Oksidatif stres nedeniyle artan reaktif oksijen türleri (ROT), kardiyovasküler, nörodejeneratifve otoimmün gibi bazı hastalıkların olusumundan sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Enzimatik ve nonenzimatikantioksidanlar çesitli mekanizmalarla biyolojik moleküllerin oksidatif hasarınıönlemeye çalısır. Endojen bir hormon olan melatonin pineal bezinden geceleri salgılanır veuyku gibi biyolojik ritmi düzenler. Melatonin ve metabolitleri ROT/RAT ları basarı ileyakalayabilen çok etkili serbest radikal yakalayıcı olarak gösterilmektedir. Melatonininkısıtlı biyoyararlılıgı ve çok kısa olan yarılanma ömrü gibi farmakokinetik davranıslarınedeniyle, en yüksek aktivite ve en düsük yan etkiye sahip yeni antioksidan bilesiklerarastırılmaktadır.Bu tez çalısmasında on tanesi yeni (1c-1j, 1m, 1ö), diger altı tanesi daha öncedensentezlenmis toplam on altı melatonin analogu indol türevi bilesik sentezlenmis ve IR, NMR,Mass spektrometresi ve elementel analiz ile yapısı aydınlatılmıstır. Sentezi yapılan bilesiklerasagıdaki gibi listelenebilir.1H-ndol-3-karboksaldehit fenilhidrazon (1a)1H-ndol-3-karboksaldehit (4-bromofenil)hidrazon (1b)1H-ndol-3-karboksaldehit (4-florofenil)hidrazon (1c)1H-ndol-3-karboksaldehit (4-klorofenil)hidrazon (1d)1H-ndol-3-karboksaldehit (3,4-diklorofenil)hidrazon (1e)5-Bromo-1H-indol-3-karboksaldehit fenilhidrazon (1f)5-Bromo-1H-indol-3-karboksaldehit (4-bromofenil)hidrazon (1g)5-Bromo-1H-indol-3-karboksaldehit (4-florofenil)hidrazon (1h)5-Bromo-1H-indol-3-karboksaldehit (4-klorofenil)hidrazon (1i)5-Bromo-1H-indol-3-karboksaldehit (3,4-diklorofenil)hidrazon (1j)N-(4metoksibenzoil)-N'-(indolil-3-metilen)-hidrazin (1k)1H-ndol-3-karboksaldehit izonikotinoilhidrazon (1l)N-(4metoksibenzoil)-N'-(5-Bromo-indolil-3-metilen)-hidrazin (1m)5-Bromo-1H-ndol-3-karboksaldehit izonikotinoilhidrazon (1n)N,N'-bis-(1H-indol-3-ilmetilen)-hidrazin (1o)N,N'-bis-(5-bromo-1H-indol-3-ilmetilen)-hidrazin (1ö)Sentezlenen bilesiklerin antioksidan aktivitelerini arastırmak ve melatonin ilekarsılastırmak için DPPH ve süperoksit radikali yakalama aktiviteleri test edilmistir.Sonuçlara göre 1a-1j arasında yer alan bilesikler 10-3 M ve 10-4 M konsantrasyonda çok iyiaktivite göstermistir. Bu bilesiklerin serbest radikal yakalama kapasiteleri melatonindendikkat çekici bir sekilde yüksek bulunmustur. Bütün aktif türevlerin yapısında halojen atomutasıması dikkat çekmektedir. Genellikle indol halkasının 5. konumunda ve yan zincirde,aromatik fenil halkasında iki halojen bulunduran türevlerin aktif oldukları gözlenmistir. (1öhariç) ndol halkasında yada aromatik halkada tek bir halojen içeren yada hiç halojeniçermeyen bilesiklerde ise ya hiç aktivite gözlenmemis yada düsük aktivite gözlenmistir.Anahtar Kelimeler : melatonin, indol türevleri, sentez, antioksidan aktivite Increased levels of ROS due to oxidative stress have been found responsible in the progressof certain diseases such as cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases.Antioxidants, both enzymatic and non-enzymatic, prevent oxidative damage to biologicalmolecules by various mechanisms. An endogenous hormone melatonin, secretory product ofthe pineal gland, is released at night to modulate circadian rhythms including sleepiness andregulating body temperature, and is generally used to protect neurological systems from thesevere actions of free radicals occurred by oxidative stress. Therefore, melatonin and itsmetabolites successively scavenge ROS/RNS which are referred to very hazardous freeradicals. Due to the limitations of pharmacokinetic behaviour of melatonin such as lowerbioavailability and short plasma half-life after oral administration, new antioxidantcompounds are required to possess relatively higher free radical scavenging activities thanmelatonin.This thesis consists of synthesis, structure elucidation (IR, NMR, Mass spectrometry,and elemental analyses) and biological activity studies of ten novel melatonin derivatives(1c-1j, 1m, 1ö) out of sixteen compounds in which the later six compounds were previouslysynthesized. The list of compounds synthesized in this thesis is listed below.1H-Indole-3-carboxaldehyde phenylhydrazone (1a)1H-Indole-3-carboxaldehyde (4-bromophenyl)hydrazone (1b)1H-Indole-3-carboxaldehyde (4-flourophenyl)hydrazone (1c)1H-Indole-3-carboxaldehyde (4-chlorophenyl)hydrazone (1d)1H-Indole-3-carboxaldehyde (3,4-chlorophenyl)hydrazone (1e)5-Bromo-1H-indole-3-carboxaldehyde phenylhydrazone (1f)5-Bromo-1H-indole-3-carboxaldehyde (4-bromophenyl)hydrazone (1g)5-Bromo-1H-indole-3-carboxaldehyde (4-flourophenyl)hydrazone (1h)5-Bromo-1H-indole-3-carboxaldehyde (4-chlorophenyl)hydrazone (1i)5-Bromo-1H-indole-3-carboxaldehyde (3,4-dichlorophenyl)hydrazone (1j)N-(4-methoxybenzoyl)-N?-(indolyl-3-methylene)-hydrazine (1k)1H-Indole-3-carboxaldehyde isonicotinoylhydrazone (1l)N-(4-methoxybenzoyl)-N?-(5-Bromo-indolyl-3-methylene)-hydrazine (1m)5-Bromo-1H-Indole-3-carboxaldehyde isonicotinoylhydrazone (1n)N,N?-bis-(1H-indole-3-ylmethylene)-hydrazine (1o)N,N?-bis-(5-bromo-1H-indole-3-ylmethylene)-hydrazine (1ö)In order to investigate the antioxidant activities of the synthesized compounds, the DPPHand superoxide radical scavenging activity studies were performed. The results compared tomelatonin and vitamin E to those with synthesized compounds, indicated that 1a-1j showedsignificantly higher free radical scavenging activities at 10-3 M and 10-4 M concentrationswhen compared to melatonin. It is noteworthy that all the active compounds contain uniquemolecular patterns related to location of halogen atoms within the molecules. Generally, itcan be said that the activity pattern might express the halogens which are mostly located atthe 5th position of indole ring and the aromatic phenyl ring of the side chain (carboxaldehydephenyl hydrazone), respectively, except 1ö consists of bis-indole moiety which is consideredas halogen-located of indole-ring pattern. The compounds having only one halogen atom atthe indole phenyl ring, and either no halogens at both aromatic rings nor substituents otherthan halogens showed lower or no biological activities.Key words : melatonin, indole derivatives, synthesis, antioxidant activity 140