One of the main tasks in the fight against anemia is to carry out preventive measures, to develop and to introduce new preparations containing iron, to provide the pharmaceutical market with anti-anemic agents. That's why to investigate the chronic toxic effect of Iron(IV) hexahydrazide clathrochelate (new iron-containing drug) in mice was the article's aim. The study of chronic toxic effect of Iron(IV) clathrochelate was performed on 45 white mice (19–25 g) separated into 3 groups: control (I) and two experimental (II and III). Animals of II and III groups were daily fed the water solution of Iron(IV) clathrochelate at a rate of 125.8 and 251.6 mg/kg of body weight, respectively. It was monitored the dynamics of body weight of white mice, relative coefficients of the mass of internal organs, hemoglobin content and morphological parameters of blood, biochemical indices of blood serum on the 10th, 20th and 30th day of the experiment. It was established a decrease of body weight by 16–21% and relative weight indices of internal organs (liver, kidney, heart, and spleen) – by 5– 43% in white mice of II and III experimental groups, respectively. Changes in the morphological composition of the blood showed stimulation of leukocytopoiesis. A significant decrease in creatinine (hypocreatinemia) and uric acid (hypouricemia) was observed, which indicates an increase in the filtration capacity of the renal glomeruli. Complex studies of the effect of Iron(IV) clathrochelate solution (at a dose of 125.8 and 251.6 mg/kg of body weight) did not cause any visible signs of intoxication and death of animals at the first time. Iron(IV) clathrochelate solution (at a dose of 125.8 mg/kg of body weight) is demonstrated more safe effect. 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