduzeli pothvati uređenja pogođenih objekata i prenamjene u turističke svrhe. Nacionalni memorijalni muzej 11. rujna postao je jedna od najpoznatijih turističkih atrakcija mračnog turizma. Neovisno o negativnim posljedicama kriza i katastrofa, postoje situacije gdje one kao takve mogu predstavljati priliku za modifikaciju turističke destinacije. In the modern world, crises are one of the most common phenomena that bring many challenges and losses at the economic, social and environmental levels. They appear through various forms such as environmental, social/political, technological, economic, eco-human induced events and health related events. Tourism is one of the prosperous activities of today whose progress is visible in the last two decades. Tourism industry is sensitive and is exposed to factors such as natural disasters, economic change, political conflicts, terrorist attacks, health crises and other. Crisis management is considered to be an extremely important activity for the tourism industry. Given that today there is an increasing number of crises and disasters, it is necessary to define adequate prevention strategies in order to preserve tourism activities. Crisis communication is equally important in terms of saving tourism because it allows adequate definition of prevention strategies, business decisions, establishing quality staff and interaction with stakeholders in terms of restoring confidence in the tourism arrangement. The United States stands out as one of the most famous tourist destinations affected by the terrorist crisis in the form of the 9/11 attacks, which had an enormous impact on the entire American society and economy. On the other hand, this crisis situation has become an opportunity to promote tourism, given that subsequent ventures have been undertaken to renovate the affected facilities and converted for tourism purposes. The National Memorial Museum of September 11 became one of the most famous tourist attractions of dark tourism. Regardless of the negative consequences of the crisis and catastrophe, there are situations where they as such can represent an opportunity to modify tourist destinations.
- Published
- 2021
8. Društveno odgovorno poslovanje u kriznim uvjetima
- Author
Hodžić, Dajana and Afrić Rakitovac, Kristina
- Subjects
društveno odgovorno poslovanje ,pandemija ,sustainable development ,ODRAZ – “Održivi razvoj zajednice” ,pandemic ,socially responsible business ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,odgovornost ,Valamar Riviera ,održivost ,sustainability ,krizni menadžment ,ODRAZ - “Sustainable community development” ,krizno komuniciranje ,COVID-19 virus ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,crisis conditions ,krizni uvjeti ,responsibility ,održivi razvoj ,crisis management ,crisis communication - Abstract
Održivi razvoj kao značajni proces promjena omogućio je nastanak alternativnih modela poslovanja koji se temelje na integriranju važnosti ekonomske, društvene i ekološke dimenzije. Danas je sve više cijenjenije poslovanje usmjereno ka održivosti i odgovornosti od strane društva iz razloga što postoji mogućnost ostvarivanja ekonomske koristi uz istovremeno unaprjeđivanje društvene zajednice i očuvanje okoliša. Stoga veliki broj poslovnih subjekata u svoju poslovnu praksu implementiraju koncept društvene odgovornosti što omogućuje jačanje konkurentske prednosti i osiguravanje dugoročnog opstanka i uspjeha. Svako pokretanje poslovanja sa sobom nosi brojne rizike time i ulazak u krizne situacije radi potencijalnih unutarnjih i vanjskih utjecaja izazvanih od strane poslovnih jedinica organizacije, načina upravljanja, mikroekonomskih i makroekonomskih kretanja, interesno-utjecajnih dionika, političkog angažmana te prirodnih katastrofa. Kao adekvatan sustav upravljanja pojavljuje se krizni menadžment kao jedna od važnijih funkcija poslovanja poduzeća. U okviru upravljanja kriznim situacijama ulaze i aktivnosti kriznog komuniciranja kojima se omogućavaju formiranje strategija pravovremenog i adekvatnog ublažavanja teujedno i suzbijanje kriznih uvjeta. Izvanredna COVID-19 pandemija uzrokovala je brojne gubitke na gospodarskom i društvenom aspektu čime je potakla dodatni angažman društvene odgovornosti. Turistička kompanija Valamar Riviera svoje je poslovanje prilagodila kriznoj situaciji te je samim time uspijela sačuvati funkcionalnost na ekonomskom, društvenom i ekološkom nivou. ODRAZ - “Održivi razvoj zajednice” kao jedna od prepoznatljivih hrvatskih društveno odgovornih organizacija uz brojne gubitke prihvatila je kriznu situaciju kao idealnu priliku za stvaranje suradnje koja će joj omogućiti nastavak poslovanja u dugoročnom razdoblju. Sustainable development as a significant process of change has enabled the emergence of alternative business models based on the integration of the importance of the economic, social and environmental dimensions. Today, more and more valued business is focused on sustainability and responsibility by society for the reason that there is the possibility of achieving economic benefits while improving the community and preserving the environment. Therefore, a large number of business entities implement the concept of social responsibility in their business practice, which enables the strengthening of competitive advantage and ensuring long-term survival and success. Every business start-up carries numerous risks and thus entering crisis situations due to potential internal and external influences caused by the removal of business units of the organization, management methods, microeconomic and macroeconomic trends, stakeholders, political engagement and natural disasters. As an adequate management system, crisis management appears as one of the most important business functions of the company. Crisis management also includes crisis communication activities that enable the formation of strategies for timely and adequate mitigation and at the same time the suppression of crisis conditions. The extraordinary COVID-19 pandemic caused numerous losses on the economic and social aspect, which encouraged additional engagement of social responsibility. The tourist company Valamar Riviera has adapted its business to the crisis situation and thus managed to preserve its functionality at the economic, social and environmental level. ODRAZ - “Sustainable Community Development” as one of the recognizable Croatian socially responsible organizations, with numerous losses, accepted the crisis situation as an ideal opportunity to create cooperation that will enable it to continue doing business in the long run.
- Published
- 2021
9. Komuniciranje sistema zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednim situacijama izazvanim elementarnim nepogodama.
- Author
Ninković, Vladimir and Kešetović, Želimir
- Abstract
Copyright of Communication & Media Journal (CM) / CM: Casopis za Upravljanje Komuniciranjem is the property of University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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10. Komunikacija u uslovima krize.
- Author
Senić, Vladimir and Senić, Radoslav
- Abstract
Copyright of Marketing (0354-3471) is the property of SEMA - Srpsko udruzenje za Marketing i Ekonomski fakultet Beograd and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Kešetović, Želimir and Mlađan, Dragan
- Subjects
MASSACRES ,CRISIS management ,CRISIS communication ,EMERGENCY communication systems ,SCHOOLS - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Preselj, Vladimir, Pakozdi, Ivan, and Skoko, Franjo
- Subjects
SOCIAL media in business ,CRISIS communication ,EMERGENCY communication systems ,CRISIS management ,COMMUNICATION models - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Meltzer, Monika and Ştefănescu, Lucrina
- Subjects
CRISIS communication ,CRISIS management ,EMERGENCY communication systems ,SOCIAL media in business ,USER-generated content ,ELECTRONIC information resources - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Galić, Matej and Banac, Tamara
- Subjects
CRISIS communication ,EMERGENCY management ,ECONOMIC impact of business enterprises ,EMERGENCY communication systems ,CRISIS management - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Tepeš, Iva, Mondekar, Helena, and Brezovnjački, Anđelko
- Subjects
CRISIS management ,CRISIS communication ,AEROSPACE industries ,COMMUNICATION - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Jugo, Damir, Barić, Maja Banovac, and Ivanda, Tomislavka
- Subjects
HAZARDS ,CRISIS management ,DISASTERS ,CRISIS communication ,PUBLIC support - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
17. Crisis communication challenges in case of terrorist attacks
- Author
Šantalab, Matija and Lesinger, Gordana
- Subjects
social media ,media ,terrorism ,terorizam ,nove tehnologije ,mediji ,krizni menadžment ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Odnosi s javnošću ,krizno komuniciranje ,crisis management ,new technologies ,društvene mreže ,crisis communication ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Public Relations - Abstract
Terorizam je jedan od najvećih globalnih problema suvremenog doba i nerijetko generator kriznih situacija. Teroristički napadi su jedna vrsta komunikacije putem nasilja. Zbog toga, u ostvarenju svojih ciljeva terorizam zahtjeva veliku pozornost medija, odnosno javnosti. Isto tako, medije privlače velike vijesti kao što su teroristički napadi. Problem nastaje zbog toga što je priroda terorizma takva da medije i samim time i krizno komuniciranje vrlo lako može okrenuti u svoju korist. Situaciju dodatno otežavaju i nove tehnologije koje su promijenile način komuniciranja i širenja vijesti. Uloga medija i novih tehnologija u kriznom komuniciranju je također velika i važna. Zbog toga krize izazvane terorističkim napadom predstavljaju poseban izazov kriznom komuniciranju. Transnacionalni karakter terorizma, njegova povezanost s medijima i tehnološki razvoj omogućuju su neki od glavnih izazova s kojima se krizno komuniciranje suočava. Terrorism is one of the biggest global problems of modern times and often a crisis generator. Terrorist attacks are a form of communication through violence. Therefore, terrorism requires a great deal of attention from the media and the public in order to achieve its goals. Likewise, the media is attracted by big news such as terrorist attacks. The problem arises because the nature of terrorism is such that the media and thus crisis communication can very easily used by terrorist in their advantage. The situation is further complicated by new technologies that have changed the way news is communicated and disseminated. The role of the media and new technologies in crisis communication is also very significant and important. Therefore, crises caused by a terrorist attack pose a particular challenge to crisis communication. The transnational character of terrorism, its connection with the media and new technologies are some of the major challenges that crisis communication faces.
- Published
- 2020
18. Strategija kao odgovor na krizu.
- Author
- Subjects
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CRISIS management , *CRISES , *CORPORATIONS , *PUBLIC institutions , *COMMUNICATION , *MANAGEMENT - Abstract
Today, crises strike corporations, political and government institutions and a plethora of organizations, as well as individuals. In this paper the authors analyze the types and the causes of crises, and strategies as crisis response. Some crises trigger off major and irreparable damage, and some can result in improved credibility (crisis as opportunity). Due to the significance of crises, today's management pays a lot of attention to crisis communication. Crises have, or at least ought to have, a strategic position in the life of organizations. Crises and crisis communication can be understood by means of using strategies as a crisis response. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
19. Analiza komunikacijskih strategija kriznog komuniciranja : Studija slučaja poduzeća u Hrvatskoj
- Author
Dujmović, Katarina and Kocijan, Kristina
- Subjects
krizni menadžment ,crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,strategije kriznog komuniciranja ,kriza ,crisis communication strategies ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Information Systems and Information Science ,crisis management ,strategije kriznog komuniciranje ,odnosi s javnošću ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Informacijski sustavi i informatologija ,crisis communication ,public relations - Abstract
Kriza je neizbježan fenomen svakoj organizaciji. Jednom kada se dogodi, ključno je imati krizni tim koji će se posvetiti rješavanju krize. Svrha ovog rada je analizirati kako komuniciraju neka od najpoznatijih hrvatskih poduzeća kada se suoče s krizom te koje strategije koriste. Korištena je metoda studije slučaja na nekim od najvećih hrvatskih tvrtki: Agrokor, Meggle i Rimac. Analiza se temeljila na Coombsovim parametrima kriznog komuniciranja. Analizirane su strategije eksternog kriznog komuniciranja te kako su ih tvrtke suočene s krizom primijenile. Ovaj je rad pokazao kako hrvatska poduzeća još uvijek nisu potpuno upućena u pravilno krizno komuniciranje s javnostima. Prostora za napredak uvijek ima, a ujedno je i to razlog zašto je fenomen krize vrlo slojevit i kompleksan. Crisis is an inevitable phenomenon in any organization. Once it occurs, it is crucial to have a crisis team dedicated to finding the crisis solution. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how some of the most famous Croatian companies communicate when faced with a crisis. The case study method was used on some of the largest Croatian companies: Agrokor, Meggle and Rimac. The analysis was based on Parameters for crisis communication written by Coombs. External crisis communication strategies were analyzed as well as how companies faced with the crisis applied them. This paper showed that Croatian companies are still not fully versed in proper crisis communication with the public. There is always room for progress, and it is also the reason why the crisis phenomenon is very layered and complex.
- Published
- 2020
20. Krizno komuniciranje v ZDA na primeru orkana Rita in orkana Harvey
- Author
Dernulovec, Tina and Vuga Beršnak, Janja
- Subjects
crisis and risk communication ,krizno komuniciranje ,crisis management ,krizno upravljanje in vodenje ,Združene države Amerike ,Hurricane Rita ,orkan Rita ,orkan Harvey ,United states of America ,Hurricane Harvey - Abstract
V diplomskem delu je obravnavana krizna komunikacija v Združenih državah Amerike na primeru orkana Rita in orkana Harvey. Orkan Rita je po Združenih držav Amerike pustošil leta 2005, orkan Harvey pa leta 2017. Na začetku dela so razloženi temeljni pojmi, kot so kriza, krizno upravljanje in vodenje in krizna komunikacija. V nadaljevanju sledi sistemska ureditev kriznega upravljanja in vodenja v Združenih državah Amerike, predstavitev sistemov kriznega upravljanja in vodenja na državni ravni ter uvrstitev kriznega komuniciranja v sistem KUV na državni ravni Združenih držav Amerike. V naslednjem poglavju se potek raziskovanja usmeri bolj specifično v krizno upravljanje in vodenje ter krizno komuniciranje v zvezni državi Teksas, kjer sta tako Rita kot Harvey pustila posledice. Krizno komuniciranje je sprva razloženo splošno za zvezno državo, kasneje pa kako poteka prenos informacij v primeru orkana. Predstavljen je splošen vpogled v zgodovinsko razumevanje kriz na področju Teksasa. V temeljnem delu je predstavljena uporabljena krizno komunikacijska tehnologija na primeru obeh orkanov ter primerjava krizne komunikacije z javnostmi, prav tako na primeru obeh orkanov. Na podlagi teh ugotovitev so v sklepnem poglavju predstavljene bistvene ugotovitve diplomskega dela, v katerem sta prav tako zapisana odgovora na zastavljeni tezi. The thesis deals with crisis communication in the United States in the case of Hurricane Rita and Hurricane Harvey. Hurricane Rita devastated the United States in 2005 and Hurricane Harvey in 2017. At the beginning of the work, basic concepts such as crisis, crisis management and crisis communication are explained. The following is a systematic arrangement of crisis management in the United States of America, a presentation of crisis management systems at the national level, and crisis communication in the crisis management system at the national level in the United States of America. In the next section, the research focuses more specifically on crisis management and crisis communication in the state of Texas, where both Rita and Harvey have left implications. Crisis communication is initially explained generally by the state and later by how information is transmitted in the event of a hurricane. A general insight into the historical understanding of Texas crises is presented. The basic part presents the crisis communication technology used in the case of both hurricanes and a comparison of crisis communication with the public, as well as the case of both hurricanes. On the basis of these findings, the final chapter presents the essential findings of the bachelor thesis, which also outlines the answers to the thesis.
- Published
- 2019
21. Pomen kriznega komuniciranja v kriznem managementu
- Author
Černe Zorko, Urška and Dubrovski, Drago
- Subjects
udc:005.931.1(043.2) ,načrt komuniciranja ,communication plan ,crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,Agrokor ,kriza ,crisis management ,krizni management ,crisis communication - Published
- 2019
22. Agrokor concern as an example of the crisis menagement
- Author
Starčević, Martina and Ružić, Vlatka
- Subjects
krizni menadžment ,crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,Agrokor ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Ekonomika poduzetništva ,kriza ,crisis management ,crisis communication ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Economics of Entrepreneurship - Abstract
Promjene su neminovne bilo da predstavljaju opasnost, rizik, kriznu situaciju ili postaju izazov i prilika za uspijeh .Izazovi modernog menedžmenta izvor su promjena s kojima se kontinuirano suočava i mogu nastupiti brzo,a neke postepeno.Prevladavanje otpora promjenama zahtijeva razmatranje i postupanje u smislu ublažavanja ili uklanjanja njegovih posljedica u poslovanju.Kompleksne i brze promjene su obilježja krizne situacije u kojoj se očekuje brza reakcija i odgovarajući način upravljanja. Menadžment promjena i krizni menadžment imaju zajedničke značajke pri reinženjeringu poslovnih procesa.Kriza u Agrokoru zasigurno je najznačajniji događaj ove godine na domaćoj gospodarskoj , ali i političkoj sceni jer je mogućnost stečaja najveće privatne kompanije u Hrvatskoj zaprijetila urušavanjem poslovanja brojnih malih, ali i velikih tvrtki , poljoprivrednih proizvođača, gubicima radnih mjesta. Changes are inevitable either to pose a danger, risk, crisis or become a challenge and opportunity for success. Challenges of modern management are a source of change that is continually facing and can occur quickly and some gradually. Overcoming resistance to change requires consideration and treatment in terms of mitigating or eliminating its consequences in business.Compex and rapid changes are the characteristics of a crisis situation in which a quick reaction and an appropriate management mode are expected.Change Management and Crisis Management have common features in reengineering business processes.The crisis in Agrokor is certainly the most significant event this year on the largest private company in Croatia threatened with the collapse of many small but big companies agricultural producers and job losses.
- Published
- 2018
23. Komuniciranje sistema zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednim situacijama izazvanim elementarnim nepogodama
- Author
Vladimir Ninković and Zelimir Kesetovic
- Subjects
Public administration ,Computer security ,computer.software_genre ,emergency situations management ,risk communication ,krizno komuniciranje ,State of emergency ,11. Sustainability ,Business sector ,lokalna samouprava ,crisis management ,crisis communication ,Natural disaster ,Crisis communication ,Emergency management ,business.industry ,komuniciranje rizika ,Public sector ,General Medicine ,Emergency situations ,krizni menadžment ,Geography ,natural disasters ,upravljanje vanrednim situacijama ,Christian ministry ,local self-governance ,business ,computer ,elementarne nepogode - Abstract
Even though communication is among the most important aspects of emergency management, crisis communication has been mainly viewed through the lenses of corporate sector, whilst public sector communication receives much less attention. The concept of crisis communication during emergency situations, in particular those caused by natural disasters, for some authors is not synonymous with the concepts of emergency communication and disaster communication. The main actors in the emergency situations belong to the public sector, be it at the national, regional or local level. During emergencies many communication problems may arise, in particular non-compliance with orders and the spread of rumours. In the Republic of Serbia, the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior is in charge of emergency management and communication in natural disasters. The role of the Sector was particularly salient during the disastrous floods in May 2014, when a state of emergency was declared on the territories of forty local self-government units (nine cities and thirty one municipality). In charge of communication with the local population, apart from the Sector HQ in Belgrade, were local emergency management headquarters, who had to combat the issues of non-compliance and rumours. Iako je komunikacija jedan od najvažnijih aspekata upravljanja vanrednim situacijama, krizno komuniciranje je u literaturi uglavnom proučavano kroz primere iz korporativnog profitnog sektora, dok je komunikacionim aktivnostima javnog sektora posvećeno daleko manje pažnje. Sam termin kriznog komuniciranja u slučajevima vanrednih situacija, naročito onih uzrokovanih elementarnim nepogodama, za mnoge autore nepredstavlja sinonim sa 'komuniciranjem u vanrednim situacijama' (emergency communication) i 'komuniciranjem u katastrofama' (disaster communication). Glavni akteri u vanrednim situacijama su upravo subjekti koji pripadaju javnom sektoru, na nacionalnom, regionalnom ili lokalnom nivou. Tom prilikom mogu nastati brojni problemi u komuniciranju, među kojima su najistaknutiji odbijanje postupanja po naredbama i širenje glasina. Upravljanje i komuniciranje u vanrednim situacijama indukovanim elementarnim nepogodama u Republici Srbiji, u nadležnosti je, pre svega, Sektora za vanredne situacije MUP-a Srbije. Uloga Sektora je naročito bila istaknuta za vreme katastrofalnih majskih poplava 2014. godine. Vanredno stanje proglašeno je na teritoriji četrdeset jedinica lokalne samouprave (devet gradova i trideset i jednoj opštini). Osim 'centrale' Sektora u Beogradu, kao akteri komuniciranja bili su angažovani i lokalni štabovi za vanredne situacije, koji su morali da se bore sa problemima odbijanja postupanja po naredbama i glasinama.
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Jukić, Antonija and Kružić, Dejan
- Subjects
krizni menadžment ,krizno komuniciranje ,crisis management ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Organization and Management ,managerial response ,crisis communication ,menadžerski odgovor ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Organizacija i menadžment - Abstract
Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati na koji način su se menadžeri različitih svjetskih kompanija, iz različitih zemalja nosili s kriznim situacijama koje su ih zatekle, te koliku ulogu u poduzeću u današnje vrijeme ima dobro krizno komuniciranje. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom studije slučaja, i to na pet slučajeva kriznih situacija koje su zadesile renomirana svjetska poduzeća: Volkswagen, Samsung, Toyotu, Germanwings i JetBlue. Menadžerski odgovor na krizu, na koji se stavio naglasak u ovom radu, je za svih pet poduzeća koja su analizirana imao zajednička obilježja koja su se najviše ogledala u brzini reakcije, isprici javnosti te preuzimanju odgovornosti i posljedica. Ponajviše se to odnosi na Samsung i JetBlue, koji su zbog svojih reakcija u svrhu smanjenja štete korisnicima/klijentima služili kao primjer drugim poduzećima; kako „izvući najbolje“ čak i u kriznoj situaciji. Postoje i negativni primjeri poput Toyote, koja je isprva duži niz mjeseci negirala odgovornost i nije se htjela suočiti s istinom, iako je jedino kod ove kompanije bilo smrtnih posljedica zbog njihovih propusta. Nadalje, u radu se pokazalo kako je iznimno važno za opstanak poduzeća imati krizni menadžment, te dobro razrađen plan aktivnosti koje se trebaju poduzeti u tim situacijama. Najčešće se u te svrhe dovode vanjski stručnjaci koji mogu sagledati sve puno objektivnije te spasiti poduzeće kako ne bi „potonulo još dublje“. The aim of this paper was to show in what way did managers of different companies, from different countries, deal with crisis situations, and how important it is nowadays to develop good crisis communication within an organisation. The research, conducted using the case study method, has covered five cases of crisis situations which hit some of the world's most successful companies: Volkswagen, Samsung, Toyota, Germanwings and JetBlue. Managerial response to the crisis, to which emphasis was placed, has had some common features for all five companies; reaction speed, public apology, taking responsibility and facing with the consequences. It mainly refers to Samsung and JetBlue whose managers tried to minimize the damage to their customers and so they served as an example to all the other companies; how to get the best out of crisis situations. There are also negative examples like Toyota, whose managers had denied for several months, to take responsibility and face the thruth; although their mistakes caused deaths of dozens of people. Furthermore, this paper showed that it is essential, for a company to survive, that it has effective crisis management, and a good plan of actions which has to be implemented in that kind of situations. Usually, for that purposes, external experts are brought so they can see everything more objective and save the company from „sinking even deeper“.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Jović, Rebeka and Bilić, Ivana
- Subjects
krizni menadžment ,krizno komuniciranje ,retail chains ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Organization and Management ,crisis management ,maloprodajni trgovački lanci ,crisis communication ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Organizacija i menadžment - Abstract
Poslovna je kriza neplaniran i neželjen proces u poslovanju poduzeća, ograničenog trajanja, mogućnosti utjecanja, koji šteti primarnim ciljevima poduzeća s ambivalentnim ishodom. Ukoliko dođe do krizne situacije prvi korak kojeg menadžer treba učiniti jest postavljanje i pojašnjavanje ciljeva i svrhe upravljanja krizom. U takvim trenucima često dolazi do emocionalnih naboja, konflikata i nesigurnosti te je izrazito važna uključenost i informiranost svih djelatnika u proces. Sljedeći korak je osiguravanje učinkovite komunikacije strategije, osobito eksterne, kako se ne bi širile dezinformacije koje bi štetile poduzeću. Pravovremena priprema za kriznu situaciju zahtijeva usku povezanost s osobom, odjelom ili tvrtkom zaduženom za odnose s javnošću jer je zbog ugrožavanja imidža nužno detaljno isplanirati komunikacijsku strategiju. Navedeni elementi samo su neke od stavki ključne za efikasan krizni menadžment i ukazuju na važnost planiranja i upravljanja krizom. Kroz ovo istraživanje zaključeno je da maloprodajne trgovine imaju razvijen krizni menadžment u onoj mjeri u kojoj je dovoljno da se svakodnevni problemi efikasno i na vrijeme sankcioniraju, kao i stručne osobe ukoliko se kriza proširi u medije, te vode računa o informiranosti zaposlenika u takvim situacijama. Business crisis is an unplanned and unwanted process in business operations, limited duration and possibilities to impact on it, which harms the primary goals of the company with an ambivalent outcome. If a crisis occurs, the first step that a manager needs to do is to set and clarify the goals and purposes of crisis management. In such moments, emotional charges, conflicts and uncertainties often occur, and the involvement and awareness of all employees in the process is extremely important. The next step is to ensure effective communication strategy, especially external, so it doesn't come to spreading disinformation that would harm the business. Timely preparation for a crisis situation requires a close connection with a person, department, or public relations company because it is necessary to fully plan the communication strategy for the sake of not compromising the image. These elements are just some of the key items for efficient crisis management and they are pointing to the importance of crisis planning and management. Through this research, it has been concluded that retails have developed crisis management to the extent that it is enough for everyday problems to be efficiently and timely sanctioned, as well as professionals if the crisis is widespread in the media and they take care of employees awarness in such situations.
- Published
- 2017
26. Krizno komuniciranje
- Author
Klanjšek, Tina and Malešič, Marjan
- Subjects
Crisis communication ,Graduate theses ,Naravne nesreče ,udc:005.931.11:504.4(043.2) ,Crisis management ,žled ,Krizno upravljanje ,Diplomska dela ,Natural disasters ,Krizno komuniciranje - Published
- 2017
27. Glokalno krizno komuniciranje
- Author
Pleše, Nuša and Verčič, Dejan
- Subjects
Public relations ,Graduate theses ,krizno komuniciranje ,avtomobilizem ,Odnosi z javnostmi ,Journalism ,Crisis management ,Krizno upravljanje ,Diplomska dela ,udc:005.931.11:659.4(043.2) ,Novinarstvo - Published
- 2016
- Author
Capl, Rok and Ferjan, Marko
- Subjects
krizno komuniciranje ,business functions ,poslovne funkcije ,vodenje ,crisis management ,krizni management ,crisis communication ,management - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi smo se lotili analize reorganizacije poslovnih funkcij v podjetju Termalna riviera Ilidža, d. o. o., v Sarajevu. Glede na stanje v podjetju smo morali najprej narediti posnetek obstoječega stanja, pregledati aktualna dogajanja ter se neposredno vključiti v proces poslovanja podjetja. Raziskali in analizirali smo vse štiri poslovne funkcije, ki so zaradi velikosti podjetja povezane in se prepletajo. Vse podatke, ki smo jih analizirali, smo tudi pregledali, raziskali ter jih na koncu uporabili pri reorganizaciji. Pri analizi poslovnih funkcij smo ugotovili številne pomanjkljivosti, predvsem z vidika njihove operativne izvedbe pri poslovanju. Termalna riviera Ilidža ima v lokalnem okolju sloves družinske turistične destinacije. Zaradi svoje dejavnosti in storitev je odprta 365 dni v letu. Prav zaradi tega je izredno pomembno, da ima podjetje konstanten razvoj, stik z lokalnim okoljem, da obnavlja svoje prodajne in marketinške kanale in je nenehno v koraku s časom. Največji poudarek v procesu reorganizacije smo namenili prodajni in finančni funkciji, saj smo na eni strani ugotovili premalo ciljno naravnih prodajnih in marketinških aktivnosti, po drugi strani pa je bilo treba zaradi slabe finančne situacije uvesti radikalne finančne ukrepe, da bi se izognili nelikvidnosti podjetja in stabilizirali denarne tokove. Na začetku naloge smo v teoretičnem delu prikazali opredelitve ter osnove glavnih tematik naloge, ki bodo služile kot razumevanje celote pri raziskovalnem delu. Predstavili smo vse štiri glavne poslovne funkcije ter se dotaknili osnov kriznega vodenja, managiranja ter pravilnega komuniciranja z zunanjo in notranjo javnostjo. V podjetju Termalna riviera Ilidža, d. o. o., delujem kot prokurist matične firme odgovoren za delovanje in poslovanje podjetja. Z začetkom leta 2014 smo začeli reorganizacijo poslovnih funkcij, kar je tudi temelj raziskovalnega dela naloge. Po zaključku analize poslovnih funkcij smo izdelali model C-A-P-L, ki bo podjetjem lahko služil kot vodilo pri reorganizacijah vseh ali posameznih poslovnih funkcij. In this master thesis we analysed the organization's business functions whit a model, in the company Thermal Riviera Ilidža d.o.o. in Sarajevo. Regarding on the status in the company we were forced to initially track the status quo, to review current events, and directly involve in the process of the company. We investigated and analysed all four business functions, which are due to the size of the business, directly related and are constantly intertwined. Due to our operations in the company Thermal Riviera Ilidža all the data was analysed and also independently reviewed, investigated. During the analysis of business functions, we found a number of shortcomings in the process of the company, particularly in terms of their operational performance. Thermal Riviera Ilidža has in the local environment image of a family tourist destination because of its activities and services, 365 days a year. It is extremely important that the company has a constant development, contact with the outside local environment, conserves its sales-marketing channels, and to keep in step with the times. The main focus in the process of the reorganization was devoted to the sales and financial functions, which were found neglected, by sales and marketing activities, on the other hand, we were forced, due to difficult financial situation to introduce radical financial measures to avoid illiquidity of the company and the stabilization of cash flows. At the beginning of this master thesis we show the theoretical part and the definitions, which is the base of the main themes of the tasks that will serve as an overview of all the research work. We presented all four main business functions, the basics of crisis management, managers and good communication with internal and external audiences. In the company Thermal Riviera Ilidža d.o.o. I act as managing director of the parent company and we started in 2014 with the reorganization of business functions, which are also the basis of this research thesis. After completing the analysis of business functions we developed a model C-A-P-L, which will serve as a guide in businesses in the reorganization of all or individual business functions.
- Published
- 2015
29. Terrorism and tourism
- Author
Kešetović, Želimir
- Subjects
mediji ,krizni menadžment ,krizno komuniciranje ,media ,turizam ,turistička privreda ,tourism ,terrorism ,crisis management ,crisis communication ,terorizam ,tourist industry - Abstract
The paper discusses the motives and reasons why tourism is interesting for terrorists, including the effects of terrorist attacks on tourist industry, and the crisis management strategies that some countries have used so as to mitigate the effects of such attacks on tourists, the national economy and country-image. Tourists as innocent symbolic victims and tourism as one of the most important modern industries have become favorite terrorists targets in the aftermath of the Cold War. Terrorist acts have since had a major effect not just on the tourism industry, but also on the overall economic and political positions of affected countries. The author argues that after terrorist attacks of 9/11 it has been difficult to use the old methods and strategies to regain tourist confidence in the affected destinations, pointing it out that each terrorist incident ought to be analyzed in detail so as to achieve a maximum preventative effect. The author concludes that, beside being familiar with the crisis communication theory and possessing practical communication skills, crisis managers should be open-minded and creative in implementing a large scale of communication tools and techniques with a view to recovering an image of stability and safety of tourist destinations affected by terrorist attacks. U radu se razmatraju motivi odnosno razlozi zbog koji je turizam interesantan za teroriste, prezentiraju se posledice terorističkih napada na turističku privredu i ukazuje na najznačajnije mere iz oblasti kriznog menadžmenta koje su pojedine zemlje koristile u ublažavanju efekata terorističkih napada na turiste, turističke destinacije, nacionalnu ekonomiju i imidž zemlje. Turisti kao nevine simboličke žrtve i turizam kao jedna od najznačajnijih savremenih privrednih grana postali su još pre završetka Hladnog rata meta terorista, a izvršeni teroristički akti imali su značajne posledice ne samo za turističku privredu već i za ekonomski i politički položaj pogođenih zemalja. Autor ocenjuje da je nakon terorističkih napada od 11. septembra 2001. u SAD teško primenjivati stare metode i strategije u vraćanju poverenja turista u turističke destinacije, te da svaki konkretan slučaj zahteva brižljivu analizu i, pored teorijskog poznavanja kriznog komuniciranja i praktičnih komunikacionih veština, inventivnost i kreativnost kriznih menadžera u primeni široke palete komunikacionih alata i tehnika u obnavljanju imidža stabilnosti i bezbednosti turističkih destinacija pogođenih terorističkim aktima.
- Published
- 2010
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