An ultrafast liquid chromatography method with fluorescence detection has been optimized for the determination of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using a recent Kinetex-C18 column (250 mm x 4.6 mm). This column has been recently packed with a new brand of porous shell particles with an average particle size of 5 µm to separate various compounds by liquid chromatography, operating at very low pressure. After optimization of the analytical procedure, the separation of the 15 PAHs in spiked tap water samples was achieved without coeluted products in 21.5 min at 16°C using an aqueous/acetonitrile mobile phase under gradient concentrations with a very low flow rate (0.7-1.0 mL [min.sup.-1]) and low pressure values (870-1590 psi = 60-110 bar), all of these conditions being interesting from an economic point of view. The synchronization of wavelength time changing and the elution time of each compound was performed to avoid baseline deviation. The validation of the whole of the experimental procedure was conducted taking into consideration the following parameters: calibration curve, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, accuracy, sensitivity, precision, and repeatability of the retention time for each PAH. The proposed analytical procedure presented adequate linearity over a concentration range from 0.025 to 10 µg [L.sup.-1] with a correlation coefficient better than 0.9980. The repeatability (relative standard deviation in percentage, n = 5) of the retention time for the different PAHs investigated ranged from 0.03% to 0.34% and the limit of detection was under 0.6 µg [L.sup.-1] for most PAHs (excepted for indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, limit of detection = 1.71 µg [L.sup.-1]). The intraday and interday precisions were below 4%. The recovery of PAH in spiked tap water samples was variable, ranging from 96% to 109%, with relative standard deviation between 0.2% and 4.8%, depending on PAHs and their concentration levels. Key words: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, core-shell particle, ultrafast liquid chromatography, fluorescence detection. Nous avons optimise une methode de chromatographie liquide a ultra haute performance a detection par fluorescence pour realiser le dosage de 15 hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) en employant la nouvelle colonne Kinetex-C18 (250 mm x 4,6 mm). Nous avons utilise cette colonne recemment commercialisee, contenant un nouveau type de particules poreuses de type core-shell dont la taille moyenne est de 5 µm et fonctionnant a tres basse pression, afin de separer divers composes par chromatographie liquide. Apres optimisation de la methode analytique, la separation des 15 HAP dans des echantillons d'eau du robinet dopes a ete realisee, sans coelution de produits, en 21,5 min a 16°C, dans une phase mobile qui consistait en un melange aqueux d'acetonitrile, en conditions de gradient de concentrations, a tres faible debit (0,7 a 1,0 mL [min.sup.-1]) et a faible pression (870 a 1 590 psi = 60 a 110 bar); toutes ces conditions presentant un interet sur le plan economique. Pour chacun des composes, nous avons effectue la synchronisation entre les variations de longueur d'onde dans le temps et le temps d'elution dans le but de prevenir une derive de la ligne de base. Nous avons mene la validation de l'ensemble de la procedure experimentale en tenant compte des parametres suivants : courbe de calibration, linearite, limites de detection et de quantification, exactitude, sensibilite, precision et repetabilite du temps de retention de chaque HAP. La methode analytique proposee presentait une bonne linearite dans la gamme de concentrations entre 0,025 et 10 µg [L.sup.-1], ou le coefficient de correlation etait superieur a 0,9980. La repetabilite (ecart-type relatif en pour cent, n = 5) du temps de retention des differents HAP a l'etude allait de 0,03 % a 0,34 %, et la limite de detection etait inferieure a 0,6 µg [L.sup.-1] pour la plupart des HAP (a l'exception de l'indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, dont la limite de detection etait de 1,71 µg [L.sup.-1]). Les precisions intra et interjournalieres etaient inferieures a 4 %. La recuperation des HAP dans les echantillons d'eau du robinet dopes etait variable, allant de 96 % a 109 % (ecart-type relatif de 0,2 % a 4,8 %, en fonction du HAP et de sa concentration). [Traduit par la Redaction] Mots-cles: hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques, particule core-shell, chromatographie liquide a ultra haute performance, detection par fluorescence., Introduction Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is an overarching term describing hundreds of individual chemical compounds containing two or more fused aromatic rings. Among these, some contain up to four benzene [...]