The recently-proposed deep clustering-based algorithms represent a fundamental advance towards the single-channel multi-speaker speech sep- aration problem. These methods use an ideal binary mask to construct the objective function and K-means clustering method to estimate the ideal bina- ry mask. However, when sources belong to the same class or the number of sources is large, the assumption that one time-frequency unit of the mixture is dominated by only one source becomes weak, and the IBM-based separation causes spectral holes or aliasing. Instead, in our work, the quantized ideal ratio mask was proposed, the ideal ratio mask is quantized to have the output of the neural network with a limited number of possible values. Then the quan- tized ideal ratio mask is used to construct the objective function for the case of multi-source domination, to improve network performance. Furthermore, a network framework that combines a residual network, a recurring network, and a fully connected network was used for exploiting correlation information of frequency in our work. We evaluated our system on TIMIT dataset and show 1.6 dB SDR improvement over the previous state-of-the-art methods.