Introduction. At the present stage of developing domestic health care, active processes of informatization of the clinical diagnostic process are taking place. In most regions of the Russian Federation, various medical information systems are actively exploited in medical organizations, digital medical devices and devices are being introduced, which determines the relevance of the formation of a methodology for the use of information technologies in the health care system of military personnel. Materials and methods. The materials of literary sources, bibliographic databases, regulatory documents, research and development work data, materials of military-scientific support of military-medical information systems have been studied. The historical, literary and structural-logical approach, system analysis methods, comparison, composition, and decomposition were used. Results. This study proposes approaches to managing the health of servicemen and a system of its assessment using information technologies. Within the framework of the entire system of medical support for troops at the sectoral level, the ultimate goal of informatization is to construct a single information space for the medical service of the RF Armed Forces. It should be based on the use of unified personal electronic cards of military personnel, a single protected intradepartmental telecommunication network, and medical information systems for various purposes, depending on the level of a medical organization, unit or subdivision. In the informatization of the medical service, it is necessary to distinguish three primary levels, each of which develops its technologies and means of automation: personal (the level of an individual soldier); the level of medical organizations; the systemic level that determines the activities of the entire medical service. A personal electronic card of a serviceman should be used as an individual carrier of passport and medical information in military medical information systems. To decide on the medical and evacuation purpose of a particular patient at the admission and triage department of a medical company, it is necessary to ensure the formation of a protocol of medical and evacuation measures, which includes information from the electronic medical archive, vital activity sensors and medical care accounting systems. Conclusion. The capabilities of information technologies, vital activity sensors, electronic medical archives and communication channels should ensure the collection of relevant information about an individual patient for the needs of the treatment and diagnostic process, even when military medical organizations are deployed at the stages of medical evacuation. The integration of all information systems in the health care system of servicemen into a single information space must be carried out, taking into account the requirements of regional medical information systems and a unified state information system in the field of health. Contribution: Borisov D.N. — the concept and design of the study, the collection and processing of the material, writing a text; responsibility for the integrity of all parts of the article; Sevryukov V.V. — the concept and design of the study, responsibility for the integrity of all parts of the article; Eremin G.B. — the collection and processing of the material, editing, approval of the final version of the article; Petryakhin D.N. — the collection and processing of the material, writing a text. Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Acknowledgment. The study had no sponsorship.