Altres ajuts: CSO2010-21300/SOCI Este artículo analiza los flujos migratorios acaecidos en Cataluña durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI a través de un método de estimación indirecta como es el análisis de los apellidos contenidos en los recuentos de fuegos u hogares (fogatges) de 1497 y 1553. El estudio se centra en el análisis descriptivo de los datos, focalizándose especialmente en los apellidos más comunes de la época. Asimismo, se ha analizado la distribución espacial de éstos entre 1497 y 1553, mapificando su evolución a lo largo del tiempo. Finalmente, el grado de interrelación entre las distintas demarcaciones territoriales de la Cataluña moderna (col·lectes) ha sido establecido a través de la aplicación del coeficiente de Chen y Cavalli-Sforza (1983). This paper aims to identify migration flows during the first half of the XVI century. To achieve this goal we analyze population movements using the distribution and emergence of family names. For that purpose the Catalan household tax counts (fogatges) of 1497 and 1553 are used. These counts were made for fiscal purposes and collected each family unit (household) of the region by villages. Firstly we conduct a descriptive analysis of the data, focusing on the most common surnames of that period. Secondly, the spatial distribution of these surnames among the two aforementioned periods (1497 and 1553) is analyzed, mapping their distribution throughout time. Finally, we concern on the degree of interrelation among different regions of Catalonia in that time (col·lectes) applying the coefficient of Chen and Cavalli-Sforza (1983). As a result several population flows are recognized. Population movements north to south were predominant, and territories such as Lérida, Tarragona, the south and the coast of Catalonia, were regions of attraction