1. Evaluation of Training Exercises Before Clinical Practice
- Author
Departmental Bulletin Paper and 鹿児島純心女子大学
- Subjects
“実習やれそう” ,Clinical Practice ,Nursing Students ,” and Evaluation\n ,評価 ,臨地実習 ,Training before Clinical Practice ,実習前演習 ,看護学生 ,“I think I’m ready for the practice - Abstract
臨地実習前に学内演習を実施している。その演習は,“実習やれそう”という実習に対してプラスの評価が得られるのか。プラスの評価であればその要因はどんなことか。また.それらを通して,演習における教育のあり方への示唆を得ることが本研究の目的である。方法は,A大学,看護学科,3年次生46名を対象に演習前・演習後・実習終了後の3回のアンケート調査を行い,回収率は100%であった。1. 1)GSESは演習前より演習後・実習後に上昇した。2)演習後の「臨地実習前演習の自己効力感尺度」・「その要因の尺度」の平均値が有意に演習前より高かった。3)「臨地実習前演習の自己効力感尺度」の15項目のすべての項目で演習後が高く, 10項目で有意な差がみられた。4)「演習の期待」「演習で学んだ知識や技術の統合での看護実践」「演習の楽しさ」に対する約80%~90%が肯定的な回答であった。この4点より演習の効果を評価でき,演習は実習にプラスに働くと言える。2. 臨地実習前演習の自己効力感に影響を及ぼした要因の因子分析より【F1実践に向けての心づもり】【F2成功する実践の方略】【F3思考における友人への優越】【F4不安】が抽出され,これらが整うと演習はうまくいき,“実習やれそう”という肯定的な結果期待をひきだすことができると考える。3. 臨地実習に向けて“やれそうか”という問いより《不安》が抽出された。この《不安》は,「成長不安」「抑制不安」の2種類に分類され,「抑制不安」を示す学生への教育の必要性が示唆された。これを整えることで学生が安定し,“実習やれそう”と転化できると考える。4. 学生を「やる気」にさせるには教員の関わりが大きく作用すると考えられた。5. 演習の目標・進め方, 適切な教材,グループ編成に関して,学生自ら思考し実践するという演習であったことが実習へのプラスになったと言えた。, Prior to clinical nursing practice, training sessions are conducted inside the university. Whether or not the training exercises promote a positive outlook on clinical practice, giving nursing students the feeling that “I think I’m ready for the clinical practice” was evaluated. If the outlook does turn out to be positive, what factors made it so ? Through identifying those factors, this study aims to give some clues as to the role training exercises should play in nursing education. Targeting 46 3rd year students in the Department of Nursing at a University, three questionnaire surveys ― one before the training, one after the training, and one after the clinical practice ― were conducted. The response rate was 100%. The following results were observed.1. (1) Compared to before the training, there were increases in the General Self-efficacy Scale (GSES) afterthe training and after the clinical practice. (2) On the “self-efficacy for training before clinical practice” scale and the “self-efficacy factors” scale, the mean values after the training were significantly higher than they had been before the training. (3) All 15 items on the “self-efficacy for training before clinical practice” scale were at a higher value after the training, and there were significant differences in 10 items. (4) About 80 to 90 % of answers were positive for “expectations about the training,” “practical learning that combined knowledge and techniques during the training,” and “enjoyment of the training.”The effect of training exercises on outlook can be evaluated based on those four outcomes. Obviously the training was a positive factor in developing student’s attitudes towards clinical practice.2. An analysis of the factors (F) that had impacts on self-efficacy during pre-clinical practice training yielded “F1: readiness for the practice,” “F2: planning for success in the practice,” “F3: a feeling of self-confidence compared to one’s peers,” and “F4: anxiety.” If these factors are kept well balanced, the training will proceed smoothly; and positive results can be expected when students feel “I think I’m ready for the practice.”3. Anxious was a common response to the question” from the question, “How do you feel about handling clinical practice?” This anxiety can be split into two categories: “positive anxiety” and “negative anxiety.” Special education would be necessary for students who show negative anxiety. Re-directing the anxiety would stabilize the attitudes of such students and convert them to thinking, “I’m ready for clinical practice.”4. The involvement of teachers was considered to have a major impact on student motivation.5. In these training sessions, the students themselves were responsible for considering the goals of the training and how to advance them, appropriate training materials, and the organization of groups. It can be said that this is the reason why the training was so effective as a preparation for clinical practice.
- Published
- 2011