1. Terorizem
- Author
Matić, Renato, Dremel, Anita, and Šakić, Mateja
- Subjects
terorizem ,colonialism ,kolonializem ,the logic of power ,center ,periphery ,terrorism ,power relations ,udc:343.3 ,razmerja moči - Abstract
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyze the origin of different interpretations of the events connected with terrorism, with special emphasis put on different interpretations of causes and consequences of terrorism. The objective is to show that the same logic has perpetrated the causes of the problem and is being used to solve it. Design/Methods/Approach: This research into the social causes of terrorism leans against a critical theoretical perspective and uses a historical comparative method aimed at deconstructing some taken-for-granted perspectives regarding terrorism and its actors. It brings the understanding of the causes of terrorism into connection with the history of mutual relationships between today's main actors of global terrorism and anti-terrorism in the wish to explain the consequences of terrorism as resulting from the stable and continued relationship between the main actors. Findings: The analysis has shown that current approaches to dealing with the problem of terrorism are so strikingly unsuccessful because, among other reasons, they rely on the same logic that led to the problem in the first place and thus cannot be used to solve the problem. Current power relations between the actors of “terrorism” and “anti-terrorism” point to the need for a possible alternative approach to preventing the mutually complementing “terrorist” and “anti-terrorism” violence. Originality/Value: The greatest value of this analysis is that it offers a view of the problem of terrorism based in the tradition of sociological theory, particularly that of deviance, serving thus as an important complement to more customary criminalist, criminological, psychological and legal perspectives. Without such historically grounded and sociologically informed approach, critical perspective would not be possible. Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je analizirati izvor različnih interpretacij dogodkov, povezanih s terorizmom, s posebnim poudarkom na različnih interpretacijah vzrokov in posledic terorizma. Cilj je pokazati, da je pri vzrokih problema in pri njegovem reševanju prisotna ista logika. Metode: Raziskava družbenih vzrokov terorizma se naslanja na kritične teoretične poglede in pri dekonstrukciji nekaterih samoumevnih pogledov o terorizmu in njegovih akterjih uporablja metodo zgodovinske primerjave. Razumevanje vzrokov terorizma povezuje z zgodovino vzajemnih odnosov med današnjimi prevladujočimi akterji globalnega terorizma in protiterorizma. Pri tem želi pojasniti posledice terorizma kot rezultat stabilnih in kontinuiranih odnosov med glavnimi akterji. Ugotovitve: Analiza je pokazala, da so trenutni pristopi pri obravnavanju problema terorizma izrazito neuspešni, med drugim tudi zato, ker se zanašajo na isto logiko, ki je privedla do problema na prvem mestu in je zato ni mogoče uporabiti za reševanje istega problema. Sedanje razmerje moči med akterji “terorizma” in “protiterorizma” kažejo na potrebo po morebitnih alternativnih pristopih pri preprečevanju medsebojno dopolnjujočega nasilja “terorizma” in “protiterorizma”. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Največja vrednost analize je predstavitev tistega pogleda na problem terorizma, ki temelji na tradiciji sociološke teorije, zlasti teorij o deviantnosti. Tako predstavlja pomembno dopolnilo k bolj razširjenim kriminalističnim, kriminološkim, psihološkim in pravnim vidikom. Brez takšnega zgodovinsko utemeljenega in sociološko podkrepljenega pristopa kritični pogledi niso možni.
- Published
- 2020