沖縄県における家畜糞便由来薬剤耐性大腸菌の検出状況の調査の一環として, 今回はと畜場で解体直後のウシの盲腸内容物由来について調査を行った。ウシの盲腸内容物試料は, 品種等別に外産牛20頭, 黒毛和種5頭, ホルスタイン種5頭, 計30頭から採取し, 黒毛和種については農場で肥育中のウシ10頭の糞便も採取した。これらの試料から合計343株の大腸菌を分離し, 7薬剤に対する薬剤感受性試験を行った。供試した大腸菌343株のうち45株がいずれか1薬剤に耐性であり, その検出率は13.1%と低率であった。ウシの品種等別では, 外産牛が18.8%, 黒毛和種が6.8%, ホルスタイン種が6.7%であり, 外産牛で高かった。薬剤別の耐性菌は, 全体ではSA耐性24株, CTC耐性20株, KM耐性14株などが比較的多かった。外産牛ではSA及びCTC耐性が多く, またホルスタイン種では各薬剤に対する耐性菌が検出されたが, 黒毛和種ではKM及びSA耐性のみであった。耐性型は, 全体では12種類認められたが, 外産牛では単剤型から4剤型まで9種類, 黒毛和種では単剤型のみ2種類, ホルスタイン種では6剤型と7剤型の2種類であつた。耐性菌におけるRプラスミド保有菌は4株あり, すべて外産牛由来であった。, As part of the study of the incidence of drug resistance of Escherichia coli of fecal origin in liverstock, the drug resistance of E. coli isolated from the cecal contents of cattle was studied. Cecal contents were collected at a slaughter house in Okinawa Prefecture during the slaughtering and dressing of 30 beef cattle including 20 imported cattle (imported, then fattened in the Prefecture), five Japanese blacks and five Holsteins. Fecal samples were also collected from 10 Japanese blacks being fattened on a farm. A total of 343 strains of E. coli were isolated from these samples. Drug sensitivity testing of these strains to seven antibiotics was performed. Of the 343 strains, 45 were resistant to at least one antibiotic, with a low isolation rate of 13.1%. The isolation rate of drug-resistant strains was 18.8% in imported cattle, 6.8% in Japanese blacks and 6.7% in Holsteins. The highest rate was found in imported cattle. Resistance to SA, CTC and KM was relatively high, with 24 strains resistant to SA, 20 to CTC and 14 to KM. Many SA-and CTC-resistant strains were isolated from the imported cattle. Strains resistant to all antibiotics tested were isolated from the Holsteins, while only KM- or SA-resistant strains were isolated from the Japanese blacks. Twelve different patterns of resistance were observed in all the strains. Nine patterns of resistance, including one- to four-agent resistance, were detected in imported cattle. Two patterns of single-agent resistance were found in Japanese blacks and two patterns of six-and seven-agent resistance were found in Holsteins. Attempts were made to detect R plasmid in the resistant strains. It was detected in only 4 strains, all isolated from imported cattle., 紀要論文