Abstract. The increasing number of wireless data users and the deployment of broadband wireless networks have brought the issue of providing fair channel access to the forefront. Wireless fair scheduling algorithms must deal with unique domain-specific issues such as location-dependent and bursty channel error. In the past, a number of scheduling disciplines have been proposed for approximating fluid fair queueing in wireless channels, but using only the ARQ-based link-layer retransmit model (Bhagwat et al., in: IEEE INFOCOM, 1996; Lu et al., in: ACM SIGCOMM, 1997; Ng et al., in: IEEE INFOCOM, 1998; Lu et al., WINET 6, 2000, pp. 323-343; Nandagopal et al., in: ACM MOBICOM, 1999). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]