Cancer of lung is the utmost typical cause of death and the number of cases is increasing rapidly, which has emerged as a major leading health problem. A large amount of reports suggested that Benzo(a)pyrene [B(a)P] in cigarette smoke plays the major function in an initiation of cancer of lung. Cancer prevention or chemoprevention has become a compelling approach recently for treatment of lung cancer. So, discovering a fresh candidate with reduced toxicity for targeting lung cancer is vital and urgent. Sinapic acid which is a widely extracted in various vegetables and fruit exhibits rich anti-oxidant content, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor activity. But, the chemopreventive action of sinapic acid against lung cancer initiated by B[a]P remain unclear. Following, an in-vivo B[a]P-stimulated lung cancer in swiss albino mice and an in-vitro human lung cancer cell (A549) model were established to examine the chemopreventive activities of sinapic acid. The levels of immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM), oxidative and inflammatory markers, and tumor markers level was studied using kits and standard methods. The results showed administration of sinapic acid ameliorates the exposure of B[a]P mediated lung cancer in swiss albino mice by a decline in IgG and IgM level, leukocyte count, neutrophil function tests, soluble immune complex, lipid peroxidation, pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor markers (AHH, LDH, GGT, 5′NT and CEA) and enhanced phagocytic index, activity index and antioxidant defense enzymes. In addition, in-vitro studies showed potential cytotoxicity against human lung cancer and exhibited a potential cytotoxic (MTT assay) and apoptotic activity by elevation of ROS production and caspase activity (caspase-3 and caspase-9). Collectively, the results, clearly specifies sinapic acid can be utilized as an effective chemo preventative agent against lung carcinogenesis.