Mustela felipei Izor and de la Torre, 1978. J. Mammal., 59:92. TYPE LOCALITY: "Santa Marta, elevation 2,700 m, near San Agustin, Huila, Colombia ". DISTRIBUTION: The type locality and Cauca, Colombia (two localities separated by 70 km, on opposite sides of Cordillera Central. COMMENTS: Izor and de la Torre (1978) suggested that africana and felipei form a monophyletic group. Youngman (1982) placed felipei in subgenus Grammogale., Published as part of W. Christopher Wozencraft, 1993, Order Carnivora, pp. 279-348 in Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition), Washington and London :Smithsonian Institution Press on page 322, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7359191, {"references":["Izor, R. J., and L. de la Torre. 1978. A new species of weasel (Mustela) from the highlands of Colombia, with comments on the evolution and distribution of South American weasels. Journal of Mammalogy, 59: 92 - 102.","Youngman, P. M. 1982. Distribution and systematics of the European mink, Mustela lutreola Linnaeus, 1761. Acta Zoologica Fennica, 166: 1 - 48."]}