45 results on '"S. Schaeffer"'
Search Results
2. Immunization and multiple sclerosis: Recommendations from the French Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Author
C. Lebrun, S. Vukusic, V. Abadie, C. Achour, F. Ader, H. Alchaar, A. Alkhedr, F. Andreux, G. Androdias, R. Arjmand, B. Audoin, D. Audry, D. Aufauvre, C. Autreaux, X. Ayrignac, M. Bailbe, M. Benazet, C. Bensa, D. Bensmail, E. Berger, P. Bernady, Y. Bertagna, D. Biotti, A. Blanchard-Dauphin, J. Bonenfant, M. Bonnan, B. Bonnemain, F. Borgel, E. Botelho-Nevers, S. Boucly, B. Bourre, C. Boutière, P. Branger, D. Brassat, S. Bresch, V. Breuil, B. Brochet, H. Brugeilles, P. Bugnon, P. Cabre, J.-P. Camdessanché, C. Carra-Dalière, O. Casez, J.-M. Chamouard, B. Chassande, P. Chataignier, M. Chbicheb, A. Chenet, J. Ciron, P. Clavelou, M. Cohen, R. Colamarino, N. Collongues, I. Coman, P.-R. Corail, S. Courtois, M. Coustans, A. Creange, E. Creisson, N. Daluzeau, C. Davenas, J. De Seze, M. Debouverie, R. Depaz, N. Derache, L. Divio, X. Douay, C. Dulau, F. Durand-Dubief, G. Edan, Z. Elias, O. Fagniez, M. Faucher, J.-M. Faucheux, M. Fournier, A. Gagneux-Brunon, P. Gaida, P. Galli, P. Gallien, J. Gaudelus, D. Gault, A. Gayou, M. Genevray, A. Gentil, J. Gere, L. Gignoux, M. Giroux, P. Givron, O. Gout, J. Grimaud, A.-M. Guennoc, N. Hadhoum, P. Hautecoeur, O. Heinzlef, M. Jaeger, S. Jeannin, L. Kremer, A. Kwiatkowski, P. Labauge, C. Labeyrie, S. Lachaud, I. Laffont, C. Lanctin-Garcia, J. Lannoy, L. Lanotte, D. Laplaud, D. Latombe, M. Lauxerois, E. Le Page, C. Lebrun-Frenay, P. Lejeune, P. Lejoyeux, B. Lemonnier, E. Leray, C.-M. Loche, C. Louapre, C. Lubetzki, A. Maarouf, B. Mada, L. Magy, E. Maillart, E. Manchon, R. Marignier, P. Marque, G. Mathey, A. Maurousset, C. Mekies, M. Merienne, L. Michel, A.-M. Milor, X. Moisset, A. Montcuquet, T. Moreau, N. Morel, M. Moussa, J.-P. Naudillon, M. Normand, P. Olive, J.-C. Ouallet, O. Outteryck, C. Pacault, C. Papeix, I. Patry, D. Peaureaux, J. Pelletier, B. Pichon, S. Pittion, E. Planque, M.-C. Pouget, V. Pourcher, C. Radot, I. Robert, F. Rocher, A. Ruet, C. Saint-Val, J.-Y. Salle, A. Salmon, E. Sartori, S. Schaeffer, B. Stankhof, F. Taithe, E. Thouvenot, C. Tizon, A. Tourbah, P. Tourniaire, M. Vaillant, P. Vermersch, S. Vidil, A. Wahab, M.-H. Warter, S. Wiertlewski, B. Wiplosz, B. Wittwer, C. Zaenker, H. Zephir, Université Côte d'Azur (UCA), Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud [CHU - HCL] (CHLS), Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), Centre de recherche en neurosciences de Lyon (CRNL), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Université Jean Monnet [Saint-Étienne] (UJM)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Hosp Civils Lyon, Serv Malad Infect, Lyon, France, Biogéosciences [UMR 6282] [Dijon] (BGS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Bourgogne (UB)-AgroSup Dijon - Institut National Supérieur des Sciences Agronomiques, de l'Alimentation et de l'Environnement, Centre de résonance magnétique biologique et médicale (CRMBM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CHU Montpellier, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Montpellier] (CHRU Montpellier), CHU Pontchaillou [Rennes], CHU Saint-Etienne, Centre d'Exploration Métabolique par Résonance Magnétique [Hôpital de la Timone - AP-HM] (CEMEREM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)- Hôpital de la Timone [CHU - APHM] (TIMONE), Comité de Développement Horticole du Centre Val de Loire (CDHRC), Génétique, physiopathologie et ingénierie du tissu osseux (GéPITOS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA), Service d'Etudes du Comportement des Matériaux de Conditionnement (SECM), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), Galaxies, Etoiles, Physique, Instrumentation (GEPI), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Service de Neurologie [Rennes] = Neurology [Rennes], Excitabilité nerveuse et thérapeutique (ENT), Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12)-EA 4391, Service de Physiologie Explorations Fonctionnelles-Hôpital Henri Mondor, Maladies chroniques, santé perçue, et processus d'adaptation (APEMAC), Université de Lorraine (UL), RMN et optique : De la mesure au biomarqueur, Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image pour la Santé (CREATIS), Université Jean Monnet [Saint-Étienne] (UJM)-Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon), Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Jean Monnet [Saint-Étienne] (UJM)-Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon), Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories - Corporation, Service de Pédiatrie [Jean Verdier], Université Paris 13 (UP13)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Hôpital Jean Verdier [AP-HP], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP), Kuriwa Observatory, Fondation Ophtalmologique Adolphe de Rothschild [Paris], Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation et Procédés Propres (M2P2), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École Centrale de Marseille (ECM)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU), Institut de biologie et chimie des protéines [Lyon] (IBCP), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Euromov (EuroMov), Université de Montpellier (UM), Centre de Recherche en Transplantation et Immunologie (U1064 Inserm - CRTI), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université de Nantes - UFR de Médecine et des Techniques Médicales (UFR MEDECINE), Université de Nantes (UN)-Université de Nantes (UN), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis - Faculté de Médecine (UNS UFR Médecine), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA), Recherche en Pharmaco-épidémiologie et Recours aux Soins (REPERES), Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP), École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP), Département Méthodes quantitatives en santé publique (METIS), Institut du Cerveau et de la Moëlle Epinière = Brain and Spine Institute (ICM), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière [AP-HP], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Biologie des Interactions Neurones / Glie, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Service de Neurologie [CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière], IFR70-CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière [AP-HP], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Sorbonne Université (SU), Service de Neurologie [CHU Clermont-Ferrand], CHU Gabriel Montpied [Clermont-Ferrand], CHU Clermont-Ferrand-CHU Clermont-Ferrand-CHU Estaing [Clermont-Ferrand], CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Besançon (CHRU Besançon), Laboratoire d'automatique et de génie des procédés (LAGEP), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-École Supérieure Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière [AP-HP], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Sorbonne Université (SU), Haras National Suisse, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims (CHU Reims), Center for health studies, Service de neurologie [Nantes], Université de Nantes (UN)-Centre hospitalier universitaire de Nantes (CHU Nantes)-Hôpital Guillaume-et-René-Laennec [Saint-Herblain], Hospices Civils de Lyon, Centre de recherche en neurosciences de Lyon - Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL), Biogéosciences [UMR 6282] (BGS), Université de Bourgogne (UB)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Hôpital de la Timone [CHU - APHM] (TIMONE)-Centre de résonance magnétique biologique et médicale (CRMBM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA), Hôpital Henri Mondor-EA 4391, Service de Physiologie Explorations Fonctionnelles-Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon), Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)-Université Jean Monnet [Saint-Étienne] (UJM)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)-Université Jean Monnet [Saint-Étienne] (UJM)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-École Supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon (CPE)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Étienne (UJM)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint-Etienne [CHU Saint-Etienne] (CHU ST-E), Centre d'Exploration Métabolique par Résonance Magnétique [Hôpital de la Timone - APHM] (CEMEREM), Comité de développement horticole de la région Centre-Val-de-Loire (CDHR CENTRE-VAL-DE-LOIRE), Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Étienne (UJM)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Étienne (UJM)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Rennes (UR)-École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP), Université de Bourgogne (UB)-AgroSup Dijon - Institut National Supérieur des Sciences Agronomiques, de l'Alimentation et de l'Environnement-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)- Hôpital de la Timone [CHU - APHM] (TIMONE), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université de Lyon-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Université Paris 13 (UP13)-Hôpital Jean Verdier [AP-HP], Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière [AP-HP], Sorbonne Université (SU)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP), CHU Estaing [Clermont-Ferrand], CHU Clermont-Ferrand-CHU Clermont-Ferrand-CHU Gabriel Montpied [Clermont-Ferrand], Sorbonne Université (SU)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015 - 2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015 - 2019) (COMUE UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA), Service de Neurologie [Rennes], Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Hôpital Pontchaillou-CHU Pontchaillou [Rennes], Institut d’Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN) - UMR 8520 (IEMN), Ecole Centrale de Lille-Institut supérieur de l'électronique et du numérique (ISEN)-Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis (UVHC)-Université de Lille-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-École Centrale de Marseille (ECM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015 - 2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015 - 2019) (COMUE UCA), Sorbonne Université-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Sorbonne Université-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP), Département de Neurologie [Paris], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-IFR70-CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière [AP-HP], Sorbonne Université-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Sorbonne Université, Centre d'Investigation Clinique [Rennes] (CIC), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Hôpital Pontchaillou-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Service de Neurologie, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Hôpital Jean Minjoz, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Besançon] (CHRU Besançon), Sorbonne Université-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP), Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Vaccination schedule ,MEDLINE ,Scientific literature ,Multiple sclerosis ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Recurrence ,Risk Factors ,Health care ,Medicine ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Immunization Schedule ,Societies, Medical ,Vaccines ,business.industry ,Risk of infection ,Prevention ,Vaccination ,medicine.disease ,3. Good health ,Neurology ,Immunization ,Family medicine ,Evidence-Based Practice ,Practice Guidelines as Topic ,[SDV.SPEE]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Santé publique et épidémiologie ,Neurology (clinical) ,France ,business ,Infection ,Vaccine ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Objectives To establish recommendations on immunization for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Background Vaccines have been suspected in the past to trigger MS and relapses. With the extension of the immunoactive treatment arsenal, other concerns have been raised more recently about an increased risk of infection or a decreased effectiveness of immunization in immunosuppressed patients. Methods The French Group for Recommendations into Multiple Sclerosis (France4MS) performed a systematic search of papers in Medline and other university databases (January 1975–June 2018). The RAND/UCLA appropriateness method was chosen to review the scientific literature and to formalize the degree of agreement among experts on 5 clinical questions related to immunization and MS. Readers from the steering committee conducted a systematic analysis, wrote a critical synthesis and prepared a list of proposals that were evaluated by a rating group of 28 MS experts. The final version of the recommendations was finally reviewed by a reading group of 110 health care professionals and classified as appropriate, inappropriate or uncertain. Results Neurologists should verify the vaccination status as soon as MS is diagnosed and before disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) are introduced. The French vaccination schedule applies to MS patients and seasonal influenza vaccination is recommended. In the case of treatment-induced immunosuppression, MS patients should be informed about the risk of infection and the vaccination standards of the French High Council of Health should be applied. Live attenuated vaccines are contra-indicated in patients recently treated with immunosuppressive drugs, including corticosteroids; other vaccines can be proposed whatever the treatment, but their effectiveness may be partly reduced with some drugs. Conclusion Physicians and patients should be aware of the updated recommendations for immunizations of patients with MS.
- Published
- 2019
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3. Incidental Finding of Adventitial Cystic Disease of the Common Femoral Vein: Case Report and Review of the Literature
- Author
Jacob S. Schaeffer, Clark A. Davis, and Irina Shakhnovich
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,medicine.medical_specialty ,0302 clinical medicine ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Radiology ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Common femoral vein ,Cystic disease - Abstract
Adventitial cystic disease of the venous system is an uncommon pathology. The diagnostic workup, therapeutic options, and long-term outcomes are not well delineated. We present a case of a 37-year-old male who had an incidental finding of a cystic structure compressing his common femoral vein. Initially, the cyst was aspirated, but because of recurrence and new symptoms, the patient required surgical excision.
- Published
- 2016
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4. Zika virus causes acute oophoritis mediated by T lymphocytes in a mouse model
- Author
Kelle H. Moley, Elizabeth A. Caine, Darcy E. Broughton, Jennifer Govero, S. Schaeffer, Jacques Halabi, and Michael P. Diamond
- Subjects
Reproductive Medicine ,biology ,business.industry ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Medicine ,Acute oophoritis ,biology.organism_classification ,business ,Virology ,Zika virus - Published
- 2018
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5. Payment fraud: It plagues every company
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Bank account ,Actuarial science ,business.industry ,Accounting ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Best practice ,Constructive fraud ,Payment ,business ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance ,media_common - Abstract
Every organization, no matter how big or small, is a potential target for an increasingly sophisticated group of individuals looking to dip into your bank account without invitation. And these folks don't discriminate. If they can get your banking information and you haven't taken the proper steps to protect yourself, they'll help themselves to your hard-earned money. This article provides advice on what best practice organizations are doing to protect themselves against the three areas where most are vulnerable: check fraud, p-card fraud, and electronic payment fraud. © 2011 Mary S. Schaeffer
- Published
- 2011
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6. Cash management initiatives for your accounts payable operations
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
business.industry ,Accounting ,Cash conversion cycle ,Cash flow forecasting ,Accounts payable ,Management ,Operating cash flow ,Economics ,Accrued liabilities ,Cash flow statement ,Cash flow ,business ,Cash management ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Abstract
Accounts payable definitely affects your company's cash flow and cash management. The author explains several tactics your firm can use to improve its cash position-as well as one or two that will inadvertently harm it. This article is excerpted from Controller and CFO's Guide to Accounts Payable (John Wiley & Sons). © 2007 by Mary S. Schaeffer
- Published
- 2010
- Full Text
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7. Simple tactics to prevent payment fraud
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Actuarial science ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Public relations ,Payment ,Accounts payable ,Accounting ,Constructive fraud ,Economics ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDSOCIETY ,business ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance ,media_common ,Simple (philosophy) - Abstract
In this economy, payment fraud may be on the rise. But there are some simple tactics you can use to prevent payment fraud. The author explains what they are, and how to use them. This article is adapted from Fraud in Accounts Payable: How to Prevent It by Mary S. Schaeffer, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- Published
- 2008
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8. Classification Tree Models for Predicting Distributions of Michigan Stream Fish from Landscape Variables
- Author
Jeffrey S. Schaeffer, Troy G. Zorn, Paul W. Seelbach, and Paul J. Steen
- Subjects
business.industry ,Ecology ,Decision tree learning ,Distribution (economics) ,Fish habitat ,Aquatic Science ,Set (abstract data type) ,Habitat ,Abundance (ecology) ,%22">Fish ,Environmental science ,Physical geography ,business ,Relative species abundance ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Abstract
Traditionally, fish habitat requirements have been described from local-scale environmental variables. However, recent studies have shown that studying landscape-scale processes improves our understanding of what drives species assemblages and distribution patterns across the landscape. Our goal was to learn more about constraints on the distribution of Michigan stream fish by examining landscape-scale habitat variables. We used classification trees and landscape-scale habitat variables to create and validate presence-absence models and relative abundance models for Michigan stream fishes. We developed 93 presence-absence models that on average were 72% correct in making predictions for an independent data set, and we developed 46 relative abundance models that were 76% correct in making predictions for independent data. The models were used to create statewide predictive distribution and abundance maps that have the potential to be used for a variety of conservation and scientific purposes.
- Published
- 2008
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9. Using accounts payable to improve cash flow
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Finance ,business.industry ,Cash flow forecasting ,Accounts payable ,Operating cash flow ,Accounting ,Economics ,Cash flow ,Cash flow statement ,Cash on cash return ,Price/cash flow ratio ,business ,Cash management ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Abstract
Accounts payable definitely has a cash flow/cash management component, the author reminds us. And there are several tactics accounts payable can use to improve your company's cash flow. What are they, and how can you use them effectively? © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- Published
- 2007
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10. Best Practices-Not: Tactics That Unintentionally Promote Fraud
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
business.industry ,Best practice ,Public relations ,business - Published
- 2015
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11. Payroll Fraud: Ghostbusting and More
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Payroll ,business.industry ,Accounting ,Business - Published
- 2015
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12. Strategies to Deter, Prevent, and Detect All Sorts of Accounts Payable Fraud
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Actuarial science ,business.industry ,business ,Accounts payable - Published
- 2015
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13. Where Accounts Payable Fraud can Happen in Your Organization
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Actuarial science ,business.industry ,Accounting ,Business ,Accounts payable - Published
- 2015
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14. Telecom Fraud: yes, it can Happen to you
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
business.industry ,Telecommunications ,business - Published
- 2015
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15. Appendix B 2007 Top Frauds
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Engineering ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,business.industry ,medicine ,Library science ,business ,Appendix - Published
- 2015
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16. Vendor and Invoice Fraud: Not Every Invoice (or Vendor!) is Legit
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Invoice processing ,Database ,Invoice ,business.industry ,Vendor ,business ,computer.software_genre ,computer - Published
- 2015
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17. Fraud Monitoring Reports: a Necessary Evil
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
business.industry ,Internet privacy ,business ,Computer security ,computer.software_genre ,computer - Published
- 2015
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18. Check Stock: Stop the Fraudsters' Presses
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Finance ,business.industry ,Advertising ,Business ,Stock (geology) - Published
- 2015
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19. About Accounts Payable Now & Tomorrow
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
business.industry ,Accounting ,business ,Accounts payable - Published
- 2015
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20. Sales and Use Tax
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Sales journal ,Finance ,Value-added tax ,Ad valorem tax ,business.industry ,Direct tax ,Use tax ,Business ,Sales management ,Tax reform ,Indirect tax - Published
- 2015
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21. Compliance Alternatives: Outsourcing and the COSO Framework
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
business.industry ,Operations management ,Business ,Compliance (psychology) ,Outsourcing - Published
- 2015
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22. Automation: Third-Party and Home-Grown Systems
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Engineering ,Third party ,ISA100.11a ,business.industry ,Totally integrated automation ,Process automation system ,business ,Automation ,Manufacturing engineering - Published
- 2015
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23. Communicating Requirements: The T&E Policy and Manual
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Engineering management ,Knowledge management ,business.industry ,Computer science ,business - Published
- 2015
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24. Retrobulbar rhabdomyosarcoma in a neotropical peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus cassini)
- Author
Michelle J. Freundt Coello and Lee S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Pathology ,genetic structures ,General Veterinary ,Bird Diseases ,business.industry ,Eye Neoplasms ,Anatomy ,Falco peregrinus cassini ,medicine.disease ,Fusiform cell ,Rhabdomyosarcoma ,medicine ,Animals ,Female ,Physical exam ,Histopathology ,Sarcoma ,business ,Falconiformes - Abstract
A mild swelling of the left periorbital was detected on a routine physical exam of a healthy captive adult peregrine falcon. Despite treatment, the swelling did not subside and within twenty-five days was causing significant exophthalmia and medial deviation of the left globe. A retrobulbar fusiform cell sarcoma was diagnosed with histopathology, then light microscopy and immunohistochemical staining confirmed the diagnosis of a rhabdomyosarcoma.
- Published
- 2013
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25. Evaluation of a video-based head motion tracking system for dedicated brain PET
- Author
D. Beylin, P. Stepanov, Mark F. Smith, A. Stepanov, V. Zavarzin, D. G. Shaposhnikov, I. N. Weinberg, S. Schaeffer, and Sergey Anishchenko
- Subjects
Match moving ,business.industry ,Image quality ,Computer science ,Head tremor ,Tracking system ,Computer vision ,Artificial intelligence ,business ,Fiducial marker ,Image resolution ,Image restoration ,Imaging phantom - Abstract
Unintentional head motion during Positron Emission Tomography (PET) data acquisition can degrade PET image quality and lead to artifacts. Poor patient compliance, head tremor, and coughing are examples of movement sources. Head motion due to patient non-compliance can be an issue with the rise of amyloid brain PET in dementia patients. To preserve PET image resolution and quantitative accuracy, head motion can be tracked and corrected in the image reconstruction algorithm. While fiducial markers can be used, a contactless approach is preferable. A video-based head motion tracking system for a dedicated portable brain PET scanner was developed. Four wide-angle cameras organized in two stereo pairs are used for capturing video of the patient’s head during the PET data acquisition. Facial points are automatically tracked and used to determine the six degree of freedom head pose as a function of time. The presented work evaluated the newly designed tracking system using a head phantom and a moving American College of Radiology (ACR) phantom. The mean video-tracking error was 0.99±0.90 mm relative to the magnetic tracking device used as ground truth. Qualitative evaluation with the ACR phantom shows the advantage of the motion tracking application. The developed system is able to perform tracking with accuracy close to millimeter and can help to preserve resolution of brain PET images in presence of movements.
- Published
- 2015
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26. Cluster headache-like attack as an opening symptom of a unilateral infarction of the cervical cord: Persistent anaesthesia and dysaesthesia to cold stimuli
- Author
S. Schaeffer, O. Coskun, Gilles Defer, V. de la Sayette, and F. Leproux
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Vertebral artery ,Short Report ,Infarction ,Cluster Headache ,Functional Laterality ,Central nervous system disease ,medicine.artery ,medicine ,Humans ,Anesthesia ,Stroke ,business.industry ,Cluster headache ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Spinal cord ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Surgery ,Cold Temperature ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Hemiparesis ,Spinal Cord ,Cervical Vertebrae ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Cervical vertebrae - Abstract
A 54 year old man experienced excruciating left retro-orbital pain with lacrimation and redness of the eye representative of a cluster headache attack. This was followed by left hemiparesis with plegia of the lower limb and left Horner's syndrome. Five days later the hemiparesis recovered while the patient developed hypoanaesthesia to cold stimuli that evoked painful burning dysaesthesia on the right side below the C4 level. MRI disclosed a discrete infarct in the left lateral aspect of the cord at C2 level concomitant to a left vertebral artery thrombosis. This limited infarct and the clinical symptoms suggest a hypoperfusion in the peripheral arterial system of the left hemicord, supplied both by the anterior and posterior spinal arteries. Cluster headache-like attack and persistent dysaesthesia to cold stimuli are discussed respectively in view of the central sympathetic involvement and partial spinothalamic system dysfunction.
- Published
- 1999
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27. 'Call fast, Call 911': a direct mail campaign to reduce patient delay in acute myocardial infarction
- Author
Mickey S. Eisenberg, Mary Pat Larsen, Sharon S. Schaeffer, Daniel K. Henwood, Eric M. Dulberg, and Hendrika Meischke
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Washington ,Emergency Medical Services ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Direct mail ,Myocardial Infarction ,Health Promotion ,law.invention ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Intervention (counseling) ,medicine ,Emergency medical services ,Humans ,Postal Service ,Prospective Studies ,Registries ,Myocardial infarction ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,business.industry ,Telephone call ,Public health ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Middle Aged ,Patient Acceptance of Health Care ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Emergency medicine ,Female ,Pamphlets ,Health education ,business ,Research Article - Abstract
OBJECTIVES: A 10-month direct mail campaign was implemented to increase use of emergency medical services via 911 calls and to reduce prehospital delay for individuals experiencing acute myocardial infarction symptoms. METHODS: This prospective, randomized, controlled trial involved three intervention groups (receiving brochures with informational, emotional, or social messages) and a control group. RESULTS: Intervention effects were not observed except for individuals who had a history of acute myocardial infarction and who were discharged with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction; their 911 use was meaningfully higher in each intervention group than in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: The mailings affected only the individuals at greatest risk.
- Published
- 1997
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28. Renal Ultrasound Changes After Pyeloplasty in Children With Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
- Author
Christopher L. Amling, Lowell R. King, John S. Wiener, Sara M. O'Hara, and Cameron S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Kidney ,Pyeloplasty ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Urology ,Pediatric Radiologist ,Ultrasound ,Renal ultrasound ,Ureteropelvic junction ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,El Niño ,medicine ,Pyelocaliectasis ,business - Abstract
Purpose: We evaluated the use of renal ultrasound for monitoring pyelocaliectasis after pyeloplasty in children.Materials and Methods: Changes in pyelocaliceal dilatation following pyeloplasty were assessed by serial ultrasound. Of 104 children 0 to 12 years old who underwent pyeloplasty between 1982 and 1992, 44 (47 renal units) were monitored with serial ultrasound for at least 2 years (range 2 to 9, mean 3.8). Patient ages at pyeloplasty were 0 to 3 months (17), 4 to 12 months (8), 1 to 6 years (13) and 7 to 12 years (6). Preoperative and postoperative ultrasound was reviewed by a single pediatric radiologist blinded to the date of surgery. The degree of pyelocaliectasis was graded as 0 to 4 according to the classification of the Society for Fetal Urology.Results: Preoperative ultrasound revealed grade 4 pyelocaliectasis in 26 kidneys (55 percent) and grade 3 disease in 21 (45 percent). Grade was the same or worse 1 month after pyeloplasty in the majority of kidneys (92 percent) studied at this...
- Published
- 1996
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29. Restless legs syndrome associated with exercise intolerance: Data from a retrospective observational clinical neuromuscular center study
- Author
J.-P. Simon, C. Debout, S. Schaeffer, Françoise Bertran, A. Kerouanton, and Françoise Chapon
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Pediatrics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,Exercise intolerance ,Disease ,Cohort Studies ,Young Adult ,Restless Legs Syndrome ,mental disorders ,medicine ,Humans ,Restless legs syndrome ,Muscular dystrophy ,Referral and Consultation ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,Muscle biopsy ,Exercise Tolerance ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Retrospective cohort study ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Observational Studies as Topic ,Neurology ,Physical therapy ,Observational study ,Female ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Exercise intolerance (EI) is a frequent motive for seeking neuromuscular consultation and may be a sign of metabolic disease or, rarely, muscular dystrophy. The diagnosis is not established in many patients with a typical clinical presentation. Nevertheless, some of them complain of sleep disorders and more especially of restless legs syndrome (RLS).The objective of our study was to estimate the frequency of RLS in patients presenting with EI.Our retrospective observational study included all patients seen in the center from 2005 to 2011, who were subsequently investigated for EI in the neuromuscular department of the Caen University hospital. Data were collected on clinical RLS and muscular investigations (creatine kinase [CK], EMG, maximal exercise tests magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] and muscle biopsy obtained along with muscle exploration).Of the 318 patient records analyzed, 84 showed patients accurately complaining of EI. RLS was diagnosed in 25 of these patients (29.7%). This percentage was significantly higher (P0.001) than found in the general population. Improvement was seen in 91.3% of the patients receiving specific treatment.RLS can sometimes present with pain, potentially worsening with exercise, inappropriately leading to a hypothesis of EI. Clinicians should thus explore the possible diagnosis of RLS when a muscular disease is not found in patients presenting with such symptoms.
- Published
- 2012
30. Fraud in Accounts Payable: How to Prevent it
- Author
Mary S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Actuarial science ,business.industry ,Accounting ,business ,Accounts payable - Published
- 2012
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31. Fourth meeting of the European Neurological Society 25–29 June 1994 Barcelona, Spain
- Author
H. Hattig, C. Delli Pizzi, M. C. Addonizio, Michelle Davis, A. R. Giovagnoli, L. Florensa, M. Roth, J. de Kruijk, Francisco Lacruz, Ph. Dewailly, A. Toygar, C. Avendano, P.P. De Deyn, J. F. Hurtevent, F. Lomeila, T. W. Wong, Gordon T. Plant, M. Bud, H. J. Willison, DH Miller, D. W. Langdon, R. Cioni, J. Servan, A. Kaygisiz, E. Racadot, D. B. Schens, E. Picciola, L. Falip, C. Bouchard, J. Jotova, A. Jorge-Santamaria, P. Misra, A. Dufour, C. P. Panagopoulos, A. Venneri, B. Sredni, B. Angelard, M. Janelidze, M. Carreno, J. Obenberger, J. Pouget, H. W. Moser, R. Kaufmann, J. A. Molina, D. Linden, A. Martin Urda, E. Uvestad, A. Krone, J. P. Cochin, J. Mallecourt, A. Cambon-Thomsen, K. Violleau, P. Osschmann, A. M. Durocher, E. Bussaglia, D. M. Danielle, H. Efendi, C. Van Broeckhoven, K. G. Jordan, W. Rautenberg, C. Iniguez, J. M. Delgado, Graham Watson, M. Lawden, Gareth J. Barker, K. Stiasny, James T. Becker, G. Campanella, E. Peghi, A. Poli, A. Haddad, T. Yamawaki, Giacomo P. Comi, S. Sotgiu, B. Ersmark, A. Pomes, M. Ziegler, P. Ferrante, P. Ruppi, H. KuÇukoglu, R. Bouton, U. K. Rinne, P. Vieregge, M. Dary, P. Giunti, Peter J. Goadsby, S. Jung, E. Secor, A. Steinberg, N. Vila, M. A. Hernandez, M. Cursi, A. Enqelhardt, A. Engelhardt, J. Veitch, F. Di Silverio, F. Arnaud, B. Neundörfer, R. Brucher, Dominique Caparros-Lefebvre, B. Meyer, Marianne Dieterich, M. H. Snidaro, R. Gomez, R. Cerbo, M. Ragno, J. M. Vance, S. Nemni, A. Caliskan, F. Barros, I. Velcheva, D. Ceballos-Baumann, V. Barak, A. Avila, N. Antonova, F. Resche, S. Pappata, L. Varela, S. R. Silveira Santos, A. Cammarota, L. Naccache, Y. Nara, E. Tournier-Lasserves, R. Mobner, T. Chase, A. Ensenyat, J. Ulrich, G. Giegerich, M. Rother, M. Revilla, N. Nitschke, K. Honczarenko, E. Basart Tarrats, J. Blin, B. Jacob, J. Santamaria, S. Knezevic, J. L. Castillo, M. Antem, J. Colomer, O. Busse, Didier Hannequin, S. Carrier, J. B. Ruidavets, C. Rozman, J. Bogoussslavsky, J. Pascual Calvet, E. Monros, J. M. Polo, M. Zucconl, Javier Muruzabal, R. R. Allen, R. Rivolta, K. Haugaard, A. Nespolo, K. Hoang-Xuang, G. Bussone, T. Avramidis, E. Corsini, Christiana Franke, T. Vinogradova, H. Boot, K. Vestergaard, G. H. Jansen, N. Argentino, M. Raltzig, W. Linssen, Mark B. Pepys, P. Roblot, L. Lauritzen, E. Fainardi, D. Morin, T. X. Arbizu Urdiain, J. Wollenhaupt, S. Bostantjopoulou, G. Pavesi, A. D. Forman, Giovanni Fabbrini, D. Jean, J. J. Archelos, M. I. Blanchs, M. Del Gobbo, Anna Carla Turconi, Ch. Derouesné, Elio Scarpini, A. Visbeck, P. Castejon, J. P. Renou, F. Mounier-Vehier, G. Potagas, Ch. Duyckaerts, A. Filla, R. Schneider, G. Ronen, K. Nagata, J. P. Vedel, A. Henneberg, G. van Melle, C. Baratti, H. Knott, M. C. Prevett, A. Bes, B. Metin, Jos V. Reempts, L. Martorell, Mefkure Eraksoy, H. O. Handwerker, D. S. Younger, O. Oktem, D. Frongillo, C. Soriano-Soriano, L. Niehaus, F. Zipp, A. Tartaro, S Newman, R. H. Browne, P. Davous, R. Sanchez, M. Muros, M. E. Kornhuber, A. Lavarone, M. Mohr, M. R. Garcia, S. Russell, H. Kellar-Wood, M. R. Tola, B. Ostermeyer, Ch. Tzekov, K. Sartor, E. B. Ringelstein, P. P. Gazzaniga, Paul Krack, H. Fidaner, H. Rico, T. Dbaiss, F. Alameda, E. Torchiana, L. Rumbach, I. Charques, J. M. Bogaard, C. D. Frith, L. J. Rappelle, R. Brenner, A. Joutel, K. Fuxe, G. HÄcker, M. J. Blaser, J. Valls-SolÇ, G. Ulm, M. Alberdi, A. Bock, F. W. Bertelsmann, U. Wieshmann, J. Visa, J. R. Lupski, D. D'Amico, L. M. P. Ramos, A. A. Vanderbark, R. Horn, M. Warmuth, Dietmar Kühne, Mark S. Palmer, C. Ehrenheim, E. Canga, S. Viola, O. Scarpino, P. Naldi, R. Almeida, A. A. Raymond, J. Gamez, Stephan Arnold, A. DiGiovanni, J. Dalmau, C. C. Chari, H. F. Beer, J. C. Koetsier, J. Iriarte, E. Yunis, J. Casadevall, E. Le Guern, E. Stenager, S. R. Benbadis, J. M. Warter, F. Burklin, I. Theodorou, L. Johannesen, G. A. Graveland, X. Leclerc, I. Vecchio, L. Ozelius, G. Nicoletti, R. K. Gherardi, E. Esperet, M. L. Delodovici, F. Cattin, F. Paiau, Giorgio Sacilotto, C. A. J. Broere, D. Chavdarov, J. P. Willmer, C. H. Hawkes, Th. Naegele, E. Ellie, E. Dartigues, M. J. Guardiola, S. Hesse, Z. Levic, Marco Rovaris, P. Saugeir-Veber, B. A. Yaqub, H. F. Durwen, R. Larumbe, J. Ballabrina, M. Sendtner, J. Röther, M. Horstink, C. Kluglein, M.P. Montesi, H. Apaydin, J. Montoya, E. Waubant, Ch. Verellen-Dunoulin, A. Nicolai, J. Lopez-Delval, R. Lemon, G. Cantinho, E. Granieri, A. Zeviani, Wolfgang H. Oertel, U. Ficola, V. Di Piero, V. Fragola, K. Sabev, M. V. Guitera, I. Turki, F. Bolgert, P. Ingrand, J. M. Gobernado, L. M. E. Grimaldi, S. Baybas, B. Eymard, Y. Rolland, Y. Robitaille, Ta. Pampols, P. J. Koehler, A. Carroacedo, J. Vilchez, S. Di Vittorio, I. R. Rise, T. Nagy, M. Kuffner, E. Palazzini, A. Ott, J. Pruim, T. X. Arbizu, E. Manetti, C. Cervera, S. Felber, G. Gursoy, J. Scholz, G. A. Buscaino, M. S. Chen, A. Pascual, J. Hazan, J. U. Gajda, J. G. Cea, G. Bottini, G. Damalik, F. Le Doze, G. Bonaldi, J. M. Hew, C. Messina, A. M. Kennedy, J. M. Carney, N. M. F. Murray, M. Parent, M. Koepp, V. Dimova, D. De Leo, K. Jellinger, G. Salemi, S. Mientus, M. L. Hansen, F. Mazzucchelli, J. Vieth, M. Mauri, E. Bartels, L. Johannsen, C. Humphreys, J. Emile, D. N. Landon, E. Kansu, R. Sanchez-Pernaute, Rsj Frackowiak, M. Gonzalez Torres, L. Oller, C. Machedo, J. Kother, M. Billiard, H. Durak, T. Schindler, A. Frank, A. Uncini, A. Sbriccoli, C. Farinas, D. W. Paty, N. Fast, A. T. Zangaladze, A. Kerkhofs, J. M. Pino Garcia, I. De la Fuente, B. Marini, L. Gomez, I. Rubio, Alessandra Bardoni, C. Brodie, P. Acin, U. Sliwka, S. A. Hawkins, S. Tardieu, F. Vitullo, J. M. Pereira Monteino, R. Gagliardi, T. Jezewski, A. Cano, T. Lempert, F. Abad Alegria, G. Rotondo, D. Ince, C. Martinez Parra, Y. Huang, H. Luders, Y. Steinvil, F. G. A. Van Der Meche, R. Bianchi, A. Sanchez, T. Sevilla, J. M. Ketelslegers, A. Domzal-Stryga, M. Pandolfo, M. O. Josse, K. W. Neff, I. Blanco, G. W. Bruyn, O. W. Witte, J. L. Thibault, G. Andersen, J. Pariset, A. Marcone, R. J. M. Lane, A. Hofman, M. Verin, T. Matilla, P. Bedoucha, J. Roche, M. Lai, M. Collard, A. Ugarte, F. Gallecho, D. Silbersweig, C. Kennard, J. P. Azulay, T. W. Ho, P. L. I. Dellemijn, R. Girardello, F. Baas, B. Voss, F. Rozenberg, E. M. Brocker, V. Stanev, A. A. J. Soeterboek, A. Marra, A. Rey, E. Ertem, M. Sawradewicz-Rybak, J. De Keyser, P. Cavallari, F. Proust, Y. Chevalier, H. C. Hansen, D. Leys, C. A. Davie, K. Hoang-Xuan, C. Bairati, H. van Crevel, Thomas T. Warner, B. Bompais, A. Dobbeleir, T Campbell, C. Macko, C. J. M. Klijn, M. Dussallant, T. P. Berlit, W. Rozenbaum, M. J. van den Bent, W. A. Rocca, M. Muller, H. Hundemer, U. Zifko, M. Campera, F. Drislane, D. Ranoux, T. M. Kloss, Anil Kumar, I. Ruolt, C. Bargnani, B. Marescau, N. A. Losseff, S. Notermans, B. Kint, E. T. Burke, C. Aykut, J. Matias Guiu, P. Maquet, T. Drogendijk, M. Leone, K. von Ammon, M. Pepeliarska, C. Prados, L. DiGiamberardino, T. Logtenberg, G. Lenoir, I. Castaldo, Damhaut, M. Radionova, G. Sirabian, R. Navon, Giovanni Antonini, K. Al Moutaery, E. Chamas, R. Schönhuber, M. Giannini, B. Debilly, I. Labatut, H. Henon, J. A. Egido, M. Baudrimont, J. N. Lorenzo, J. E. C. Bromberg, R. Antonacci, J. J. Vilchez, T. Moulin, B. Rautenstrauss, Giovanni Meola, J. Noth, S Mammi, P. Laforet, F. Lopez, C. Gehring, S. Bort, G. Rancurel, D. Decamps, S. Kostadinova, Y. Shapira, B. Neundoerfer, D. Chavrot, M. Solimena, J. P. Salier, W. Deberdt, R. Hoff-Jörgensen, A. Messina, S. Meairs, G. Rosoklija, E. Nelis, I. Bertran, C. Ertekin, J. Lohmeyer, Mitermayer Galvao dos Reis, L. Calo, E. Maccagnano, A. P. Hays, J. Verlooy, M. G. Forno, T. Blanco, L. Bail, Gabriella Silvestri, J. Montero, F. Bertrand, R. T. Ghnassia, C. Besses, T. Sereghy, F. Shalit, G. Bogliun, S. Braghi, St. Baykouchev, C. Franke, A. Lasa, L. C. Archard, J. Kriebel, S. Shaunak, M. Nocito, Alexander Tsiskaridze, E. Manfredini, T. Seigal, David G. Gadian, M. Barlas, J. D. Degos, C. Seeber, J. Caemert, J. L. Mas, R. B. Pepinsky, M. G. D'Angelo, N. Baumann, S. Yorifuji, H. P. Endtz, M. A. Cassatella, R. A. C. Hughes, V. Golzi, A. Bittencourt, A. Ferreira, M. Sanson, C. Alper, M. Vermeulen, M. A. A. van Walderveen, E. Alexiou, C. H. Lucas, M. Fiorelli, Y. N. Debbink, R. Gil, S. Congia, T. Banerjee, J. M. Bouchard, A. N. Pinto, A. Ceballos-Baumann, G. Grollier, P. I. M. Schmitz, M. D. Catata, N. Lahat, N. S. Rao, P. Papathanasopoulos, J. Valls-Solé, D. Claus, G. Schroter, A. Castro, C. Videbaek, R. Martinez Dreke, A. D. Platts, M. Hermesl, A. C. PeÇanha-Martins, M. Cardoso Silva, P. Masnou, M. J. A. Tanner, Ch. Confavreux, B. Mishu, H. Rasmussen, L. Valenciano, Carlo Pozzilli, S. W. Li, V. Salzman, Y. Vashtang, Massimo Franceschi, M. Severo, G. Deuschl, S. Setien, G. Mariani, A. Protti, J. Castillo, M. J. B. Taphoorn, M. Frontali, I. Milonas, D. Decoq, J. A. Navarro, S. Castellvi-Pel, C. Ertikin, M. Urtasun, Y. Lajat, B. E. Kendall, E. Verdu, B. Gueguen, E. Boisen, R. Couderc, A Danek, JM Stevens, F. Nicoli, L. Feltri, M. L. Vazquez-Andre, J. A. Morgan-Hughes, L. D'Angelo, F. Y. Liew, L. F. Pascual, J. Patrignani Ochoa, Vittorio Martinelli, J. Cophignon, L. Zhang, S. Martin, J. F. Meder, H. C. Buschmann, L. Bertin, J. van Gijn, A. Barreiro, A. Cools, C. Leon, A. Berod, E. A. Anllo, E. Zanette, L. Petrov, R. Barona, B. Gallicchio, P. J. Cozzone, N. Diederich, G. Cancel, L. Schelosky, P. Orizaola, K. Yulug, S. Ozer, Valeria A. Sansone, B. Guiraud-Chaumeil, K. Voigt, P. Labauge, M. Eoli, J. Zhu, J. Aguirre, M. Ferrarini, B. Zyluk, E. Planas, A. Cadilha, C. Tortorella, H. Bismuth, C. E. Counsell, A. Laun, A. Ferlini, Rio J. Montalban, N. Biary, L. Becker, M. Fardeau, M. Poloni, V. M. S. de Bruin, C. Fornada, J. Barros, E. Ganzmann, E. Touze, D. Wallach, J. Peila, H. Fujimura, M. T. Iba-Zizen, G. Macchi, C. Villoslada, R. Gouider, Ph. Rondepierre, P. Grummich, P. Chiodi, C. Conte, M. Michels, P. Annunziata, G. Semana, C. Sommer, J. Vajsar, D. Zekin, J. Kulisevsky, David G. Munoz, B. Jacotot, M. Magoni, A. Luxen, T. Garcia-Silva, S. Di Cesare, Christophe Tzourio, M. Gomori, I. Picomell, L. Santoro, F. Villa, Giovanni Pennisi, T. Ribalta, J. M. Molto, L. Marzorati, P. Loiseau, F. Gemignani, A. Gironell, J. Wissel, A. Prusinski, F. Cailloux, P. Villanueva-Hemandez, P. Cozzone, T. Del Ser, J. Sans-Sabrafen, M. Zappia, P. W. A. Willems, G. Tchernia, D. Gardeur, R. Bauer, F. Palomo, H. Metz, S. Lamoureux, C. Chastang, I. Reinhard, A. Goldfarb, S. Harder, Jordi Río, C. Ozkara, E. Tekinsoy, P. Vontobell, J. De Recondo, M. Rabasa, L. Lacomblez, F. Boon, Dgt Thomas, V. Palma, Renato Mantegazza, A. Dervis, M. Nueckel, B. YalÇinerner, I. Duran, G. Dalla Volta, A. Zubimendi, J. Pinheiro, A. Marbini, Xavier Montalban, H. Wekerle, X. Pereira Monteino, F. Crespo, F. Koskas, N. Battistini, C. Ruiz, H. Offner, J. de Pommery, P. Kanovsky, J. Y. Barnett, J. Pardo, G. Tomei, R. Rene, H. M. Lokhorst, P. Thajeb, H. Bilgin, D. McGehee, R. Fahsold, L. Morgante, Katie Sidle, C. Delwaide, M. N. Diaye, P. H. Rice, A. Creange, C. Sabev, K. Stephan, K. WeilBenborn, G. Magnani, L. Grymonprez, F. Cardellach, M. Kaps, N. G. Meco, F. Vega, V. Bonifati, A. Desomer, M. Baldy-Moulinier, G. Kvale, F. J. Authier, B. Yegen, T. Ho, J. M. Rozet, E. A. Cabanis, L. Bruce, L. Ambrosoli, M. A. Petrella, M. Hernandez, P. Timmings, H. B. van der Worp, F. Mahieux, A. Urbano-Marquez, D. A. Krendel, A. A. Garcia, R. Divari, R. Michalowicz, M. R. Piedmonte, M. Bondavalli, M. Zanca, P. F. Ippel, Onofre Combarros, B. Tavitian, E. Hirsch, I. Anastasopoulos, A. Roses, A. Köhler, P. Vienna, V. Timmerman, P. Sergi, F. Cornelio, A. Di Pasquale, R. Verleger, S. Castellvirel, J. Proano, B. van Moll, F. Rubio, W. Hacke, I. Lavenu, L. Zetta, M. W. Tas, N. Bittmann, M. Bonamini, O. R. Hommes, V. Dousset, N. Afsar, S. Belal, R. R. Myers, J. Goes, Giuseppe Vita, E. Clementi, V. G. Karepov, M. Jueptner, A Vincent, P. Emmrich, Th. Heb, A. Caballo, J. Gallego, T. Mokrusch, C. Perla, L. Gebuhrer, O. Titlbach, Alessandro Prelle, A. Czlonkowska, M. Russo, D. Hadjiev, T. S. Chkhikvishvili, M. Oehlschlager, G. Becker, I. Günther, E. N. Stenager, J. Garcia Agundez, J. Casademont, J. Batlle, S. Podobnik-Sarkanji, C. Alonso-Villaverde, B. Delaguillaume, B. Genc, B. Mazoyer, A. Rodriguez-Al-barino, Ch. Hilger, B. Ferrero, R. Price, W. Grisold, L. Fuhry, D. Oulbani, D. Ewing, A. Petkov, W. Walther, A. Gokyigit, John Newsom-Davis, J. Tayot, D. Seliak, G. Pelliccioni, D. Campagne, K. Kessler, F. Boureau, D. Perani, J. P. N'Guyen, N. Tchalucova, B. A. Antin-Ozerkis, C. Lacroix, B. D. Aronovich, I. H. Jenkins, E. A. dos Reis, M. Hortells, H. M. Meinck, H. Ch. Buschmann, S. C. J. M. Jacobs, T. Wetter, P. Creissard, N. Martinez, J. Weidenfeldl, H. J. Sturenburg, G. Damlacik, V. Gracia, J. C. Turpin, A. Pou-Serradell, J. P. Vincent, T. Gagoshidze, U. Ozkutlu, M. McLeod, K. Siegfried, I. Tchaoussoglou, J. Hildebrand, S. Kowalska, M. C. Picot, G. Galardin, L. Crevits, F. Andreetta, S. Larumbe-Lobalde, G. de la Sierra, J. C. Alvarez-Cermeno, R. J. Seitz, P. L. Oey, L. Ptacek, A. M. J. Paans, A. Wirrwar, A. Schmied, J. Uilchez, H. Tounsi, D. Hipola, V. Avoledo, Y. Hirata, P. Vermersch, T. M. Aisonobe, J. Valls-SoIè, H. Staunton, J. Dichgans, R. Karabudak, I. Dones, G. Porta, E. Janssens, Maria Martinez, J. M. Fernandez-Real, R. Villagra, Y. Yoshino, C. Kabus, K. Schimrigk, I. Girard-Buttaz, F. Piccoli, F. Aichner, P. Zuchegna, S. M. Al Deeb, F. Bono, N. Busquets, A. Jobert, Patrizia Ciscato, M. Martin, L. Polman, S. Darbra, V. Le Cam-Duchez, F. Baldissera, B. Baykan-Kurt, D. Guez, M. Bratoeva, H. Matsui, M. Mila, H. Perron, L. Bjorge, G. Husby, Steven T. DeKosky, D. R. Cornblath, J. M. Gabriel, J. J. Poza, Y. Wu, A. Toscano, R. P. Kleyweg, J. Kuhnen, S. O. Confort-Gouny, A. Barcelo, A. M. Conti, C. Fiol, C. Steichen-Wiehn, J. Rodes, M. Cavenaile, C. Vedeler, M. Drlicek, C. Argentino, M. L. Peris, A. Cervello, A. Z. GinaÏ, S. Yancheva, D. Passingham, S. Aoba, D. L. Lopez, T. Rechlin, K. Sonka, L. Grazzi, V. Folnegovic-Smalc, Maurizio Moggio, S. Rivaud, F. G. I. Jennekens, C. H. Hartard, H. Meierkord, G. Stocklin, M. D. Catala, W. C. McKay, E. Salmon, C. Navarro, I. Pastor, L. Canafoglia, M. De Braekeleer, P. K. Thomas, C. Mocellini, C. Pierre-Jerome, M. C. Dalakas, P. Pollak, M. Levivier, Niall Quinn, G. E. Rivolta, Z. Tunca, H. Zeumer, J. Garcia Tena, St. Guily, P. Gaudray, Johannes Kornhuber, V. Petrunjashev, R. Montesanti, R. J. Abbott, H. Petit, G. Kiteva-Trencevska, F. Carletto, C. Ramo, I. M. Pino, P. Beau, G. F. Mennuni, F. Moschian, F. Meneghini, B. Zdziarska, B. Fontaine, C. Stephens, G. Meco, K. Reiners, G. Badlan, M. Sessa, I. Degaey, S. M. Hassan, C. Albani, F. Caroeller, M. Schroeder, G. Savettieri, A. Novelletto, R. Kurita, P. Oschmann, I. Plaza, M. Oliveres, Simone Spuler, A. Molins, M. Schwab, J. R. Kalden, C. P. Gennaula, Y. Baklan, O. Picard, J. M. Léger, B. Mokri, E. Ghidoni, M. Jacob, D. Deplanque, W. JÄnisch, C. De Andres, P. De Deyn, G. Guomundsson, B. Herron, J. Barado, J. L. Gastaut, Guglielmo Scarlato, F. Poron, Nicola Jones, H. Teisserenc, C. P. Hawkins, A. J. Steck, H. C. Chandler, S. Blanc, J. H. Faiss, Jm. Soler Insa, I. Sarova-Ponchas, M. Malberin, A. Sackmann, G. De Vuono, K. Kaiser-Rub, K. Badhia, E. Szwabowska-Orzeszko, S. Ramm, C. Jodice, G. Franck, J. Marta-Moreno, R. Sciolla, C. Fritz, A. Attaccalite, F. Weber, E. Neuman, M. Cannata, A. Rodriguez, I. Nachainkin, R. Raffaele, T. S. Yu, N. Losseff, E. Fabrizio, C. Khati, M. Keipes, M. P. Ortega, M. Ramos-Alvarez, E. Brambilla, A. Tarasov, K. H. Wollinsky, O. B. Paulson, F. Boller, G. Bozzato, H. Wagnur, R. Canton, D. Testa, E. Kutluaye, M. Calopa, D. Smadja, G. Malatesta, F. Baggi, A. Stracciari, G. Daral, G. Avanzini, J. Perret, J. Arenas, P. Boon, I. Gomes, A. Vortmeyer, P. Cesaro, S. Venz, E. Bernd Ringelstein, N. Milani, D. Laplane, P. Seibel, E. Tournier-Lasserve, Alexis Brice, L. Motti, E. Wascher, R. J. Abbot, F. Miralles, A. Turon, P. De Camilli, G. Luz, G. C. Guazzi, S. Tekin, F. Lesoin, T. Kryst, N. Lannoy, F. Gerstenbrand, S. Ballivet, H. A. M. van Diemen, J. Lopez-ArLandis, P. Bell, A. Silvani, M. A. Garcia, S. Vorstrup, D. Langdon, S. Ueno, B. Sander, V. Ozurk, C. Gurses, P. Berlit, J. M. Martinez-Lage, M. Treacy, S. O. Rodiek, S. Cherninkova, J. Grimaud, P. Marozzi, K. Hasert, S. Goldman, S. H. Ingwersen, A. Taghavy, T. Roig, R. Harper, I. Sarova-Pinchas, Anthony H.V. Schapira, R. Lebtahi, A. Vidaller, B. Stankov, D. Link, J. p. Malin, V. Petrova, Ludwig Kappos, J. L. Ochoa, T. Torbergsen, M. Carpo, M. Donato, Simon Shorvon, J. Mieszkowski, J. Perez-Serra, Raymond Voltz, G. Comi, S. Rafique, A. Perez-Sempere, N. Khalfallah, S. Bailleul, M. Borgers, S. Banfi, S. Mossman, A. Laihinen, G. Filippini, R. A. Grunewald, E. Stern, H. D. Herrmann, A. G. Droogan, P. Xue, A. Grilo, L. La Mantia, J. H. J. Wokke, S. Pizzul, Kie Kian Ang, S. Rapaport, W. Szaplyko, B. Romero, P. Brunet, A. Albanese, C. Davie, V. Crespi, F. Birklein, H. Sharif, L. Jose, D. Auer, N. Heye, Martin N. Rossor, C. E. Henderson, M. J. Koepp, J. Rubio, P. L. Baron, S. Mahal, Juha O. Rinne, J. I. Emparanza, S. E. C. Davies, Frederik Barkhof, M. Riva, R. E. Brenner, B. A. Pope, Lemaire, E. Dupont, D. Ulbricht, G. C. Pastorino, R. Retska, E. Chroni, A. Danielli, V. Malashkhia, T. Canet, J. C. Garcia-Valdecasas, J. Serena, R. A. Pfeiffer, B. Wirk, B. Muzzetto, V. Caruso, M. L. Giros, A. Ming Wang, E. L. E. Guern, F. Bille-Turg, Y. Satoh, C. H. Franke, M. Ait-Kaci-Ahmed, D. Genis, T. Pasierski, D. Riva, M. Panisset, A. Chamorro, P.A. van Doorn, S. Schellong, H. Hamer, F. Durif, P. Krauseneck, Y. Bahou, B. A. Pickut, M. Rijnites, H. Nyland, G. Jager, L. L. Serra, A. Rohl, X. P. Li, O. Arena, Hubert Kwieciński, N. Milpied, M. C. Bourdel, S. Assami, L. Law, J. Moszkowski, J. W. Thorpe, M. Aguennouz, R. Martin, D. Hoffmann, P. Morris, A. Destée, D. J. Charron, U. Senin, A. P. SempereE, M. Dreyfus, A. L. Benabid, M. Gomez, S. Heindle, M. C. Morel-Kopp, M. Hennerici, A. I. Santos, M. Djannelidze, N. Artemis, John Collinge, T. Rundek, M. Y. Voloshin, P. de Castro, Th. Wiethege, D. A. S. Compston, D. Schiffer, A. J. Hughes, D. Jimenez, V. Parlato, A. Papadimitriou, J. M. Gergaud, R. Sterzi, J. Arpa, G. de Pinieux, F. Buggle, P. Gimbergues, H. Ruottinen, R. Marzella, W. Koehler, Y. Yurekli, A. Haase, Z. Privorkin, G. K. Harvey, B. Chave, A. J. Grau, E. M. Stadlan, J. List, C. Zorzi, B.W. van Oosten, P. Derkinderen, B. Casati, J. M. Maloteaux, K. Vahedi, W. L. J. van Putten, J. C. Sabourin, D. Lorenzetti, Plenevaux, J. W. B. Moll, A. Morento Fernandez, M. Lema, M. A. Horsfleld, P. De Jongh, S. Gikova, K. Kutluk, Monique M.B. Breteler, P. Saddier, A. Berbinschi, R. E. Cull, P. Echaniz, H. Kober, C. Minault, V. Kramer, A. L. Edal, S. Passero, T. Eckardt, K. E. Davies, A. Salmaggi, R. Kaiser, A. A. Grasso, Claudio Mariani, G. Egersbach, Hakan Gurvit, O. Dereeper, C. Vital, L. Wrabetz, A. Vecino, M. Aguilar, G. Bielicki, H. Becher, J. Castro, S. Iotti, M. G. Natali-Sora, E. Berta, S. Carlomagno, L. Ayuso-Peralta, P. H. Rondepierre, I. Bonaventura, B. V. Deuren, N. Van Blercom, M. Sciaky, J. Faber, M. Alberoni, M. Nieto, F. Sellal, C. Stelmasiak, M. Takao, J. Bradley, D. Zegers de Beyl, H. Porsche, G. Goi, H. Pongratz, F. Chapon, S. Happe, Robin S. Howard, B. Weder, S. Vlaski-Jekic, J. M. Ferro, R. Nemni, A. Daif, Herbert Budka, W. Van Paesschen, B. Waldecker, F. Carceller, J. Lacau, F. Soga, J. Peres Serra, E. Timmerman, A. M. vd Vliet, J. L. Emparanza, N. Vanacore, A. Pizzuti, N. Marti, A. Davalos, N. Ayraud, U. Zettl, J. Vivancos, Z. Katsarou, H. M. Mehdorn, G. Geraud, M. Merlini, M. Schröter, A. Ebner, M. Lanteri-Minet, R. Soler, G. P. Anzola, S. L. Hauser, L. Cahalon, S. DiDonato, R. Cantello, M. Marchau, J. Gioanni, F. Heidenreich, J. Manuel Martinez Lage, P. Descoins, F. Woimant, J. F. Campo, M. H. Verdier-taillefer, M. S. F. Barkhof, G. J. Kemp, A. O. Ceballos-Baumann, J. Berciano, M. Guidi, Tarek A. Yousry, B. Chandra, A. Rapoport, P. Canhao, A. Spitzer, T. Maeda, J. M. Pereira Monteiro, V. Paquis, Th. Mokrusch, F. J. Arrieta, I. Sangla, F. Canizares-Liebana, Lang Chr, André Delacourte, V. Fetoni, P. Kovachev, D. Kidd, L. Ferini-Strambi, E. Donati, E. Idman, A. Chio, C. Queiros, D. Michaelis, S. Boyacigil, A. Rodrigo, S. M. Yelamos, B. Chassande, P. Louwen, C. Tranchant, E. Ciafalon, A. Lombardo, A. Twijnstra, A. L. Fernandez, H. Kott, A. Cannas, N. Zsurger, T. Zileli, E. Metin, P. C. Bain, G. Fromont, B. Tedesi, A. Liberani, X. Navarro, M. C. Rowbotham, V. Hachinski, F. Cavalcanti, W. Rostene, R. M. Gardiner, F. Gonzalez, B. Köster, E. A. van der Veen, J. P. Lefaucheur, C. Marescaux, D. Boucquey, E. Parati, S. Yamaguchi, A. S. Orb, R. Grant, G. D. P. Smith, P. Goethals, M. Haguenau, G. Georgiev, I. N. van Schaik, Guy A. Rouleau, E. Iceman, G. Fayet, M. G. Kaplitt, C. Baracchini, H. Magnusson, G. Meneghetti, N. Malichard, M. L. Subira, D. Mancia, A. Berenguer, D. Navarrete Palau, H. Franssen, G. Kiziltan, M. P. Lopez, J. Montalt, S. Norby, R. Piedra Crespo, T. L. Rothstein, R. Falip, B. YalÇiner, F. Chedru, I. W. Thorpe, F. W. Heatley, D. S. C. Ochoa, C. Labaune, M. Devoti, O. Lider, Jakob Korf, N. Suzuki, E. A. Maguire, A. Moulignier, J. C. van Swieten, F. Monaco, J. Cartron, A. Steck, B. Uludag, M. Alexandra, H. Reichmann, T. Rossi, L. E. Claveria, A. M. Crouzel, M. A. Mena, J. Gasnault, J. W. Kowalski, S. I. Mellgren, V. Feigin, L. Demisch, J. Montalban, J. Renato, J. Mathieu, N. Goebels, L. Bava, K. Kunre, M. Pulik, S. Di Donato, C. Tzekov, H. Veldman, S. Giménez-Roldan, B. Lechevalier, L. Redondo, B. Pillon, M. Gugenheim, E. Roullet, J. M. Valdueza, C. Gori, H. J. Friedrich, L. de Saint Martin, F. Block, E. Basart, M. Heilmann, B. Becq Giraudon, C. Rodolico, G. Stevanin, Elizabeth K. Warrington, A. T. M. Willemsen, K. Kunze, C. Ben Hamida, M. Alam, J. R. ùther, A. Battistel, G. Della Marca, Richard S. J. Frackowiak, F. Palau, T. Brandt, Chicoutimi, L. Bove, L. Callea, A. Jaspert, T. Klopstock, K. Fassbender, Alan J. Thomas, A. Ferbert, V. Nunes, Douglas Russell, P. Garancini, C. Sanz-Sebastian, O. Santiag, G. Dhaenens, G. Seidel, I. Savic, A. Florea-Strat, M. Rousseaux, N. Catala, E. O'Sullivan, M. J. Manifacier, H. Kurtel, T. Mendel, P. Chariot, M. Salas, D. Brenton, R. Lopez, J. Thorpe, Jimmy D. Bell, E. Hofmann, E. Botia, J. Pacquereau, A. Struppler, C. d'Aniello, D. Conway, A. Garcia-Merino, K. Toyooka, S. Hodgkinson, E. Ciusani, Stefano Bastianello, A. Andrade Filho, M. Zaffaroni, G. Pleiffer, F. Coria, A. Schwartz, D. Baltadjiev, I. Rother, K. Joussen, J. Touchon, K. Kutlul, P. Praamstra, H. Sirin, S. Richard, C. Mariottu, L. Frattola, S. T. Dekesky, G. Wieneke, M. Chatel, O. Godefroy, C. Desnuelle, S. OzckmekÇi, C. H. Zielinski, P. van Deventer, S. Jozwiak, I. Galan, J. M. Grau, V. Vieira, T. A. Treves, S. Ertan, A. Pujol, S. Blecic, E. M. Zanette, F. Ceriani, W. Camu, L. Aquilone, A. Benomar, F. Greco, A. Pascual-Leone Pascual, T. Yanagihara, F. A. Delfino, R. Damels, S. Merkelbach, J. Beltran, A. Barrientos, S. Brugge, B. Hildebrandt-Müller, M. H. Nascimento, M. Rocchi, F. Cervantes, E. Castelli, R. M. Pressler, S. Yeil, A. del Olmo, J. L. Herranz, L. J. Kappelle, Y. Demir, N. Inoue, R. Hershkoviz, A. Luengo, S. Bien, F. Viallet, P. Malaspina, G. De Michele, G. Nolfe, P. Adeleine, T. Liehr, G. Fenelon, H. Masson, Kailash P. Bhatia, W. Haberbosch, S. Mederer, R. S. J. Frackowiak, Tanya Stojkovic, S. Previtali, A. E. Harding, W. Kohler, N. P. Quin, T. R. Marra, J. P. Moisan, A. Melchor, M. L. Viguera, Mary G. Sweeney, G. L. Romani, J. Hezel, R. A. Dierckx, R. Torta, A. Kratzer, T. Pauwels, D. Decoo, Adriana Campi, Neil Kitchen, J. Haas, U. Neubauer, J. J. Merland, A. Yagiz, A. Antonuzzo, A. Zangaladze, J. Parra, Pablo Martinez-Lage, D. J. Brooks, S. Hauser, R. Di Pierri, M. Campero, R. Caldarelli-Stefano, A. M. Colangelo, J. L. Pozo, C. Estol, F. Picard, A. Palmieri, J. Massons, JT Phillips, G. B. Groozman, R. Pentore, L. M. Ossege, C. Bayon, Hans-Peter Hartung, R. Konyalioglu, R. Lampis, D. Ancri, M. Miletta, F. J. Claramonte, W. Retz, F. Hentges, JM Cooper, M. Cordes, M. Limburg, M. Brock, G. R. Coulton, K. Helmke, Rosa Larumbe, A. Ohly, F. Landgraf, A. M. Drewes, Claudia Trenkwalder, M. Keidel, T. Segura, C. Scholz, J. HÄgele, D. Baudoin-Martin, P. Manganelli, J. Valdueza, M. Farinotti, U. Zwiener, M. P. Schiavalla, Y. P. Young, O. Barlas, G. Hertel, E. H. Weiss, M. Eiselt, A. Lossos, M. Bartoli, L. Krolicki, W. Villafana, W. Peterson, Nicoletta Meucci, C. Agbo, R. Luksch, F. Fiacco, G. Ponsot, M. Lopez, Howard L. Weiner, M. D. Alonso, K. Petry, Sanjay M. Sisodiya, P. Giustini, S. Tyrdal, R. Poupon, J. Blanke, P. Oubary, A. A. Kruize, H. Trabucchi, R. R. C. Stewart, H. Grehl, B. M. Kulig, V. Vinhas, D. Spagnoli, B. Mahe, J. Tatay, C. Hess, M. D. Albadalejo, G. Birbamer, M. Alonso, F. Valldeoriola, J. Figols, I. Wirguin, E. Diez Tejedor, C. S. Weiller, L.H. van den Berg, P. Barreiro, L. Pianese, S. Cocozza, R. Kohnen, E. Redolfi, F. Faralli, G. Gosztonyl, A. J. Gur, A. Keyser, V. Fichter-Gagnepain, B. Wildemann, E. Omodeo-Zorini, Gregoire, J. Schopohl, F. Fraschini, G. Wunderlich, B. Jakubowska, F. P. Serra, N. B. Jensen, O. Delattre, C. Leno, A. Dario, P. Grafe, F. Graus, M. C. Vigliani, J. L. Dobato, Philip N. Hawkins, R. Marés, A. Rimola, N. Meussi, G. Aimard, W. Hospers, A. M. Robertson, C. Kaplan, W. Lamadé, Karen E. Morrison, Amadio, E. Kieffer, F. Dromer, P. Bernasconi, M. Repeto, Davide Pareyson, Jeremy Rees, A. Guarneri, P. Odin, P. Bouche, L. Nogueira, J. Munoz, L. Leocani, M. J. Arcusa, R. S. J. Frackowiack, John S. Duncan, D. Karacostas, D. Edwin, I. Costa, M. Menetrey, P. Grieb, A. M. Salvan, S. Cunha, P. Merel, P. Pfeiffer, A. Astier, F. Federico, A. Mrabet, M. G. Buzzi, L. Knudsen, I. F. Pye, L. Falqui, C. R. Hornig, C. E. Shaw, C. Brigel, T. C. Britton, R. Codoceo, T. Pampols, Vincent J. Cunningham, N. Archidiacono, G. Chazot, J. B. Posner, L. L. O. Befalo, M. Monclus, C. Cabezas, H. Moser, H. Stodal, J. Ley-Pozo, L. Brusa, R. Di Mascio, P. Giannini, J. Fernandez, R. Santiago Luis, J. Garcia Tigera, J. Wilmink, P. Pignatelli, M. El Amrani, V. Lucivero, M. Baiget, R. Lodi, P. H. Cabre, L. Grande, A. Korczyn, R. Fahlbusch, C. Milanese, W. Huber, J. Susseve, H. C. Nahser, K. Mondrup, X. O. Breakefield, J. Sarria, T. H. Vogt, A. Alessandri, M. Daffertshofer, I. Nelson, M. L. Monticelli, O. Dammann, G. G. Farnarier, G. Felisari, A. Quattrini, A. Boiardi, P. Mazetti, H. Liu, J. Duarte, M. E. Gaunt, H. Strik, N. Yulug, A. Urman, J. Posner, Aida Suarez Gonzalez, Ma. L. Giros, Z. Matkovic, D. Kompf, A. D. Korczyn, A. Steinbrecher, R. Wenzel, M. C. de Rijk, R. Doronzo, J. Julien, O. Hasegawa, M. Kramer, V. Collado-Scidel, M. Alonso de Lecinana, L. Dell'Arciprete, S. Rapuzzi, S. Bahar, H. Willison, M. T. Ramacci, J.J. Martin, Lopez-Bresnahan, C. Malapani, R. Haaxma, T. Rosenberg, J. Patrignani, R. Vichi, Martin R. Farlow, J. Roquer, L. Krols, M. Pimenta, C. Bucka, U. Klose, M. Roberts, J. Salas-Puig, R. Ghnassia, A. Mercuri, C. Maltempo, I. Tournev, P. Homeyer, D. Caparros-Lefevre, E. P. O. Sullivan, T. Vashadze, Ph. Lyrer, A. Deltoro, H. Kondo, M. Steinling, A. Graham, G. C. Miescher, A. Pace, D. Branca, G. Avello, H. H. Kornhuber, D. Fernandes, H. Friedrich, R. Chorao, H. O. Lüders, R. T. Bax, J. A. Macias, N. Yilmaz, J. Veroust, M. Miller, S. Confort-Gouny, J. L. Sastre, D. Servello, G. Boysen, S. Koeppen, V. Planté-Bordeneuve, H. Albrecht, R. H. M. King, G. Orkodashili, R. Doornbos, H. Toyooka, V. Larrue, M. Sabatelli, K. Williams, M. Stevens, V. Maria, M. Comabella, C. Lammers, R. M. L. Poublon, E. Tizzano, P. Pazzaglia, F. Zoeller, M. B. Delisle, J. P. Goument, J. M. Minderhoud, A. Sghirlanzoni, V. Meininger, M. Al Deeb, C. Bertelt, A. Cagni, A. Algra, F. Morales, K. A. Flugel, M. Maidani, M. Noya, Z. Seidl, U. Roelcke, D. Cannata, E. Katiane EmbiruÇu, E. M. Wicklein, K. Willmes, L. Hanoglu, J. F. Pellissier, Yves Agid, E. Cuadrado, S. Brock, D. Maimone, Z. G. Nadareishvili, E. Matta, S. Hilmi, V. Assuerus, F. Lomena, R. Springer, F. Cabrera-Valdivia, Oscar L. Lopez, M. Casazza, F. Vivancos, Ralf Gold, T. Crawford, B. Moulard, M. Poisson, W. l. McDonald, D. E. Grobbe, Alan Connelly, H. Ozcan, S. Abeta, H. Severo Ochoa, A. C. van Loenen, E. Libson, M. J. Marti, B. George, C. Ferrarese, B. Jacobs, L. Divano, T. Ben-Hur, A. L. Bootsma, V. Martinez, A. Conti, R. P. Maguire, B. Schmidt, D. M. Campos, D. A. Guzman, E. Meary, C. Richart, P. B. Christensen, T. Schroeder, Massimo Zeviani, K. Jensen, R. Aliaga, S. Seitz-Dertinger, J. W. Griffin, C. Fryze, H. Baas, S. Braun, A. M. Porrini, B. Yemez, M. J. Sedano, C. Creisson, A. Del Santo, A. Mainz, R. Kay, S. Livraghi, R. de Waal, D. Macgregor, H. Hefter, R. Garghentino, U. Ruotsalainen, M. Matsumoto, M. G. Beaudry, P. M. Morrison, J. C. Petit, C. Walon, Ph. Chemouilli, F. Henderson, R. Massa, A. Cruz Martinez, U. Liska, F. Hecht, Ernst Holler, V. S. de Bruin, B. B. Sheitman, S. M. Bentzen, C. Bayindir, F. Pallesta, P. E. Roland, J. Parrilla, P. Zunker, L. F. Burchinskaya, G. Mellino, S. Ben Ayed, D. Bonneau, P. Nowacki, M. Goncalves, P. Riederer, N. Mavroudakis, J. Togores, L. Rozewicz, S. Robeck, Y. Perez Gilabert, L. Rampello, A. Rogopoulos, S. Martinez, F. Schildermans, C. Radder, P. B. Hedlund, J. Cambier, M. Aabed, G. D. Jackson, P. Gasparini, P. Santacruz, J. Vandevivere, H. Dural, A. Mantel, W. Dorndorf, N. Ediboglu, A. Lofgren, J. Bogousslavsky, P. Thierauf, L. Goullard, R. Maserati, B. Moering, M. Ryba, J. Serra, G. G. Govan, A. Pascual-Leone, S. Schaeffer, M. R. Rosenfeld, A. P. Correia, K. Ray Chaudhuri, L. Campbell, R. Spreafico, B. Genetet, A. M. Tantot, R. A. G. Hughes, J. A. Vidal, G. Erkol, J. Y. Delattre, B. Yaqub, B. K. Hecht, E. Mayayo, Ph. Scheltens, J. Corral, M. Calaf, L. Henderson, C. Y. Li, U. Bogdahn, R. Sanchez-Roy, M. Navasa, J. Ballabriga, G. Broggi, T. Gudeva, C. Rose, J. Vion-Dury, J. A. Gastaut, J. Pniewski, Nicola J. Robertson, G. Kohncke, M. Billot, S. Gok, E. Castellli, F. Denktas, P. Bazzi, F. Spinelli, I. F. Moseley, C. D. Mardsen, B. Barbiroli, O. M. Koriech, A. Miller, Hiroaki Yoshikawa, F. X. Borruat, J. Zielasek, P. Le Coz, J. Pascual, A. Drouet, L. T. Giron, F. Schondube, R. Midgard, M. Alizadeh, M. Liguori, Lionel Ginsberg, L. Harms, C. Tilgner, G. Tognoni, F. Molteni, Mar Tintoré, M. Psylla, C. Goulon-Goeau, M. V. Aguilar, Massimo Filippi, K. H. Mauritz, Thomas V. Fernandez, C. Basset, S. Rossi, P. Meneses, B. Jandolo, T. Locatelli, D. Shechtcr, C. Magnani, R. Ferri, Bruno Dubois, J. M. Warier, S. Berges, F. Idiman, M. Schabet, R. R. Diehl, P. D'aurelio, M. Musior, Reinhard Hohlfeld, P. Smeyers, M. Olivé, A. Riva, C. A. Broere, N. Egund, S. Franceschetti, V. Bonavita, Nicola Canal, E. Timmermans, M. Ruiz, S. Barrandon, G. Vasilaski, B. Deweer, L. Galiano, S. F. T. M. de Bruijn, L. Masana, A. Goossens, B. Heye, K. Lauer, Heinz Gregor Wieser, Stephen R. Williams, B. Garavaglia, A. P. Sempere, F. Grigoletto, P. Poindron, R. Lopez-Pajares, I. Leite, T. A. McNell, C. Caucheteur, J. M. Giron, A. D. Collins, P. Freger, J. Sanhez Del Rio, D. A. Harn, K. Lindner, S. S. Scherer, G. Serve, M. Juncadella, X. Estivill, R. Binkhorst, M. Anderson, B. Tekinsoy, C. Sagan, T. Anastopoulos, G. Japaridze, S. Guillou, F. Erminio, Jon Sussman, P. G. Oomes, D. S. Rust, S. Mascheroni, O. Berger, M. Peresson, K. V. Toyka, T. W. Polder, M. Huberman, B. Arpaci, H. Ramtami, I. Martinez, Ph. Violon, P. P. Gazzaniga Pozzill, R. Ruda, P. Auzou, J. Parker, S. P. Morrissey, Jiahong Zhu, F. Rotondi, P. Baron, W. Schmid, P. Doneda, M. Spadaro, M. C. Nargeot, I. Banchs, J.S.P. van den Berg, R. Ferrai, M. Robotti, M. Fredj, Pedro M. Rodríguez Cruz, B. Erne, D. G. Piepgras, M. C. Arne-Bes, J. Escudero, C. Goetz, A. R. Naylor, M. Hallett, O. Abramsky, E. Bonifacio, L. E. Larsson, R. Pellikka, P. Valalentino, D. Guidetti, B. Buchwald, C. H. Lücking, D. Gauvreau, F. Pfaff, A. Ben Younes-Chennoufi, R. Kiefer, R. Massot, K. A. Hossmann, L. Werdelin, P. J. Baxter, U. Ziflo, S. Allaria, C. D. Marsden, M. Cabaret, S. P. Mueller, E. Calabrese, R. Colao, S. I. Bekkelund, M. Yilmaz, O. Oktem-Tanor, R. Gine, M. E. Scheulen, J. Beuuer, A. Melo, Z. Gulay, M. D. Have, C. Frith, D. Liberati, J. Gozlan, P. Rondot, Ch. Brunholzl, M. Pocchiari, J. Pena, L. Moiola, C. Salvadori, A. Cabello, T. Catarci, S. Webb, C. Dettmers, N. A. Gregson, Alexandra Durr, F. Iglesias, U. Knorr, L. Ferrini-Strambi, F. Kruggel, P. Allard, A. Coquerel, P. Genet, F. Vinuels, C. Oberwittler, A. Torbicki, P. Leffers, B. Renault, B. Fauser, C. Ciano, G. Uziel, J. M. Gibson, F. Anaya, C. Derouesné, C. N. Anagnostou, M. Kaido, W. Eickhoff, G. Talerico, M. L. Berthier, A. Capdevila, M. Alons, D. Rezek, E. Wondrusch, U. Kauerz, D. Mateo, M. A. Chornet, Holon, N. Pinsard, I. Doganer, E. Paoino, H. Strenge, C. Diaz, J. R. Brasic, W. Heide, I. Santilli, W. M. Korn, D. Selcuki, M. J. Barrett, D. Krieger, T. Leon, T. Houallah, M. Tournilhac, C. Nos, D. Chavot, F. Barbieri, F. J. Jimenez-Jimenez, J. Muruzabal, K. Poeck, A. Sennlaub, L. M. Iriarte, L. G. Lazzarino, C. Sanz, P. A. Fischer, S. D. Shorvon, R. Hoermann, F. Delecluse, M. Krams, O. Corabianu, F. H. Hochberg, Christopher J. Mathias, B. Debachy, C. M. Poser, L. Delodovici, A. Jimenez-Escrig, F. Baruzzi, F. Godenberg, D. Cucinotta, P. J. Garcia Ruiz, K. Maier-Hauff, P. R. Bar, R. Mezt, R. Jochens, S. Karakaneva, C. Roberti, E. Caballero, Joseph E. Parisi, M. Zamboni, T. Lacasa, B. Baklan, J. C. Gautier, J. A. Martinez-Matos, W. Pollmann, G. Thomas, L. Verze, E. Chleide, R. Alvarez Sala, I. Noel, E. Albuisson, O. Kastrup, S. I. Rapoport, H. J. Braune, H. Lörler, M. Le Merrer, A. Biraben, S. Soler, S. J. Taagholt, U. Meyding-Lamadé, K. Bleasdale-Barr, Isabella Moroni, Y. Campos, J. Matias-Guiu, G. Edan, M. G. Bousser, John B. Clark, J. Garcia de Yebenes, N. K. Olsen, P. Hitzenberger, S. Einius, Aj Thompson, Ch. J. Vecht, T. Crepin-Leblond, Klaus L. Leenders, A. Di Muzio, L. Georgieva, René Spiegel, K. Sabey, D. Ménégalli, J. Meulstee, U. Liszka, P. Giral, C. Sunol, J. M. Espadaler, A. D. Crockar, K. Varli, G. Giraud, P. J. Hülser, A. Benazzouz, A. Reggio, M. Salvatore, K. Genc, M. Kushnir, S. Barbieri, J. Ph. Azulay, M. Gianelli, N. Bathien, A. AlMemar, F. Hentati, I. Ragueneau, F. Chiarotti, R. C. F. Smits, A. K. Asbury, F. Lacruz, B. Muller, Alan J. Thompson, Gordon Smith, K. Schmidt, C. Daems Monpeun, Juergen Weber, A. Arboix, G. R. Fink, A. M. Cobo, M. Ait Kaci Ahmed, E. Gencheva, Israel-Biet, G. Schlaug, P. De Jonghe, Philip Scheltens, K. Toyka, P. Gonzalez-Porque, A. Cila, J. M. Fernandez, P. Augustin, J. Siclia, S. Medaglini, D. E. Ziogas, A. Feve, L. Kater, G. J. E. Rinkel, D. Leppert, Rüdiger J. Seitz, S. Ried, C. Turc-Carel, G. Smeyers, F. Godinho, M. Czygan, M. Rijntjes, E. Aversa, M. Frigo, Leif Østergaard, J. L. Munoz Blanco, A. Cruz-Matinez, J. De Reuck, C. Theillet, T. Barroso, V. Oikonen, Florence Lebert, M. Kilinc, C. Cordon-Cardon, G. Stoll, E. Thiery, F. Pulcinelli, J. Solski, M. Schmiegelow, L. J. Polman, P. Fernandez-Calle, C. Wikkelso, M. Ben Hamida, M. Laska, E. Kott, W. Sulkowski, C. Lucas, N. M. Bornstein, D. Schmitz, M. W. Lammers, A. de Louw, R. J. S. Wise, P. A. van Darn, C. Antozzi, P. Villanueva, P. H. E. Hilkens, C. Constantin, W. Ricart, A. Wolf, M. Gamba, P. Maguire, Alessandro Padovani, B. M. Patten, Marie Sarazin, H. Ackermann, L. Durelli, S. Timsit, Sebastian Jander, B. W. Scheithauer, G. Demir, J. P. Neau, P. Barbanti, A. Brand, N. AraÇ, V. Fischer-Gagnepain, R. Marchioli, G. Serratrice, C. Maugard-Louboutin, G. T. Spencer, D. Lücke, G. Mainardi, K. Harmant Van Rijckevorsel, G. B. Creel, R. Manzanares, Francesco Fortunato, A. May, J. Workman, K. Johkura, E. Fernandez, Carlo Colosimo, L. Calliauw, L. Bet, Félix F. Cruz-Sánchez, M. Dhib, H. Meinardi, F. Carrara, J. Kuehnen, C. Peiro, H. Lassmann, K. Skovgaard Olsen, A. McDonald, L. Sciulli, A. Cobo, A. Monticelli, B. Conrad, J. Bagunya, J. Benitez, V. Desnizza, B. Dupont, O. Delrieu, D. Moraes, J. J. Heimans, F. Garcia Rio, M. Matsumto, A. Fernandez, R. Nermni, R. Chalmers, M. J. Marchau, F. Aguado, P. Velupillai, P. J. Martin, P. Tassan, V. Demarin, A. Engelien, T. Gerriets, Comar, J. L. Carrasco, J. P. Pruvo, A. Lopez de Munain, D. Pavitt, J. Alarcon, Chris H. Polman, B. Guldin, N. Yeni, Hartmut Brückmann, N. Wilczak, H. Szwed, R. Causaran, G. Kyriazis, M. E. Westarp, M. Gasparini, N. Pecora, J. M. Roda, E. Lang, V. Scaioli, David R. Fish, D. Caputo, O. Gratzl, R. Mercelis, A. Perretti, G. Steimetz, I. Link, C. Rigoletto, A. Catafau, G. Lucotte, M. Buti, G. Fagiolari, A. Piqueras, C. Godinot, J. C. Meurice, Erodriguez J. Dominigo, F. Lionnet, H. Grzelec, David J. Brooks, P. M. G. Munro, F. X. Weilbach, M. Maiwald, W. Split, B. Widjaja-Cramer, V. Ozturk, J. Colas, E. Brizioli, J. Calleja, L. Publio, M. Desi, R. Soffietti, P. Cortinovis-Tourniaire, E. F. Gonano, G. Cavaletti, S. Uselli, K. Westerlind, H. Betuel, C. O. Dhiver, H. Guggenheim, M. Hamon, R. Fazio, P. Lehikoinen, A. Esser, B. Sadzot, G. Fink, Angelo Antonini, D. Bendahan, V. Di Carlo, G. Galardi, A. F. Boller, M. Aksenova, Del Fiore, V. de la Sayette, H. Chabriat, A. Nicoletti, A. Dilouya, M. L. Harpin, E. Rouillet, J. Stam, A. Wolters, M. R. Delgado, Eduardo Tolosa, G. Said, A. J. Lees, L. Rinaldi, A. Schulze-Bonhage, MA Ron, C. Lefebvre, E. W. Radü, R. Alvarez, M. L. Bots, P. Reganati, S. Palazzi, A. Poggi, N. J. Scolding, V. Sazdovitch, T. Moreau, E. Maes, M. A. Estelies, P. Petkova, Jose-Felix Marti-Masso, G De La Meilleure, N. Mullatti, M. Rodegher, N. C. Notermans, T. A. T. Warner, S. Aktan, J. P. Louboutin, L. Volpe, C. Scheidt, W. Aust, C. M. Wiles, U. Schneider, S. K. Braekken, W. R. Willems, K. Usuku, Peter M. Rothwell, C. Talamon, M. L. Sacchetti, A. Codina, M. H. Marion, A. Santoro, J. Roda, A. Bordoni, D. J. Taylor, S. Ertas, H. H. Emmen, J. Vichez, V. BesanÇon, R. E. Passingham, M. L. Malosio, A. Vérier, M. Bamberg, A. W. Hansen, E. Mostacero, G. Gaudriault, Marie Vidailhet, B. Birebent, K. Strijckmans, F. Giannini, T. Kammer, I. Araujo, J. Nowicki, E. Nikolov, A. Hutzelmann, R. Gherardi, J. Verroust, L. Austoni, A. Scheller, A. Vazquez, S. Matheron, H. Holthausen, J. M. Gerard, M. Bataillard, S. Dethy, V. H. Patterson, V. Ivanez, N. P. Hirsch, F. Ozer, M. Sutter, C. Jacomet, M. Mora, Bruno Colombo, A. Sarropoulos, T. H. Papapetropoulos, M. Schwarz, D. S. Dinner, N. Acarin, B. Iandolo, J. O. Riis, P. R. J. Barnes, F. Taroni, J. Kazenwadel, L. Torre, A. Lugaresi, I. L. Henriques, S. Pauli, S. Alfonso, Pedro Quesada, A. S. T. Planting, J. M. Castilla, Thomas Gasser, M. Van der Linden, A. Alfaro, E. Nobile-Orazio, G. Popova, W. Vaalburg, F. G. A. van der Mech, L. Williams, F. Medina, J. P. Vernant, J. Yaouanq, B. Storch-Hagenlocher, A. Potemkowski, R. Riva, M. H. Mahagne, M. Ozturk, Ve. Drory, N. Konic, C. Jungreis, A. Pou Serradell, J. L. Gauvrit, G. J. Chelune, S. Hermandez, T. Dingus, L. Hewer, Ch. Koch, M. N. Metz-Lutz, G. Parlato, M. Sinaki, Charles Pierrot-Deseilligny, H. C. Diener, J. Broeckx, J. Weill-Fulazza, M. L. Villar, M. Rizzo, O. Ganslandt, C. Duran, N. A. Fletcher, G. Di Giovacchino, Susan T. Iannaccone, C. Kolig, N. Fabre, H. A. Crockard, Rita Bella, M. Tazir, E. Papagiannuli, K. Overgaard, Emma Ciafaloni, I. Lorenzetti, F. Viader, P. A. H. Millac, I. Montiel, L. H. Visser, M. Palomar, P. L. Murgia, H. Pedersen, Rafael Blesa, S. Seddigh, W. O. Renier, I. Lemahieu, H. M. L. Jansen, L. Rosin, J. Galofre, K. Mattos, M. Pondal, G. M. Hadjigeorgiou, D. Francis, L. Cantin, D. Stegeman, M. Rango, A. B. M. F. Karim, S. Schraff, B. Castellotti, I. Iriarte, E. Laborde, T. J. Tjan, R. Mutani, D. Toni, B. Bergaasco, J. G. Young, C. Klotzsch, A. Zincone, X. Ducrocq, M. Uchuya, O. J. Kolar, A. Quattrone, T. Bauermann, Nereo Bresolin, J. Vallée, B. C. Jacobs, A. Campos, Werner Poewe, J. A. Villanueva, A. W. Kornhuber, A. Malafosse, E. Diez-Tejedor, G. Jungreia, M. J. A. Puchner, A. Komiyama, O. Saribas, V. Volpini, L. Geremia, S. Bressi, A. Nibbio, Timothy E. Bates, T. z. Tzonev, E. Ideman, G. A. Damlacik, G. Martino, G. Crepaldi, T. Martino, Kjell Någren, E. Idiman, D. Samuel, J. M. Perez Trullen, Y. van der Graaf, J. O. Thorell, M. J. M. Dupuis, E. Sieber, R. D'Alessandro, C. Cazzaniga, J. Faiss, A. Tanguy, A. Schick, I. Hoksergen, A. Cardozo, R. Shakarishvili, G. K. Wennlng, J. L. Marti-Vilalta, J. Weissenbach, I. L. Simone, Amalia C. Bruni, Darius J. Adams, C. Weiller, A. Pietrangeli, F. Croria, C. Vigo-Pelfrey, Patricia Limousin, A. Ducros, G. Conti, O. Lindvall, E. Richter, M. Zuffi, A. Nappo, T. Riise, J. Wijdenes, M. J. Fernandez, J. Rosell, P. Vermersh, S. Servidei, M. S. C. Verdugo, F. Gouttiere, W. Solbach, M. Malbezin, I. S. Watanabe, A. Tumac, W. I. McDonald, D. A. Butterfield, P. P. Costa, F. deRino, F. Bamonti, J. M. Cesar, C. H. Lahoz, I. Mosely, M. Starck, M. H. Lemaitre, K. M. Stephan, S. Tex, R. Bokonjic, I. Mollee, L. Pastena, M. Gutierrez, F. Boiler, M. C. Martinez-Para, M. Velicogna, O. Obuz, A. Grinspan, M. Guarino, L. M. Cartier, E. Ruiz, D. Gambi, S. Messina, M. Villa, Michael G. Hanna, J. Valk, Leone Pascual, M. Clanet, Z. Argov, B. Ryniewicz, E. Magni, B. Berlanga, K. S. Wong, C. Gellera, C. Prevost, F. Gonzalez-Huix, R. Petraroli, J. E. G. Benedikz, I. Kojder, C. Bommelaer, L. Perusse, M. R. Bangioanni, Guy M. McKhann, A. Molina, C. Fresquet, E. Sindern, Florence Pasquier, M. J. Rosas, M. Altieri, O. Simoncini, M. Koutroumanidis, C. A. F. Tulleken, M. Dary-Auriol, S. Oueslati, H. Kruyer, I. Nishisho, C. R. Horning, A. Vital, G. V. Czettritz, J. Ph. Neau, B. Mihout, A. Ameri, M. Francis, S. Quasthoff, D. Taussig, S. Blunt, P. Valentin, C. Y. Gao, O. Heinzlef, H. d'Allens, C. Coudero, M. Erfas, G. Borghero, P. J. Modrego Pardo, M. C. Patrosso, N. L. Gershfeld, P. A. J. M. Boon, O. Sabouraud, M. Lara, J. Svennevig, G. L. Lenzi, A. Barrio, H. Villaroya, JosÇ M. Manubens, O. Boespflug-Tanguy, M. Carreras, D. A. Costiga, J. P. Breux, S. Lynn, C. Oliveras Ley, A. G. Herbaut, J. Nos, C. Tornali, Y. A. Hekster, J. L. Chopard, J. M. Manubens, P. Chemouilli, A. Jovicic, F. Dworzak, S. Smirne, S. E. Soudain, B. Gallano, D. Lubach, G. Masullo, G. Izquierdo, A. Pascual Leone Pascual, A. Sessa, V. Freitas, O. Crambes, L. Ouss, G. W. Van Dijk, P. Marchettini, P. Confalonieri, M. Donaghy, A. Munnich, M. Corbo, and M. E. L. van der Burg
- Subjects
Neurology ,business.industry ,Media studies ,Library science ,Medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,business - Published
- 1994
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32. Duplex Ultrasound Surveillance After Uncomplicated Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
- Author
Thomas H. Cogbill, Kyle N. Sieck, Clark A. Davis, Irina Shakhnovich, Kara J. Kallies, and Jacob S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Endoleak ,Computed Tomography Angiography ,Ultrasound scan ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,030230 surgery ,Aortography ,Medical Records ,Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Predictive Value of Tests ,medicine ,Humans ,False Positive Reactions ,False Negative Reactions ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,Computed tomography angiography ,Aged, 80 and over ,Intravenous contrast ,Ultrasonography, Doppler, Duplex ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Medical record ,Endovascular Procedures ,Ultrasound ,Reproducibility of Results ,Imaging study ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Abdominal aortic aneurysm ,Treatment Outcome ,Duplex (building) ,Female ,Surgery ,Radiology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal - Abstract
Objectives: Health-care costs and risks of radiation and intravenous contrast exposure challenge computed tomography angiography (CTA) as the standard surveillance method after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR). We reviewed our experience using Duplex ultrasound scan (DUS) as an initial and subsequent surveillance technique after uncomplicated EVAR. Methods: The medical records of patients who underwent EVAR from 2004 to 2014 with at least 1 postoperative imaging study were retrospectively reviewed. Duplex ultrasound scan was the primary modality, with CTA reserved for patients with suspicious findings. Results: Mean follow-up was 3.2 years for 266 patients. Fifty-seven endoleaks (7 type I, 50 type II) were detected in 51 patients (19%). Nineteen (33%) endoleaks were identified and monitored by DUS alone. Nine (16%) endoleaks were identified on CTA without prior DUS. Twenty-two (39%) endoleaks were identified on DUS and confirmed by CTA; 6 of these patients had a secondary intervention. When compared to subsequent CTA, there were 7 discordant results: 4 false-negative and 3 false-positive endoleaks on DUS. Two of these patients with discordant results required intervention. Follow-up CTA was not obtained for the other 2 patients due to severe comorbidities including renal disease. One of these patients eventually developed abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture and death. Among 88 patients with both DUS and CTA, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for DUS were 0.88 and 0.94, respectively. Sac size on DUS compared to CTA resulted in an interclass correlation coefficient of r = .84. Conclusions: In our experience, DUS was safe and effective for initial and follow-up surveillance after uncomplicated EVAR.
- Published
- 2013
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33. Integrated driver supply with JFET as a 'linear' regulator
- Author
S. Schaeffer, Jean-Christophe Crebier, R. Mitova, and L. Aubard
- Subjects
Engineering ,business.industry ,Linear regulator ,Electrical engineering ,JFET ,Series and parallel circuits ,Switched capacitor ,law.invention ,Capacitor ,law ,MOSFET ,Electronic engineering ,Gate driver ,Power MOSFET ,business - Abstract
Nowadays MOSFET components are widely used in power converters. They are subjected to increasing requirements: electrical performances, integration, smaller volume and price. The integration process offers the possibility to reduce the price and the volume of these devices and in the same time to add some useful functionalities like sensors for protection and control. This paper presents a solution to integrate the gate driver supply. The main advantage is the energetic autonomy of these devices. This is a parallel circuit that will take the energy available across the power switch while it is in the off-state. This circuit contains a JFET and one storage capacitor. The triode-like JFET characteristics permit to use it like a regulator of the self-supply circuit. We present the possible integration of JFET with the main power switch (MOSFET). The two devices are integrated within the same die; they share the same voltage termination and follow the same technological process. The circuit analysis of the structure is provided using numerical simulations.
- Published
- 2004
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34. Paraneoplastic cerebellar syndrome and optic neuritis with anti-CV2 antibodies: clinical response to excision of the primary tumor
- Author
Vincent de La Sayette, Françoise Bertran, Serge Iglesias, Jérôme Honnorat, Gilles Defer, and S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Male ,Cerebellum ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Optic Neuritis ,genetic structures ,Paraneoplastic Syndromes ,Optic chiasm ,Central nervous system disease ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,medicine ,Humans ,Optic neuritis ,Papilledema ,Cerebellar Neoplasms ,Autoantibodies ,business.industry ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Spinal cord ,Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration ,eye diseases ,Oligodendroglia ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Optic nerve ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Objective To describe a patient with a paraneoplastic cerebellar syndrome and optic neuritis with circulating anti-CV2 antibodies and clinical improvement after excision of a small cell lung carcinoma. Design Report of a case. Setting A 62-year-old man simultaneously developed a severe cerebellar syndrome and a bilateral optic neuritis predominantly in the left eye (visual acuity, 20/25 in the right eye; Main Outcome and Results Anti-CV2 antibodies, recently described as associated with paraneoplastic neurological syndrome, were detected in the patient's serum sample. These antibodies were demonstrated to react with the cytoplasm of a subpopulation of oligodendrocytes in the white matter of rat brain in the cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord, and optic chiasm. The patient was found to have a small cell lung carcinoma, which was removed. After excision of the tumor, the cerebellar syndrome improved dramatically and the papilledema disappeared despite aftereffects of the optic neuritis. Conclusions These findings were consistent with the diagnosis of a paraneoplastic neurological syndrome, although both optic neuritis and remission of the cerebellar syndrome are uncommon patterns of paraneoplastic syndromes. CV2 antigen expression by the oligodendrocytes of the cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord, and optic chiasm correlated with the clinical syndrome observed in our patient. However, the precise pathophysiological role of anti-CV2 antibodies is still unknown.
- Published
- 1998
- Author
Cameron S. Schaeffer and Robert E H Ferguson
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Suture Techniques ,Skin Transplantation ,Bandages ,Surgery ,Splints ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Phenols ,Graft take ,Penis surgery ,medicine ,Humans ,business ,Penis ,Simple (philosophy) - Published
- 2005
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36. A new approach to the closure of cloacal exstrophy
- Author
L. S. Levin, Lowell R. King, and C. S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Omphalocele ,Urinary continence ,Gastroschisis ,business.industry ,Urology ,Abdominal wall defect ,Infant, Newborn ,Anatomy ,Silastic ,medicine.disease ,Cloacal exstrophy ,Surgical Flaps ,Surgery ,Abdominal wall ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cloaca ,Stoma (medicine) ,Abdomen ,Methods ,medicine ,Humans ,Female ,business ,Hernia, Umbilical - Abstract
Cloacal exstrophy patients are often difficult to reconstruct. Urinary continence is usually achievable only with a catheterizable stoma of some type. Since cloacal exstrophy is usually associated with omphalocele or gastroschisis, one-stage closure of the abdominal wall defect is frequently impossible. We prefer to incorporate the exstrophic large bowel, which separates the hemibladders, into the closed bladder as a sort of "natural" augmentation to maximize its volume for use as a continent reservoir. If a silastic "silo" or synthetic mesh is required to close the abdominal wall, excessive scarring occurs and later creation of a continent stoma is usually difficult and time-consuming. In all but those with the smallest abdominal wall defects we recommend that the omphalocele and upper abdominal wall be repaired first, replacing the evicted gut into the peritoneal cavity. During nutritional stabilization a tissue expander is placed under the superficial musculature of the chest wall. The flap is enlarged by gradual inflation of the tissue expander until it fills the abdominal wall defect left by subsequent closure of the cloacal exstrophy. The flap is then rotated inferiorly with blood supply intact at the time of bladder closure to make good the remaining abdominal wall defect. This flap improves the appearance of the abdominal wall and reduces scarring. Thus, this approach has the possibility of making subsequent operations to provide continence shorter, simpler, and more successful in most infants with cloacal exstrophy.
- Published
- 1996
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37. Lyme neuroborreliosis presenting with propriospinal myoclonus
- Author
V. de la Sayette, S. Schaeffer, E Gallet, C Queruel, Gilles Defer, P Hazera, and Françoise Bertran
- Subjects
Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Spinal cord ,medicine.disease ,Propriospinal myoclonus ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Lyme disease ,Lyme Neuroborreliosis ,Medicine ,Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) ,Differential diagnosis ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Myoclonus ,Research Article - Published
- 1996
38. Use of the expanded thoracoepigastric myocutaneous flap in the closure of cloacal exstrophy
- Author
Lowell R. King, C S Schaeffer, and L S Levin
- Subjects
Thorax ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Tissue Expansion ,Urogenital System ,Osteotomy ,Surgical Flaps ,Abdominal wall ,Vascularity ,Cloaca ,medicine ,Humans ,Abdominal Muscles ,business.industry ,Infant ,medicine.disease ,Cloacal exstrophy ,Surgery ,Bladder exstrophy ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Urogenital Abnormalities ,Abdomen ,Female ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Tissue expansion - Abstract
We describe the first reported use of an expanded thoracoepigastric myocutaneous flap in the closure of cloacal exstrophy. This approach offers several distinct advantages. The expander increases the available cutaneous surface area of the thoracoepigastric region, improves vascularity, induces a fibrous capsule that augments the abdominal wall, permits primary closure, and avoids prosthetic adjuncts that increase scarring and hinder delayed urinary tract reconstruction. Osteotomy and spica casting may be obviated by using this flap, but mesh may be required eventually. We anticipate its use in all future cases in which the abdomen cannot be closed safely at the primary procedure at this institution. This technique also should be considered for classic bladder exstrophy or any other large congenital or acquired defect of the lower abdomen.
- Published
- 1996
39. Is it Acute Coronary Syndrome or Churg-Strauss Syndrome?
- Author
Charles S. Schaeffer, Patompong Ungprasert, Wisit Cheungpasitporn, and Narat Srivali
- Subjects
Male ,Acute coronary syndrome ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Churg-Strauss Syndrome ,Chest pain ,Diagnosis, Differential ,Electrocardiography ,hemic and lymphatic diseases ,Eosinophilic ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,medicine ,Humans ,Eosinophilia ,Acute Coronary Syndrome ,Aged ,Asthma ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Dermatology ,respiratory tract diseases ,surgical procedures, operative ,Emergency Medicine ,medicine.symptom ,Differential diagnosis ,business ,Myopericarditis - Abstract
Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is a rare vasculitic disorder characterized by chronic rhinosinusitis, asthma, and persistent eosinophilia. Although not a usual prominent initial presentation, cardiac involvement is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with CSS. We report a case of a 72-year-old white man who presented with chest pain and was subsequently diagnosed with CSS with biopsy-proven eosinophilic myopericarditis. We have also included a review of the literatures on cardiac involvement in CSS.
- Published
- 2013
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40. Long-term follow-up of ventriculoureteral shunts for treatment of hydrocephalus
- Author
Marshall L. Stoller, J. Stuart Wolf, Cameron S. Schaeffer, and Pierce B. Irby
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Adolescent ,Urology ,Urinary system ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Ureter ,Medicine ,Humans ,Derivation ,business.industry ,Urinary diversion ,Infant ,medicine.disease ,Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts ,Surgery ,Hydrocephalus ,Shunting ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cerebral ventricle ,Female ,business ,Shunt (electrical) ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Surgical relief of hydrocephalus is achieved mainly with ventriculoperitoneal or ventriculoatrial shunting. In some patients, frequent reoperations are required because of infection, obstruction, or other complications, thus subjecting them to excessive operative morbidity and risk of neurological damage. One option that has been rarely addressed in recent years is drainage of cerebral spinal fluid into the urinary tract by way of a ventriculoureteral shunt. Patients who have endured multiple revisions of standard cerebral spinal fluid shunts may benefit from a relatively lower frequency of reoperation following ventriculoureteral shunting. There are several complications peculiar to this procedure, however, including ascending infection from the bladder, proximal shunt migration out of the ureter or distal migration into the bladder, failed urinary diversion, and electrolyte disturbances associated with volume depletion. Long-term follow-up of patients with ventriculoureteral shunts has not been reported. We describe the course of 4 patients successfully treated with ventriculoureteral shunts for an average of more than five years per patient. Although all eventually required reoperation, the frequency of reoperation with the ventriculoureteral shunts was markedly lower than with the standard shunts in these patients. Ventriculoureteral shunting should be considered for cerebral spinal fluid drainage in selected patients with multiple failures of standard shunts, provided the bladder is a low pressure reservoir with no urine infection.
- Published
- 1993
41. Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia–Associated Myelopathy
- Author
Eric Le Biez, Lydia Boiteau, B Dupuy, Fausto Viader, Rose-Marie Marié, Philippe Busson, and S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Adenoma ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Ataxia ,Nitrous Oxide ,Central nervous system disease ,Myelopathy ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Schilling test ,Anemia, Pernicious ,medicine ,Humans ,Aged ,pernicious anemia ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Prostatic Neoplasms ,Vitamin B 12 Deficiency ,medicine.disease ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Surgery ,B vitamins ,Spinal Cord ,Anesthesia ,Anesthetics, Inhalation ,Gait Ataxia ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,Paraplegia ,business ,Demyelinating Diseases - Abstract
Background The role of nitrous oxide exposure in neurologic complications of subclinical cobalamin deficiency has been reported, but few cases are well documented. Observation Two weeks after surgery for prosthetic adenoma, a 69-year-old man developed ascending paresthesia of the limbs, severe ataxia of gait, tactile sensory loss on the 4 limbs and trunk, and absent tendon reflexes. After a second surgical intervention, the patient became confused. Four months after onset, the patient had paraplegia, severe weakness of the upper limbs, cutaneous anesthesia sparing the head, and confusion. Moderate macrocytosis, low serum B 12 levels, and a positive Schilling test result led to the diagnosis of pernicious anemia. Results of electrophysiologic examinations showed a diffuse demyelinating neuropathy. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord disclosed hyperintensities of the dorsal columns on T2-weighted images. Conclusions Pernicious anemia can result in severe neurologic symptoms with only mild hematologic changes. The role of nitrous oxide anesthesia in revealing subclinical B 12 deficiency must be emphazised. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord might be helpful in making the diagnosis.
- Published
- 2000
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42. CT Air-Contrast Scanning of the Internal Auditory Canal
- Author
M. Merkle, S. Schaeffer, R. Dowart, J. Olson, and R. Anderson
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Side effect ,education ,Cerebellopontine Angle ,Auditory canal ,Lesion ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,medicine ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Radiologic Procedure ,Cerebellar Neoplasms ,030223 otorhinolaryngology ,Vestibular system ,business.industry ,Soft tissue ,Anatomy ,Neuroma, Acoustic ,General Medicine ,Air contrast ,Radiographic Image Enhancement ,Otorhinolaryngology ,Ear, Inner ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,sense organs ,Radiology ,medicine.symptom ,Headaches ,Pneumoencephalography ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,business - Abstract
Two hundred and four patients with audiometric and vestibular findings suggestive of a retrocochlear lesion were studied prospectively by computed tomographic scan with air contrast of the internal auditory canal. With this technique tumor limits are clearly defined. In the absence of disease the internal auditory canal has been completely air-filled in over 97% of cases. Soft tissue masses occluding the internal auditory canal were demonstrated in 11 patients. Four studies were inconclusive and there was one false positive. Headaches have been the only side effect and there have been no complications. In reporting their results the authors examine the indications, accuracy and limitations of this technique. This study demonstrates that computed tomographic scan with air contrast of the internal auditory canal should be considered as the radiologic procedure of choice for the evaluation of small acoustic tumors.
- Published
- 1982
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43. Vertical Disparity in Advanced Automotive Displays
- Author
Maurice S. Schaeffer and John L. Campbell
- Subjects
Engineering ,Virtual image ,business.industry ,Information display systems ,Computer graphics (images) ,Automotive industry ,Computer vision ,General Medicine ,Artificial intelligence ,Speedometer ,business ,Display device - Abstract
The optical systems being considered for automotive virtual image displays may confront drivers with significantly more vertical disparity than their military counterparts. Military head-up displays, for example, are limited to 1 milliradian (mrad) of vertical disparity whereas automotive displays may have 5 mrad. Three experiments were performed to examine performance with virtual image displays as a function of amount of vertical disparity. Stimuli were simple speedometer dials with embedded tripmeters representing both analog and digital display tasks. Stimuli were presented tachistoscopically and subjects were required to read one or both instruments on each trial. Disparity did not affect performance accuracy. Large disparities did, however, result in diplopia and, possibly, suppression of one of the visual images. Nevertheless, it appears that, at least in the driving situation, where displays are used intermittently and briefly for the information contained in them, comparatively large amounts of vertical disparity in displays will not degrade performance and may not even be noticed.
- Published
- 1988
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44. Distributed data entry in the AIDS clinical trials group
- Author
L. Myers, V. Pathanasethpong, R. Paddock, J. Simpson, S. Schaeffer, and Charles van der Horst
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Clinical trial ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Group (periodic table) ,business.industry ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Data entry ,business ,medicine.disease - Published
- 1989
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45. Observation of 'Billing' in Courtship Behavior of Tree Swallow
- Author
Frederick S. Schaeffer
- Subjects
Tree (data structure) ,Communication ,Courtship display ,business.industry ,General Engineering ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Biology ,business ,General Environmental Science - Published
- 1970
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