
Showing total 73 results
73 results

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1. Insight into spatial-temporal patterns of hydroclimate change on the Chinese Loess Plateau over the past 250 years, using new evidence from tree rings.

2. Analysis of temporal and spatial trends of hydro-climatic variables in the Wei River Basin.

3. Progress and prospects of climate change impacts on hydrology in the arid region of northwest China.

4. Influence of climate change on hydrological process in the upper reaches of Shiyang River: A case study of the Xiying River, China.

5. A U.S.‐China EcoPartnership study of disturbed wetland vegetation in West Dongting Lake, China.

6. Thermal structure and response on local climate and hydrological changes in a reservoir with an icebound season.

7. Temporal-Spatial Surface Seasonal Mass Changes and Vertical Crustal Deformation in South China Block from GPS and GRACE Measurements.

8. Impacts of forest changes on hydrology: a case study of large watersheds in the upper reaches of Minjiang River watershed in China.

9. Aridification and Its Impacts on Terrestrial Hydrology and Ecosystems over a Comprehensive Transition Zone in China.

10. Impact of Climate Change on Reservoir Flood Control in the Upstream Area of the Beijiang River Basin, South China.

11. Modeling the Impacts of Future Climate Change on Irrigation over China: Sensitivity to Adjusted Projections.

12. 中国冰冻圈水文过程变化研究新进展.


14. A nonstationary extreme value distribution for analysing the cessation of karst spring discharge.

15. Closure to 'Estimating the Effects of Climatic Variability and Human Activities on Streamflow in the Hutuo River Basin, China' by Shizhang Peng, Wanxin Liu, Weiguang Wang, Quanxi Shao, Xiyun Jiao, Zhongbo Yu, Wanqiu Xing, Junzeng Xu, Zengxin Zhang, and Yufeng Luo

16. Broad scale quantified flood risk analysis in the Taihu Basin, China.

17. Hydrological analysis for water level projections in Taihu Lake, China.

18. Predicting the wetland distributions under climate warming in the Great Xing'an Mountains, northeastern China.

19. Indirect and Direct Impacts of Typhoon In-Fa (2021) on Heavy Precipitation in Inland and Coastal Areas of China: Synoptic-Scale Environments and Return Period Analysis.

20. “Sponge City” in China—A breakthrough of planning and flood risk management in the urban context.

21. Disentangling the Impact of Event‐ and Annual‐Scale Precipitation Extremes on Critical‐Zone Hydrology in Semiarid Loess Vegetated by Apple Trees.

22. A Simple Early Warning System for Flash Floods in an Ungauged Catchment and Application in the Loess Plateau, China.

23. Study on runoff simulation of the upstream of Minjiang River under future climate change scenarios.

24. Divergent Hydrological Responses to Forest Expansion in Dry and Wet Basins of China: Implications for Future Afforestation Planning.

25. Impact of climate change on hydrology of upper reaches of Qiantang River Basin, East China

26. Effect of Land Use and Climate Change on Runoff in the Dongjiang Basin of South China.

27. Temporal variation of reference evapotranspiration during 1961–2005 in the Taoer River basin of Northeast China

28. Landscape configuration mediates hydrology and nonpoint source pollution under climate change and agricultural expansion.

29. The Late Quaternary Hydrological Changes in the Eastern Tarim Basin Inferred From 10Be Exposure Ages of River Terraces.

30. Quantifying the Uncertainty of the Future Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change: Comparative Analysis of an Advanced Hierarchical Sensitivity in Humid and Semiarid Basins.

31. Interpreting the lake-status record of the East Asian monsoon using a hydrological model.

32. Projected Changes in Abrupt Shifts Between Dry and Wet Extremes Over China Through an Ensemble of Regional Climate Model Simulations.

33. Recent Intensified Runoff Variability in the Hailar River Basin during the Past Two Centuries.

34. Spatiotemporal variation in reference evapotranspiration and its contributing climatic factors in China under future scenarios.

35. Assessment of the Future Climate Change Projections on Streamflow Hydrology and Water Availability over Upper Xijiang River Basin, China.

36. Global Change Can Make Coastal Eutrophication Control in China More Difficult.

37. Study on the dominant causes of streamflow alteration and effects of the current water diversion in the Tarim River Basin, China.

38. Effects of climatically-modulated changes in solar radiation and wind speed on spring phytoplankton community dynamics in Lake Taihu, China.

39. The impact of drought on vegetation conditions within the Damqu River Basin, Yangtze River Source Region, China.

40. Analysis of water level variation of lakes and reservoirs in Xinjiang, China using ICESat laser altimetry data (2003–2009).

41. Contrasting Daytime and Nighttime Precipitation Variability between Observations and Eight Reanalysis Products from 1979 to 2014 in China.

42. Prediction CH4 Emissions from the Wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain of Northeastern China in the 21st Century.

43. Hydrological change driven by human activities and climate variation and its spatial variability in Huaihe Basin, China.

44. Isotopic time series partitioning of streamflow components under regional climate change in the Urumqi River, northwest China.

45. Future Changes in Floods and Water Availability across China: Linkage with Changing Climate and Uncertainties.

46. Temporal and Spatial Variations of Drought in China: Reconstructed from Historical Memorials Archives during 1689-1911.

47. Climate change and its impacts on river discharge in two climate regions in China.

48. Assessment of impact of climate change on the blue and green water resources in large river basins in China.

49. Impacts of climate change under CMIP5 RCP scenarios on streamflow in the Huangnizhuang catchment.

50. Historical trophic evolution resulting from changes in climate and ecosystem in Lake Taihu and seven other lakes, China.