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1. On D.Y. Gao and X. Lu paper 'On the extrema of a nonconvex functional with double-well potential in 1D'

2. Linear operators preserving majorization of matrix tuples

3. The universality of Hughes-free division rings

4. Permutability of the Sylow 2-subgroup with some biprimary subgroups

5. Difference betwwen the maximum degree and the index of a graph

6. Entire functions of order 1/2 in the approximation of functions on the semiaxis

7. Asymptotic normality in the problem of selfish parking

8. Quantum modular invariant and Hilbert class fields of real quadratic global function fields

9. K-Narayana sequence self-Similarity. flip graph views of k-Narayana self-Similarity

10. The conjugacy class graph of some finite groups and its energy

11. G– $$\delta$$ δ –M Modules and Torsion Theory Cogenerated by Such Modules

12. Kernel words and gap sequence of the tribonacci sequence

13. Complexity testing techniques for time series data: A comprehensive literature review

14. Intersections of loci of admissible covers with tautological classes

15. Polyhedral realizations of crystal bases and convex-geometric Demazure operators

16. Optimization of Poincaré sections for discriminating between stochastic and deterministic behavior of dynamical systems

17. Quantum cluster characters of Hall algebras

18. Global existence to a higher-dimensional quasilinear chemotaxis system with consumption of chemoattractant

19. Hn-Domination in Graphs

20. Quasilinear parabolic variational inequalities with multi-valued lower-order terms

21. Minimal subsystems of triangular maps of type 2∞; Conclusion of the Sharkovsky classification program

22. Topological Hausdorff dimension and level sets of generic continuous functions on fractals

23. The Spaces of Cesàro Almost Convergent Sequences and Core Theorems

24. Global smooth flows for compressible Navier–Stokes–Maxwell equations

25. Asymptotic behavior of boundary blow-up solutions to elliptic equations

26. Evolutionary graph theory revisited: when is an evolutionary process equivalent to the Moran process?

27. Generation of fractals from complex logistic map

28. Categories generated by a trivalent vertex

29. Existence and multiplicity results for a class of p-Laplacian problems with Neumann–Robin boundary conditions

30. Intersection of triadic Cantor sets with their translates— I. Fundamental properties

31. Signed Domination Number of Some Graphs

32. Analytic Phase Retrieval Based on Intensity Measurements

33. TCLUST: Trimming Approach of Robust Clustering Method

34. DAHA-Jones polynomials of torus knots

35. Noncommutative algebras associated to complexes and graphs

36. The isolated invariant sets of a flow

37. On anisotropic invariants of N symmetric second-order tensors: crystal classes and quasi–crystal classes as subgroups of the cylindrical group D h

38. On real algebraic numbers in which the derivative of their minimal polynomial is small

39. Number and twistedness of strands in weavings on regular convex polyhedra

40. The systematics of block-structure shift lattices

41. Coefficient Problems for Subclasses of Close-to-Star Functions

42. Rational matrix pseudodifferential operators

43. On the Fixation Probability of Superstars

44. K-orbits on the flag variety and strongly regular nilpotent matrices

45. On the Zero Forcing Number of Trees

46. Joint Distribution of the Number of Vertices and the Area of Convex Hulls Generated by a Uniform Distribution in a Convex Polygon

47. Characters of unipotent groups over finite fields

48. Main eigenvalues of a graph and its Hamiltonicity

49. Global Optimization of the Difference of two Increasing Plus-Convex-Along-Rays Functions

50. Bounds on the effective behaviour of a square conducting lattice