The extracellular lipase from Penicillium camembertiihas unique substrate specificity restricted to mono- anddiglycerides. The enzyme is a member of a homologousfamily of Upases from filamentous fungi. Four of theseproteins, from the fungi Rhizomucor miehei, Humicolalanuginosa, Rhizopus dele mar and P.camembertii, havehad their structures elucidated by X-ray crystallography.In spite of pronounced sequence similarities the enzymesexhibit significant differences. For example, the thenno-stability of the P.camembertii lipase is considerably lowerthan that of the H. lanuginosa enzyme. Since only theP.camembertii enzyme lacks the characteristic longdisulfide bridge, corresponding to Cys22-Cys268 in theH.lanuginosa lipase, we have engineered this disulfideinto the former enzyme in the hope of obtaining a signi-ficantly more stable fold. The properties of the doublemutant (Y22C and G269C) were assessed by a variety ofbiophysical techniques. The extra disulfide link was foundto increase the melting temperature of the protein from 51to 63°C. However, no difference is observed under reducingconditions, indicating an intrinsic instability of the newdisulfide. The optimal temperature for catalytic activitydecreased by 10°C and the optimum pH was shifted by 0.7units to more acidic.Keywords: enzyme engineering/protein stability/site-specificmutagenesis/thermostabi 1 ityIntroductionLipases are ubiquitous enzymes capable of hydrolyzinginsoluble acylglycerols. The enzymatic activity of lipasesincreases dramatically upon adsorption to an oil-water inter-face, a phenomenon known as interfacial activation (Desnuelleetal., 1960). Relatively recent investigations into the structure-function relationships in lipases revealed common features. Todate, all structurally characterized lipases belong to the a/phydrolase superfamily and have catalytic chymotrypsin-liketriads, Asp(Glu)-His-Ser, at their active sites. Interfacialactivation is believed to be triggered by conformational changesin the enzymes, although the molecular properties of thesubstrate may also play an important role (Brzozowski et at.,1991; Derewenda etal., 1992a, 1994b; Grochulski etal., 1993;van Tilbeurgh et al, 1993; Derewenda, 1995).Microbial lipases attract considerable attention owing totheir potential applications in industry, one of which is infood processing (Harwood, 1989). However, this particularexample requires enzymes with discrete substrate specificities.An extracellular lipase from Penicillium camembertii, PcL, isthe only known microbial lipase with a mono- and diacylgly-cerol specificity. The enzyme has been well characterized atboth protein and DNA levels (Yamaguchi and Mase, 1991;Yamaguchi et al., 1992). It is a member of a homologousfamily of extracellular lipases from filamentous fungi, whichalso comprises enzymes from Humicola lanuginosa (H1L),Rhizomucor miehei (Rml) and Rhizopus delemar (RdL), all ofwhich have been structurally characterized by X-ray crystallo-graphy at 2.0 A (PcL), 1.8 A (H1L), 1.9 A (Rml) and 2.6 A(RdL) resolution (Derewenda et al, 1992b, 1994a,b). Theyshare a similar tertiary fold, closely reminiscent of a typicala/p hydrolase paradigm (Ollis et al, 1992). Unfortunately, therelatively low thermostability of PcL precludes routine use ofthis enzyme in industry.Rml, H1L and RdL each have three disulfide bonds, one ofwhich is conserved and spans over 90% of the amino acidsequence connecting residues 22 and 268 (H1L numbering).This linkage is missing in PcL (Figure 1). We have thereforeengineered this disulfide into the PcL molecule using site-specific mutagenesis in the hope of elevating the enzyme'sdenaturation temperature {T^ without compromising its cata-lytic performance. In this paper we describe the results of thisexperiment.Materials and methodsMolecular modelingMolecular modeling was based on the refined X-ray structureof H1L (entry 1T1L in PDB) at 1.8 A resolution, the Rmlmodel (3TGL) at 1.9 A resolution and the 2.0 A model ofwild-type PcL (Derewenda et al, 1994a). All modeling wascarried out using FRODO (Jones, 1978) on an ESV20 work-station. Solvent accessibilities were calculated using VADAR(D.Wishard and B.D.Sykes, unpublished work).Plasmid construction and expression of PcL Y22C/G269Cdouble mutantOligonucleotide-directed mutations were incorporated into theintronless PcL gene (Yamaguchi et al, 1992) according toKunkel (1985) by ligating the appropriate DNA fragments.The nucleotide sequence of the construct was verified bysequence analysis using the dideoxynucleotide chain termina-tion method (Sanger et al, 1977). Mutagenic primers, 5'-TCCGCTTCACAGTATGACG-3' for the Y22C mutant and 5'-GGGGCCCTTGCAAGCATCAAC-3' for the G269C mutant,were synthesized using a Cyclone Plus (Milligene/Biosearch,Bedford, MA) DNA synthesizer. After separate introductionof each mutation, the complete double-mutant gene wasobtained by ligating the appropriate DNA fragments. Theconstruct was sequenced using the dideoxynucleotide chain-termination method (Sanger et al, 1977). Both wild-type andmutant genes were inserted into the HindTR site of the