The implementation of techniques aimed at improving engine performance and reducing particulate matter (PM) pollutant emissions is strongly influenced by the limited understanding of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) formation chemistry, in combustion devices, that produces the PM emissions. New experimental results which examine the formation of multi-ring compounds are required. The present investigation focuses on two techniques for such an experimental examination by recovery of PAH compounds from a typical combustion oriented experimental apparatus. The online technique discussed constitutes an optimal solution but not always feasible approach. Nevertheless, a detailed description of a new online sampling system is provided which can serve as reference for future applications to different experimental set-ups. In comparison, an offline technique, which is sometimes more experimentally feasible but not necessarily optimal, has been studied in detail for the recovery of a variety of compounds with different properties, including naphthalene, biphenyl, and iodobenzene. The recovery results from both techniques were excellent with an error in the total carbon balance of around 10% for the online technique and an uncertainty in the measurement of the single species of around 7% for the offline technique. Although both techniques proved to be suitable for measurement of large PAH compounds, the online technique represents the optimal solution in view of the simplicity of the corresponding experimental procedure. On the other hand, the offline technique represents a valuable solution in those cases where the online technique cannot be implemented. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]